What is communion in the church, how to prepare for it, how is the sacrament of the sacrament? Why is the sacrament needed and who is prohibited?

What is communion in the church, how to prepare for it, how is the sacrament of the sacrament? Why is the sacrament needed and who is prohibited?

In this article, we will consider interesting information about the sacrament, the sacrament of the sacrament. We will analyze in detail this ancient ritual, which is preserved and important even today.

Communion is a sacrament for the soul of a baptized and believer. Each of us is pursued by temptations daily, sins that are difficult not to succumb. Realizing his mistakes, mentally feeling the need for purification, the subconscious pushes to go to church to meet the Lord to ask for forgiveness, to confess. This sacred sacrament should be carefully prepared so that communion is aimed at cleansing the soul and body.

What is the sacrament of participle?

What is the sacrament? Communion is the gift of God to people. The essence of the gift is the opportunity to be closer to Christ, to be with Him as a friend in the closest relationship. The custom of tasting prosphora with wine as a way to connect with God is very ancient. Christ introduced the sacrament of communion on the great Thursday, the day before the crucifix, 3 days before the Resurrection.

He established this sacrament in the secret party, that is, during the last dinner with the students. At that dinner, he consecrated a bowl, bread and wine. On the sacrament they receive a piece of God - prosphora and wine, symbolizing the body and blood of the Lord Himself. The custom of the first to pass the children was the custom of the children, then men are suitable, after them - women. Near the bowl they will not be baptized, so as not to accidentally hurt and not overturn it.

Communion is the gift of God
Communion is the gift of God

An important compound with God in the sacrament of communion. Considering with the body and blood of our Savior from a single bowl, we also connect with each other. A prayer in the temple is a reason to show a sign of one’s friendliness for the friends of Christ. What such a communion in the church can only be understood by visiting it.

Now most people are baptized, but not enlightened, that is, they do not have basic knowledge about faith, and even more so about church sacraments. But when a person does not participate in the sacraments of the Church, it is very difficult for him to resist those temptations and temptations, into which his earthly turmoil constantly leads. The soul of a person wants spiritual communication, but sometimes looking for him not there at all, looking for paradise, but often makes a mistake in his search.

How to prepare for the sacrament?

They do not go without preparation for the sacrament. If a person is baptized, and at the same time he does not doubt that this body and blood of Christ, holy gifts, still the church requires him additional preparation. It is in attending worship, reading scripture.

On the eve of the Day of Communion, the presence on the evening service is necessary. This is a prerequisite for preparing for the sacrament of communion. At the end of the service or the next day, you need to confess in your sins and get a pardon from the Lord.

Before the sacrament, prayers should be read
Before the sacrament, prayers should be read

It is also important to hold a post from 3 to 7 days, do not eat meat, fish, dairy products. From the evening to the sacrament to refuse food, on an empty stomach goes to the sacrament. During this period, you need to realize your mistakes, repent of the deed, resist bodily pleasures, forgive and ask for forgiveness in the offended. Reconciliation of hostility is a mortal sin. When preparing, every day in the morning and evening they read the canons:

  • prayer for sleep, coming on the eve of the sacrament
  • repented to our Lord Jesus Christ
  • canon to the Guardian to the Angel, the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • following the Holy Communion
  • morning rule before service

These prayers are the recommended list, it is difficult for a beginner to read and understand everything. Therefore, it is allowed to reduce the number to the required ten prayers, which consist in preparing for the holy sacrament. But the reduction for the participle must be discussed with the priest after confession, since the right number of prayers should be selected personally for everyone.

Cocratral around you should regularly
Cocratral around you should regularly

It is quite difficult for children to follow all the rules of prayer to prepare for the sacrament. Parents need to determine the right amount of prayers that will be easy to master the child, then gradually increase the number of prayers. But the faith of the child does not depend on the quantity, the main thing is to be able to explain why all this is needed and what is so important. Parents differently explain to their children what communion is. But they all converge in one opinion - the child will understand the sacrament gradually and only on one condition that faith in the family is not just beliefs, but manifested by a way of life.

How does the sacrament of participle happen?

Children under seven years old They go to the sacrament without confession. Adults must confess, telling the priest his deed sins, sincerely repenting. Confession is performed in temples either after the evening service, or in the morning before the start of the liturgy.

Confession usually occurs in the temple with a large number of people, so you need to respect the secret of confession, not to crowd next to the priest, and not to worry the confessor who reveals his misconduct to the priest. The minister of God asks about sins not for his interest, but acts as a messenger from the Lord.

The temple in the morning is a liturgy. How much does the service begin to find out in a certain temple, since the schedule of everyone is different. The liturgy is the main worship, an amazing sacrament in beauty, which has deep content and meaning. It consists of ancient chants and is aimed at proceeding with prayers. The participants mentally pray in this service and at the end of reverently communion.

A liturgy occurs before the sacrament
A liturgy occurs before the sacrament

The communion of married couples pass before an important step in their lives - the adoption of marriage, which is concluded in heaven, before the wedding. The communion takes place a few days before the official celebration. In the evening, before going to bed, prayers are read to the sacrament. And in the morning without eating food, they go to the service. The recommendation is one before the wedding - be sincere with each other, and God's grace will only tie the loving hearts stronger. Listen to the prayers read by the priest and pray with him sensitively. Only that which pronounces the priest and sings in chorus, important and necessary for many years of life together.

After the baptism of the infants, you also need to partake. The child is obliged to live a spiritual life. If he does not take communion, his soul can die, and a small person will grow with a dead soul. Later, it can be captured by a non -shaped power, even before a mental illness, to madness. And if this does not happen, a person with a not very kind disposition will simply grow up. If the child is communed according to all the rules, then his soul lives and develops. She falls under the special patronage of the Lord's grace. The great post of infants is communed only on Saturday and Sunday days.

Hands should be folded crucial
Hands should be folded crucial

So, how does the action itself happen. After the line is lined up:

  • folding your hands on your chest crosswise, right from above
  • when your turn comes up to the priest, name your name and, opening your mouth, take a piece of prosphora with wine from a spoon from the priest
  • after the assistants wet your lips with a canvas, kiss the bowl
  • with the same position of your hands, without talking to anyone, go to the table to the watering and, having drunk it, take the prosphora
  • after the rite, it is worth listening to thanksgiving prayers

Why take communion?

Why should you take communion? The sacrament of communion prepares us for the blissful resurrection, and to a joyful meeting with Christ. The believer helps to get rid of bad thoughts, fight evil in everyday matters. It transforms the spiritual world, if there are problems in life, relationships with the second half, and it seems there is no way out of this situation. But if faith in God lives in the heart, you need to go and turn to him through confession, communion so that he prompte and extends his hand to help. The human soul is the creation of the Lord and it rejoices, coming to the Heavenly Father, through this ritual.

The sacrament should be approached with great trepidation
The sacrament should be approached with great trepidation

It also happens that after visiting the Sacrament, a person does not get better, but on the contrary, even worse than he was. What is the reason for this? It's all about what is happening. It happens that after the sacrament, they puff out in front of each other their sensations, forgetting about the main essence of everything.

The essence of the sacrament is not to experience delight, but to support God's support with God's support, their sins and passions and become closer to the Lord and other people. It is important to remember that Judas also took communion, and this was a condemnation to him. Therefore, we will be extremely responsible to such an important sacrament to find the desired connection.

Who is forbidden to take communion?

Who is not allowed to the sacrament? The reason for the ban in communion for a certain period may be:

  • a serious sin, in which you need to sincerely and honestly confess and talk to the priest
  • renovation from Christ
  • refusal of reconciliation with a repentant offender

For unbaptized people, the sacrament will not be cleansing and unity with God. But, even if a person is baptized in childhood, but lost faith or perceives the sacrament as a magical rite, or he has some other motives and considerations in this regard, then the church recalls that the sacrament in this case may not only ennoble and heal a person, but it can be to the detriment of him.

There are also prohibitions for communion
There are also prohibitions for communion
  • You can not take communion for women on critical days.
  • Women after childbirth are allowed to participate only after reading over them pimpling prayer of a forty day.
  • Those who are late by the beginning of confession are not allowed to the sacrament of participles.

After such a sacrament, it is worth storing your soul and body from external negative influences. Many priests say that coming to the sacrament is worth at least once a month. So our soul will be cleared. After all, a prolonged rejection of the participle can lead to disaster of the soul.

Video: How to prepare for confession and communion?

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