When washing the nose, after the pool, bathing, the water hit the ear and laid it: what to do, how to pour water from the ear? Ear pain after washing the nose: what to do?

When washing the nose, after the pool, bathing, the water hit the ear and laid it: what to do, how to pour water from the ear? Ear pain after washing the nose: what to do?

From this article you will find out what to do if water got into the ears.

If, bathing in the water, she hit you in the ear - it can be harmless and dangerous, depending on what condition your ears is and how dirty the water is.

Water got into the ear, and it was laid, pain in the ear: what to do?

There are many ways to get water from the ear
Symptoms that water is in the ear

If the water in which you bathe is clean, the ears are not sick, and there is no sulfur plug, then it is not worth worrying that water will flood into your ears - it will easily be leaked back.

But if the water is not very clean, a pseudeer stick can live in it, resistant to antibiotics, which leads to severe diseases of the middle ear.

The symptoms of the fact that water had stopped into the ears, and did not leak back:

  • Laid one ear or both
  • Shooting
  • Hearing deterioration
  • When turning the head, the sound of overflowing water is heard

Such symptoms should be alertif they continue more than 1 day:

  • He shoots in his ear
  • Short -term sharp pain in the ear
  • The ear from the outside was swollen
  • Improving body temperature
  • Hearing worsened

How to get water out of the ear, how to get rid of water in the ear?

There are many ways to get water from the ear
There are many ways to get water from the ear, and this one is unacceptable

If you bathe, and you got water in your ear, you need to do the following:

  • Jump on one leg, moreover, the leg should be from the side as the ear. When jumping, tilt the ear down.
  • Bet the ear with a towel, a handkerchief or a piece of cotton wool, tilting the ear above the towel.
  • Press your palm tightly to your ear, and hold it for about 1 minute, then let go sharply, the water should result in.
  • Often to do up to 5 swallowing movements, lying on the side, on a towel - water should leak.
  • A method of divers, make a deep breath through the mouth, hold your nose with your fingers, and start to blow air slowly - the water will come out.
  • If it begins to hurt in the ear, you need to apply dry heat from above to the ear (warm heating pad or heated salt in a bag), and the water will be faster.

Note. You can’t try to get water from the ear, putting it with or without wool with cotton wools in it, so you can advance the sulfur plug even further, and damage the eardrum.

After the water flows out of the ear, it is necessary to disinfect - to drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the ear.

What kind disease can provoke water in the ear:

  • Sulfur traffic jam In the ear for a long time, and has already hardened. When water gets into the ears, the cork soaks, closes the auricle, and the person does not hear well. You need to consult a doctor. He rinses his ear and the cork will come out with water.
  • Inflammation of the external and middle ear. It is accompanied by pain and itching in the ear, unpleasant sensations. It is treated with antibiotics according to a doctor's prescription.

The feeling that the water is in the ear: causes and treatment

Ear pain with an increase in body temperature is a sign of ear inflammation (otitis media)
Ear pain with an increase in body temperature is a sign of ear inflammation (otitis media)

If there is a feeling that water is in the ears, you need to go with this problem to the doctor. The reason for this condition may be:

  • Water got into the ear
  • Inflammatory process in the ears
  • In one ear, sulfur plug

The most dangerous - ear inflammation - otitis media. It is expressed like this:

  • Clicking and squiring in the ear, as if water in it
  • Pain in one or both ears
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Ear congestion
  • Improving body temperature
  • Purulent discharge from the ear

Otitis it happens outerWhen the outer ear and subcutaneous tissue are inflamed, a boil can form. The cause of the disease is infection. After ripening, the boil is opened, the congestion of the ear passes, and the hearing is restored.

Otitis of the middle ear It occurs if the eardrum was damaged, and, moreover, an infection fell into the ear.

OTTITION OF THE INTERNAL or POSITION. If otitis media of the outer and middle ear can be treated at home under the supervision of a doctor, then the auditory pipe is treated only in the hospital.
On 3-4 days after the infection in the Eustakhieva, pipe is leaving the pus from the ear. To get out of purulent discharge in the eardrum, a hole is formed, which over time is drawn into spikes and scars, and this leads to hearing impairment. If the disease is not properly treated with, a person may lose his hearing completely.

Sulfur plug in the ear expressed by such symptoms:

  • The feeling is like water in the ear
  • Ear congestion
  • Hearing deterioration

If such symptoms are observed, you need to consult a doctor, he will wash his ear with water, and all the functions of hearing will recover.

Leaching out of the ear traffic jam in the doctor’s office
Leaching out of the ear traffic jam in the doctor’s office

If you cannot at the moment consult a doctor, and the ear was very laid, you need to do the following:

  1. Drown a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear with a pipette.
  2. There will be immediately the feeling that the ear had been laid even more.
  3. Then there will be a hiss in the ear - it is valid hydrogen peroxide.
  4. After 5-10 minutes, tilt your head above the towel so that the liquid from the ear flows.

So, now we know what to do if water got into the ear.

Video: How to remove water from the ear?

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