Prednisone - instructions for use

Prednisone - instructions for use

"Prednisolone" a powerful anti -inflammatory agent. Let's talk about the aspects of its purpose and the action that the drug has.

« Prednisone» is synthetically synthesized drug rows glucocorticosteroids. Means it has characteristics hydrocortisone and possesses those the same indications to application, what and similar hormonal therapy.

« Prednisone» instructions to application

This analogue hormone it has influence on the protein exchange in body, reducing concentration globulinov in blood. So the same he activates synthesis albuminov liver and buds. Proving influence on the exchange fat, a drug maybe provoke development holisterinemia.

« Prednisone» provides influence on the exchange glucose and capable call high concentration carbohydrate in blood. Provides influence on the bone system, calling demineralization fabrics.

The main thing positive influence drug is his powerful anti -inflammatory effect. He founded on the capabilities oppress release mediators inflammation.

So the same this a drug it has antihistamines properties and reduce swelling per check reduction permeability vascular walls. Substance blocks process synthesis prostaglandinov.
What important at autoimmune diseases very important is effect immunosuppressionA drug provides oppressive action on the proliferation lymphocytes, in particular on the Tlymphocytes.

« Prednisone» forms release

"Prednisolone" form of release

it means it has the following forms release:
• « Prednisone»- ointment for external use
• « Prednisone»- ampoules for intravenous injections
• « Prednisone»- tablets
• « Prednisone»- drops for eye

Each from form release it has definite spectrum diseases, at which a drug accepted on strict testimony doctor.

« Prednisone» indications to application

"Prednisolone" indications for use

1. « Prednisone» in ampoules for intravenous injections used for therapy the following pathologies:
At development acute allergies
For treatment bronchial asthma in periods exacerbations
Liquidation shock
Therapy thyrotoxic crisis and his prevention
Therapy cirrhosis liver and hepatitis A in acute phase
Help in treatment renal and liver insufficiency
Chemical burns organs larynx (with the goal prevention formation rubtsov)
Treatment rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthrose defeat and spondylitis

2. « Prednisone» tablet the form shown at:
Diseases connective fabrics, wearing systemic character
Diseases joints in acute and chronic forms
Rheumen in acute phase and rheumatic fever
Bronchial asthma
Therapy edema brain
Congenital pathology kidneys with hypertensive syndrome
Diseases hematopoies organs, inflammation thyroid glands in subacute form, autoimmune diseases
Tuberculosis different form, in volume number and meningitis
Inflammatory diseases lungs in heavy degree
Oncological disease lungs in complex therapy
Ulcerative defeat systems Gastrointestinal tract
Increased content calcium in blood, determined oncosaurium
Allergic and inflammatory diseases eye

"Prednisolone" indications for use

3. « Prednisone» in form ointments designed for external application:
Dermatitis atopic
Red lupus discoid the form
Therapy colloidal rubtsov

4. « Prednisone» drops eye applied:
Inflammatory diseases eye non -infectious genesis
Injuries eye and after conducting operational interventions

« Prednisone» children

Reception children this drug must pass under strict observation the doctors, conducting well therapy. Dose medicinal funds calculated individually for child isavit from degree severity diseases.

Not assign this a drug to your own to kid on one's own, so how this is maybe bring to heavy complications and deterioration his states.

« Prednisone» dosage

"Prednisolone" dosage
  • How it was mentioned previously, dose and duration conducting therapy given remedy doctor appoints individually, based on on the data examinations and anamnesis diseases
  • Usually medicine assigned with one -time reception daily doses in morning time, in comparison with familiar rhythm products endogenous hormones
  • Or reception held in doubled dose, but through day. If a assigned dose very great, then her can divide on the several receptions, but big her part necessary accept in the morning
  • Recommended accept tablet form drug in time breakfast, sackling small quantity water
  • At exacerbations diseases adults assign starting dose in 2030 mg in day, then reducing before supportive in 10 mg. At need initial dose maybe to be before 100 mg
  • Children assigned initial dose in calculation before 2 mg on the 1 kg masses bodies, dividing on the 6 receptions, a supporting before 600 mKG on the 1 kg masses bodies

After achievements desired effect dose reduced gradually.

« Prednisone» contraindications

In addition individual intolerance components drug, with caution his costs assign patients cO next violations:
At Yabzh and 12persian guts, esophagitis, at peptic ulcer and gastritis
At availability parasites in body, viral infections, gribkov or bacterial lesions
At herpes infections, active and lethal forms tuberculosis, at systemic mycose
Period before and after vaccination
Diseases cordiallyvascular systems
Diseases endocrine systems (thyroid glands, sugar diabetes and t.d..)
Renal and liver insufficiency in heavy form
Children in period growth
Destructive diseases bone systems

« Prednisone» side action

"Prednisolone" Side effect

The a drug maybe have big amount side effects:
Development steroid sugar diabetes and provocation beginning development predisposed sugar diabetes
Increase level glucose blood
Development syndrome InsentKushenga
Suppression work adrenal glands
Delay sexual maturation u teenagers
Nausea and vomit
Esophagitis erosive
Steroid Jay
Increased gas formation
Provocation bleeding stomach
Violation rhythm heart abbreviations
Hypertension syndrome
State euphoria
Violation orientation in space
Mental violations
Convulsive syndrome and head pain
Increase intraocular pressure
Losing weight
Acne rash, striya, rash and itching skin
Stormy allergic reaction in form shock
Development syndrome cancellations



Prednisolone sodium phosphate
Prednisone bufus
Prednisone sodium phosphate

Video: Hormonal medicines - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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