Orthodox parish: how is the arrival, the structure of the arrival, the management of the arrival, the difference between the arrival from the temple, modern parish

Orthodox parish: how is the arrival, the structure of the arrival, the management of the arrival, the difference between the arrival from the temple, modern parish

Each church has its own parish, and what it is and how it is determined - we will talk in the article.

The word "parish", having a Greek origin, roots in the concepts of proximity to the house. From here it was possible to call the parish a territory, concentrated around one or another temple, like the population living on it and who comes to the temple for prayer, service, sermon, by parishioners.

Orthodox parish

Until the October Revolution, it was in the parish temples that all official information about parishioners was concentrated: who was born, was baptized, married what he bought and where he moved, were fixed, of course, and the dates of death. Parks were formed, as a rule, where there was not only the church, but also the means to contain church harta, i.e. The staff of the clergy. It is noteworthy that the parishioners initially actively participated in the election of the crew members, but over time, this right was canceled, leaving only the opportunity to inform about their preferences in the appointment of a habit.

How is the parish created?

The parish combines the clergy and worldly people who visit one temple. Watching the advent of the bishop of the diocese, who appoints the abbot of the temple and blesses the whole coming to activities. Church canons are strict, and if part (or even all members of the parish assembly) will decide to get out of the parish, they are powerless in relation to the financial and material wealth of the arrival. And if we are talking about the separation from the built hierarchy - not only property and the right to use it are lost, but even involvement in the Russian Orthodox Church.


Diocesan power blesses the creation of temples, chapels, houses of prayer, and also controls the arrival. The audit commission belongs to the right to control how the parish is valid.

The structure of the parish

Also, with the blessing of the bishop, the creation of fraternities and sisterhoods takes place, which attract to concerns about the temple of other parishioners, are engaged in charity, educational activities, and religious education. They produce deductions for the needs of the Church and strictly obey the decisions of the diocese and parish rectors. In the case of separation, they also lose their property, stopping all activities in the framework of not only the parish, but also the church.

The parish is headed by the abbot, who is appointed by the bishop of the diocese. He leads the clergy of the parish, makes sure that the temple has all the attributes necessary for worship, organizes the activities of fraternities and sisterhoods, holds parish meetings, making sure that his decisions are strictly observed, represents the interests of the parish entrusted to him in state bodies, conducts a liturgical journal, issues a liturgical journal, issues Certificates of the sacraments of baptism and marriage.


In the temple, as a rule, there are 3 people: a priest, a deacon and a psalmist. If the parish is small, there may not be a deacon in the composition. If, on the contrary, by the decision of the diocesan power, the composition may be increased. His duty is the spiritual and moral components of the state of the parish. The clergyman can go to another diocese solely with the permission of the bishop.

And finally, parishioners, i.e. Orthodox, constantly attending the temple participating in worship, executing the rules of the Church, communion and professing. In addition, it is the parishioners who should take care of maintaining the temple in the proper condition.

Office of the parish

The parish is controlled by the parish assembly.

  • The abbot heads it, and the members are the most worthy parishioners. This body is gathering at least once a year.
  • Members of the meeting are required to strictly follow the canons of the church, otherwise the diocesan bishop has the power to change its composition. The decision of the meeting is made by a majority vote and announced to all parishioners in the walls of the temple.
  • It is the parish assembly that plans both financial and economic activity, determines the amount of deductions, approves the staff and amount of the content of the Country members, and considers the complaints about the actions of its members.
  • If the meeting is the legislative body, then the council is executive. It includes the chairman, assistant abbot and treasurer. The parish council embodies the decisions adopted by the meeting, plans activities, and draws up economic estimates.
  • He is in the response for the acquisition of the necessary property, for the safety of the entire temple complex, including land. Another function of the parish council is to provide housing for those members of the County that have such a necessity.
  • The Chairman of the Council is the abbot of the temple, obeying the decisions of the diocesan bishop.
The servants of God
The servants of God

The Audit Commission elected by the parish Assembly carries out the control of control, conducts an inventory, checks the course and results of financial and economic activities carried out by the arrival, all receipts and expenses. In order to avoid bias among members of the Council and the composition of the commission, there cannot be close relatives.

The difference between the arrival from the temple

The temple is a room in which people who make up the parish come. The analogy associated with the biblical interpretation of the Church, compared with the mystical body of Christ, is appropriate here. If the church (not a separate temple, namely the Church) is the body, then the parish is its separate cage.

The life of the arrival is not only worship, but also all the components of the being of people who are part of the parish community.

The abbot of the parish manages all the temples, the accounts with the appropriate permission can also conduct services in different temples. But all this is inside one parish.

Modern parish

In 2009, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church adopted a new edition of the parish charter, according to which the bishop belongs to the full power. Today the parish not only holds worship, but, keeping up with the times, arranges exhibitions of works of various genres of church art, releases its newspapers, has web pages on the Internet. And in the best traditions of mercy, in the parishes of parishes they offer food to everyone who is hungry, share objects of clothes and spiritual foods - printed products.

Children are in the parish
Children are in the parish

In tsarist Russia, the parish was strictly limited to the territory of residence, there was even a kind of “postscript” to a certain arrival. And only in the temples of his parish could the Orthodox participate in worship, it was in them to make donations. After the revolution, the number of parishes and temples decreased significantly, and then the true believers went to other territories. And today the Orthodox are free to choose the temple themselves. After all, the Orthodox Church is one.

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  1. Finally, it became clear to me what the “parish” is. Thank you.

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