The right bandage for pregnant women. How to put on a bandage for pregnant women?

The right bandage for pregnant women. How to put on a bandage for pregnant women?

Types of bandages for pregnant women. Instructions for wearing a bandage.

Women who are pregnant with the first child often have the question: why, when, and most importantly how to wear a belt for pregnant women? We will answer all these questions in our article.

What does the bandage look like for pregnant women?

A classic bandage for pregnant women is a special belt with an extension on the back and a narrower part, which is put under the stomach. Types such as bandage and corset are also known.

Bandage for pregnant women
Bandage for pregnant women

The main goal of this device is to help a woman easier to transfer the period of bearing. The bandage supports the stomach, promotes the correct distribution of the load, protects against stretch marks, relieves pain from the lower back and spine, and also helps to some extent the child himself.

Important: there is a device for the postpartum period designed to stimulate the speedy return of the former figure.

What is a bandage for pregnant women?

The bandage greatly facilitates the course of pregnancy. Check out the main positive aspects of using this device:

Bandage for pregnant women facilitates the difficulties of bearing
Bandage for pregnant women facilitates the difficulties of bearing
  • The bandage prevents stretching the skin, the loss of its elasticity and the appearance of ugly red stripes, which soon acquire white and remain on the skin forever. Stretch marks can only be removed in a cosmetology room, and this requires financial costs. All other ways to overcome them are reduced only to clarification and slight smoothing of the stripes. Therefore, if you want to look good after childbirth, be sure to consult a doctor about wearing a bandage
  • The bandage reduces the pressure of the fetus on the pelvic organs and the spine, as a result of which you will not be disturbed by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, back
  • The likelihood of miscarriage is significantly reduced
  • The bandage helps to cope with pain in the legs, edema of the lower extremities and their fatigue. The bandage for women who spend several hours to a row is especially relevant
  • The belt regulates the course of pregnancy and bearing the fetus. Its application is mandatory if you expect twins
  • It is no secret that the head presentation - the pose in which the baby is located down before childbirth - is optimal for the light and successful flow of childbirth. With a pelvic presentation, a cesarean section is prescribed, this position of the child is fraught with complications. The bandage regulates the correct position of the fetus in the womb, so experts recommend wearing it to all pregnant women without exception
  • In untrained women, the abdominal muscles are often not in good shape. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles is also observed with repeated pregnancy. In this case, wearing a bandage is mandatory, it perfectly supports the stomach when the body's own resources cannot cope with this
  • By about 38 weeks of bearing, the fetus begins to fall, preparing to be born. Together with him, the stomach falls. Owl can occur before that it is not the norm, and to prevent it, wear a bandage
  • The bandage is indicated for varicose veins, with osteochondrosis
Bandage trousers for pregnant women
Bandage trousers for pregnant women

Important: some doctors oppose wearing a bandage. If you do not have any of the indications listed below for its use, it is better to refrain from its use.

Indications for the use of a belt for pregnant women:

  • bearing twins
  • the low arrangement of the fetus in the womb, as a result of which the stomach also falls
  • infringement of the nerve in the lumbar region, which provokes neurological pains
  • operations in the abdomen that were carried out no later than 1.5 years ago
  • a scar on the uterus, which appears after surgery on the gynecological part, including the previous current pregnancy of Cesarean section
  • uldered cervix
  • the probability of miscarriage
  • intolerable pain in the legs, lower back, back, spine

Important: before you decide, wear or not wear a belt on your own, consult your gynecologist. According to all your examinations, he is the only one that can recommend the device.

There are indications in which the bandage for pregnant women is required
There are indications in which the bandage for pregnant women is required

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women in size?

There is a table of the size of banads that you can focus on when choosing. But the only way to choose a belt is really in size is to try on it.

You can purchase a belt in a pharmacy or special stores for expectant mothers. Experts advise choosing a device in a pharmacy located at the hospital, or in the departments for pregnant women. Consultants work here, who will help to decide both the type and material of the device and its size.

Feel free to try on various belts. After all, the incorrectly selected bandage size can affect the health of the child. The fabric should not put pressure on the stomach, but only gently envelop it and support it. In the case of a tight bandage, you risk causing serious harm to a developing baby.

Bandage size for pregnant women, table

In the tables below, you can find out the size of the belt that is suitable specifically for you, by height and weight or by hips. Additionally, information on the sizes of postpartum bandages is given.

Bandage size table by height and weight
Bandage size table by height and weight
Bandage sizes table for hips
Bandage sizes table for hips

How to choose the right bandage for pregnant women?

Important: In order to choose the right bandage, you need to decide on the look - panties, corset, belt or combined, as well as size.

It is important to choose the matter from which the belt is made. Cheap models, on which women often stop so as not to overpay, are made of synthetic fabrics that do not allow the skin to breathe. This is extremely harmful for both the future mother and the baby. Choose a belt only from natural materials.

As for the model itself, it is best to try on each and choose the one in which you are most comfortable. The belt should not put pressure on either the stomach or on any other area. If you experience at least the slightest discomfort, immediately give up this option.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

Bandages are divided into antenatal, postpartum, as well as universal - those that are perfect for both periods.

There is also a division of bandages into models.

Belt It is an elastic fabric ribbon, which expands on the back and narrows under the stomach. The belts have different fasteners. They are worn exclusively on underwear for hygiene purposes


Panties Made in the form of ordinary panties, only in front they have a special insert that supports the stomach. There are certain inconveniences in the use of this type of device. Since the bandage-trousers are worn without linen, it has to be washed every day, so it is advisable to purchase several such models at once. If a woman experiences frequent urination, there are difficulties in wearing such a bandage, since she has to constantly shoot

Bandage Trusiki
Bandage Trusiki

Combined bandage Suitable for both the stage of pregnancy and for the postpartum period. It is made of rubberized fabric, ordinary Velcro act as fasteners. It is put on such a belt with a narrow part forward during pregnancy and a wide part on the stomach after childbirth

Combined bandage
Combined bandage

Corset You can still meet on sale, but this is an outdated model, which today is recognized as gynecologists ineffective. Doctors do not recommend purchasing this option

When to start to wear a bandage for pregnant women?

Think about using the belt already when the stomach just begins to appear. Usually this is the 4th month of bearing, which is 20-24 weeks of obstetric pregnancy.

Important: often the bandage is shown at an earlier or late stage. Consider your individual situation with a gynecologist.

How to wear a bandage for pregnant women? Video

Each device for pregnant women includes instructions for dressing and wearing a model. Check out with her carefully. You can try out the belt put on the store in the store when choosing it. Here, qualified consultants will help you.

Your doctor can also explain all the subtleties of wearing a bandage, do not hesitate to ask him questions. And remember: the health of your child depends on the correctness of wearing the belt.

Video: How to put on a bandage for pregnant women correctly

How much should you wear a bandage for pregnant women?

The bandage cannot be worn for a whole day, it must be removed. This is due to the fact that the device, supporting the stomach, to one degree or another, nevertheless limits the possibility of moving the child in the womb. So that the baby does not feel constrained, every 2-3 hours the bandage must be removed for at least 30 minutes.

The belts are not recommended in the third trimester. If the child by this time did not take the right position with the head down, then the belt will greatly prevent him from doing this. But if the baby is already in the head presentation, then the bandage will only fix this position and will not allow the child to turn over incorrectly.

At the very last stages of bearing, the bandage is contraindicated. This is due to lowering the abdomen on the eve of childbirth, which the belt will prevent.

Video: We choose the right bandage for pregnant women, childbirth. Tips, recommendations, reviews

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