Correct declension of the surname, name and patronymic of the female and male family in case: rules, ending. How to scrape the name on cases?

Correct declension of the surname, name and patronymic of the female and male family in case: rules, ending. How to scrape the name on cases?

Rules and examples of the declension of male and female names, patronymics, surnames.

Competent speech and a letter are distinguished by people who have received a good education from illiterate representatives of mankind.

Agree, it’s nice to hear and read the appeal to yourself in the right case. However, without studying the rules and personal training, it is impossible to develop a habit of unmistakable use.

Knowing the rules of your native language will definitely help you when addressing people by names, patronics, surnames.

Let's talk more about the features of their declension for male and female options.

The correct declension of the surname of the male family: rule, example

The schoolboy is looking for examples of proper declension of surnames in the book
the schoolboy is looking for examples of proper declension of surnames in the book

Depending on the origin, the presence/absence of a vowel at the end of the word or the agreeing letters of the surname of the male family have a number of rules for declension.

Globally divide them into 2 large groups:

  • changing endings
  • saved unchanged

The first group of rules includes:

  • -ov, -in for Russian and borrowed options are inclined according to the classical scheme. For example, Ivanov’s work, the picture belongs to Sanin, I am waiting for Sidorov, to speak with Fonvizin about Krysin.
  • The names of foreigners on -in, -ov in the creation case acquire the ending -om. Example: The role was played by Chaplin, the hero is voiced by Green.
  • When the carrier of the surname is Russian and it comes from Russian homonyms, the rule with the ending in the creative case is triggered.
    Example: From the word Crohn - we go with Kronin, from the dialect version of the champ - skating with Chaplin.
  • Unfinished endings -a, -I are inclined according to general rules.
    For example, Choba notebook, Shegda car, Okudzhava.
  • Georgian at -Ia change the endings, for example, the merits of Beria.
  • -And shock at the end of the names of Slavic origin suggest a change in endings, for example, with kvushi and pan.
  • A solid or soft consonant at the end of the surname turns into combinations with vowels when declining.
    For example, the poems of the Blok, an interview with Gaft, to pass it on to Mitsekevich.
  • In the form of an adjective, it is inclined according to general rules.
    For example, the victory of the fierce, a trip to Tolstoy.


The second group of rules belong to the following:

  • foreign on -ya remain unchanged,
  • -Ah, -I am drumming of French origin, for example, Dumas carriage, letters about Zola,
  • -O at the end they are not inclined,
  • with endings on -o, th, -y, th, -yu remain unchanged when declining,
  • -at the end retains the surname unchanged when declining.


Proper declension of the male name: rule, example

A wise owl from the cartoon explains the rule of declination of male names
a wise owl from the cartoon explains the rule of declination of male names

Male names are also of different origin. However, the rules for their declension are the same:

  • at the end of the name to the consonant solid or soft letter or on -th, changes occur according to the general principle of declining nouns.
    The stress remains unchanged, but moves in monosyllables.
    Examples: Alexander - Alexandra - Alexander, Peter - Peter - Peter, Timofey - Timofey - Timofey.
  • -Ia, -y, -yya, -ye are similar to the peculiarities of the declension of nouns with a similar end.
    Example: Ilya - Ilya - Ilya, Zakharia - Zakharia - Zachariah.
  • -a -the change in the end corresponds to the rule of declension of ordinary nouns with -a at the end.
    Example: Nikita - Nikita - Nikita.

Since in the Russian language there are many foreign words and names of people of other nationalities, the latter in some cases do not fall under the rules of declension and remain unchanged. These are the names ending on:

  • vowels -y, -u, -y, -and, -e, -e, -o. Example, Jose, Aibu
  • two vowels, except for -Ia. Example, Francois, Kachaa

The correct declination of the middle -novel of the masculine: rule, example

A school -age child browsing the rules and examples of the declension of male middle name on the tablet
a school -age child browsing the rules and examples of the declension of male middle name on the tablet

We note a number of features before the transition to the declension of male patronics:

  • Classic endings, namely, - -Ovich.
    Example, Alexander- Alexandrovich, Timofey- Timofeevich.
  • Adding a soft sign before the end, if the father’s name ends on -ye, that is, -evich.
    Example, Valery - Valerievich.
  • If the father’s name ends on -a, then in the middle name is added. Example, Luke - Lukich, Nikita - Nikitich.

Add a table with changes in the ends in male patronics when they are declined by cases:

The declension table of male patronics by cases
the declension table of male patronics by cases

The correct declination of the name of the feminine: rule, example

Stop opened books with examples of proper declination of female names
stop open books with examples of proper declination of female surnames

Female surnames have a number of differences from male when declining.

  • With the ending on -in, -ovo are changing according to the cases. For example, at Shukshina, for Ivanova.
  • Depending on the features of the declension of male surnames, there is a difference for female options. For example, currant, pearl. In this case, declining in female versions is the arrival of nadi currants and linas of the pearl. If men's options for currants and pearls, then female respectively - the arrival of Zoe by currant and Katya pearls.
  • Unfinished -a and -I change the ending during declination. Example, Valentina Globa, Katerina Okudzhava.
  • Similar to adjectives change the ending according to the principle of declining adjectives. Example: Lena Great, Tatyana Light.

Lack of declensions for surnames:

  • french origin
  • with the end of the -ko, -o, th, -and, -u, -y, sout

Proper declension of the female name: rule, example

A girl in glasses peeps out because of the books in which she was looking for the rules for the declension of female names
a girl in glasses peeps out because of the books in which she was looking for the rules for the declension of female names

In general, female names change their ending in declination. There are a number of rules that regulate this:

  • with the end of the -a, except G, K, C, x. Example:
The declension table with the ending of
the declension table with the ending of
  • the same end after g, k, x and separately after c
Table of declension of female names with the ending on -a after G. k, x
table of declension of female names with the ending on -a after G. k, x
the declension table of female names with the ending on -a after c
  • two -syllable names on -y, as well as those that have this letter unstressed, change their endings on cases like this:
The declension table of female names ending on -y
the declension table of female names ending on -y
  • with the end of the one, except for two -syllable. An example below:
An example of the declension of female names on -Ia in the table
an example of the declension of female names on -Ia in the table
  • with the end of the soft sign and hissing - change as follows:
Tables of declination of female names that have the end in the nominative case for a soft sign and hissing letter
tables of declination of female names that have the end in the nominative case for a soft sign and hissing letter

Exceptions are a number of female names of foreign origin. They are often not inclined.

Examples are the same names that were presented in the table above, which have a hissing letter at the end.

Proper declension of the middle name of the feminine: rule, example

The tired schoolboy behind the desk was covered by an open textbook with the rules for the declension of the middle name of the female family
the tired schoolboy behind the desk was covered by an open textbook with the rules for the declension of the middle name of the female family

There are a number of rules for the declension of female patronics depending on their formation from male names. Namely:

  • the names with the end of the unstressed -and form patronymic from -ish. If the last syllable of the male name with stress is. Example: Nikita - Nitichny, Ilya - Ilyinichna.
  • If the names of the second declension with zero and the end are based on -y, then in patronymic are added, -evna. Example: Evgeny - Evgenievna, Vladimir - Vladimirovna.

We insert a table of declination of female patronics for clarity:

Table of changes in the endings in female patronymics when they are declined according to cases
table of changes in the endings in female patronymics when they are declined according to cases

So, we examined a number of rules for the declension of surnames, names and patronymics for men and women. And also studied them with examples.

Practice the rules, bowing the names, patronymics and surnames of your relatives. Then all the rules will be remembered for you faster.

Successful classes!

Video: How to bow names in cases?

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