We are correctly experiencing negative emotions: 40 ways

We are correctly experiencing negative emotions: 40 ways

Methods of living emotions. Deep causes of their occurrence.

Emotions are an integral part of human nature that allows you to feel the rhythm of life.

Nature determines that women are prone to their manifestation more and more often men.

We saw something interesting or someone familiar, a new film or cartoon, we heard about something, just during communication or alone with ourselves-emotions everywhere.

How are we used to express negative emotions?

  • suppress in ourselves
  • we openly demonstrate to live
  • we consciously control and live

From birth, a naturally free expression of emotions outside. Mom correctly understands them and satisfies the needs of the crumbs.

Growing up, we retain at the level of the subconscious the desire to be

  • understood and accepted with all their emotions
  • loved ones and significant in the life of loved ones

Coloring emotions into positive and negative conditionally and is most likely associated with the consequences of their external manifestation. It is unlikely that with joy a person will say nasty things or beat the dishes, right?

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That's just to live negative, namely anger, anger, sadness, we were not taught at school, institute, at home.

On the contrary, we often see the same women and men who are choked with their negative emotions and sowing grains of quarrels, disputes, and insults. How to be?

How to experience emotions environmentally friendly?

  • First, we note that emotions are born in the body, which means they should go through it.
  • Only their accommodation without analysis of the causes of occurrence is ineffective. They will appear again and again, you demonstrate them. And others suffer?
  • Clushing and refusing to live akin to going to the toilet and forcibly maintaining in itself the products of the body's life. This is fraught with diseases and self -destruction.
  • Soberly assess the presence of emotion - is it momentary or is it part of your character? In the first case, it can and should live, in the second - it is better to go to a psychologist.

Destructive and constructive emotions

We divide the ways of living emotions in two groups and consider each:

  • destructive
  • constructive

We know about the former not by hearse and yet we will list.


Destructive ways to express emotions

  1. Break on colleagues, chef

    The intensity of passions reached the climax, since you splash out emotions on them. Only by this you harm your career and business communication.

  2. Let pairs at home for a family and/or animals

    They accumulated in a day and brought the “waste” home. And who will be happy with them? At home they are waiting for a loving soft mother and wife, and not Meger or Babu-Yaga on a broomstick.

  3. Drink furniture, dishes, equipment

    If this junk is subject to throwing, then it seems to be a safe method. And if it belongs to another person?

  4. Suppress emotions

    From childhood, you could hear that you can’t openly show your emotions. So they learned to crush them. Is everything all right with health and communication with oneself?

  5. Shopping

    Emotz2Turn off the head and spend everything to a penny. We buy everything that turned up by the arm. But money is the energy necessary to commit good deeds. And to whom and what good does the thing bought in a fit of anger cause?

  6. Sex

    Emotion goes through the body, physical relief occurs. But if this is a married betrayal, and even with a best friend/girlfriend?

  7. Turn on social networks

    And there are no avatars, and the name is fictitious. So no one will harm us or beat us. And what sediment will remain with those who are directed, and you yourself have a minute after sending a message?

  8. Rude

    So sow discord and provoke even more negativity addressed to you. Do you need it?

  9. Beat someone

    A dangerous way, because it can fly more strongly in response.

  10. Sweet sweetEmotz3A common way and anger to extinguish, and swallow resentment. The result - we increase centimeters and aggravate the problem.
  11. Slam the door

    To put all the force on the door and slam so that the plaster flew. It seems that everything is intact, they didn’t rose without a trolling, but from the frequent practice of this method we need repairs and there is no sense of satisfaction.

  12. Take revenge

    Dangerous way. Revenge is planned for some time, your head and all your thoughts in preparation for its commission, there is a constant tension in the body. You do not react to people around and circumstances. As a result, everyone will be bad and you too.

  13. Beat with words

    So he pulls to say the roan to the neighbor, when he boils everything inside with anger. The head is disconnected, you just need to lower the steam. And that’s all - you lost your girlfriend, a colleague as an interlocutor, in the store you were remembered as an ulcer. Even if you are not answered aloud, they will send a strong negative flow of energy in response. And people are all connected with each other by invisible energy threads. If one is bad, then everyone feels. Do you want to suffer and get sick?

Constructive ways to express emotions

14. We write letters of resentment

Anger and anger leave a trace in the form of resentment in the soul of a person. She, accumulating in the body, corrodes us in the literal and figurative sense. Let it go correctly. For example, having written out all your feelings and sensations to a particular person or situation. But in the end, be sure to thank them for the lesson, the opportunity to feel the emotion and release. Reread and burn the letter. Wash, wash your hands or take a bath with fragrant foam. Souls are also suitable, especially a contrast. And secure the result by pampering yourself with herbal tea.

15. We fill out the questionnaire "Radical forgiveness"

You can take it from the book of the same name or download from the Internet. There are many questions in the questionnaire and the author recommends that you fill it out every time you were covered with emotions. Yes, you will take time to write answers. But the chain of questions will allow you to gradually promote a ball of emotions, admit, live and let them go.

16. We are engaged in any kind of needlework

Therapeutic effect needlework invaluable and known since ancient times. Women owned the art of transforming negative emotions into creative ones while working for spinning, embroidery, knitting and any other types of manual creativity.
If you sat down for work, boiling with anger and/or anger, after the passions subside the result, burn the result. He absorbed your emotions and does not bear any joy. On the contrary, it will remind you of that situation or human act/word that caused your explosion.

17. We beat the pillow

Choose any in your household for the role of "victim". Just do not sleep on it and do not offer guests for sleep, they can torment nightmares.
Together with blows into the pillow, shout if you want to shout something, or cry. Emotion can come out differently.

18. We knock out emotions with a towel from the sofa

Each hostess in the house has such a piece of furniture. Nobody usually sleeps on it, he serves as a place for conversations and meetings with domestic or guests.
Take a large bath towel, roll it with a pipe, take it at one end, and the second pounding the sofa. Do not especially choose a place for shock, the main thing is to knock out emotion, feel devastation and physical fatigue.

19. Knock on the wall with a fist, boxing pear

A traumatic way, because you can get hurt, earn bruises and abrasions. But anger is also of such strength that it burns from the inside and outside everything that is in contact with.
If my husband has a boxing pear and gloves, then you can use them. And you will whip out the emotion, and you pump up your hands.

20. We hit the water

Water is a female element. It reflects our essence and helps us understand ourselves. For example, regular walks near a natural reservoir positively affect our hormonal background and psychological state.
To live emotions, a lake, a river, a pond, the ocean, the sea and even the water in the bathroom are suitable for you. Only without harm to neighbors!
Pound on the water with your hands or stick. Release the negative that overflows you.

21. We stomp our feet

You paid attention to movements in folk dances, especially the eastern ones. They have a lot of stomping with legs, and in India it is still customary to dance with bare feet. This is not by chance.
Contacting the ground, we give her accumulated emotions, clamps, negative mood, static electricity. In return, she generously gives us lightness and health.
Of course, it is better to stomp not on the 10th floor on the concrete floor. Try to contact the ground in the park, forest, your yard if possible without shoes. If it is difficult, sink on the floor or go for a walk.

22. We dance

Developing the previous method, go to the dance. If you are engaged in any kind, then turn on the familiar melody and do not restrain yourself.
If you do not attend any lessons, you still know how to dance. At least with musical accompaniment, at least an impromptu.

23. We beat the plates

A harmless option if they are yours and you beat them at home without the presence of home. In order not to scare them with the sound of flying fragments and with their scream. And, of course, you have a lot of dishes, and a flying plate is not the last in the household.

24. My dishes, floor or wash with your hands

If an emotional wave has greatly rolled, drop it through actions with our hands. Creative options are restoring order and cleanliness in the house in contact with water. The latter takes emotions well, especially female. So you have time to think, live, you can even talk with yourself and let them go. At home - purity, in the head and body - order and peace.

25. Throw away the trash

It cleanses the head and space of the apartment well, makes it possible to breathe a full -free breast, free from negativity. During the collection of trash, you get rid of emotions through your hands and pass them on to things that are subject to emission or burning. The second option will be just perfect.

26. Weave a mandala

One of the types of needlework that any woman will easily master. In addition, the mandala is weaved quickly. You can even make it from improvised materials, just find two sticks for the frame. The product is ready to burn. You can speak the words of gratitude over the bonfire and let go of emotion.

27. We speak with a soft toy, wood

A good way to drain negatives without prejudice to further communication.
Choose any soft toy and regularly express everything that has accumulated in your soul. Only do not sleep with her and do not let the children play.
Are you on the street and there are no toys at hand, but you need to speak out urgently? Find a tree that will like for this role. But this is an extreme case. The trees are alive and hear us well, feel.
For example, one of the modern island tribes regularly clears the territory for its village from trees, scolding them for several days in a row. The trees fade and die.

28. We transform into laughter

A cool way not to get rid of negative energy, but to turn it positive. Only he does not work with all emotions and not always. More suitable for small domestic irritations.
More than 100 muscles of the human body for manifestation use a smile and laughter. Find a funny situation or moment in your memory and erupt with an unbridled laugh. The effect is amazing!

29. Allow feelings to be

This is difficult at first. Especially when there is no experience and knowledge, because most of us had no one to teach to identify emotions.
Our parents grew up with the installation of their manifestations.
Make a list of emotions that they are for yourself. Try to remember them from your experience, taste them.
In moments when it rolls, tell me an emotion by name. Admit it and give time to manifest.
Thank it and let it go. Work out the prerequisites and the reasons for its occurrence than it was useful for you in a specific situation. You will soon see that all emotions are your friends.

30. Sport

A great way to live and release negative emotions. You will feel that they come out with later, the tension of your muscles during the lesson.
And the coach will note your new results and achievements.

31. Talk

Absolutely feminine way. My friends and I are mainly talking about our experiences, anxieties, emotions and their provocateurs.
Well, if you have no habit of complaining and pouring negativity all the time. No one is pleased to feel like a “toilet” and a wet “vest”.

32. Scream

Suitable for those who live in a house or not far from deserted forests. It will be psychologically more comfortable for you.
You need to scream very loudly some word. It is more often “yes” or “no”, but others can be “to break”.
Scream to a feeling of devastation inside. You will understand when to stop. Then give yourself time to restore the ligaments and voices, pause for half an hour or an hour.

33. Massage

You have long dreamed of the strong hands of a massage therapist, and your body requires a serious warm -up, then it's time to sign up for the medicinal massage sessions.
An experienced masseur will easily determine your “problem” zones and will work out well. Just be sure to find for yourself an incentive to come to the second session and reach the end of the course. Because it will hurt, very much.

34. Breathing or perform breathing gymnastics

By force of will, slow down and breathe deeply, measuredly. Pranayama or any other breathing gymnastics will also have the desired effect and bring relief.

35. Go to the amusement park

The attractions were invented to relax people. Here they scream, screech, hold tightly with their hands and feet. That is, they actively involve the body. And we remember that emotions should be released through it.

36. Sing

Singing relaxes the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, back. In the same way, it positively affects the work of the heart and blood vessels.
Do not believe that you have come in your ear. Everyone can sing. For confidence, turn on your favorite melody and sing along the contractor.

37. Cry at home, in the temple

Did you track your condition after outbreaks of anger? And if you managed to throw out its part on someone until the moment of awareness of emotion, then disappointment, repentance, resentment are easily able to replace anger in your soul and body.
When you allow yourself to show feelings, tears pour the river at the moments of repentance.
When you are more familiar to the image of an iron lady, go to the temple. Look at the icons, stand in the service. Something will move in you, your memory will return you to moments when I wanted to cry. Or you will feel a desire to do this. Cry in the temple, there is not a curiosity there. You will come out of there with a completely different sensations.

38. Confession

It helps to look very deep into my soul and get something that has long forgotten about. The good eyes of the priest without condemnation will be accepted. And you will want to sincerely get rid of the baggage of the negativity, accumulated over all the years of life.
The method for those who are ready to trust God or swallowed grief on the throat.

39. Meditation

The environmentally friendly way to detain emotion for a while, and then give it to the earth during meditation. The ideal option for its implementation in nature, in contact with the ground, and not the floor.
Mentally feel where the emotion is stuck, collect it and direct it down to the ground. And from space, fill yourself with the golden energy of health and vitality.
There are many options with meditations, practice and-call your own.

40. Prayer

A serious method, because you know how to own yourself in anger. The appeal to the Higher Forces will always be heard when we ask and wish good for ourselves, but for the neighbor.

What causes negative emotions?

Think about what the benefit of a specific emotion is for you? Maybe you want:

  • recognition and love
  • feel fragile and helpless
  • to “take you on the handles”, hugged, put them in a chair, brought a cup of tea and favorite pink slippers
  • speak out and complain so that someone just listens
  • run away from loneliness in the soul

Or it is beneficial for you to manipulate your emotions, to make others feel guilty. But this will achieve rejection and coldness in relations with them.


Learn to live emotions without harm to yourself and people around. Remember that feeling life is also natural, how to see the whole range of colors of the world and feel any emotions.

Video: How to manage negative emotions? Algorithm of behavior


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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you for the useful recommendations)) In fact, yes, it is very important to respond correctly to the situation ... It sooo it sooo it in due time to get rid of stress and irritability, although at first it’s hard to practice it. In addition, I, of course, took the formula for calmness Triptofan and took meditation ... but I think everything together did my job)

  2. Very vital information. I’ll throw off a link to a friend, otherwise he has a disaster with this, and add to myself the bookmarks. Thanks to the author for the magnificent article).

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