Rules and technique of lip makeup. Correction of the lips with makeup. How to make a persistent lip makeup?

Rules and technique of lip makeup. Correction of the lips with makeup. How to make a persistent lip makeup?

In this article I would like to talk about how to properly apply makeup on the lips. This type of makeup is fraught with a lot of nuances.

Do you know that lip makeup is considered the most difficult in the art of a makeup? After all, to adjust the form, and even in such a way that it looks natural - this is a real non -surgical surgery. And every woman can master it, unlike surgery of the real one.

Rules and technique of lip makeup

  • Be sure to do before makeup peeling. It is important not only for the forehead or cheeks - the lips also need to be cleansed of dead cells. In addition, peeling contributes to a rush of blood to the lips, which gives them a natural bright color and increases slightly. As a means that will help to do all this, the most ordinary toothbrush or a mixture of sugar with honey is perfect
Before applying makeup for the lips, a scrub of sugar should be used
Before applying makeup for the lips, a scrub of sugar should be used
  • At any time of the year, especially in the winter, The lips should be moistened. Therefore, be sure to purchase a special balm, which is recommended to apply 2 or 3 minutes before lipstick or shine. Be sure to get your lips a little after the balm with a napkin
Before applying makeup for the lips, balms should be used - their choice is quite wide
Before applying makeup for the lips, balms should be used - their choice is quite wide

Important: in the composition of lipsticks now you can often see a set of a wide variety of nutrients. However, even in this case you can not do without moisture.

  • Pencil It is simply necessary if it is planned to apply lipstick of a rich bright shade or adjusting the shape of the lips. Due to this means of visiting lipstick or shine, they will not spread over the contours and will remain in their place the maximum possible amount of time. In this case, you should choose a pencil, armed for clarity and lipstick, since their shades should be as similar as possible
Lip pencil is simply necessary in makeup
Lip pencil is simply necessary in makeup
  • Keep in mind that even it seems to be such a simple task as lip makeup - the procedure performed in stages. First, the preparation occurs, and then, after moisture, the circuit is drawn, after which the first layer of lipstick can be applied. And after such an uniform application, you need to make vaporing movements with a napkin, slightly powder, then draw such a layer. All these manipulations will reveal the most complete shade of cosmetic agents

Important: the use of a napkin is much more important than it might seem at first glance: firstly, it gives a lipstick and fixes it well, and secondly, it will not allow you to leave an excessive amount of cosmetics on the lips. You can try to apply powder through it - the napkin in this case will act as a dispenser.

  • Whatever cosmetics you use, apply it in the direction from the center to the edges
When eye makeup, make movements from the center to the edges
When eye makeup, make movements from the center to the edges
  • Remember: light shades always make the lips visually more fully, and the dark ones are less
Light shades in makeup visually enlarge the lips
Light shades in makeup visually enlarge the lips
  • The pink lipstick or shine is generally considered the most insidious in the palette - It is quite difficult to choose it in a variety of options. In order not to make a mistake and choose the perfect option for yourself, focus on the shade of your gums
  • Small -faced young ladies You should choose dark saturated shades like wine, plum. BUT ladies with pale skin It is necessary to stop the choice on caramel or other light shades. You need to focus on eye color, as well as white teeth. Event, which you are going to visit, also plays a role - so, at the official meeting it is better not to appear with the causing make -up of the lips
Women with pale skin should choose light shades for lip makeup
Women with pale skin should choose light shades for lip makeup
But dark -faced young ladies can be chosen for lip makeup dark shades
But dark -faced young ladies can be chosen for lip makeup dark shades
  • Makeup artists advise to achieve makeup resistance Shake the lips completely with a pencil, and then apply lipstick with a brush. By the way, it is by brushes that professionals use - They allow you to achieve accuracy in applying and juicy color
Professionals advise using a brush for lip makeup
Professionals advise using a brush for lip makeup
  • If you want to give the image of aristocracy, Do not use brilliance - it does not contribute to the creation of a restrained image
  • Pay attention to the oval of the face - The makeup technique will depend on it. So, if the face is round, you should give preference to straight lines, and not curved. But a narrow, thin face does not hurt to add femininity - for this it is recommended to use more shine and thoroughly draw all the contours
Narrow -faced girls are recommended in the makeup of the lips to use the brilliance
Narrow -faced girls are recommended in the makeup of the lips to use the brilliance
Cool -faced ladies are recommended in the makeup of the lips to use straight clear lines
Cool -faced ladies are recommended in the makeup of the lips to use straight clear lines
  • Makeup artists do not recommend using lip pencil in the event that shine is applied
In the case of lip gloss, a pencil in makeup is not used
In the case of lip gloss, a pencil in makeup is not used
  • If the mouth is small, it is allowed to paint the lips to the corners, but here in the opposite case pencil to corners do not bring
If the lips are large, in makeup, the pencil can not be used, or draw lines not to the corners
If the lips are large, in makeup, the pencil can not be used, or draw lines not to the corners

the basis of the makeup of the lips

The base for makeup is necessary even in the case of lips - it And prepares them for the application of cosmetics, and contributes to its resistance. The latter is especially important for festive makeup. All wrinkles interfering with wrinkles are also smoothed in this case.

Important: be sure to look at the composition of the base - it should take care of the delicate skin of the lips, softening it even more and moisturizing. In some cases, there are sunscreens or ingredients that fight age -related changes.

The bases have convenient release form: In jars with brushes, in the form, balms-sticks and pencils. The choice depends purely on personal preferences.

Basis for lip makeup in the form of a balm-can
Basis for lip makeup in the form of a balm-can
And here is the basis for makeup, released in the form of a jar with a brush
And here is the basis for makeup, released in the form of a jar with a brush

Experts recommend applying a tonal basis the layer is thinner and so that it is located on the lips evenly. It is better to attach a napkin to the lips - in this way, the excess part of the base will be removed and, in addition, the texture of the lips is leveled.

In addition, I will give a pleasant surprise: lipstick, applied to the foundation, will coincide in a shade by almost 100% with a shade declared on the packaging. But many faced the problem that the color plays differently on the lips.

How to apply a lip pencil correctly?

  • If the lips are deprived of a natural clear circuitArm with a pencil of bodily or white and draw a line above the natural contour. At the same time, try not to put much pressure on the pencil, since the line should turn out to be thin. On top of such a line it will be necessary to apply the pencil that was selected depending on the color of the lipstick - this is how you will achieve relief

Important: remember that a light cosmetic product helps to muffle natural outlines, so use it only for these purposes.

Light lip pencil in makeup is used in order to make contours blurry
Light lip pencil in makeup is used in order to make contours blurry
  • If you do not plan any visual corrections and just want to emphasize the shape of the lipsStart drawing a line from the V-shaped cavity to the corners. The lower lip should be circled by a continuous line from the left to the right edge
Start drawing a line with a pencil in the makeup of the lips should be from the hollow to the corners
Start drawing a line with a pencil in the makeup of the lips should be from the hollow to the corners
  • If you want to achieve soft circuits, not hard lines, try to grind them inside with a cotton wool
  • Before applying a pencil on the lips, spend a few minutes to heat it - hold in your palms. Thereby The griffle will become more plastic and will acquire the necessary softness. The lines applied by such a grifle will be easier to yell, and will be easier to lie down
  • If there is little experience in the field of makeup, you can adopt the dashed method of application - This is when the edge with the bend of the lower lip is first outlined, and then the arcs. The dashed method allows you to monitor the errors in stages and successfully adjust them

How to apply lip gloss correctly?

  • In the event that you decide to use shine without lipstick, use tonal cream and powder is completely optional, but the balm will come in handy
Brill between lip makeup lies perfectly and without the basis
Brill between lip makeup lies perfectly and without the basis
  • Shine helps to give inexpressive lips volume and sensuality. For this, two layers of lipstick are applied, the first of which is smacked by a napkin, and then shine
Shine in eye makeup can be applied to lipstick
Shine in eye makeup can be applied to lipstick
  • If the lips are already chubbyIt is not recommended to apply a lot of shine. It is enough to paint them the middle of the lip, and then shave

Important: as a rule, two or three strokes with brilliance on each lip is enough to give a little radiance. You can scurry smears by touching one lip to the other.

How to apply lipstick on the lips?

  • Experts recommend applying lipstick with a brush. This procedure should look as follows: cosmetic product is applied from the center to cornersso that the contour line is not affected. Corners are perfectly stained only if the mouth is open
It is necessary to apply lipstick in makeup of the lips from the center to the edges, even if it is applied not with a brush
It is necessary to apply lipstick in makeup of the lips from the center to the edges, even if it is applied not with a brush
  • You can apply one layer of lipstick and two. If it seems to you that there is little one for intensive staining, you can try to do the second, but not forgetting to carefully shave the first before, wetting your lips with a napkin and slightly fading them
  • You can apply lipstick and fingers - So you will get the most natural shade, but the effect of radiance will not be
In the makeup of the lips, you can produce a lip and with the help of fingers
In the makeup of the lips, you can produce a lip and with the help of fingers
  • Beautiful lips must be relief. This means that you need to play with shades, making the basis of a darker one, and applying a little lipstick of another shade that is lighter than
Lip makeup should be embossed
Lip makeup should be embossed
  • Often lipstick is imprinted on the teeth. This can be avoided if immediately after staining, grab the finger with your lips and carefully remove it - the excess cosmetic products remain on the finger
  • If you want to achieve a careless effect, use a fluffy eyelid brush, making driving movements

Persistent lip makeup

  • Lipstick will last much longer if apply a little powder through a napkin on top. However, if you do not like this option, you can avoid matureness by applying a small amount of shine
  • If you need makeup makeup last all day, spray it from the pulverizer with mineral water. Ice Cube, neatly attached to the lips, can also help
Ice can help the makeup for the lips to last longer
Ice can help the makeup for the lips to last longer
  • You can purchase water -repellent cosmetics - She will protect makeup from rain, snow, sweat. Take a closer look at the packaging - it should be written on it "Water Resistant"
  • Look for a margin with a note "Long Lasting" - It contains a large number of coloring substances. In addition, these substances are thoroughly chopped and covered with a silicone basis

Important: silicone oils are quite safe and give products a rich color. However, such lipstick may be a shortage - it will not be perfectly applied perfectly.

Persistent vipads of the makeup of the lips of a rich shade
Persistent vipads of the makeup of the lips of a rich shade

Lip lips makeup

  • Be sure to do makeup before applying massage With the help of a toothbrush or a towel moistened in water. After that, apply a cream or hygienic lipstick from natural components
  • Drying will prevent honey, applied to the lips for 10 minutes. The elasticity will help to maintain also cottage cheese, sour cream, cucumber and carrot juices
  • If you purchase a scrub, often with it a special moisturizer is sold in the kit. Balm It may be different - from light to containing wax. Such a tool should be well absorbed - after that you can start the rest of the makeup
Balm for lip makeup is required
Balm for lip makeup is required
  • If the lips often crack, it is recommended to use along with balms antibiotic ointments, After all, infection can fall into the cracks
  • While the lips are peeling, it is better not to give preference to color lipstick - such problems will immediately become clearly visible. If you still want color, purchase color balm
For lip makeup, you can use colored balm - the tint palette is quite diverse
For lip makeup, you can use colored balm - the tint palette is quite diverse
  • After applying the balm, carefully walk on the lips dry toothbrush - This will help get rid of skin particles. After that, rinse the product glue your lips with a towel and again apply the balm. It is recommended to carry out this procedure daily
  • Children's cream Perfectly contributes to moisturizing. In addition, you can use the eyelid cream, since the eyelids in texture are most similar to the lips

What is the makeup of the lips under bright eyes?

If you prefer to focus the attention of others in your eyes, try to do Makeup lips restrained.

When accent, the lip makeup should be made restrained
When accent, the lip makeup should be made restrained

Important: two accents in makeup are unnatural and not approved by makeup artists.

Bright shadows, long eyelashes - all this combines with restrained lip makeup
Bright shadows, long eyelashes - all this is combined with restrained lip makeup
Even if decorative makeup, focus on something one
Even if decorative makeup, focus on something one
Bright arrows are already a reason to make lip makeup neutral
Bright arrows are already a reason to make lip makeup neutral
Smokey Ice is an emphasis only before our eyes, lip makeup is neutral
Smokey Ice is an emphasis only before our eyes, lip makeup is neutral

Pale or neutral shades - this is what you need to choose For the lips in this case. Saturated pink, berry, orange and red lipsticks and shine unacceptable.

Concerning texture, then use matte or translucent.

Lip makeup with an accent in the eyes is better to make a translucent
Lip makeup with an accent in the eyes is better to make a translucent
Lip makeup with an accent on your eyes can be done with a lipstick of a matte texture
Lip makeup with an accent on your eyes can be done with a lipstick of a matte texture

Makeup: focus on the lips

  • In this case, it also works accent rule: If you want to highlight the lips, then the eyes should not stand out much - white or beige shadows are preferable. But lipstick can be selected bright, brilliant
Bright pink lipstick - this is already an emphasis on the lips in makeup
Bright pink lipstick-this is already an emphasis on the lips in makeup
If you want to focus on the makeup of the lips, make your eyes discreet
If you want to focus on the makeup of the lips, make your eyes discreet
Juicy bright lips in makeup - this means that there is enough discreet arrow for the eye
Juicy bright lips in makeup - this means that there is enough discreet arrow for the eye
If with accented lip makeup you want to make a haze in front of my eyes, it should not be gray-black
If with accented lip makeup you want to make a haze in front of my eyes, it should not be gray-black
  • Do not forget about where do you intend to go. Excessively bright lips will be inappropriate at work, even if the emphasis is only on them. But for solemn events, emphasizing lips is what you need
  • Keep in mind that bright lipstick It attracts attention not only to the lips, but also to the disadvantages of the skin. That's why do not forget to carefully treat the skin with a foundation, Preferably matting. Choose cosmetics with a liquid consistency, since they are excellently blended on cosmetic products of matte texture
In order to focus in makeup on the lips, it is not necessary to choose a bright lipstick
In order to focus in makeup on the lips, it is not necessary to choose a bright lipstick
  • Exclude blush From such makeup. The cheekbones emphasize only a little
  • If you want to add to my eyes radianceit should be natural
  • Eyeliner Brown shade is desirable

Makeup with red lips

  • Remember that red lipstick provides for well -groomed skin. There should be on the skin Matte glow
Makeup of the lip with red lipstick provides for the lack of skin problems
Makeup of the lip with red lipstick provides for the lack of skin problems

Important: such makeup is desirable to those ladies who have white teeth. The red color of an orange shade will only emphasize the yellowness of the teeth. However, other shades are not so critical.

Makeup lips with red lipstick is desirable with perfectly white teeth
Makeup lips with red lipstick is desirable with perfectly white teeth
  • Good way determine whether one or another shade of red is suitable for you - It is a touch to the back of the palm or bring the tube to the face. The person should not seem earthen
  • Speaking of the face: push off from its color when choosing cosmetics. So, cold tones of lipsticks with a shade of pink or blue are suitable for a face with a pink tint, as well as bright red lipstick. But peach and orange notes in cosmetics are perfectly compatible. The most lucky lady was most lucky - they can use the cosmetics of the brightest colors
Light -skinned lady in the makeup of the lips, you need to use cold edges of the red
Light -skinned lady in the makeup of the lips, you need to use cold edges of the red
Women with a warm skin tint in the makeup of the lips should use warm shades of lipstick
Women with a warm skin tint in the makeup of the lips should use warm shades of lipstick
The darker the skin, the brighter you can use lipstick in the makeup for the lips
The darker the skin, the brighter you can use lipstick in the makeup for the lips
  • If you really want to try red lipstick, keep in mind that the rest in makeup should be discreet. Eyebrows and eyelashes can be highlighted, but blush or bright shadows are undesirable
Lip makeup with red lipstick provides for emphasizing only eyebrows and eyelashes
Lip makeup with red lipstick provides for emphasizing only eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Above, we said that the lip pencil is obliged to comply with the lipstick, but this can be forgotten in the case of red lipstick. Choose one pencil, which will be closer to your natural lip shade
For makeup for lip with red lipstick, you should not select a pencil, which is brighter than this lipstick
For makeup for lip with red lipstick, you should not select a pencil, which is brighter than this lipstick
  • But you can refuse the tonal base in this case. Unless it is worth using a concealer if there is a need to make adjustments to the lip form
  • Take the drawing of such makeup responsibly - Red lipstick is too bright to ignore, for example, the corners of the lips
Lip makeup should be perfectly drawn in the case of red lipstick
Lip makeup should be perfectly drawn in the case of red lipstick
  • Red color will look just great if repeat it in accessories, clothes, manicure
Red color is desirable not only in the makeup for the lips, but also in clothes
Red color is desirable not only in the makeup for the lips, but also in clothes
The famous singer Rihanna repeated red not only in the makeup for the lips, but also in the dress
The famous singer Rihanna repeated red not only in the makeup for the lips, but also in the dress
Red lipstick in the makeup for the lips goes well with the red manicure
Red lipstick in the makeup for the lips goes well with the red manicure

Makeup matte lips

Matte lipstick is extremely popular thanks to thatthat is relevant at any time of the year and is able to give the image of nobility. In addition, such lipstick is relevant both for solemn events and for everyday outputs. It is practical, because it is quite persistent and does not require frequent updates.

Important: keep in mind that the condition of the skin should be perfect with such a makeup. In addition, matte cosmetics tend to slightly overdry the skin due to the powder in its composition.

With makeup for lip with matte lipstick, the skin should be perfect
With makeup for lip with matte lipstick, the skin should be perfect
  • Do not spare time for masks and creams, and a couple of days before applying such makeup, do not use decorative cosmetics. Better apply hygienic lipstickto nourish the lips with useful substances and smooth them out
With such makeup for lips, all cracks will be visible quite well
With such makeup for lips, all cracks will be visible quite well
  • Start applying makeup with tonal base, along the edges of which outline the boundaries with a pencil. Choose a pencil so that it is a little darker than the skin shade. After the first layer of lipstick, use a small amount of powder, and then apply the second layer
Lip makeup rules allow the use of several layers of matte lipstick
Lip makeup rules allow the use of several layers of matte lipstick
  • After using such makeup, use it moisturizer, lipstick with therapeutic components or honey - All this will allow the lips to recover
  • For matte lipstick, especially it is important in the composition vitamins, amino acids, oils, ultraviolet filters. But bee wax it is better to avoidgive preference to palm
  • As for the shades, then start from the image that you want to create - so, insolence, expressiveness and sensuality will be acquired through use red matte lipstick. Even women with small lips can use it with a clear conscience
Lip makeup will give sensuality through the use of red lipstick
Lip makeup will give sensuality through the use of red lipstick

Important: in principle, girls with a narrow mouth should carefully handle matte lipstick. Just like women aged, because a rich color and texture emphasize wrinkles around the mouth.

  • For daytime lip maker It is recommended to use terracotta, peach and other delicate shades
Lip makeup everyday
Lip makeup everyday
However, such a lip makeup will look great at solemn events
However, such a lip makeup will look great at solemn events
Simplicity and grace - this is what matte lipstick is in the makeup of the lips
Simplicity and grace - this is what matte lipstick is in the makeup of the lips

Correction of the shape of the lips with makeup and lips enlargement

  • If a woman is the owner excessively stretched and thin lips, she should apply powder to the corners, as well as to the upper and lower lines. Then visually the mouth is narrowed thanks to the pencil for correction. With the help of lipstick, you can make lips more fully
In the makeup for lips, you can visually increase the lips, making the corners of the mouth longer with a pencil
In the makeup for lips, you can visually increase the lips, making the corners of the mouth longer with a pencil
  • If you want to visually reduce Too chubby lips, you can apply powder on them, and then draw the boundaries with a pencil. Lipstick should purchase pastel colors
It is better to use light lipsticks or shine in lip makeup, if you do not want to emphasize the fullness of the lips
It is better to use light lipsticks or shine in lip makeup, if you do not want to emphasize the fullness of the lips
  • If you want to focus on the upper lip, it is worth applying powder on it, and then draw a line above natural with a pencil. The lipstick should be bright
  • If the upper lip is given forward And this bothers you, apply powder on it and draw a line with a pencil, which is below the natural line

Important: pay attention to the following trick-if you want to visually make some lip less, it is worth painting it with lipstick, which is tone darker than on the other lip.

  • Both lips can be made more With the help of a contour pencil, drawing the contours that go beyond the limits of natural, and lengthening the corners of the mouth. It is also recommended to apply a white pencil in the middle of the lips and then shave it
Lip makeup is good because with a pencil you can visually increase the boundaries of the lips
Lip makeup is good because with a pencil you can visually increase the boundaries of the lips

You can read more about how to enlarge your lips here.

Permanent makeup of the lips

  • Contour stroke - One of the varieties of tattooing, which has the effect of applying a contour pencil. It helps to clearly indicate the contours and, as a rule, is performed by color, which is slightly darker than natural. It is recommended to do to those women who only have problems with the lip circuit
  • Makeup with a growing - In this case, the boundaries smoothly turn into natural color. The advantage is that the circuit can be made brighter, but at the same time, makeup will not look unnatural. Lips acquire a more clear shape, saturated shade

Important: it is better not to resort to permanent make -up with a slotted lip to owners of thin lips.

Permanent lip makeup allows you to create the perfect contour
Permanent lip makeup allows you to create the perfect contour

You can read more about permanent makeup here.

Makeup of the lips 3D

Advantage Such a technology lies in the fact that on the lips after it there is the effect of the game of light with a shadow. The front part of the lips is lightened, the corners are obscured, smooth transitions of shades are carried out - all this creates the relief of the lips, makes them visually more voluminous and juicy, even rejuvenates the face, refreshes it.

As for the color palette, then the choice is quite wide - from delicate tones to saturated, with the effect of bright lipstick. You can even order for yourself the effect of lip gloss, which will always be with you at any time of the day.

3D lip makeup can create the effect of juicy lips
3D lip makeup can create the effect of juicy lips
3D makeup can be done close to natural tones
3D makeup can be done close to natural tones

You can read more about the makeup of the lips 3D here.

makeup lips with a pencil

Using a contour pencil, you can master Several techniques Lip makeup:

  • "Nymph" - Suitable for the lips that do not have a clearly defined roller. With a pencil, lead a line from the corner of the lips, which will coincide with the natural, but at the same time gently round it. Thus, the upper lip, as it were, repeats the bottom in shape
The style of nymphs in the makeup for the lips is also called the style of Bridget Bardo
The style of nymphs in the makeup for the lips is also called the style of Bridget Bardo
  • "Bow" - emphasizes on the dimple of the upper lip and even sometimes the dimple is drawn on the bottom
Bow lips in makeup - this is a thorough drawing of dimples
Bow lips in makeup - this is a thorough drawing of dimples
  • "Bud" - Ideal for an overly long mouth. Return a little from the corners, place this distance with a pencil and begin to draw the contour from it. Draw the upper lip slightly higher than it is actually
The style of the lip maker is that the corners are not drawn to the end
The style of the lip maker is that the corners are not drawn to the end
  • "Caprice" - It is able to correct such a drawback as lowered corners. To do this, start the drawing from the center of the upper lip, leading the line on top of the natural. Without reaching 0.5 centimeters to the corner, lower the line below the natural circuit, and then lift it and bring it to the end
  • "Chic" - A style that is ideal for an evening exit. It consists in adding the lips of the volume, but at the same time it is necessary to focus on the tops of the upper lip. Ideally, these peaks should turn out a little

Important: Remember that the more you add volume to your lips, the farther from each other you should draw the peaks.

This lip makeup focuses on the tops of the lips
This lip makeup focuses on the tops of the lips

Makeup: the effect of bore lips

This effect is especially suitable for the summer period, when there is usually no desire to apply the fat texture and thick layers.

This makeup is rather light, representing a bright shade in the middle of the lips, which becomes lighter closer to the edges. As a result, the image will turn out to be dim, but noticeable.

You can create such an effect in the following ways:

  • Apply to the lips tonal basewhich coincides with the color of the skin. N and the center of the lipstick lipstick is applied with fingers, and then protruded towards the edges. A small amount of shine is allowed, but only in the center
  • You can play tones by taking two lipsticks. The one that is lighter. Apply first and get your lips with a napkin. After that, you can apply the one that is darker, distributing it in the center
  • The most natural option is applying a balm, and only then lipsticks of the same shade. Thanks to this, the lipstick will become more saturated. A similar option is also useful
  • You can use Tint - this is a tool that cares for the surface of the lips and the light in texture
The effect of bloated lips in makeup
The effect of bloated lips in makeup
In the makeup of the effect of bloated lips, a light shade can be located in the middle
In the makeup of the effect of bloated lips, a light shade can be located in the middle

Lip makeup Embre effect: application technique

Ombre can be used not only for manicure or hair dyeing - it turns out that the lips may also be that decorated in this way. Moreover you can choose exactly what to darken - Center or circuit.

Makeup for lip ombre with darling edges
Makeup for lip ombre with darling edges

The gradient can be softFor which you will need foundation and lipstick. Contrast The option provides for the presence in the arsenal of two lipsticks of different shades.

Makeup for lip ombre with similar shades
Makeup for lip ombre with similar shades
Makeup for lip ombre contrast
Makeup for lip ombre contrast
Makeup for lip ombre natural tones
Makeup for lip ombre natural tones
For ombrea lip makeup, more than two shades can be used
For ombrea lip makeup, more than two shades can be used
Ombre lip makeup will look excellent at celebrations
Ombre lip makeup will look excellent at celebrations
This may be bright makeup for the lip ombre
This may be bright makeup for the lip ombre

Important: if the light shade is located between the dark, the effect of lip enlargement occurs. A similar effect is achieved thanks to a vertical ombre. But the dark tones between the light make the lips visually smaller, but at the same time the whiteness of the teeth is emphasized.

In makeup for the lip ombre, a light shade located between the dark visually increases the lips
In makeup for the lip ombre, a light shade located between the dark visually increases the lips

So for horizontal technology need:

  • Apply balm and powder
  • Design the border with a contour pencil. It is advisable to make sure that the drawn border is not too different from the natural
  • Now you need to apply the dark lipstick, barely touching the lips with it in the place where a bright shade is planned
  • Light lipstick needs to paint the allotted place for this
  • Gently with your fingers should be shaved all lipstick
  • You can apply a little shine
Makeup for lip ombre horizontal
Makeup for lip ombre horizontal

Vertical technique Ombre:

  • First of all, the lips should be moistened
  • Then a light circuit is applied, shared
  • The lips are visually divided into parts. The corners need to be applied with the darkest shades and shave them to the center
  • Now you need to process the center - the lightest lipstick is applied to it and is estimated towards the corners
  • It remains to get your lips with a napkin
Makeup for the lip ombre vertical makes lips more complete
makeup for the lip ombre vertical makes lips more complete

According to statistics, the overwhelming number of men first looks at the woman's lips. Therefore, it is especially important to take care of them and try various makeup techniques-there will probably be something of your own.

It is not necessary to be Angelina Jolie in order to have amazing lips - from any lips you can make an attractive detail of your image.

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  1. Thank you) I will use the advice.

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