Rules for daily care for the newborn. Step -by -step hygienic care

Rules for daily care for the newborn. Step -by -step hygienic care

The article tells about all hygiene procedures that the mother should carry out with the newborn daily. The article contains the most necessary recommendations, compliance with which will ensure a full hygienic child care.

Having returned from the maternity hospital, many young mothers experience a sense of confusion. After all, many many procedures must be carried out daily with the newborn.

Departure in the first days of the life of a newborn

In the early days of the baby’s life, care for him comes down to several mandatory procedures:

  • washing
  • washing
  • cutting nails
  • bathing
  • treatment of umbilical wound

Important: each of the listed procedures, except for cutting nails, should be performed with a newborn daily during the first months of life. The treatment of umbilical wound is required before its healing

Care for newborn

In order to ensure full care for the newborn you will need:

  • bath for bathing
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature
  • cotton wheels or cotton wool
  • cotton buds
  • aspirator
  • children's scissors with stupid tips
  • the solution is diamond green
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • children's cosmetics

Important: this is a list of the most necessary that you must purchase for full care

If desired, you can buy:

  • wet children's napkins
  • disposable absorbent diapers

Cosmetics for newborns

On the shelves of stores and pharmacies there are many different cosmetics for the care of newborn.

You will definitely come in handy in the first month:

  • cream for diapers or powder
  • children's soap
  • moisturizing cream

Important: you don't need a foam for bathing, shampoo in the first month of life. Buy it later, when you already have preferences for manufacturers

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

In the maternity hospital, when the navel has not yet disappeared, the nurse will do processing. At home, you should take care of the umbilical wound until it is completely healing.

The umbilical wound should be processed after evening bathing:

  • we drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton wool
  • we lower the cotton wool in the navel with point movement (the peroxide will begin to hiss a little)
  • we lower the new cotton wool in the green solution
  • когда перекись перестала шипеть, таким же точечным движением ватной палочкой касаемся пупка

IMPORTANT: In no case do not crush, do not twist, do not triple with a stick in the umbilical wound

How to wash a newborn?

It is necessary to wash the newborn daily after morning awakening. Washing includes several procedures:

  • eye washing
  • nose cleansing
  • ear cleaning
  • wash and neck

Important: also look into your child's mouth for the purpose of timely detection thrushwhich can be found in newborn

Eye washing newborns

This is necessary:

  • two cotton disks or piece of cotton wool
  • cool boiled water

Take one disk and moisten it with water. Having squeezed excess water, wipe your eyes along the eyelash growth line. It should be moved from the outer corner of the eye to the internal. Then take the second cotton pad and do the same with the other eye.

How to clean your nose to a newborn?

Very often, such babies form the so -called “crusts” in the nose, which prevent the baby from breathing easily.

Important: for this reason, the condition of the nasal cavity must be monitored constantly and, if necessary, clean it.

For cleaning the nose you will need:

  • rinse for washing
  • vata
  • aspirator
  • pipette

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For cleaning the nose, several types of funds can be used:

  • sodium chloride solution. The product is cheap, consumed economically. Committed harmlessly
  • special drugs for washing the nasal cavity of newborns. The basis of such drugs is most often sea water. Examples of such drugs: Aquamaris, Quicks. They also have a natural composition, but are many times larger than a solution of "sodium chloride"

Important: if you decide to use the “sodium chloride” solution, then drop one drop in each nasal move with a pipette.

If you bought a special tool in a pharmacy, then drop it according to the instructions. Wait a minute. Then you have two ways:

  • the nasal aspirator delete the contents of the nasal cavity
  • twist the cotton turunda. You can do this manually, or you can tightly wrap cotton wool on a match, then remove from the match.
  • Clean your nose with the resulting turunda. The size of the Turunda must match your child’s nose.
  • Put it in the nose of the child and gently scroll one revolution in one direction.
  • Take it out of the nose.
  • The turunda can also be slightly moistened a little with a solution

Care for the ears of newborn

We wipe the outer ear sink with a cotton swab.

IMPORTANT: You can not climb a cotton swab or something else inside the ear

Caring for the neck and face of the newborn

Wipe the neck with a cotton with boiled water with a cotton wool, and then wipe the face with a fresh cotton wool.

Important: wipe each fold on the neck, since it is this part of the body of the newborn that is subject to the occurrence

How to wash a newborn boy?

Taping the boy should be running water in any direction, as it will be more convenient for you. The main thing is that the child’s head and body are securely recorded by your hands. Always control the stream of water with your hand so that the temperature does not change.

How to wash a newborn girl?

Girls are somewhat more difficult to wash, since the mother should adopt the baby so that the water drains from the tummy to the back. It is more convenient to do this as follows: put the child on the inside of the left hand, hold the legs spread out with your palm, control the water with your right hand and wash the child

Important: you cannot allow fecal masses to get into the vagina

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

Several rules of intimate hygiene girls:

  • wash the girl with water at least once a day. And after the chair - each time immediately
  • the soap should be used only after intestinal emptying. In other cases, only water
  • when using soap, do not allow it to enter the inner mucous membrane of the vagina
  • after washing, soak carefully with a children's towel or diaper
  • at least once a week, open the labia in the girl to find the fusion of small or large labia (bluechia) in time
  • after washing, apply a small amount of cream under the diaper or add

Important: all of the listed rules are suitable for an intimate hygiene of the boy

How to cut the nails to a newborn?

Pediatricians in a maternity hospital often do not allow to cut their nails for the first week after the birth of a child. But it happens that in the first days of life, the baby has long nails that can scratch the skin. In this case, put on the handles special mittens - “scratches”.

Important: if the baby does not allow to cut his nails during wakefulness - do it during his sleep

Upon arrival home, look at the baby's nails. If they grew up so much that they can scratch the child’s delicate skin - they should be cut. This procedure is done exclusively with special scissors with stupid tips

IMPORTANT: Twist the nail on your hands, on your feet - cut off exactly

Important: do not hold the baby's hands always dressed in mittens. The skin of the baby should breathe

Care for prematurely newborn

Care for premature newborn is carried out according to general rules. There are only a few exceptions:

  • it is not allowed to bathe a child immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, and then when the doctor permits. Can pass both 2 and 3 weeks
  • bathing a premature child for the first month is necessary in boiled water
  • the water temperature during bathing should be 37-38 degrees. When bathing, immerse the child completely into water, except for the head
  • after bathing the child, wrap it in a warm diaper

Important: your main task is not to freeze the child. Always create a warm atmosphere for the baby, so in premature children thermoregulation mechanisms are very weak

Bathing a newborn. Bathing time

Bathing the baby needs to be daily. Prepare everything you need before bathing:

  • pure bath
  • a solution of potassium permanganate
  • thermometer for water
  • bucket for rinsing
  • children's soap
  • children's shampoo
  • towel
  • herbal decoction (if desired and after healing of the umbilical wound)
  • everything you need to process the umbilical wound
  • clean clothes
  • swimming slide (optional)

  • Pick up running water 37 degrees into the bath.
  • Add a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Dip the child on the shoulders.
  • Wipe each fold of the baby with your hand.
  • Twice a week use a small amount of soap.
  • Shampoo to wash your hair for the first month there is no need,
  • after - once a week.
  • The washing field rinse the child with water by a degree less than the one into which the child was lowered initially.
  • Be calm, otherwise your concern will be conveyed to the child.

Important: Finish the procedures when cooling water 2 degrees from the initial temperature

Before healing the umbilical wound of the child, it is worth bathing in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after healing you can add herbal decoctions (chamomile, series)

Important: although weeds have a calming and anti -inflammatory effect, they should not be used more often, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction or dry skin

It is best to bathe a child before feeding at night sleep. After taking the bath, the child will get tired and calm down a little, after which he eats well and lies to sleep

Video: The first bathing is not scary

Developing care and education of a newborn. Games for babies

Until the baby reaches 6 months, it is necessary to carry out charging with him to prevent orthopedic problems:

  • dilute the legs and pens of the child in different directions. Do it slowly and neatly
  • alternately attract your knees to the tummy
  • bend and extend your hands in the elbows

Repeat each exercise 10-15 times.

Important: these are basic exercises. If there are problems in a child, an orthopedist will prescribe the appropriate massage and special exercises

In the first month of life, the baby will not pay attention to various kinds of toy. In the best case, the child will respond to the sound of rattles.

After a month, you can hang a musical carousel with toys over the bed, let the child touch various toys and lure rattles. The child will already begin to follow the eyes of them.

Newborn care tips

  • more often let the child breathe without diaper
  • for washing you can sometimes use wet wipes. It is better to use them only when there is no way to wash with water

Important: do not wash your child only only wet wipes. Even the highest quality napkins have an effect on the child's delicate skin

  • if you use herbal decoctions when bathing, be sure to use after a moisturizer
  • after washing and swimming, carefully wet the skin of the child with a towel or diaper
  • during bathing in the bath, do not make the temperature of the water above 37 degrees, otherwise bathing ceases to be a healing procedure

Important: if your child is not comfortable swimming in cool water or using a hill - do not torment him. Find the most suitable method for your child

Do not neglect the rules for caring for your child. Follow a certain algorithm and be sure that you are doing everything right.

Video: Care for the newborn - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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  1. Baby Moments massage oil
    I want to share my impressions of the massage oil "Baby Moments" Chicco. I like his unobtrusive barely perceptible, but pleasant aroma. Its light consistency, thanks to which it is perfectly absorbed, without leaving fat traces even on clothes. Even the skin of my hands after this oil becomes soft and slightly velvety. It does not cause allergies, since there are no preservatives, fragrances and various dyes in the composition. With Baby Moments oil, massage is easier and more pleasant. Yes, and you can use it from birth. True, there is a small minus in the package itself, for me it would be more convenient for a dispenser bottle. The presented volume is very economical, and is enough for a long time. I can recommend massage oil with confidence!
    Protective talc poker "Baby Moments"
    The Baby Moments Talk left a very pleasant impressions both in composition and in their configuration. The lid of the talc with holes, scrolling it easily open and close, which is very convenient. The composition of the talc includes rice starch, which has an absorbent effect, refreshes and gives velvety to the skin. Talc protects the skin, removes excess moisture, and the child’s skin is under air delicate protection. With this talc, we were not afraid of diaper rash. Magic protection and pleasant weightlessness. And most importantly, the talc-pudder did not roll and did not score the pores.
    CHICCO Cosmetics series
    The sun spray is our family savior on hot summer days. A very convenient bottle, I love products with sprayers. The convenience of application is important to me. The SPF 25 and SPF 50 protection level cope with their tasks with a bang. In the case of the SPF 50 protection level, you can even re -apply after bathing, so for the child I choose it. The texture of the sprays is semi -liquid, not too thick and not too liquid, such a second -hand, I like it. Do not expect instant absorption, 5-10min will pass until completely absorb. After applying the product, the skin even becomes softer, perfectly moisturizes and protects the skin from harmful UV.

  2. good site

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