Placks over friends, classmates, colleagues. How to joke over employees, friends in the room? How to play a trick on classmates. Widespread pranks by April 1 and for every day

Placks over friends, classmates, colleagues. How to joke over employees, friends in the room? How to play a trick on classmates. Widespread pranks by April 1 and for every day

A review of the funniest office, school pranks over friends.

Schoolchildren, office workers often like to make fun of their friends, as well as employees. In this article we will tell you which pranks can be used to play your friends.

How to play a joke over colleagues: pranks for the office

Please note that the option of choosing a joke depends on where you work, learn, and on relations with friends, as well as on their sense of humor. It is best to joke kindly so that a friend does not have a deterioration in health, because of your pranks. Below is a list of pranks over work staff. Ideal for those who work in an office with office equipment. This is a whole storehouse of interesting and unusual pranks in order to play their employees.


  • Pink with the mouse. One of the simplest options. You need to seal the lower hole of the laser mouse using tape or ordinary isolet. Thus, the mouse simply will not respond to touching it. Thus, a friend will be forced to deal with her performance.
  • Another interesting option is to download screenshot of the blue screenand install him on a friend's monitor at his workplace. A friend will be very frightened when he saw a blue screensaver on his screen, especially if he has a report on his nose or there is some kind of deadline that needs to be urgently completed.
  • Another cool option of jokes at the workplace is using Nutella. It is necessary near the basket of your friend or colleague, in which unnecessary paper usually throws up, throw a few lumps of toilet paper lubricated by the Nutella. Your friend’s emotions will have ambiguous.
  • As for office equipment, you can joke with it even more interesting ways. For example, if a friend often uses printer or scanner, on the glass itself, you can draw a funny face. Thus, all copies that your friend will do will turn out with a funny emblem. In this case, your friend will immediately guess what's the matter. But this is not the only option to play friends in the office.
  • You can use the usual kitchen jokesTo which many are used to. There will be no harm to work, but everyone laughs for glory. The easiest and most primitive option is to change a jar of sugar and salt. Thus, a friend instead of sugar, saturate salt in tea.
  • Another option that employees of American offices often use is fun with Ooo. In our country, it is not very common, because Oreo is mainly bought for young children. They are practically not used in offices. But for the prank you can purchase this cookies. You need to disconnect the two halves of the cookies, and fill the inside with ordinary, white toothpaste. You can put the cookies on a plate and treat employees.
  • There is a more "angry" option use of cookies. But for him you will need to prepare in advance. It is necessary to cut the onion with a diameter, such as cookies, that is, small rings. White chocolate is heated in a water bath, and each piece of onions plunges into it. After that, everything is invested between the cookies, preferably hot, when the chocolate has not yet froze. It is necessary that the casements of the cookies are fastened to each other. The effect is very interesting, unusual, a friend will be satisfied.
Office pranks
Office pranks

Pranki over friends around the room

This version of the draw is suitable for those who live in a hostel or together rent an apartment with their friend, living in another city. A great option, since you see each other every day, almost all the time. Ordinary household jokes can be used.

Park options:

  • Usage melted cheese or soap. To do this, you need to purchase a deodorant in advance, exactly the same as your friend, that is, an antiperspirant. Next, it is necessary to extract the middle from there and enter a piece of soap or a melted cheese inside. It is worth putting on a shelf in the bathroom. Now that your friend will gather in the university in the morning or to work, he will use it not deodorant, but with a melted cheese or ordinary soap.
  • Another interesting prank is coating toilet soap with colorless varnish. To do this, it is better to take a new piece of soap, cover it with transparent nail polish. Thus, soap ability will be broken and your friend will not be able to wash his hands normally.
  • Usage fena Suitable if you do not have a friend, but there is a girlfriend. It is suitable if a friend also uses a hairdryer for styling. In this case, a teaspoon of flour falls into the hole from which air for drying comes out. When turning on, all the flour will be on your friend's hair. This is a pretty evil prank, especially if your friend or girlfriend is going to date or is late somewhere. In this case, you will have to re -wash your hair and redo makeup.
  • A fairly cool version of the draw at home is Using household trifles. We recommend using the Nutella, and scatter the toilet paper lubricated in this sweetness around the toilet. Your friend is unlikely to be delighted to see such a bedroom around the toilet.
  • You can also make fun of pouring a friend's perfume In another container. It is worth pouring something unpleasantly smelling, or female perfumes into the original bottle. A friend will be surprised, feeling the aroma not at all the one that he expected.
  • You can also make fun of your girlfriend. Basically, all jokes with girls can be based on using cosmetics or substitution of cosmetics. One of the simplest options is the replacement of gel polish with a regular varnish in the bottle. Also, a great option would be to replace the lamps with burned. What will be surprising with a friend when, when trying to make a manicure, she will find that the lamp does not work. You can also use the substitution of shadows, highlighter or foundation. You can perfectly cope with the task with a toothpaste or a mixture of flour and water. All these mixtures are poured into tubes instead of tinting agents. Thus, your girlfriend instead of a foundation will apply a very strange mass on the face, which will spoil all the makeup.
Pranki over friends
Pranki over friends

How to joke over classmates?

You can make a joke not only over your work staff or household employees, as well as on school friends. We offer several pranks for the school. Since now few people joke over teachers and teachers, we recommend that they joke over their peers. For this, there are a lot of interesting, unusual pranks.
Park options:
  • One option is cleaning the marker. You need a marker cylinder, that is, to the writing part, apply a drop of colorless varnish. Thus he will not write.
  • Another cool option - lubrication of scissors handles with an ordinary bright lip gloss. Thus, your girlfriend will take these scissors, begin to cut something in the work lesson, stain his fingers. You can offer her wet wipes. Just remove all the napkins and fill it with ordinary PVA glue. Thus, when opening the package, an incomprehensible, white slurry will flow. A girlfriend will be very surprised.
  • Another cool option - using flour. This prank is also carried out using markers. Pour flour into the cap and close tightly. Now that your friend opens the marker, wants to use it, a large amount of flour will pour out of it.
  • You can ruin the performance of the marker with the help replacement of the rod. To do this, with the help of tweezers, remove the writing rod, and insert a piece of the eraser in its place, which is the same in color. It is best to use pink for neon colors: orange or salad. Such erasers are sold quite often, just find the color on the shelves in the store. Cut the eraser in the shape of the rod, and enter the core instead of the very writing rod. Now you can make fun of another.
  • Focus with ink. Pour the ink itself out of the ink jar, rinse the bottle thoroughly, and fill it with liquid in color. You can use Coca Evo or some other drink, which in color coincides with ink. Now open the jar and just drink from it. A friend will be very surprised that you are drinking ink.
Pranki for school¸
Pranki for the school

Pranki by April 1

This holiday is a great opportunity to take revenge on last year's jokes. Below the video presents the most interesting options for draws.

Video: draws by April 1

There are a huge number of pranks that will help you make fun of friends. Try to use the kindest and simplest pranks, the implementation of which does not require much time.

Video: Pranki over friends

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