Congratulations on the anniversary of relations for a loved one, friends, parents in your own words: options, text of congratulations

Congratulations on the anniversary of relations for a loved one, friends, parents in your own words: options, text of congratulations

In this article, we will talk about how you can congratulate a loved one on the anniversary of the wedding and how beautiful it is to do it.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship or wedding always want to make memorable and original. In many ways, its beauty depends on what specific words will be uttered. And problems often arise with this, because I want to say so that others understand all your feelings. Our congratulations that are selected specifically for different situations will help you with this.

Congratulations to dad, mom, parents with the anniversary of the relationship: Congratulation texts

Congratulations on the anniversary of parents
Congratulations on the anniversary of parents

Parents are the closest people for every person and congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship for them I want to make special. Each child is carefully prepared for this event and tries to make not only a beautiful gift, but also say warm words. We have collected for you a selection of beautiful congratulations, we suggest that you get acquainted with them.


You are invisible with a thread closely.
Thanks for the fact that you have been together for so many years!
We love you very much and idolize you
And we thank you for love!
For us you are an example, only live for a long time!
Always, as they are now, cherish each other!
Be healthy and rejoice together,
Today you are again - the bride and groom!


My dear parents, relatives!
For so many years you are together, dear.
Family example you are the best for me,
And your cordial connection is durable.
The head of the family, of course, is my favorite daddy,
Serious, strict and unflappable.
But at the same time, you are our good joker,
In short, dad, you are a real man!
Our most beautiful mother
Wonderful, caring, dear.
Will always listen to everyone and help
And our mom is what you want, maybe!
Congratulations on you on the anniversary!
Live together, dear, I wish you.
Let your feelings only grow stronger
So that you always live great.


Mom, dad, with the anniversary!
I wish you a long life
The freshness of the feeling to keep,
All dreams are fulfilled.
I always wish to be together
I love and adore you.
Let happiness from year to year
The eternal companion is going!


Beautiful parents - honor, praise,
How much you gave us warmth,
Love, care, joy, inspiration,
And they had endurance, and patience!
We congratulate you on the anniversary of the wedding,
We wish to love each other further
And happiness always find in communication,
Have all blessings from God!
So that every day to be joyful, happy,
And you are still young, beautiful,
And your house was cozy, a full bowl,
So that your happiness lasts a very long time!


Take care of love, no more expensive than it,
Take care of love like your heart,
So that for many years you live in the world,
Until the end of your days you loved each other.
From the bottom of your heart, parents, I congratulate you
Long years, only happiness I wish you
So that health grows every year going,
And your future was happier every day.
I love and appreciate you, you are an example and support,
Never lose your enthusiasm
Let us celebrate for many more years,
And, of course, we will not miss you!


Native Mommy, Papul is dear!
Today is a solemn holiday.
Let the sky congratulate his blue,
Let the sun give you joy.
You have been walking together for a very long time.
Care, love, respect,
You have saved, in spite of all troubles.
Accept my admiration!
I wish you on the next road
Love and appreciate each other more and more,
Take care always about each other,
One hundred years, and more, live together!


Dear dad with mom,
This day is the happy most
After all, you are together for so many years!
You do not know troubles.
You met each other
A strong family was created
Only bring you closer to the year.
Be happy always!


How many years have you divided together ...
We wish you the same way to go
Together - in love, both in joy and in the world
According to the life of a difficult path.
To thunder in the distance, you will only wave your hand,
And if you suddenly see a barrier,
Then you easily step over it,
Having shown an example to friends and children.
And let's say we, the feelings of the good without melting:
Here she is - a strong, happy family!


A miracle happened on this day,
Our family was born!
Let it be the same -
Strong, friendly forever!
I wish you parents
A lot of happiness and love,
To understand each other,
There were common dreams!


There is no better a couple in the world
Dad, mom - it's you!
Congratulations on the anniversary,
We wish you good from the heart!
Always breathe in unison
And do not copy resentment,
So that the family always blooms,
The best to be.
Health and patience to you
And in the ideas of promotion.
Let love not fade away
And grows and inspires!

Congratulations on the anniversary of your beloved wife: Congratulations text

Congratulations on the anniversary of the wife
Congratulations on the anniversary of the wife

The wife is the closest person for any man, and she is worthy of the best words. Congratulations on the anniversary are not enough just to pronounce, there should still be feelings. And besides, men often have questions about what specifically to tell a woman. Our small selection will help you cope with this.


My invaluable spouse
My angel of unearthly beauty
We can’t live without each other
The scales are balance!
Today is a holiday, this date
Will support loyalty and love
And the anniversary of our wedding
We will celebrate again!
Please forgive if I offended.
I swear that not from evil!
I have not seen the best woman.
You are my muse, you are a star!


Let this joyful date
Will give a lot of happiness to you and me!
Do you remember, we once met?
We were definitely reduced by fate!
You and I have an anniversary today
You are only one for me in the world,
Favorite second half
You are my clear light, dear wife!


Dear, dear,
Beloved wife,
On the anniversary of the wedding
Tell me again: "Yes!"
From you in life
There are no words of others,
I wish one -
Be with you nearby.
I wish only
You smiled at me
To my shoulder
Gently pressed.
On the anniversary of the wedding
I give my love
And again I confess to you
That I love you.


You are my only, and my beloved
The best and best.
On the anniversary, I congratulate you
Only I wish you happiness!
Thank you for being next to me,
Thanks for the fact that love was saved,
Thanks for the clean, well -groomed house
For your affection and good, day after day!


Do you remember my dear
What kind of holiday has come?
You see, I don't forget
I studied all the dates.
My faithful friend
No more beautiful than his wife!
On this day with you to each other
We vowed to be together.
Happy anniversary!
Let the earth color be for us!
Everything we wish,
Let us come true!


You are the most valuable treasure donated by fate.
And I am madly glad that you are with me nearby.
Like a bright sun, you shine day after day.
With you, my soul is burning only with fire.
I overthrow all the mountains and obstacles only.
The only, gentle, I love you so much.
With a great anniversary, beloved wife.
Dear, dear heart, you are given to me by God!


Again, our anniversary with you
How glad I am that you are always with me!
There is only one reason for happiness:
You are only mine, and I am only yours!
I wish us great happiness,
And mutual and eternal love,
To the long road
You and I passed together!


I have one beloved,
Her name is her desired wife.
Wife, I congratulate the anniversary,
And I will be the best husband and a man.
I’ll go to everything so that you are happy,
You stay sincere, funny.
Together we will go through fire and water,
We step over misfortune, adversity.
While we are together - the world will not shake,
I congratulate you, my sun.


On this day I am heaven
Thank you every year
And you, my wife,
Again “I love”, I say.
With the anniversary of our wedding
I congratulate you
I dream about you alone
I am only happy with you.
The best and beloved
Stay forever
So that our love is enough
Not for years, for centuries.


Today is our anniversary,
You are so beautiful and loved,
You are very glad to congratulate you
Let the marvelous garden bloom in the shower!
I wish you solar moments
Pleasant words and compliments,
So that we live all the time together,
After all, you do not need to quarrel at all!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to your beloved guy: Congratulations text

Complete the anniversary of the guy
Complete the anniversary of the guy

Every girl wants to surprise her beloved guy. When you look forward to the holiday, sometimes you forget about congratulations on the anniversary. And this is not at all scary. First of all, you must speak from the heart. Think about what you have inside, and what you want to say so much. In addition, small beautiful verses will melt the heart of any man and he will understand how strong your feelings are.


Today is a holiday, yours and mine,
You remember that gold day
When I and you for the first time
The conversation with each other led?
That conversation was about nothing
We were good together.
It was so light on the soul
We began to meet again.
Days flew by the year,
And everything remained like then
As before, together we are with you
Love is connected by one.
Oh, how beautiful this world is
In which you are, my idol.
In which spring is a whole year,
In which I love you.


With the anniversary of the relationship,
I congratulate you
I wish us patience
Living in the world always with you!
I wish us smiles
And we can’t lose love
And do not make mistakes,
And understand each other!


Today is the day especially happy,
This date cannot be forgotten,
Our relationship has an anniversary,
And I congratulate you on this!
I wish you feels not to fade away
Love in the eyes shone every day,
Caring, understanding and happiness
Through life, they surrounded us in everything!


We have each other now
And this is our life rich.
Love today is the anniversary
Today is a memorable date.
Memories day after day
We have more and more
Not only for everyone their own,
But there are a lot of our common ones.
In them our feelings and dreams,
Hopes, fears and desires.
Now we are together - me and you
One love, one breath.


It doesn't matter how much we are familiar:
Weeks, maybe a year.
And it is important that with you together
We are in love with all centuries.
We managed together together
Love is once to meet.
Now we need these feelings
To develop even more.
And let the years rush outside,
We have time for nothing.
We swore with you forever
Follow each other!


There is a reason for the holiday -
Relations anniversary!
You are together, and it's cool
Your couple is so beautiful!
You hold on to each other
If you quarrel, put up,
May everyone come true
And desires will be fulfilled!


Beautiful date today.
We met on the same day.
And we have a reason today
Mark meetings of the anniversary.
I congratulate the anniversary
I wish you with love with you
I want to be for each other
We are a waybill!


We don't need for happiness
A special reason.
But still today
Our holiday is the anniversary.
Was our meeting
Fate or surprise,
But the heart is grateful
Love with her whim.
Love brought us together,
I caught my Silka.
And every year with you
As a new beginning.


We remember with you with a trepidation
That bright, unusual day for us.
What awaits us ahead - we definitely don't know
But together it’s good now!
That day forever we will remember
After all, we decided to be firmly together.
And the anniversary, as if we are leafing through the book,
After all, they are still in love with each other!


Today is the meeting of our day,
He will always be magical.
Then he flew over us,
Hurrying somewhere, Cupid.
He pierced our hearts with two
With its arrow on the run.
And since then I am only with you
I can live for a long time!

Congratulations on the anniversary of relations to friends: texts of congratulations

Congratulations on the anniversary of friends
Congratulations on the anniversary of friends

We always sincerely rejoice for our friends. Congratulations on the anniversary for them I want to make special and express all the joy of their holiday. Wish them to be together always and under any circumstances, and also tell me what their strong love they have. It will be nice to hear. Do not skimp on a gift, but in general, you can invite all friends or make an interesting video where everyone will congratulate them.

Once you put on rings, said with the aspiration of "yes"
Since then, united forever
In the union, fate is strong for you.
I want to congratulate the anniversary
And the strength of the spirit will wish,
So that you never have to
Guys, you are missing together.
Let the days be worthy, bright,
And the nights are passionate, hot.
Store each other from hearts
With love, trepidation, keys.


Happy wedding, dear, relatives,
Be happy and loved
We wish the ocean of good,
So that life is only in joy to you,
So that you grow those "flowers",
Which, God gave - in love.
So that you do not lose hope,
And every year they flourished.
So that they are always happy
So that love is alive.
To come true your dreams,
To live for a long time - forever you.


On the anniversary of you, friends,
From the heart I congratulate
Live in love and understanding
I wish you to your family.
Happiness to you, patience in your heart,
Protect feelings of tender ones,
And the hearth is hot
You get even more kindly.
Let your dreams turn yours,
There will be joy and comfort
Let the house be a full bowl
Only benefits in life are waiting.


I wish you to live happily
And every moment to enjoy
Love each other,
All goals to achieve together!
Be faithful to your love
Appreciate your relationship!
You are born to each other
And there is no doubt at all!


I wish to live always happily
Let there be peace, prosperity, okay,
Break life leisurely,
Like the most delicious chocolate!
Love, understanding
I wish you all my heart,
After all, the main task is in marriage -
This is a happy family!


On the anniversary, bright day,
It's good that you are together!
Congratulations, friends,
You are spouses at least where.
Hold on your hand tightly,
You are not afraid of anything:
All the hardships are not afraid of you
If only to be in the house.
You get rid of, not to lose heart
And do not get angry, do not be angry.
We wish you with the soul
Just know the good.
Be a stone wall
You are always for each other.
Be happy, healthy
And they are loved forever.


My friends are the best
On the anniversary of the wedding!
And let the happy future
It is only waiting for you in the genre: the highest class!
Let love be limitless
Consent and the world reigns,
The family is good, decent house,
And the light of good is on!
You take care of this miracle
Love is not given to everyone.
And if suddenly everything is bad
Believe me, she will save you!


You take care of that fire in your heart
Who once connected you.
And let the palm warm in the palm of your hand,
And with heat, he parses the soul from his gaze.
I wish you to know less disagreements,
And the storms of the quarrels are quietly avoiding
And do not count the years lived.
Live together always!


From the wedding anniversary,
I congratulate friends
And a beautiful couple
I wish from the heart!
Always love each other
Drive all quarrels,
In the frost, blizzard and blizzard
To warm with love!
There are more kids to you
Happiness in a sweet house,
Every day and night
To be always together!

The wedding anniversary came
I congratulate you on this,
Be happy, friends,
I wish you a huge love.
So that you have always to have coziness,
Harmony and understanding,
So that the children understand you
Give everyone attention at home.
Let the income grow with you,
Dreams come true all yours,
Joy will come forever
It will not be better than you and more beautiful.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship to her beloved husband: texts of congratulations

Congratulations on the anniversary of the beloved
Congratulations on the anniversary of the beloved

Any good wife thinks about what a congratulation on the anniversary. First of all, we recommend that you do a romantic dinner and think about what you will do in the evening. It is equally important to prepare speech. Think about your feelings and talk about them. What do you experience next to this man and why do you like him? You can express feelings in verses, and if you want, just attach them to the gift. The man will definitely appreciate.

Today is our date with you,
And let them fly, run years,
I will not forget how once
Told you at the registry office: "Yes!"
You are more expensive for me,
I am closer and more dear to me,
We have passed with you one hundred paths
And won a hundred victories.
I will always love you
We will go further by hand,
You are my miracle in this life,
My soul, my world, my house.


Today weddings are anniversary,
Another joint year.
My dear, dear man,
Let our happiness not go away.
Beloved husband, I'm very glad
What became half for me.
I want you to be always there,
He loved, appreciated and respected.
And I will become you with support,
I will explore trouble with my hands.
I will not stop loving you,
I’ll go to the end of the earth with you!


My dear, beloved husband,
Today is our anniversary.
And I want to tell you:
You are the best man for me.
I have no relatives of you
And closer in the world of man.
I hope that we note
Someday for half a century.
Success, strength to you, dear,
Health and great luck.
Let love become
Over the years, it is brighter and richer.


My dear, only beloved,
Thank you fate, for the fact that you are with me.
I want to congratulate you on the anniversary
The day you called me a wife.
I so want you to be happy
He was proud of our strong family.
Always be kind and cheerful,
Do not succumb to the meanness of human.
Do not know sadness, disappointments,
Let the faithful friends be nearby.
Health, fulfillment of desires,
And a long life. I love you!


We celebrate today
Our wedding anniversary.
Well, confess, I would not find
You are a sweeter and more beautiful wives.
And the mistress of the quick
You definitely can't find it.
Lucky for you, love
Meet me in the way.
Meanwhile, I admit honestly.
You are alone in my fate.
And I could not find
Husband of the best.


Congratulations on our date -
The date of the wedding, dear!
I sincerely wish
So that you are always like this:
Good, smart, modest, strong,
A gentle, loving family ...
Be healthy! And remember, dear:
I love you very much!


On this day we got married
As if they had fallen in love with
We promised each other
In joy to be in sorrow,
My husband is dear, beloved
Congratulations on the anniversary!
So that we are always together
Again like a groom with a bride,
Feelings to protect
Never betrayed
So that love in the hearts lives,
You and I drove you!


With you, the whole world is filled with light,
You are life, you are happiness and love
Thank you, dear, for all this
I fall in love with you again and again!
I wish the anniversary
They shared with you for many years!
More than a man's beloved and relatives
There is simply no in this world!


Favorite husband, with an anniversary!
You have a handsome man.
I am proud of such a man!
I love you.
Let love accompany
You and I are all in life.
Let it not be faded forever,
Becoming even stronger!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the former: texts of congratulations

Congratulations to the former
Congratulations to the former

Congratulations on the anniversary of the former is a difficult task. Despite everything, it is quite possible to cope with her. You must show that we are glad for this man and you are not at all sorry for the past. You yourself can already be in a relationship or be married, but it is still worth congratulating the former, if you, of course, communicate well.


Let me not be together with you
But we were one family ...
Congratulate you, ex -husband
Today I will decide.
Let the heart sing from love
And in every business will be lucky!
And in your personal life, meet
Rather with the long -awaited happiness!
And all that I did not have time with me
You make up your wife with a new one!
And to become her husband perfect.
I sincerely wish you!

* * *

I congratulate you
My ex -husband is dear
At least for a long time not yours,
Yes, and you are already with the other.
But as before we are friends,
And I am glad to congratulate:
The house, a happy family is the best reward.

* * *

I will say thank you
For the family that I have now,
And which I always value,
And I don’t dare to ask for more.
For the smiles of my children
And your support in everything ...
The ex -husband is better than all friends,
So thank you for living!

* * *

There are probably many
The former hate
And they treat them badly:
They want - they will offend!
Only you are my best friend -
I will not offend
And I will congratulate you out loud
And I will go everywhere!

* * *

Accept congratulations today,
And the wishes of many years
My heart excitement,
On the day of birth.
I wish you all my heart
Happy be, do not lose heart.
We are no longer together - I know
But allow yourself to hug yourself!

* * *

How many years have we friends and I?
- Lots of! - You will answer.
But it’s hard for me to do not do it,
To realize that dreams have not come true ...
But I do not hold offense in my soul,
And therefore on the anniversary,
I'm in a hurry to congratulate so much
Make you the happiness of the moment.

* * *

My dear, I congratulate you
And a lot of happiness, my former, I wish,
To pour the rivers of passion,
And they did not defeat you.
I wish you a beauty-bride
And the mother -in -law is cool in the appendage.
So that the chosen one would cook cool
Did not set fire, did not throw, did not scold,
I would not torment with jealousy and suspicion, but it would be better to feed jam,
Which you ate furtively
Taski from the refrigerator with a spatula.
What else to wish you? Don't know…
Or maybe say that we congratulate
My husband and I are
With great happiness,
Which I found with me.

* * *

Congratulations! Be happy, be
Find your path in life,
I want to wish you inspiration!

* * *

I wish only good
Health, more strength,
So that life gives everything
Whatever you ask.
Let it not be given in the Union
We live this century,
I wish our friendship
To save forever!

* * *

Together connects a lot.
Not a stranger to me.
We lived with you for a long time
There were hardships in us, laughter.
We passed fire and water
But there is no eternal fire
I am glad that having passed the hardships
We are good friends.
Congratulations on the anniversary
And I wish you
Luck came to life,
Joy in your fate.
So that love is eternal
(Not as much as ours)
And friends to you, of course,
Faith, forces in reserve.
Know that I'm always with you
I will support and tell
Connected with you fate with the anniversary, I will repeat!

SMS congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship: texts of congratulations

SMS congratulations
SMS congratulations

On SMS, everyone communicates today. Probably, texts are now perceived even better than any words. Therefore, congratulations on the anniversary can also be done in such a modern format.


Congratulations on our date -
The date of the wedding, dear!
I sincerely wish
So that you are always like this:
Good, smart, modest, strong,
A gentle, loving family ...
Be healthy! And remember, dear:
I love you very much!


With you, the whole world is filled with light,
You are life, you are happiness and love
Thank you, dear, for all this
I fall in love with you again and again!
I wish the anniversary
They shared with you for many years!
More than a man's beloved and relatives
There is simply no in this world!


Favorite husband, with an anniversary!
You have a handsome man.
I am proud of such a man!
I love you.
Let love accompany
You and I are all in life.
Let it not be faded forever,
Becoming even stronger!


On this day we have
The anniversary, dear.
I congratulate you with her,
I hug tightly.
Let us grow happiness,
And love, like a garden, blooms,
We will go through life, holding hands,
Let us bypass the separation.


Today our anniversary -
Wedding day for a calendar.
You are my only man,
I love you alone!
I congratulate you on your wedding day.
Do not frown, dear, never.
I wish our couple
Love and happiness forever!


So many years, but as a moment
These years flew by
Together with you, beloved,
Everyone passed - fire and water.
Whatever happens next
I know while you are near
All obstacles to us on the shoulder
In life you are my reward.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the girl: texts of congratulations

Congratulation to the girl
Congratulation to the girl

Congratulations on the anniversary when you are not yet married - a very interesting question. In any case, girls expect more from men than just congratulations. Despite this, there are many beautiful words that should be said, and do not forget about them. You may decide to make a celebration in the form of a romantic date, but the girl will definitely be pleased to hear poetry from the lips of a beloved man.


My dear, we will celebrate with you today,
Our very first year spent together.
I enjoyed, warmed up, this year, this,
We were duplicated by the rapid love of a whirlpool,
I want to have a lot of years like this,
We lived, not knowing the bitterness of separation, insults, worries,
Our roads crossed great happiness,
Thank you, my beloved, for this year!


Today there is an important reason for the next,
Admit you from your feelings of Nemea,
I'm very glad that you are with me now,
For me, your love is more important in the world.
I used to draw my wisdom from books,
But I should not be a real man without you,
And in this happiest and bright moment,
Let you, beloved, congratulate you on our anniversary.


I spent a year with you as if on a volcano,
You burn me with your eyes and with your hands,
As soon as I come to you, beloved, closer,
My heart, as if the tongues of flame lick.
You know me better than anyone else,
And always without words you understand,
I, dear, congratulations on our anniversary,
You are my fate - I know that for sure!


On this day, when we met with you,
And today, I will tell you in my soul without melting,
This year rushed, one week of unearthly,
And at this hour I hasten to congratulate you!
I cannot, before you, hide my excitement,
And for the hundredth time I will tell you what I love
And I am grateful to you for every moment
For every look, smile, tenderness, I thank you!


Exactly a year has passed, as we are with you,
With you alone, so alluring and beautiful.
With you, I'm going dear alone,
With you, one has become truly happy!
In my soul a year ago, nightingales sang,
After all, in my life your love has appeared,
And now my heart, like a candle, melts from love,
How happy I am, I didn’t even dream of this!


Today, a special hour has come for us for you and
Today the moon and stars are shining for us,
Our cherished dreams came true today,
I am with you, with me, you are next to me.
Today is the year, as we met with you,
Today is a year, as we have admitted to each other in love,
Today the glorious holiday of our hearts,
After all, exactly a year ago, we put an end to loneliness!


A year flew like a fabulous dream,
Know, dear, I am in love with you on the first day,
I admire you as first dates,
Every time I kiss the first one with you.
And today, accept congratulations from me and a bouquet,
And this festive and delicious lunch,
Let you, dear, I will hug and kiss,
And I’ll say that I get high from you every day!


Behind the window the sun shines especially brightly,
And today I came to you with a gift,
After all, we have the first anniversary today,
And I am your most important man in life.
Let's spend this day together, we will spend together,
Whatever we drink and go for a walk together,
We will hold hands gently and reverently,
And in the park on the bench to kiss you.


Dear, today is a special day for us,
And I want us to remember this hour,
After all, exactly a year ago we found each other,
And the unearthly love finally found.
I want to congratulate you on this today,
I adore you, dear, I'm not joking.
Let's celebrate our holiday with a bottle of wine,
And know, more expensive than anyone in the world, only you are alone.


Congratulations from friends today we get,
And of course we also congratulate each other, too,
Today a very happy day has come,
After all, exactly a year ago, I fell in love with you.
You take a gift from me and these flowers,
And know that you are more beautiful in the world,
And let them go side by side with us crazy years,
I will love you, as on the first day - always!


Today you are shining like a goddess from sleep,
So beautiful, only you are alone in the world,
Only you are more charming all women for me,
Only these songs sound about you in my heart.
I congratulate you on our first anniversary,
I promise to be the best man for you,
I promise loyalty, care and care,
And the daily hearts of my work in love!


A year ago we did not even know each other,
A year ago we did not live, but so, we existed
A year ago I suffered, without your love,
A year ago we were completely alone.
But now for us the world has become as if others,
We fell in love, and now we live this feeling alone,
You and I have now become one,
You are the brightest, tender, smart, brave!


I can't say what the heart speaks anymore
It is because of love for you, now he is boiling,
The soul burns with a intolera, blood is burning,
My love gave me the second life.
Thanks dear, for the sincerity of your feelings,
Thank you, I admire you and are proud,
Take these congratulations from me today,
You cause me feelings of happiness and tenderness!


We are two halves of the whole
We can no longer without each other,
A year, as if a moment flew by,
How fate and you and I brought you.
Today is the holiday of our meeting,
There will be a romantic dinner and candles,
There will be kisses and flowers,
And the most tender words of the soul.


You and I are already familiar with you
Our feelings are seriously tested,
And today we are for such a triumph,
We wish each other the real dreams.
Let you be lucky, your beloved always,
May fate generously give you,
I wish everything that is conceived to come true
And I had a chance to live in your arms all my life.


Every moment is wonderful with you,
The year of our meetings is like a song,
I am so cozy and easy with you,
With you is simple and good.
In our little anniversary I wish you happiness
Let go past everything badly,
May my love be a talisman for you,
Let your dream come true.


You are my second half
I know for sure, you are my fate
The year of our relationship flew instantly,
I just can’t imagine life without you.
On a wonderful holiday, I congratulate you,
Let the continuation of the relationship last life,
I'm flying with you with happiness
I want to live with you all my life.


Exactly a year has passed, as we and I together,
The groom and the bride were attached to us with the status,
You are tender, affectionate and dear,
The most beautiful and most beloved.
Today we will celebrate a personal holiday,
May everything be fine in our life
You are the sun, you are my ideal,
I will do everything so that every day he becomes happy.


I'm so glad that you are in my life,
You are a royal fate,
Exactly a year, as I met you,
And I still melt in your eyes vast.
I hasten you to congratulate you,
I'm with our personal triumph,
May love only rules our life,
Let happiness be pouring in shed rain.


Our relationship is exactly a year,
I value your faith and devotion,
I am sure that everything with you and me, baby, will work out,
I love you more than life.
Today our relationship is a year, congratulations,
I wish you all the best, dear,
Let the dream always smile at you
Let fate reward you in full.

Congratulations on the first anniversary of the relationship: texts of congratulations

The first anniversary
The first anniversary

When the family is one year old, we can talk about the passage of the first stage. Now the spouses understand that marital life is much more complicated than simple relationships, and one must always respect the spouse. I always want this holiday to be remembered best and the family is responsible for the organization responsibly. Someone arranges a noisy party or even holds a second wedding, but someone is more interesting together. We suggest you make a congratulation on the anniversary.

So many bright days have passed
Feelings and smiles are beautiful.
I want to hug you soon
After all, we are the halves!
We are with you for a whole year
Love is cherished every day
And soon the nest of the owl,
Where is our feeling unforgettable.
Thank you for everything:
For passion, for tenderness, for dreams.
I love you all stronger!
All my efforts are for you ...


We have been with you for a whole year,
As before feelings, a whirlpool reigns,
We give each other love and warmth,
Let's save, increase it!
Together we will build a house and a family!
So I love your tenderness ...
Let it be over the edge of happiness,
I will love you forever - you know!


We are together a year, and everything is fine with us.
We will not look ahead
After all, I have you, and everything is clear to me,
That this happiness will not take away.
What will happen next? And love will be.
And evenings, and days, and nights - every hour.
We feel good, they don’t judge the happy.
I love you, now all life is for us.


Today we have an anniversary.
Congratulations to you, my second half.
I promise to love indefinitely
I am only saturated with tenderness.
Let the years go further
But we will never be separated.
But what awaits us next?
Love will take everything into his own hands.


What, a whole year has passed? Wow!
All this year we are together
They lived a lot of things
And not tired, honestly!
We strengthened our union
And they recognized secrets
Big love learned the taste -
We are not together!
Every day with you is more valuable with you
Than the years of the former life.
The reason for my joy is
That year is impeccable!


Today is a holiday, how much happiness!
A gentle evening is already waiting for us ...
Recently started dating -
And so rushed for a year!
And this year gave us joy
We became closer and relatives.
What a sweetness is this
That you and I have so many days!


My love, with you for a whole year
We are happy and it is so beautiful!
And how many are waiting for us ahead
Fate brought us down definitely not in vain!
Let our feelings get stronger day after day,
After all, the Lord created us for each other!
I hope we will always be together,
After all, you are my real ideal!


Here the year has passed, as you and I are familiar,
I’ll boldly call him happy!
It became clear to me what I want from life,
And in it I see charm and beauty.
I used to be a passage-field:
With doubts, anxiety inside.
But only with you the soul is at rest,
And how I change for the better - look.


We met somehow suddenly
In a wonderful enchanting moment,
As in hundreds of exciting books,
The moment comes the stage.
A delightful year has passed
And our results are joyful,
One heart and roads, one
And the time of the steam move.
I want to be near and further
In sadness, and in joy too,
You are in an instant for me more expensive,
Without a drop of doubt and falsehood.

Congratulations on the second anniversary of the relationship: texts of congratulations

The second anniversary
The second anniversary

When the family has two years of life behind the family, replenishment is usually expected. Or there is already a child. Now the family begins to experience the first difficulties, because the spouses begin to pay attention to each other with children. If the first year you most likely celebrated together, then the second will probably be not like that. Congratulations on the anniversary must be selected most carefully, because now there are more feelings and they must be correctly expressed.


You and I are honest,
Steel as one family.
After all, for two years together
You yes, you and me.
Happy anniversary!
Let dreams come true!
Let we be next to the age
Me and you, me and you!


For two years of our relationship,
We became closer to each other.
And I say, without any doubt,
I only see you next to me.
No more for me,
No better in this world!
For two years we passed side by side,
With the anniversary of the native to the heart of a man!


Congratulations, my happiness
With two years of love and bad weather,
With our attitude,
With best regards.
Let everything be like clockwork
Romantic, passionate, cool.
Let not leave tenderness,
And only all the best leads.


Two years of our relationship
More beautiful than the kindest fairy tale!
We found love, no doubt
We give each other so much affection,
Love, warmth, smiles, a lot of smiles,
After all, together we are forever!
The reason for the happiness of the unearthly -
You, the closest person!


Remember how I caught your gaze?
Time then suddenly stopped ...
This happened two years ago,
I immediately took and fell in love!
Two years have passed - you can’t believe it!
And how many have already been presented to each other ...
It looks like miracles to a fairy tale
We loved each other so much!


Together we are two years!
Needless to say,
I wish everyone
Also in happiness to live.
We have found each other
In hundreds of people of strangers.
And now we are happiness
Divide into two.


You and I are two years together
This is happiness, this is paradise.
The day we became a couple,
Never forget.
I wish to love
Understood that each other
Not terrible let them be feeling
Cold, rains and blizzards.


Our love train continues its journey,
I know, I can, reach, not to turn.
Two years have passed, and like a moment,
Suma kisses, your reflection.
I see you in dreams sometimes
I'm looking for a look in the crowd, I keep it forever,
Everything is calm, comfortable, warm with you,
Thank you, my love, for everything!


These two years merged
One great moment.
Perhaps this is not enough
But the spool is expensive.
Two of our different lives
We put it in one.
And they met hope
And a new spring.
Love grows and stronger,
And she is not enough for two years.
There is no obstacle for her
And there are no deadlines either.


Together we are so happy for two years,
After all, you and I are native halves!
Know that your lips are sweeter than honey,
And the eyes shine like dew!
I love and enjoy every moment,
You are an angel that is given to heaven,
I’m falling in love with you every day,
Harmony reigns between us!

The anniversary of the relationship 3 years congratulations to the beloved: texts of congratulations

The third anniversary
The third anniversary

The third anniversary is named because the family begins to undergo the first test of strength and now relations become more serious and complex. Despite this, the life path of the family is just beginning and the day of the anniversary would be much more serious. Congratulations on the anniversary are also changing, because the couple has already learned a lot and the relationship gradually begins to change, moving from frivolous to deeper ones. Everyone in a couple feels intimacy and feels a partner. A selection of our congratulations will help make the holiday more pleasant and interesting.


And here they are, 3 years, flew by,
And how much happiness these years brought!
And you and I did not have time to look back,
How they became so close to each other.
And how much we shared with you
Sorrows and ailments for two.
And how much happiness they experienced together,
And we still have a whole life ahead.


3 years is a considerable term,
Life experienced us a little.
To put everything in place,
We note such a wonderful holiday.
3 years of unearthly happiness,
Loveless love and good luck
Hopes, faith, inspiration ...
And understanding, respect.
Everything was: quarrels and anxiety,
Nerves, long roads ...
Separation did not stop us,
Fate connected us with each other.
Your love is warm for the heart,
What is in a cold, the heat gives to warm up.
With you forever, I promise
I love you and love you ...


Together we have been together for three years.
The days are flying imperceptibly.
I will see so many different things
If I look back.
Joys and grief
Explanations, reconciliations.
I will never forget them,
But I will not look back.
We are looking forward to you
There the future is waiting for us!


Three years together - this is our happiness,
We created it for us two!
We are just half, we are two parts
One big, unthinkable love!
May our souls be indivisible,
After all, our hearts are knocking in unison!
We will always be beloved by each other,
After all, there is no love of our end!


Three years - serious term
Not only for love.
But try without love
Live for three years!
And if we managed
To withstand them with you
Then we are for each other for sure
Assigned by fate!


Together for three years already,
And this period is not small.
And even imperceptibly
That time has run.
We are in love with as before
Happy endlessly.
And I live hope
That together we will be forever.
We, as relatives, became
For so many years with you.
They did not stop love,
So destined by fate.
Fire and water passed
And jealousy and disagreement.
Well, now it's time
We will celebrate the engagement!


Three years ago everything happened, and a miracle -
A great love arose between us.
Now without you I will definitely not.
And I will repeat about love to you again.
Together we celebrate our holiday today -
Three years we are a couple, so three times “Hurray”!
With you, I became so happy.
I, believe me, have never been.
And you are my tenderness, you are the reason for life
And only with you will I soon create a family.
You are the most welcome, beloved man
And I just can’t live without you!


Three years with you, hand in hand, together,
Congratulations on you on this!
You are my life, everyone has known this for a long time,
I love you sincerely, gently, with all my heart.
I want to be nearby, see you and hear you
Breathe in one air and touch
Always, constantly and without respite,
And so that you never have to part.


The day is wonderful today
It’s definitely not as always.
Days that we are nearby and happy
Turn into years.
You give me gently for three years
The warmth of his love.
And I ask with gratitude
Then give it to me.


Three years together, three happy years!
Beautiful, bright and filled miracles.
Where every day is like a small gift,
Which people ask for heaven.
And let love with fiery joy,
Lived in feelings, every new hour.
And enthusiastic views are repeated,
And in them a spark of love, over time.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the beloved 4 years: texts of congratulations

Fourth anniversary
Fourth anniversary

Now congratulations on the anniversary are even easier and it can be said in your own words. But usually it is difficult for people to express their feelings in words, because they can be so strong that it is not always possible to choose words. We offer several ideas.


Four years already married,
Live in peace and love,
I wish you happiness in your home
So that your world is invulnerable.
I wish more prosperity
It was always enough for him
Store warmth and tenderness in the soul,
I wish you the best.


With the fourth anniversary
I congratulate the family
Her linked wedding
The people are called.
Life creeps in front of you
Let your feelings strong
Will be like it.
I wish you love to protect you
And to keep loyalty to her,
Holding hands, you life
Live happy.


Together you are 4 years old, you have a wedding - linen,
Silver ahead and even gold.
But it is flabby, and everyone knows this,
He makes a family stronger, having tied the spouses closely!
So let your union be stronger than flax fabric.
Happiness, joy and love always be with you.
Congratulations from the heart, we wish you prosperity.
Let your life bloom like linen, and everything will be smooth in it!


Four years - a considerable term,
The family has order. Congratulations!
Love for you sincere and true,
To be a different example.
Go both - only uphill,
Flax thread - not to break.
More happiness, fewer quarrels to you,
And more often hug tightly!


You have an anniversary today -
Flax wedding to you "came."
We wish you cordially
Love for many years!
4 years - short term,
But for the family - the most important thing,
After all, he checked your feelings
And feelings like "nothing."
We wish you family strong:
Without quarrels, and fights, and tears, let
Your days are like a honeymoon
They pass, the life will be sweet.


Flax wedding noting
Fighting love with smiles,
We sincerely congratulate you
Let everything you want so
It will turn soon, and happiness
On the wings of joy will rush,
The fun will be knocking on you,
Sadness - forever dissolve!
Quarrels will not be familiar to you,
But only wonderful moments,
After all, together - you will turn the mountains,
Great mood!


You have been together for four years
So you are with a linked wedding!
A good reason to wish you
In the apartment - sunny weather,
Warmth and peace - in a relationship,
In the pocket - eternal prosperity,
In business - good luck and order,
And wise, correct decisions.


Flaxing wedding and four years
Go side by side in your hand,
Walk confidently and boldly
And with the load of experience, no longer light!
But still, love sparkles in the eyes,
And relationships - you will not find warmer,
And spring spring, birds chirp,
And frosts, storms, rain are not afraid!
So let such a joy last long,
And life will be beautiful and good,
And family life is striving for harmony,
And to loved ones gives a lot of heat!


Four years together - an incentive
It is much longer to be together.
We easily wish and beautifully
In life to implement your boards!
Flax wedding - achievement,
And in it love is your main prize.
Fate will give a surprise.
Patience to you unearthly!
And keep happiness in marriage.
Wealth, money-a lot.
Dreaming, hoping, love!


Yes, you are together for four years ...
How years they are still flying.
And on this day, so cheerful,
I want to wish you, friends:
So that they were together for a very long time
So that there is no quarrel between you,
Friends to be collected in the house
You are a mental conversation.
So that life resembles a fairy tale
Yes, with miracles every day.
So that life does not live in vain,
Your house has filled the laughter of children.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the relationship 5 years: texts of congratulations

Fifth anniversary
Fifth anniversary

It is beautiful to congratulate a loved one is directly the duty of everyone, and even more so on such a bright day. Congratulations on the anniversary are always nice to say in your own words, and if you add a beautiful verse, even more so. It is also important to organize a holiday and approach the gift with attentiveness, but you already know for sure that your second half loves. An original welcome gift and a beautiful verse will help make the day even more beautiful.


For five years we are together!
And in grief, and in joy nearby.
As yesterday, I remember our meeting,
We fell in love at first sight.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I admit that I love madly.
We have lived happily for five years,
I can no longer without you!


Today is like a common day.
Let for someone not for us,
After all, so five years ago we personally
We met you and now
Store a spark closer to the heart,
What gave the course of the fire of love.
And sacredly believe, only happiness
It awaits us ahead.


Five years with you, as if in a fairy tale,
After all, we created our happiness!
I like to give you affection
Caring, tenderness, sea of \u200b\u200bpassion!
My love for you is strong
After all, you are my world, my planet!
May our life be full
Good, warmth, smiles, light!


I am more expensive for you
In the whole world, there is no.
Together and I and I
Five happy years.
Let the blizzard spin
Or frying heat,
Still happy
We will be with you.
The other day is better
Gathered in years.
May we not regret
Let the spark go out
In your eyes.
And let the fate turn out
Exactly as in dreams.


Congratulations, my love, my joy.
Let our life be in sweetness.
We note the fifth anniversary of the relationship.
We continue the series of fortifications.
It’s good with you in the rain and heat.
I'll run anywhere.
I will erase the boundaries of my heart.
There is no getting away from you.


You have a reason for joy,
Five years have already boiled love,
And with this important anniversary
The whole world is in a hurry to congratulate you!
Let them flare stronger
All your feelings day after day,
Love is more than the sun warms you
To go through life together!

Five years, five good years
We are together with you
And again he takes the soul,
The memories are beautiful
I feel very good with you!
I was very lucky with you
And I want to say thank you
For love, for sincerity,
It seems to me that happiness covered me with happiness.


This day is very pretty!
He is in our life with you personal
For the first time cool - anniversary.
5 years we have no doubt
What are we with you along the way.
We are together to find happiness
They were able. And joy and love.
We value each other with all our hearts.
Our destinies were connected.
Let the flame not cool in the heart
Not years, even a misfortune.
And we will always be together.


For five years now we have been together,
Our news today.
I gently hug you
I send kisses.
Thank you for your patience,
Love and trust.
You are my loved one
You and I are like an ark.


We spent five years together,
And this is not one day!
And brightly, festively burns
Love between us is a light.
He will be eternal, I believe.
Not to put out him.
And we will be together, you and me,
Happily live for a long time.

Anniversary of relations 7 years of congratulations: texts of congratulations

Seventh anniversary
Seventh anniversary

When people are seven years old, the congratulations on the anniversary still does not lose its relevance. Think about what beautiful words you can say, and our poems will make the congratulation more original. For example, write a note and put it in a bouquet of flowers or attach a postcard to a gift. You can pronounce them out loud, it will sound even more pleasant. If you are very far from each other, then you can write SMS.


Seven years with you, like with a man
I lived in a continuous paradise!
Today is our anniversary
And I want to wish one thing:
Do not part with you
Dreams to share in half.
Admire one sunset
Do everything not for yourself, but to us!

* * *

My man, already 7 years old
There is no more beautiful with you life!
I wish you on our anniversary
Health, my man!

* * *

I really cherish you
You are already beloved by me for 7 years ...
I forgive everything and do not judge,
I appreciate more than appreciated ...
I want to always
We remained in this world.
Let our years fly
You also gave me wings!

* * *

Beloved, on our anniversary
I will say that it is very important:
I appreciate you for every contribution,
Who strengthened our marriage!

* * *

Man, you are 7 years old already
In a serious relationship
I want to wish you
Do not recognize quarrels and thunderstorms in them.

* * *

You celebrate today
Relations anniversary -
That for 7 years dawn you meet
Next to better half!
That's why we are a guy
From the heart of love we wish,
So that in another seven years
It was stronger than everyone!
Woman, beloved, girl
You are my muse, nymph, story
And my inspiration!
We have been living with you for seven years
And the heart sings from love!
Such a woman got
I like a reward from fate.
My unfading joy
Take a message from me!

* * *

Congratulations, my woman
On the anniversary of the solemn!
You are 7 years old as a wife, in a relationship is true!

* * *

I wish you this date
Pamper you excessively.
So that you are very happy
Feel my attention.
Your favorite soul mate
I do not regret anything!
I kiss sponges, neck, back,
I do not see anyone else!

* * *

7 years with you, my beloved,
We divide happiness for two!
I love you not just strong
And just with all your own strength!

* * *

You are a girl of a beautiful man
Already 7 years - a time from you is to take it!
I hug you and wish you peace
For more to forgive, smile to each other,
Support with advice and warmth.
In love as before, with fervor, admit
And enjoy every common day !!!

Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the relationship: texts of congratulations

Tenth anniversary
Tenth anniversary

Congratulations on the anniversary after 10 years of life together become something special. Two people who are relatives can always choose words in order to express their feelings, but you can do it in a special way.


The round date and time is considerable,
But you and I did not become colder.
10 years in joy and understanding,
As if the first remained a date.
We can’t part, I conjure!
And I congratulate you on the anniversary.
Be such a smart, reliable man,
So that I only love it stronger!

* * *

I built a family with you,
I devoted 10 years to her.
Let the best triple
Between us, my man!

* * *

Beloved, so call you
For 10 years there are a hundred reasons.
I want to hug, kiss,
To say that you are one!
And I am grateful to fate
Over our years and children.
I gave my heart to you -
There is no more gift and generously!

* * *

You are my beloved and welcome
All 10 years and constantly!
I became our anniversary
Love stronger than first.

* * *

Guy, you didn't get into a chip
And the marriage for love concluded.
You live 10 years with your wife,
Being her back ...
She is your muse, soul,
It is still good.
And everything is on your ointment.
Bitterly! In the name of love!

* * *

For 10 years of serious relationship
I want you, man, to wish.
More common joyful moments
Test with the precious wife!


Congratulations on you that I have appreciated what I have gained.
You have discovered faith in my senses
I found harmony with you.
The woman is dear and mine,
You and I are a single organism.
On the anniversary of us!
All anchors
I will throw it into our harbor for life!

* * *

My precious half
You are not a woman, but just a picture.
I will idolize you for 10 years
And there is no happier in the world!

* * *

You are the light of my lighthouse
I wear you in my arms
For 10 years, tirelessly.
I will stay forever with you!
My beloved call you proud
I am sure of you already firmly.
And I respect our family,
Let it be big.

* * *

On the 10th anniversary
I kneel down before you.
And like your loving man
I promise to be nearby forever!

* * *

You are so lucky, dear
I don't know a lucky girl.
With a great guy 10 years old
Honey has passed happiness and salt of trouble.
But your tandem defeated everything,
Together they got into things.
Let it be full ahead
Only the good things!

* * *

You have a holiday today - relations for 10 years!
Be like a beautiful girl next to her husband 200 years!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding in your own words, in prose to relatives, loved ones, friends: texts of congratulations

In general, of course, congratulations on the anniversary can be not only in verses. You can congratulate your loved ones in your own words and prose. That is, reading poetic lines, of course, is interesting, but if you say everything is simple and concise, then even they will not be needed. We offer you several options for congratulations that you will definitely like. You can redo each of them and add new words. The main thing is that you can completely express all your feelings.


Today I would like to congratulate you on your family day! Always stay the way you are! We love your family very much, for us it is a role model. Here I look at you and I think that nothing can be separated! I wish that you always have love and understanding in the family, and the children are also pleased and no hardships were terrible!


Our dear mom and dad! On this bright day, I want to wish you so that love in your heart never fades away. May your house always be also comfortable as always. We love to return here again and again. And all your dreams and desires let them come true and all troubles bypass!


For all of us you are an example! You have been walking together and doing it for many years. No life and care of your relationship are terrible, you cope with them in two accounts! And this is fine, because not everyone is capable of this. We appreciate your family, but the main thing is that you yourself do not cease to appreciate it and say “we”, and your marriage lasted many years. Take care of your love and do not let anyone doubt it! Be happy!


My dear! On our day I would like to say a lot of words. For the whole time that we and I have experienced a lot, but despite this - we are still together. We were able to overcome all the difficulties and now she is a great reward for our labors. On the anniversary of our wedding, I would just like to limit myself to simple - I love you, because other words will be unnecessary and they will not be able to convey all the fullness of what I feel. I want you and I have always been together and also continue to cope with any life troubles.


Today is our anniversary with you. My favorite! I want to tell you that I fell in love with you at first sight and never thought even for a second that my choice is wrong. You and I had anything, but we love each other and easily cope with all the difficulties. I would like to wish you to remain the same patient and love me. Well, I will always love you! Happy holiday, dear!


My love! For me you are the standard of beauty, love and fidelity. You never lose heart in the face of difficulties and always support me. With you, I would have been flying. I do not know anyone else who could understand me better than you. You are the best thing that happened to me once in life and I love you!


You and I are not so many years together, but I definitely will not want to part with you, because you are the most expensive that I have! Dear, I wish you to remain as cheerful and attractive on our anniversary. You will always be that beautiful and slightly naive girl for me that I once met. I love you!

Video: with a wedding anniversary

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