Congratulations on September 1. Congratulations on September 1 to students, first -graders, teachers, colleagues, parents in verses and prose

Congratulations on September 1. Congratulations on September 1 to students, first -graders, teachers, colleagues, parents in verses and prose

The article contains congratulations on the Day of Knowledge: for students, renovators, parents, grandparents with grandmothers.

On September 1, for children, this is not only the beginning of the new school year, but also a meeting with friends, new impressions and the opportunity to open riddles and secrets every day with teachers, receive answers to their many questions, or simply learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Congratulations to the first grader for September 1: in verses and prose

Congratulating children on Knowledge Day, adults thereby help them easily enter the school regime and part in the summer. For first -graders, like their parents, on September 1, a new stage begins in life.

Let this exciting and memorable day bring them only joyful emotions, and the solemn line will be remembered by the greeting of teachers for life. The first open lesson of good or peace will set up guys in the right way, because knowledge will help them go through life. In the following sections you will find a variety of wishes for first -graders.

  • Our dear first graders! Today your first school day is the first holiday of knowledge! All of you are so elegant, solemn. Of course, you are worried, entering the new world, both your parents and teachers are worried. All together we have a long way - 11 school years. I hope that this path will be bright, that new friends, good marks, many pleasant, unforgettable minutes are waiting for you ahead
  • At school, you will learn to read and write, master foreign languages, get the necessary knowledge in mathematics, literature, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, but, I want to tell you, this is by no means the main thing. The most important thing that the school can teach you is the ability to think, independently find solutions to complex problems, analyze, the ability to sympathize, empathize. I wish you that the first school year, and behind it all the subsequent, is like one of the chapters of an amazing book full of miracles and new discoveries
Wishes for the first -grader
First -grader - perseverance and success in study, dad with mom - patience

Wishes for first graders for September 1

In this section you will find congratulations to a first -grader on Knowledge Day. The collected wishes are suitable for both parents greeting and congratulations to relatives or friends. Short or long, with humor or serious - choose the wish that your first -grader will like

First -grader, congratulations,
I want to say now:
Great good luck, for learning,
So that he could succeed in everything!

Today will be the first time
When you go to first grade,
And let this call ring
On your most expectant lesson!

We wish you guys
Only five in the diary,
Strength, health and good luck,
The necessary knowledge in the head!

In yellow leaves, all trees,
But about the kindergarten, forget
There will be school moments,
Everyone is waiting for you to first grade!

First time in the first grade
First time in the first grade
For the first time for you, the bell rings,
Calls and beckons on the road new!
Your first lesson will begin now
And the first date with the school!

We want to wish you today
Always strive for the heights of knowledge
And in life never retreat,
And only with pleasure to study!

So you became a first -grader,
The form is new.
May he be a holiday for everyone,
This first school day.

Congratulations to students on September 1: in verses and prose

The traditional line in the school court begins with greeting the director of children and their parents. On this solemn day, students can still enjoy the lack of homework, control or tests.

Wishes to students on September 1
Knowledge Day is a holiday with notebooks, books and flowers

September 1, there will be no full -fledged classes yet. But there will be congratulations and wishes, songs and poems, the first call and a sea of \u200b\u200bautumn colors. After the world lesson, children will be able to have fun at all kinds of entertainment events

What to wish students on the day of knowledge? Look for in this section.

Know, remember everything in the world,
Think over everything and understand everything
For everything in the world to be in the answer -
We celebrate the Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday - it means he needs
And there would be a reason in September ...

Here the yellow sheet will swirl again
Autumn day in the calendar.
When we need mind and knowledge
... and therefore the soul is alive ...
The world will be born, through trials
Stubbornly for wisdom is in a hurry!

Wishes for September 1

The world lesson on September 1 takes place in each class

Congratulations on Knowledge Day!
Oh, the season of tasks has come,
Close questions
Yes control and polls.

You zealously learn everything,
But not in their studies,
Try to be the first to be in everything,
Open reserves in yourself.

Strive for new knowledge,
Rise sharply upward
Jump obstacles,
Get smart very!

Study, study, study again
It’s not too late, not early and everywhere.
And to the knowledge of the new all
We need to strive
Indeed, in knowledge - power, as in a bright star!

And the book will be your best friend,
You strive for a new one without complaints.
Let your head go from luck.
The Day of Knowledge! And now touch the secret.

The first holiday of September
We celebrate all in vain!
This day has come,
He collected everyone for schoolchildren:

To the ruler and the call,
And then to the lesson.
We all need knowledge
After all, they are very important.

I wish you good luck
Everything is easy to solve problems,
All sciences to overcome
And in many ways to succeed.

  • Let the beginning of the school year bring not only the usual pain and suffering, but also the joy of the fact that a wonderful new stage has begun in the life of every student and teacher. And let the “Day of Knowledge” give everyone new knowledge about each other, new acquaintances and a new beginning
  • Congratulations on September 1 to the class teacher (comic)
    Dear (name, patronymic), congratulating you on September 1, we want to wish you patience so that you often forgive us our tricks, optimism, so that you believe in the boundless possibilities of even the inveterate “trigger”, a good mood so that it cannot To spoil our "deuces", more interesting events in life, so that you have no time to call our parents to school. But seriously, we wish you good health, so that you never have to cancel the lessons, exemplary students, so that your labors and knowledge does not disappear in vain, and, of course, the growth of wages so that you never want to leave the school
Wishes for the first of September
Flowers and bows, smiles and laughter - this is how the holiday takes place on September 1

Congratulations to the teacher September 1: in verses and prose

In order to adequately congratulate teachers on the start of the school year, we suggest using the next selection of wishes in prose, and in verses. Inspect the mentors of your children for a creative approach to work. Let the teachers rejoice at the Day of Knowledge and the fact that their work is especially valuable: they teach children to become adults, answer for their words and actions, rely on themselves and on the knowledge gained in the school!

  • Congratulations to the director
    Dear Victor Ivanovich (_ _ _ _)! Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year!
    We sincerely wish you the implementation of all planned plans aimed at the prosperity of our native school!
    Team of teachers of school No.
  • Dear Nadezhda Alekseevna (_ _ _ _)! Accept congratulations from the 1st September! We wish you good health, good mood and success in your hard work!
    Students "" class
  • Congratulations to the class teacher on September 1, with the start of the school year

Dear Nina Ivanovna (_ _ _ _)! Accept sincere congratulations on the beginning of the new school year from your restless “” class! We wish you creative success, great happiness and good health! Stay always as beautiful and cheerful! And we will try not to upset you!
Students "" class

  • Our “The most cool cool” Alexander Vladimirovich (_ _ _ _)!
    We congratulate you on September 1 - Knowledge Day! You are our compass in the country of knowledge! We wish you to always stay as young, funny and witty! And we will try not to let you down!
    Students "" class

Congratulations on September 1 in prose to teachers and teachers

Dear colleagues! Let me sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year! I wish you success in the pedagogical field, good luck in all endeavors, good and smart students! Let your ship float calmly along the waves of stormy school life! Happy swimming!

Let the start of the next school year be successful for you, let the first festive call give you a good mood, peppy mood, inspiration

Wishes from September 1 to teachers
Class design on September 1 gives torment

Dear teachers!

The first day of September is a day of hope and faith. The hopes that this academic year for our children will be successful, and faith in you, teachers. We believe in your professionalism and skill. We know that you love our children and are always ready to help them.

We, parents, wish you patience, pedagogical victories and joys. We promise to support you and help you. Together we will help our children become real people.

Let the wind of knowledge fill the sails of the school frigate, the wind of creativity will be passing, and the wind of hope comes to the rescue as soon as the calm arrives in school life.

May hurricanes and storms of inspections be not terrible, and the ship’s team will be professional, reliable, ready to overcome any difficulties and enjoy the general victories.

We wish you everything, dear,
Good, worthy guys.
May their eyes everywhere big everywhere
They look after you with love

Let the sea of \u200b\u200bflowers meet you,
Let the shower be open
Good for good answers
To help in the misfortune in a hurry,

Let the salary be higher,
Let it be less anxiety
Love and confession crown
Slender of everyday roads.

Here is the first number
School time has come
Then September came - Hurray,
In lessons, children.

Exactly everyone came to eight.
My teacher, you accept
Congratulations on September,
With the first best school day.

First -grader with lush bows
Calls a silver call.
The bell is beating - the school's heart,
Invites us all to the lesson.

Knowledge Day is an annual holiday,
And we are worried, as for the first time.
Happy holiday, native teachers,
May every class meet you with love.
Inspiration to you, talent,
Without obstacles on the way,
What would be interesting
Go to school in the morning!

Congratulations on September 1 to colleagues: in verses and prose

Teachers on the day of knowledge are preparing for daily work, for everyday life, filled with joys, difficulties, sometimes happy moments, and sometimes sad or touching. Congratulate your colleagues-teachers on September 1, and a selection of our wishes will help you with this. Choose words to your liking, and let the significant day become truly happy and joyful for employees of the Knowledge Church!

Being a theoretician is dangerous,
After all, it is better - a practitioner!
Students on the way of the beautiful
Patience to you, tactics.
Their discipline,
Keep qualifications.
Colleagues, Happy Day Knowledge
Ovation sounds in honor of you!

Adorations of glorious students,
So that the motto is your main one: “I am ready for the lesson!”,
So that the children listen and respect you,
To let out the letters, you received bonuses.
We wish you happiness, smiles on the day of knowledge,
So that the children are filled with an old man.
And today, colleagues, you will rest,
After all, calling sounds very proud - "Teacher!"

How nice in a friendly team
Again start the school year.
Let it go positively,
There will be a lot of impressions.
Dear, dear colleagues,
Vigor, health to you and strength,
Creative spirit, mood.
The work of teachers is invaluable!

The guys are unbearable
But we still teach them:
They are no worse than adults ...
Long live our patience!

Long live our luck,
Colleagues! Let each of you
With a bright mood
Today in your beloved class!

Well, the bell rings again,
We diverge into classes!
All life is one big lesson,
To teach children is great.
And on the day of the solemn allowe
Hard to congratulate you,
And wish to be happy
You entered the class every day.

My friends, colleagues! Accept congratulations!
I am choosing the best words
To express your wishes to you,
So that there was a sincere praise!

I wish you success, inspiration,
Good health and success.
Always great mood,
More joy, good luck, laughter.

September 1 Congratulation to parents: in verses and prose

What to say to parents for Knowledge Day? Wish them patience and that the children bring home only good grades. Congratulations for parents in verses and prose in the next selection

On September 1, congratulations are sounded not only for children, but also for adults who carefully perform homework with their childOn September 1, congratulations are sounded not only for children, but also for adults who carefully perform homework with their child

Congratulations to you, dear parents,
With the first class of your kids.
You have grown beautiful children
And at school they will become even smarter.

They will learn to write, count, read,
And to know useful in the lessons.
Let the kids at school really like it
And they will have many friends there.

Today you go to first grade,
And by the hand, worrying, the child holds you.
At school, the first call awaits him today,
The first teacher and the first lesson ...
I wish you and your baby
So that there are all obstacles on the shoulder!
Let the first -grader school be delighted,
And all family dreams easily come true!

You will forgive us for deuces
For absenteeism and jokes
That is a dozen road
Sometimes we go around the school
That we are flying to change
We are not in a hurry to lessons,

If you suddenly run away from the control,
We will not surprise you with this.
For you all our low bow,
God give you a lot of strength,
In negligent lobotyas
You put your soul!

The desired hour has come
Your child is enrolled in first grade,
Dear mommy, accept congratulations,
We wish you patience, and patience again.
Let luck not leave you
Let you be lucky with the first -grader always,
Let the start of study will be solemn,
Let the start of your nerves be September 1.

Came to us on September 1,
It's time to go to school,
Forget, mommy, about rest and sleep,
May you be interested in school news all.
On the day of knowledge, accept congratulations,
We wish, mommy, you can, patience, patience
Let the son’s study go smoothly,
Then you will sleep sweetly.

For parents, Knowledge Day -
Hope Day, Memories,
Day of pleasant expectations,
Very important wishes:
For the children to manage
They didn’t miss anything.
To school so as not to be called,
Less for repairs was handed over.
We wish you patience
Bold plans for embodiment,
Combat mood
And great luck!

Congratulations on September 1, granddaughter and grandson from grandparents

In preparation for the holiday on September 1, grandfathers and grandmothers can take advantage of the following selection of beautiful, original and mental congratulations for grandchildren from modern authors.

Wishes for the grandson for September 1
Grandparents worry on September 1 for grandchildren no less than parents
Congratulations to the granddaughter of Ksyusha
Happy September school first!
It is important to listen to teachers,
And look for friends only true.

Closer should I sit down
There are usually children ahead
Who are tuned to study
They want to know about everything in the world!

Every day is the training - marvelous,
Develops, fascinates ...
Be careful, tortured,
In life, it is easier for those who know.

Katya, granddaughter, congratulations,
And without any doubt
I call her the rule:
Mother Learning - Repetition!

Congratulations to Veronica!
Strive up to the goals of the new,
Ailment of a terrible persecution,
It is better to be healthy at school.

The bell calls the bell in the classroom,
The voice of friendship is clean and a call!
Successful school awaits the success
From boys and girls!

Poems-wishes for the grandson
Let your good angel heaven
Will indicate the right road,
So that there is interesting in life
Love and happiness a lot!

You are one of those who achieve goals,
Again tends to new borders!
Faith in their own strength without losing
You can achieve everything yourself!

Let it become simple, which was complicated
Close - distant dreams,
Even the impossible - possible!
You deserve the best!

Favorite grandson! Always dreams
Opening the treasured heart,
Strive for distant shores,
Trusting his luck!
Let it lead you
To the success of bright and beautiful,
And in the future, only joy awaits
And it will be happy every day!

I wish my beloved grandson
Study, be friends with discipline,
Find yourself a way to like
Grow a real man!

Video: Congratulations on September 1

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