Beliefs and signs of transfer from hand to hand of common products and objects

Beliefs and signs of transfer from hand to hand of common products and objects
This article describes ancient signs and beliefs when it is not necessary to transfer objects and products from hand to hand.
There are so many superstitions in the world, and they are so popular even in our technological time that, it seems, there is not a single person who would not know about signs or beliefs. Almost everyone knows that to prevent the evil eye three times, almost everyone knows. But only units know that there are signs prohibiting conveying certain things from hand to hand.

Beliefs and signs of transfer from hand to hand of common products and objects

To believe or not to believe in certain signs is everyone’s business. However, our grandmothers and great -grandmothers argue that compliance with these prohibitions at least ensure safety, including health. So, what items and products according to the version of our ancestors could not be transferred from hand to hand.

Here are the most common beliefs about the transfer from hand to hand of common objects and products:

Transfer of money

Since ancient times, people avoided transferring funds from hand to hand. At one time, our ancestors believed that:

  • Money incorpers part of the vitality of the one to whom they belong. Therefore, taking a bill or coin from someone's hands, you can adopt someone else's fate along with its troubles and diseases.
  • But even if everything is in order with the energy of a person, it is still not worth taking money from his hands. After all, it is not known what he will think and feel at that moment. In the end, to give money, even if it is a repayment of the debt, nobody likes it.

Previously, in order to avoid negativity, the money was transferred only through some surface and even gender. The one who gave the money was also beneficial for this behavior: it was believed that together with coins and bills, you can accidentally give your luck and wealth.

Our ancestors believed in the following:

  • Witches and sorcerers through money send damage to their enemy.
  • There is a certain logic in this: to enchant the money in such a way that it hurt the one who takes it is the right way to bring damage.
  • After all, no one will refuse and get rid of money.

But folk wisdom came up with how to avoid black witchcraft and at the same time not to stay in fools: to take money from someone’s hands, but from some surface. Cash bills or coins will give her the energy of the person in whose hands they were before, and will become completely safe for the next owner.

Important: If some kind of curse was imposed on the money, then it will dissolve as soon as the bills are laid on some surface. But this surface should be made of natural materials - only wood and other similar natural materials can adopt energy from surrounding objects.

Previously, there was no problem in this: all the furniture in the houses was wooden. In general, a tree in such matters was considered preferable: in former times, they believed that wood has a unique ability to destroy all evil and dark witchcraft. Therefore, to prevent the evil eye, it has long been customary to knock on wood three times.

Now a different situation: we are surrounded by tables, lockers and chests of drawers made of plastic or covered with a thick layer of varnish. Such surfaces are not able to protect against evil, so they should not rely on them.

Interesting: Our ancestors also faced a situation when it was necessary to accept or transfer money, and there were no wooden surfaces nearby. Then people simply threw money on the floor, and this was considered very favorable, since there was a belief that the one who selected money from the floor would necessarily become rich.

But what to do if without a direct transfer of money in any way? In order to avoid negative consequences, take them with your left hand.

Believers about transferring from hand to bread
Believers about transferring from hand to bread

Bread transfer

In general, it is better not to take any food out of the wrong hands, if it is not packed - for hygiene reasons. But there is food that cannot be transmitted under any circumstances:

  • First of all, this applies to bread, which has long occupied a special place. They spoke about him as a living being and called a breadwinner and father.
  • The love, careful attitude of the Slavs towards bread was reflected in numerous folk proverbs and sayings. The main reason for this attitude is that bread was the basis of the diet for our ancestors.

Being relatively cheap and extremely nutritious, it saves from hunger. It is not surprising that a lot of signs and beliefs have formed around him:

  • The process of creating bread itself was shrouded in a halo of mysticism.
  • The cereals from which they made it went deep into the ground - according to the ideas of our ancestors, straight to the country of the dead.
  • At the same time, spikelets rushed high up - into the sky, where angels and deities lived.
  • Even the furnace in which bread was baked was connected with mysticism: the Slavs believed that the mouth of the furnace was the entrance to the other world.
  • Therefore, in Russia there was a belief that the souls of the deceased were very fond of bread - from this there was a custom on the days of commemoration of their ancestors to leave small bread tortillas on graves.

Why is the personal transfer of bread forbidden? You can also damage it through it:

  • If some important guest came to the house, then bread-salt was carried out to him, while the loaf was served on an embroidered towel.
  • All this was dictated primarily by considerations of security: bread symbolized the hospitality of the owners, and the salt and a towel embroidered with special patterns provided them with magical protection.
  • The guest, having accepted bread and salt through a towel, could no longer harm the owners.

Today, few observe the ban on the transfer of bread from hand to hand - this sign was almost forgotten. But the custom is still alive to endure a loaf with salt on a rushnya (for example, in a wedding rite). And now it is clear that this is not just.

Believers about the transfer from hand to hand on onions and garlic
Believers about the transfer from hand to hand on onions and garlic

Transmission of onions, garlic

In former times, it was also impossible to transmit onions. This was due to this believe:

  • Onion is able to cause tears in the one who cuts it.
  • This amazing property led our ancestors to the idea that onions have special magical qualities and is able to protect from any evil.
  • But at the same time, it was believed that since the bow during the cut causes tears, then it should be treated with extremely carefully, otherwise it cannot be avoided by sorrows.

So it was not recommended to transfer the heads of onions, so as not to adopt other people's tears with them. This belief spread to garlic.

Believers about the transfer from hand to hands of sharp objects
Believers about the transfer from hand to hands of sharp objects

The transmission is sharp  items

It is also believed that it is impossible to transmit sharp objects: knives, scissors, axes and especially sickles. They can “cut” friendship and quarrel. For the same reason, it is not recommended to give stitching and cutting objects.

  • This superstition can be given a much simpler explanation: the ban is dictated by elementary security considerations. After all, who knows what is on the mind of the one who hands you a knife?
  • In the end, it is not necessary to suspect someone of criminal intentions in order to refuse to take their other hands a sharp object: with such a transfer, they can be injured by accident.
  • It is much more convenient and safer to take a knife or ax from some surface, and lay these objects on the surface with a handle from you.

In former times, this superstition especially belonged to the sickles:

  • This agricultural gun has always been made very sharp, so it was easier for them to hurt them.
  • Therefore, its transfer or acceptance by hands was considered a sign of bad manners and unkind wishes.
  • The question arises-what if you need to transfer it to someone? Pass the gun through the Earth, stuck the tip into the soil.

All this applied to swords, daggers, axes. But it was believed that only adult men should have observed this superstition. Women and children could not only transfer the weapon from hand to hand, but even touch it. But men could be transferred from hand to hand only if the head of the family sent a son or sons to war - to defend their home.

Believers about the transfer from hand to hand
Believers about the transfer from hand to hand

Ring transmission

Our ancestors believed that a large witchcraft power contains in the rings:

  • They used rings in various magical rituals and fortune -telling, and believed that these jewelry could bring their owners health, wealth and luck.
  • It was also believed that rings were able to divert trouble from their carriers: their shape, circle, since ancient times, was associated with protection against evil.
  • At the same time, special magical properties were believed to be endowed with rings made of gold - solar metal with very strong energy.

Such objects active from a magical point of view always have a dual nature:

  • They perfectly protect against evil and work perfectly as talismans, but at the same time can serve as means to instill damage.
  • But even if there is no spell on the ring, it is still not worth taking it from someone's hands. These jewelry with lightning speed accumulate someone else's energy, so that together with the ring you can inadvertently take all the troubles and sorrows of a stranger.

For a modern person, it would not be entirely true to say that these jewelry cannot be given or taken from someone. But precautions are better to observe:

  • If it is still necessary to transfer or take the ring, then you need to put it on some surface and let it depart.
  • Only after that it can be taken in the hands.
Believers about the transfer from the hands to the hands of amulets
Believers about the transfer from the hands to the hands of amulets

Amulets and witch's objects

Our ancestors never passed and took into their hands different amulets, amulets and stitched or made objects depicting a person. It was forbidden to transfer the clothes of sorcerers and magi, especially their dishes. This is the warning:

  • It was believed that along with the transfer of the subject, one could take witchcraft.
  • Also, the sorcerer could get angry with the person who had his things, and harm him.
  • If it was necessary to transfer such an item, then it was wrapped in any flap and put in the bottom of the bag.

So things can be transferred or given to someone.

Believers about the transfer from hand to arms
Believers about the transfer from hand to arms

Weapon transfer

In ancient Russia there was a special attitude to weapons: daggers, swords, combat axes. Women and children did not have the right to pick up weapons. Even the belief has still been preserved that the mother should not give her son an ax and other cutting objects, otherwise his hands will hurt. Such a sign appeared from the old custom when they chopped hands with an ax with a guilty people. The weapon could only be transferred to the warrior who went to protect their native land.

There used to have many beliefs, many of which have been preserved so far. From that time, various statements have passed to us. For example, before it was impossible to pick up hedgehogs. They were brought from the forest to catch mice, since our ancestors did not hold cats in houses. In order not to take a hedgehog with their hands, they sewed special mittens from corneal fabric. Hence the phrase "keep in the hedgehog mittens."

Video: What things can categorically cannot be transferred from hand to hand!

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