Proverbs of the Russian language about the word. The meaning of the proverbs about the word

Proverbs of the Russian language about the word. The meaning of the proverbs about the word

What do proverbs and sayings teach us? Why in the Russian language there are so many proverbs about the word and how to understand their meaning? About this in our article.

The wealth of native speech lies not only in vocabulary and literacy, but also to understand through the language of culture and moral values \u200b\u200bof the Russian people.

Why do we use proverbs?

The wisdom and experience of people from generation to generation are concluded in simple, at first glance, expressions - proverbs and sayings. It is in them that this or that meaning, explaining the behavior of a person, his thoughts and actions, will accurately and ironically emphasize.

  • Many proverbs of the Russian language are devoted to the word. This suggests that the words from which the speech consists is the main way of communication between people, carrying great power.
  • One single word can save a person or destroy, reconcile people or turn away from each other forever.
  • Proverbs about the word with their expressiveness help us to understand how important it is to carefully treat such energy as human speech.
The proverbs contain the wisdom of generations
The proverbs contain the wisdom of generations

"The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch"

The meaning of this proverb known to everyone can be rephrased as: never return what has been said. It is important to understand that this is not only a well -aimed expression - it contains a lot of life wisdom - it is important to follow his speech, promised - to fulfill, and not to say offensive words to relatives and friends.

  • Before saying something, you need to think at least for a moment. It often happens that with resentment and quarrel, a person, under the influence of irritation and emotions, speaks evil and unfair words. Subsequently, the quarrel will be forgotten, and what was said  - It will remain bitterness in memory.
  • Offective things expressed aloud can forever even alternate the most dear people from each other, as they destroy trusting relationships and the warmth of communication.
  • Another example of careless handling with words is when deliberately or accidentally a person reveals to another secret entrusted to him. One wrong word is enough to destroy the reputation, personal relationships and lose faith in a loved one.
In any situation, you need to be able to control your words
In any situation, you need to be able to control your words

"The word is not an arrow, but more arrows."

This is another proverb that speaks of the great power of the word that cannot be directed to the detriment of people around us.

  • You need to follow your own words even when you are joking. Each person in the soul has special experiences, complexes and fears.
  • Sometimes one careless word can be hit very painfully, especially if other people are present during the conversation. Perhaps a completely harmless phrase can be interpreted in a completely different way.

The saying has a similar meaning "The word is faster than the wind, stronger than a gun" - One in the hearts thrown in the hearts can be morally killed by a person.

In words, you can destroy close relations
In words, you can destroy close relations

"The word is silver, silence is gold."

This proverb contains double meaning.

  • Is not so what you need Hide the truth or cowardly avoid an unpleasant conversation.
  • You just always need to understand in which situation it is better to keep silent, so as not to offend a loved one in your own words.

"Acute language - talent, long language - punishment"

You can also harm yourself with your own word.

  • Each of us sometimes would like to stand out in the company, seem witty and erudite.
  • But before saying something, you need to think about how confident you are in your knowledge. After all, in words you can destroy your own reputation - to seem nearby and talkative.

The words contain an amazing force - to defend the truth and decency,  to lead people, inspire at achievements and victories, and sometimes - show sympathy and human understanding. Therefore, every word said must be deliberate.

Learn to weigh every word said in society
Learn to weigh every word said in society

"From the word salvation and from the word destruction"

Words have an influence not only on the people around us, but also on our lives. Any word is energy that can be directed for good or to the detriment. Words are a certain life attitude that affects the perception of reality.

  • There is not enough time for anything, everything is running
  • This week would soon end
  • Something black strip has begun

We hear such phrases and pronounce daily. And these are not only metaphors - rather a description of the internal state of a person.

Words are an expression and the embodiment of our thoughts and feelings. Therefore, it is important to learn how to build your speech only from positive words, both in relation to yourself and the surrounding people.

Video: How words and thoughts affect our life

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