Proverbs and sayings about love for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about love for children?

Proverbs and sayings about love for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about love for children?

In this article you will find a large selection of proverbs and saying about love.

Proverbs and sayings about love for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Love is what drives a person, what inspires him. This is the most spiritual and most beautiful feeling that can exist honey by people or in the soul. Love is different, but always, it should be sincere and real.

Understand what love is a child, studying, reading and explaining sayings. Russian folk art has many proverbs on this subject.

A saying about love Interpretation of the saying
Where love and advice, there is no grief. The saying says that if you live in good and harmony with each other, then life will be sweet and pleasant.
It is better not to have a heart than not to have love for the people in it. The saying teaches people to love, so as not to be callous, because others do not value and do not accept them.
Who loves himself too much, others do not love him too much. The saying encourages people to get rid of selfishness and love surrounding people more, as it is much more valuable and more beneficial.
With love everywhere there is space, with evil everywhere tightness. The meaning of the saying is that open people are always and everywhere happy, but they try to avoid an embittered and selfish person.
Love, fire and coughing from people cannot be concealed. The point is that a person in love can always be recognized, since he is different from others: “shines”, smiles, and becomes kinder.
To love at least not love, but look more often. The saying implies with the activity of the business that I do not really like. Or "do through force."
Where love is consent, there the yard is red. When people love each other, any business for which they take, comes out well and good.
You see less often - you love more. Meaning: Longing for a loved one only enhances feelings.
Old love is remembered. The saying says that love never dies and always her echoes remain in the heart.
Love is not potatoes - you will not throw out (you will not throw it out) into the window. To get rid of the feeling that once gave happiness and joy is very difficult.
I want - I will love, I want - I will go crazy. The saying personifies the strong will and spirit of a person who is able to have power over his emotions and desires.
One soul suffers, the other knows nothing. Simply put, this is “unrequited love”, i.e. When one person loves, and the second does not reciprocate.
He will love - he will buy a fur coat, he will not love - he will obey the last one. The proverb says that a person who has love gains a lot of other positive qualities and vice versa.
Puffed out - fall in love. The saying symbolizes patience and endurance.
You will not be full of love alone. From this proverb, one conclusion can be drawn: to feel enough for a person to be happy - you also need to act.
You will not be forcibly sweet. The saying says that forcibly force a person to do something and get a good result is simply impossible.
He who did not love was not young. Love is often associated with youth and the best feelings that a person can only survive.
Nothing warms the blood like love. It is believed that love gives a person strength, inspires and forces acting.
The heart is not a stone. The "stone heart" often characterizes a person as soulless, evil and rude. But in fact, the heart cannot be stone, which means this saying “calms”, convincing that each has kindness.
The crown covers everything. After marriage or marriage, it is believed that a person becomes wiser and prudent.
On a large road, the grass does not grow. Symbolizes frequent use or excessive popularity.
Marry is not to attack, no matter how married it is not to disappear. The proverb says that marriage is a serious decision that every woman should come to thoughts to.
Out of sight, out of mind. The exact interpretation: “forget and not remember”, “delete from life”.
The eye does not see - the soul does not hurt. The saying symbolizes ignorance or not possession of the situation.
There was love without joy, separation will be without sadness. If the couple had “played” feelings, they will not be very sad when parting or “it has come easily - it’s easy to leave” (do not regret it).
It’s hard to love, not to love heavier than that. Without good human feelings, a person stalls and becomes uninteresting.
Love is a ring, but the ring has no end. The marriage symbolizes as eternal love and endless happiness.
Love is stringing. In this case, love is associated with something difficult and what brings pain.
Love - that glass: it will break - it will not grow together. The meaning of sayings: love is easy to find and easy to lose, so it needs to be cherished.
Love and advice, there is no need. The saying speaks of lovers who are happy only from what each other has.
Love makes smart crazy, meek - violent, and indomitable - peaceful. The proverb warns a person that love can transform him, multiplying all his positive qualities.
Smart proverbs for children about love
Smart proverbs for children about love

The best proverbs and sayings about love for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Even the smallest children should join the comprehension of sayings and proverbs. Choose the most understandable and simple lines for them, trying to interpret every word together.

A saying about love Interpretation of the saying
Who loves someone, he is listening. The saying says that a person in love is very often led by one who can be inspired.
You will get serious - you will stop, but you will begin to love and will not find the end. These words convey all the power of such a feeling as love.
The mind is enlightened by truth, the heart warms up with love. Accurate interpretation: a person who knows how to love and loves, embodies all the most positive qualities.
Love for all ages. The saying says that it is never too late to experience such a feeling as love (at any age).
You will force yourself to be afraid, but you can’t love to love. These words confirm that love is a sense of sincere and artificially cannot be caused by it.
Shilla in a bag and love in the heart cannot be concealed. It is believed that love cannot be conceived, no matter how you hide, and it manifests itself in words and actions.
Love well mutually. Only when the feeling is mutual, people are happy.
Love us with black, and everyone will love us red. The proverb teaches people to love everything in a person: both good and bad.
Love is not a fire, but it will light up - you will not extinguish. Another saying warning that love is a very strong feeling that changes a person.
To marry money, what to strangle. Words confirming that you need to choose a person for love not according to his status, but by the "will of the heart."
If the guy was a heifer, to be under his heel. A saying that describes the weakness of a person and his stupidity.
The first guy is in the village, and there is one house in the village. A saying that speaks of excessive pride of man.
Love needs will, and the mind is scope. Those. "mutual love".
Love at home, what you want, and in people - what they give. You cannot demand qualities from a person, you need to love in him everything that is good or bad.
Love your own, remember the strangers. The saying teaches people to help each other, even if there is no self -interest from this.
He loved to joke over Thomas, so loved and above himself. The saying "equates" people to each other.
The wolf also loves the sheep. Even where there is anger and hatred, love can exist.
Likes to lick the cat on top of the cream. The saying characterizes a person who likes to take the best from life.
He loves a cat milk, but a stigma briefly. Simply put: if you want a good result, you should work hard.
Loves POP Damn - and I would have eaten alone. The meaning of words: not everything you want in this world can be obtained.
Love warm - go to the forest for firewood. The meaning is that if you really want to get something very much, you will get it through efforts.
Love warmth - and tolerate smoke. If the heart loves sincerely and disinterestedly, it loves not only good, but also bad sides of a person.
Love is road, not a gift. You do not predict love, it is sudden and unpredictable.
Love cannot buy for money. In this case, love is equated with the wealth of a person who is much more expensive than money.
Love does not look, but sees everything. Thanks to love, a person becomes wiser.
Love is better than enmity. The saying urges people not to quarrel and give each other only good.
Love is not alms: you will not give it to everyone. The saying warns that not everyone may be worthy of such a great feeling as love.
Love is strong. Only sincere, faithful and true love can be long and strong.
Love is stronger than fear. For the sake of a loved one, you can do any actions.
Love is blind. The exact interpretation of the saying: “unpredictable choice” or making decisions without thinking.
Proverbs about love: old, new, Russian folk
Proverbs about love: old, new, Russian folk

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about love: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Not every saying or a proverb should be perceived literally. It is important for each parent to find life examples or comparison for the baby.

A saying about love Interpretation of the saying
The sweetest of all who loves whom. Interpretation: good quarrels.
Where cute, there are eyes, where it hurts, there is a hand. The meaning of the saying: a loved one can hurt or "mistakes by stupidity."
Your gift is not dear to me, your love is. Another saying confirming that true love does not know self -interest.
Only one who is crazy can love madly. The proverb warns a person that he does not do stupid deeds because of strong love.
Who is not loved, they don’t listen to it. A person who does not want to others does not accept a person who does not want.
To whom the heart lies, the eye runs there. A person who is kind and attentive can definitely count on help and support.
Love begins with the eye. It is believed that the eyes of a person cannot lie. They reflect every feeling and every emotion. Therefore, if a person is in love, he immediately becomes kinder and more tender.
I don’t like to love, but I can’t get rid of it. Interpretation: a strong habit.
Whom grandfather loves, and the bones are in his hands. The meaning is this: how much has earned, you will receive so much or "remuneration according to merits."
You like to scold - know how to make peace. It is important to have not only negative, but also positive qualities. For example, have the courage to ask for forgiveness if someone offended someone.
You like to speak - love and listen. You need to take care of others and not extol your person.
You love honey - transfer and bee sting. It cannot be that a person is given in life everything is easy and simple. In order to be happy, you need to work hard.
You love gifts - love and shows. It is important to be attentive and always help those who once helped you.
You like to tear someone else's beard - love and substitute your own. Interpretation of the saying: “recoil” or “get merit”.
I love Serk for custom: at least not lucky, but laughs. The saying says: everyone has the right to love.
I love you, but not like myself. Accurate interpretation: not quite sincere feeling.
Brotherly love is better than stone walls. The meaning of these words is that a good attitude towards each other and understanding is much more beautiful than quarrels and resentments.

Love wins everything.

Love and Lad is not necessary and the treasure.

Love here is compared with great power, which is not given to everyone.
Love da Svara is worse than a fire. In a literal interpretation: reconcosing two warring sides is very difficult.
Love, though flour, but without it boredom. It is impossible to live without love. You need to love someone at least.
Love that the mirror: you break - you will not glue. Lost love is very difficult to return and make it so strong and strong.
Without love, as without the sun, you can’t live. In this case, love is compared with what it is impossible for a person to survive in the world and this is true. Without love, a person loses self -confidence, considers himself unnecessary.
There is no more that love as it dies for each other. It is believed that for the sake of true love, people are ready to commit the most thoughtless, most daring and most stupid acts.
True love does not burn in fire, nor in the water does not sink. Sincere love will pass any trials and will only become stronger.
Proverbs and sayings for children about love
Proverbs and sayings for children about love

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about love for children: a collection with an explanation of meaning

This article contains the most interesting proverbs about love: old, new, popular or long -forgotten.

A saying about love Interpretation of the saying
Love will teach to dance. Everyone was born equal in this world.
In love, women know everything that they did not teach. A good feeling born in the soul of a person unconsciously pushes for good deeds.
Where the harm from, there and dislike. All bad deeds are committed by people without love.
He loves like a dog a stick. The literal meaning: “does not love at all” (if we are talking about beating with a stick) and “loves very much” (if we are talking about playing with a dog).
Loves like a cat Salo. Accurate interpretation: Strong love.

You love honey, love and chill.

You love currants, love and soreness.

You like to ride, love and carry sledges.

You like to visit, love and call for yourself.

Without efforts, you will not get anything good.
You love me, so love my dog. The saying teaches a person to love in a person all his features, even if some of them are not good.
Love and advice - there is light on that. On good feelings and a good attitude, this world is built.
The love of the law does not know, does not think years. Love is not subject to any rules and conditions, it can cover a person at any age.
Love and Small accepts the great. When a person loves, he extols a person. Considering him the best.
Love does not look, but sees everything. A literal interpretation: “heart feels” or good intuition.
Love and wise guy puts in fools. Love often deprives a person of prudence.
Love can be blind - black reads black. For the sake of love, a person can commit rash acts and "not see the boundaries."
You can't close love to the castle. You can’t forbid a person to feel.
Love is not measured in verses. Love does not die at a distance.
Love does not know revenge, and friendship - flattery. In real friendship of people, a good attitude and sympathy brings together, sincerely a desire to help each other. There is no place for hatred in true love, people forgive each other.
Love is not potatoes: you can’t cook in a pot. A literal interpretation: love will not feed or "just just love, you need to do something."
Monks love when they work for them in the field. Accurate interpretation: "its own benefit."
For those who love, and spring in December. A person who is inspired by love may not notice the flaws of his lover.
Where love and kindness, there is beauty. Beauty is not only external qualities, but also internal ones.
I fell in love with how the mouse burst into the box. Accurate interpretation: an unexpected act.
I fell in love with how Sazha slapped into my face. Accurate interpretation: unsuccessful act.
The night is always short in love. Interpretation: with a good person or in work, time quickly runs, and from idleness or with an enemy - you think every second.
All fear is expelled by love. Love gives a person many positive qualities.
Money is a profit, there is nothing to pursue about it, and love is another thing: it needs to be cherished. It is necessary to appreciate the love that a person gives just like that.
Money is dust, clothes too, and love is more expensive. Love is comparable to wealth.

For a lover and one hundred miles are not a distance.

There is no limit to true love.

Accurate interpretation: "Everything is possible if desired."
The most interesting sayings about love that can be given for discussion to children
The most interesting sayings about love that can be given for discussion to children

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about love: a collection with an explanation of meaning

The collection of folk proverbs about love is useful not only for the school, but also in order to develop high moral values \u200b\u200bin your child.

A saying about love Interpretation of the saying
Loves a cat mouse. Accurate interpretation: loves very much.

Love is blind.

Satan will love instead of a clear falcon.

This saying can be understood very literally, it symbolizes true love that arises in people suddenly, regardless of status or other life advantages.
Who likes what, he chokes. Accurate interpretation: everyone will receive according to their merits.
Lovely scolding - only amuse. The quarrel of two lovers is in vain lost time.
With a cute paradise and in a hut. For true love, I have no important money.
For a sweet friend and earring from the ear. For a loved one, he is ready to give the latter.
Where love is, there is an attack. Accurate interpretation: beware of danger.
The loving and fear does not go. The saying describes a person who is ready to do any actions for the sake of a loved one.
Each love has its beginning. Accurate interpretation: nothing happens for no reason.
Love us, but go by. Accurate interpretation: Do not disturb.
Love, know who. The saying isware of a person to be more attentive.
She loved, but did not give anything. These words speak of "barren" and in vain.
You can love, but carefully. The saying warns a person to be careful.
Women's love that the dew is morning: the breeze smelled - and there is no. The saying is literally interpreted as "something frivolous or empty."
If something will fall in love, so the mind will retreat. For love, a person can do many rash acts.
Do not love - grief, but falling in love - double. This saying should be understood as follows: not all love brings good, you can suffer from it.
To kiss your beloved that to revel in honey. Literal interpretation: have fun.
They don't joke with love. The saying teaches a person not to lie or betray.
Other love is like snow: soon melts and turns into dirt. These words symbolize in vain, barren and not sincere love, which gives a person only harm.

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