Proverbs and sayings about envy for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about envy for children?

Proverbs and sayings about envy for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about envy for children?

List of proverbs and sayings about envy with decryption.

Envy is a bad emotion, so you should get rid of it in every way. From early childhood, children need to be instilled that envy is bad and cannot be envied by anyone. We must rejoice at another person who is lucky. It is quite difficult for young children to explain what it is and how to cope with such sensations. Proverbs and sayings will help to do this.

Proverbs and sayings about the envy of preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Many of us know that envy is noted as one of the mortal sins in the Bible. The Book of Moses also says a lot of envy. We can conclude that this is a bad feeling. A number of studies were conducted, according to which scientists came to a certain conclusion and brought out several theories of the origin of envy:

  • Some consider this a consequence of the evolution and development of mankind. Experts believe that with the help of envy, humanity developed and became better. After all, it was thanks to this feeling that the person wanted to improve. For example, there were several hunters in the tribe, and each of them was equal to the best. This happened due to envy. After all, a person sought to be better, to defeat the leader. Therefore, he invented a new weapon, improved it.
  • But many believe that envy is a psychological problem that needs to be dealt with. Such feelings are able to destroy the internal content of a person.


  • There is neither priest nor joy in dashing and envy.This proverb says that such a feeling does not bring anything good, it eats from the inside.
  • You can’t do anything with envy. The expression indicates the futility of this feeling, and that despite the annoyance and inability to rejoice for another person, it is necessary to go forward.
  • The iron iron eats, and the envious of envy dries. The expression indicates that envy acts as water and corrosion for metal. Only a person dies and rot from the inside. Because it is not for nothing that envy is compared with a worm that burns from the inside.
  • The envious eye sees far.The essence of the phrase is that if we envy some person, we see his smallest achievements, even if you pay no attention to them. At the same time, we can not pay any attention to our own, and consider them small.
  • The evil cries with envy, and good with joy. The phrase says that an envious person constantly feels bad, and is in a bad mood. At the same time, a positive person will always be happy for your achievements, support you and will admire.
  • Envy to have is often sigh.Indeed, people who are inherent in this feeling very often sigh, have health problems and do not see their slightest successes, success. They pay attention only to other people's achievements.
  • You can’t feed the eye. The essence of the saying that it is necessary not only to watch and envy a person, but to do something and take some actions in order to achieve success.
  • The envious fed up, and his eyes are hungry. An envious person is always missing something, so he does not see that he has everything in abundance. But he notices the successes, good earnings and improve the financial situation of his colleagues and acquaintances.
  • Those who do not have a voice, he is to sing hunting.Quite often envious people say they can be much better. Often they discuss successful people, their friends and colleagues, while they can’t do anything on their own, but are only engaged in the bones are washed.
Folklore about envy
Folklore about envy

The best proverbs and sayings about the envy of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of meaning

The fact is that envy spoils the mood, and people very interestingly perceive the victories and successes of a friend, employee or colleague. If your work employee achieves great success, an inferiority feeling arises. Your colleague is good, but you feel bad because you are worse. In fact, this is only a subjective perception of reality, which has nothing to do with reality. The fact is that envy only gnaws the person in which she sits. Another person remains absolutely calm, that is, an object in relation to which this negative feeling is directed. Thus, the envious destroys himself.


  • There is nothing to put your eyes to someone else's heap. The expression says that you should not pay attention to the well -being of a neighbor or work colleagues, but to engage in their well -being. Pay more attention to your own work and success.
  • Other people's bread does not allow to sleep. The expression says that a person who envies cannot sleep peacefully. This feeling gnaws at him, and the success and well -being of a neighbor haunts him.
  • The eyes flare up on someone else's good. The essence of the saying is that someone else's always seems more attractive than their own. Therefore, other people's successes are perceived more acutely than their own.
  • No matter how much the dog is enough, but not to be well -fed. The expression suggests that an envious person will always experience this feeling. At the same time, he never rejoices for himself, but is annoying, in relation to other people's successes and achievements.
  • Enjoying eyes do not know shame. The meaning of the saying in constant observation and control of others. Very often envious people do not even hide that they are watching others, experiencing anger and envy.
  • Envious eyes want to eat everything.This suggests that a person always evaluates the successes of other people more than his own.
  • Envying is offensive.The expression indicates that a person who experiences a feeling of envy makes himself worse. Very often fraught with a resentment of a successful work colleague or neighbor.
  • Take envy for other people's belongings. The meaning of the saying in a feeling of not good feelings, in relation to someone else's good, success and material situation.
  • Give your soul will, you want and more.The essence of the saying is that envious people do not see anything around, except themselves and the success of a neighbor. At the same time, experience negative emotions that eat them from the inside.
  • I wanted to sit on two chairs, and found myself on the floor.The essence of the expression is that sometimes envious people seek to acquire what their neighbors have. As a result, they lose money, and the purchased things are not needed at all.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about envy: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Scientists have found that envy destroys the cells of the nervous system, and also contributes to the formation of many diseases. Such feelings adversely affect the digestive tract, constipation, intestinal dysbiosis can be observed. This is due to the psychosomatics and involvement of certain brain centers.


  • Hunned the cat dog life. The expression says that you should not envy. Because everyone has different priorities. What your neighbor has, maybe you absolutely do not need.
  • He envied bald baldness. The essence of the phrase is that sometimes people envy what you should not envy. Because, in fact, it is not necessary at all.
  • You will chase someone else's - you will lose yourThe essence of the saying in the futility of this feeling, and which very often leads to the loss of what the envious person has.
  • Good cries with joy, and evil with envy. Good people can rejoice at the successes of their friends, colleagues and relatives. Envying people, on the contrary, upset the achievements of loved ones.
  • Enviously and a dream is in a heaven.The essence of the expression is that a person who lends itself to this feeling can suffer from insomnia. Because envy violates the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, it may contain malfunctions that can subsequently proceed in the form of insomnia, neurosis.
  • H avidny and your bread is not sweet. The essence of the saying is that a person who is constantly given to this poor feeling does not notice his own successes and achievements. They seem to him insignificant, unlike the successes of their acquaintance, colleagues.
  • Envious eyes are always not full. Envying people are always not enough. And instead of working more and trying, they prefer to eat themselves with this feeling.
  • Envious always dries. The essence of the expression is that a person amenable to such a feeling is constantly restless and inflated. This can cause weight loss, poor sleep and general deterioration in the body.
  • Envious eye sees widely. The bottom line is that envious people always see all the smallest successes and achievements of loved ones, friends, as well as acquaintances. At the same time, they do not notice their own.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about envy for children: a collection with an explanation of meaning

It is necessary to inform the children in every way that envy is not good. If someone is achieving great success, this does not mean that a person is something better. In fact, we see only a picture of some certain events, and from us it is hidden as everything happens in reality. We do not see a person’s movement every minute, so we do not know what works the employee had to be attached in order to achieve a certain success.


  • Envilies take that they do not give us. The essence of the expression is that people, very often doused each other's mud, only because they did not receive something from them.
  • Enviable eyes of an eye stake. The bottom line is that you should not envy, because this can adversely affect not only the health of the envious, but also the person who has achieved success.
  • Envy before us gave birth to usb. The essence of the phrase is that some people are very envious and they may not be calm about the successes of their acquaintances and friends.
  • The envious and chicken of a neighbor seems to be a goose. The essence of the phrase is that the achievements of other people always seem great than their own.
  • Who is envious, he is offended. The essence of the expression is that a person who feels such feelings very often carries an insult.
  • He loved to scream the sparrow that his nightingales were wiped, and he forgot how to brush with envy. The essence of the saying is that an envious person very often belittles the successes and dignity of other people, only because of envy. Because he does not know how to sincerely rejoice at his neighbor's successes.
  • A well -fed wolf is humble than an envious man. The essence of the proverb is that even a wild beast is not as dangerous as an envious person.
  • Envy has a shirt's eyes. The essence of the saying is that a person carefully considers the successes of strangers and they seem very large.
  • What you envy, take care of it yourself. The essence of the saying in the futility of things and the achievements of strangers for a particular person, envious. Because one is good, but the second is bad.
  • Do not envy someone else's happiness.The bottom line is that you should not envy the successes of acquaintances, because you do not know what kind of labor he got this success. Perhaps a person lost more than he acquired.
  • Enviable and their bread. Yes, there is a feeling that gnaws, and does not allow you to live completely throughout the chest. It’s normal to breathe, all their successes seem insignificant compared to the achievements of acquaintances, friends and colleagues.
  • Sleep does not take envious. The meaning of the phrase that envious people are often tormented by insomnia, neurosis and disorders in the work of the nervous system.
  • The envious of the hungry wolf. The essence of the proverb is that a person who feels such feelings is very angry. His revenge is worse than the danger that wild animals represent.
  • Envious himself torments himself. The essence of the saying is that envious people are unhappy. They cannot enjoy their lives, successes. At the same time, they are trying in every possible way to notice the success and failure of their acquaintances and colleagues.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children of envy: a collection with an explanation of meaning

With the help of proverbs, you can help the child overcome envy, explain to him what kind of feeling. Help get rid of him. This will greatly simplify the life of the child, and will also make it much easier.


  • The envious of his two eyes will not regret. This suggests that a person draws attention to all sorts of little things that other people occur. At the same time, he does not notice what is happening in his personal life.
  • The envious dries about when he sees happiness in whom.For an envious person, the happiness of a stranger, worse than his misfortune.
  • The envious fed up, and the eyes are hungry.The essence of the saying is constant disadvantages of wealth, success and money. Because its own cannot be adequately assessed.
  • Envious people die, but envy never.They say that envy is an eternal feeling that will live in people all the time, regardless of their age and generation.
  • Envy has great eyes. The bottom line is that an envious person can significantly exaggerate the successes of acquaintances and make an elephant out of a fly.
  • The hypocrite of praise has a bag, and the envious dick has a pot. The bottom line is that hypocritical people lie a lot, and the envious at the same time burst the envy.
  • Envy and slander live jointly. Often envious people constantly slander and pour mud on people who have achieved success, only because they cannot be happy for them.
  • In the wrong hands of the edge for the rug (Kus for the scrap). Envying people believe that the other is always better than him. Therefore, even a small crumb of bread seems to be a large slam.
  • In the wrong hands, the break is great, but as we get, it will seem small. Often envious people get their own, they are disappointed. Because in other people's hands, everything seems a little differently than it really is.
  • In the hands of the nails with the elbows. Envious people tend to exaggerate the successes of other people. They seem huge to them, even if these are some minor achievements.
  • There is always more fish in someone else's boat. The bottom line is that strangers always seem richer and more successful than an envious person. Because he cannot objectively evaluate his prosperity.
  • In a stranger, more and more it seems better. In fact, what other people have better for us. We are disappointed by receiving what a neighbor or colleague for a work colleague has.
  • In someone else's hand, the baby is great.The wealth of other people always seem more than our own. This is the whole essence of envy.
  • The neighbor does not give sleep: he lives well. Envying people sleep poorly, because their good sleep is hindered by the successes of their neighbors.
  • Look at someone else's stomach and dry.The essence of the expression is that envious people are often served negative emotions, because of this their health may suffer.

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