Proverbs and sayings about the time for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about time for children?

Proverbs and sayings about the time for children of preschool and school age, school, DOW: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of meaning. What are there and how to find proverbs and sayings about time for children?

In the article you will find the most popular and oldest Russian folk sayings about the time with interpretation.

Proverbs and sayings about time for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of meaning

Proverbs - a type of folk art and wisdom that passes from generation to generation. In one line, the sayings can be hidden a lot of meaning, life lessons, conclusions and teachings, which literally instantly make you think and do the right thing in any situation.

Sayings about the time for preschoolers and young children:

Proverb The explanation of the saying
Every vegetable has its own time. For any business, its time comes when it needs to be done.
For many days ahead, a lot and behind. All that you did is already in the past, but what you did not have time - for this there is still a lot of time ahead.
At night, all cats are sulfur. An hour comes when everyone becomes equal.
Time is a judge. In the vice, you can draw conclusions and understand what were wrong.
The color blooms in time. Any planned business should be carried out on your day and hour. Nothing happens spontaneously and just like that.
Time will teach everything. Extensive experience accumulated over the years will reveal you a lot of secrets and teach you a lot.
All for the time being. Sooner or later, and any secret is becoming a universal property or something can remain unchanged only a certain amount of time.
Time will teach what to do. Time is the best teacher who has a large number of lessons and examples can give invaluable experience.
It’s time and time is more expensive than gold. Everything in this world can be bought, except for time and therefore it should be very appreciated.
Every thing is time. For any business, time comes.
Day and night, day away. If you wait a bit, your time will come.
Without a minute, not for a day. Any time is valuable, even a minute can change something.
A week is feeding. For a short period of time, you can do so much that they will praise you or remember for a very long time.
You can’t turn time. Do not live the past time and never repeat again.
Late got up, the day was gone. If you are not in a hurry to do business, it will be in vain.
The morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes in order to make the right decision, you need to wait.
From time to time and teeth wear out. Time does not spare, not objects, nor people.
Think in the inherit, and do it in the morning. Always think about your actions.
Years - that water. Time flies so quickly that you do not have time to notice it.
The moon has risen - the sun is rest. Time to work and time to rest.
The road spoon is for dinner, and there at least under the shop. Each business should be done on time, otherwise then you will regret it.
Good advice is good by the time. Help is important exactly where it is needed: on your day and hour.
After a fight, they don’t wave their fists. If you didn’t have time to do something on time, then do not try to “catch” this moment.
It will change - the flour will be. Time will erase resentment and quarrels, change life for the better.
Not by the day - by the hour. Time flies very quickly and very often you just do not have time to notice it.
Every time has its own songs. Each business has its own certain purpose and should be done on time.
The best sayings and proverbs about time
The best sayings and proverbs about time

The best proverbs and sayings about time for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of meaning

A lot of Russian proverbs are devoted to such a topic as time. Few people know how to appreciate it and use its advantages. Therefore, reading, using and discussion of sayings about time brings assistance, expanding not only a person’s consciousness, but also his possibilities.

A saying about time Interpretation of the saying
Everything will cure time and teach everything. Over time, grievances are leaving, relations and things are being established.
Wait when cancer whistles on the mountain. No need to wait for the matter when it does, you need to act yourself, otherwise you will regret it!
Search yesterday. You can’t repeat everything that has been done for a long time and you won’t turn back.
At one time, the pine is red, the time will pass - the beauty will subside. Each business has its own “star” hour, then no one will need it.
Time of mind gives. Only over time can you gain experience and gain wisdom.
Other days are other dreams. The years and times are changing, the attitude towards people and human values \u200b\u200bare changing.
Feed me when I am hungry. Each important business should be done on time.
Not the hour is dear that it is long, but what is short. Time is not for the fact that there is a lot of it, but for that. What do you manage to do in time.
Three days - not three years. Time flies quickly, it must be appreciated even when it is too little.
Time and stone are hammering. Over time, a solution comes to any problem.
Time goes on - how the bird carries. Sometimes time flies so quickly that you do not have time to notice it.
Time paints, and the timelessness dries. If you do nothing, time will pass and will not give you anything.
Time is the best doctor. Time allows you to overestimate a lot.
Time will teach what to do. The best teacher is an experience that is gained only over time.
Time is not money, you will lose - you won’t find it. Money can be spent and earned, and the lost time is never returning again.
Business before pleasure. There is time for work, but there is for rest - it must be able to distinguish it correctly!
The money is gone - you will also make it; Time is gone - you will not return it. Time not to buy for any money, it is more expensive than it!
Not a person drives, but time. In life, man is managed only by time and no other values.
Time does not wait. Time cannot be suspended or returned, so any business needs to be done on time.
Everything went as it burned with fire. Time passed too quickly.
One is now better than two tomorrow. The matter done on time is more beautiful than any excuses.
In the young, time stretches, the old people are running. In his youth, a person does not value time and lives in vain, and in old age valuable every day
Day for a day does not have to. Hurry every day to do what you planned and not waste time.
Better late than never. If you didn’t have time to do something on time, try to do it later, but do not put it off at all!
Late pike in a frying pan, remember the water. Having lost time, do not try to return it.
The biggest waste is a waste of time. There is nothing more valuable than time, and the biggest waste in life is a waste of time on empty deeds.
You will miss a minute - you will lose an hour. You need to value any time, even if it is not enough. Even in a minute you can do great things.
Do not leave morning work until the evening. Do not put off for later what can be done now.
Time makes money, but you can’t buy time for money. Time is more expensive than money.
You can’t catch up yesterday, but you won’t leave tomorrow. Lossed is difficult to live anew or return, but a person will not go anywhere from what is waiting for him yet to come.
What happened was weaved. All that has passed can no longer be returned.
Time is like a sparrow: you will miss - you will not catch. It is very difficult to control and properly distribute time. You need to value every minute.
Everything is in its term: the time will come, the seed will grow. If you spent a lot of time on work, it will definitely please you with the results.
The fool does not know. A person who is stupid and aimlessly living his life does not value time.
Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. A lot of time has passed.
The week rolled up, did not catch anywhere. Time passed so quickly that they did not have time to notice him.
The most interesting proverbs and sayings about time
The most interesting proverbs and sayings about time

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about time: a collection with an explanation of meaning

People use the most popular proverbs in their speech always and everywhere. They easily and simply entered modern communication, as roads with their value.

A saying about time Interpretation of the saying
Time won - everything is won. If you manage to do everything on time, you will be a successful person.
Do not rush to praise the wolf cub, let my teeth grow in gray. All good business will come in time. You need to have patience and wait.
Teterev all winter one night. Time can fly very quickly if you do nothing.
Time paints, timelessness is aged. Idleness makes a person worse.
Week days are red. Do not miss the opportunity to do something, work and spend time with benefit every day.
In time, laughter is not a sin, but without time and prayer is useless. Each business has its own day and hour.
There is no such day for which there were no nights. Each business carries the result in due time.
The early bird is cleaning the toe, and the late - the eye difting. He who does not lose time is glad and successful. Whoever does not value time will not achieve anything.
Another time, a different burden. Know how to value and properly distribute time. It always flows, it rethinks human values.
From time to time, take everything you can. Try to work as much as possible and do not lose time for empty things.
I waited until he was being cooked, wait until it cools down. It is important to have patience that will give you success.
Who helped in time - he helped twice. Help is always good on the right day and hour.
What happened was weaved. The living day cannot be lived and repeated twice.
What is good for Tuesday, it is not always possible to use on Wednesday. Each work, word, business is good on time, and not earlier or later.
After the rain on Thursday. After a certain amount of time passes.
Hurry people laugh A matter done hastily is not always good.
When the cancer whistles, and the fish will sing. When the time comes, then you can do it.
Seven are not waiting for one. Things should be done on time.
The sun does not wait for us. Work does not wait until a person does it.
After summer, they don’t go to the forest through raspberries. You can’t return the lost time if you didn’t have time to do something-do not expect anything good to get.
Happy hours do not observe. A person who is enthusiastic with something may miss or not notice the time.
What was, it passed and the past is over. You can’t return the time, you can only regret it.
The wise proverbs and sayings about time
The wise proverbs and sayings about time

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about time for children: a collection with an explanation of meaning

There are little -known sayings about time, which also have a great instructive meaning. Knowing such sayings is useful not only to children, but also to adults.

A saying about time Interpretation of the saying
Moscow has been built for centuries. To achieve a good result, you need to try and spend a lot of time on labors.
For future autumn, after eight years. Not very soon.
It takes a lot of time for a sheet of mulberry to turn into silk. To get a good result, you need to spend a lot of time and effort and only then the work will please you.
We do not live - we escort days. Time passes useless.
Do not rush to answer, hurry to listen. Do not waste time, learn and find wisdom.
The haircut girl of braids will not have time to braid. Time will pass very quickly and so that you will not have time to notice.
The promised three years are waiting. If you have patience and wait, then a good result may come after a while.
The time will pass, the other will come. Time always flows, always leads to changes and always changes people.
Take care of the dress, and the honor of a young man. It is necessary to value time, at any age.
Time doctors wounds. How they dry out on the body and heal wounds, so time “treats” people's relations and solves things.
Time does not sleep. Time always goes, it does not stand still.
You cannot hold time with your hands. You need to try not to stop the time, but try to have time to do your job.
You can’t do it all. For each work, for every time there is always its time.
Nothing brings up a person like time. Time teaches a person to live and gain values. Time is an experience that is gained by every person.
Who does not value time, he always has losses. If you do not try to do all things in time, you can live aimlessly and in vain to live your life without succeeding.
Days are not a penny, years are not rubles, you can’t lay them out of your pocket. All that has been done and lived cannot be seen, you can only remember.
Time is not a horse: you will not drive or suspend. Time cannot be adjusted or stopped, it is necessary to properly distribute the work so that everything is in time.
Time has gone - happiness has gone. The lost time compare the lost happiness, since during this time it was possible to survive many wonderful moments. Life is one and time needs to be appreciated!
Time spins like a wheel: missed - behind. The time is comparable to the machine or the wheel, which is spinning and rushing faster than a person. For time you need to have time!
Time does not make the enemy a friend. Time is able to console and reduce emotions, but a person can establish relationships only when he really wants it.
The simplest sayings and proverbs about time
The simplest sayings and proverbs about time

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about time: a collection with an explanation of meaning

It doesn’t matter at all as a saying: big, small, short, old or new, most importantly - it should be instructive!

A saying about time Interpretation of the saying
An hour from an hour is not easier! A difficult time always comes. One trouble is replaced by another.
For God, all days are numbered. A person is given only one life and it needs to live so that there are no regrets.
Eats like a duck for a whole day. He spends time in vain. It spends time idle.
With time, someone cherishes, he does not lie in bed in vain. Lazyans do not value time and do not achieve success.
Strength is in time. Time is not only a value, but also a force that makes a person confident and successful.
Take a fight in time - to half the fight. The case, planned and done on time, will always delight with success and will never fail.
Time smooths everything. Time makes you think about values \u200b\u200band rethink them.
Not a crest scratches his head, but time. Time makes a person think and act, make decisions and strive for the better.
A grain of gold can be found, a bit of time - never. You will always have time to earn money and spend money, but you will not have time to spend time with your family or with benefit, because life is given to a person alone.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Conclusions should only be done when the matter is done.
Time will come - tears wraps. After a year and a lot of time, a person can change his decision and establish relationships, solve the problem.

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