Close -ups of makeup: what is first applied to the face?

Close -ups of makeup: what is first applied to the face?

Step -by -step instructions for applying makeup: in detail with a photo.

Today we will talk about the main secret of all successful makeup - the sequence of makeup. Knowing this sequence, you can create luxurious and persistent make -ups.

Makeup application sequence: purification

The secret of even makeup is always in perfectly purified and nourished skin. But the most important thing is regular cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition of the skin - the key to an ideal even skin tone in everyday life. The sequence of application of makeup cannot be imagined without cleansed skin.

So, if you are applied with makeup, remove it with cotton pads with micellar water. Unlike gels, stumps and cosmetic soaps, micellar water relieves makeup without additional friction and skin stretching. For those who have not yet acquired this tool and is condescendingly joking that the brands were “stumbled” when selling water for gold, look at the composition, with water, the micellar only has a common name. It’s easy to use it:

  • Apply to the discs;
  • Attach the discs to the eyes and lips;
  • Wait a few seconds;
  • Easy to erase well -removable makeup;
  • Another disk of water to wash the foundation from the rest of the face.

Now rinse your face with water and drop it in the hands of gel, foam or other washing. Swell in your palms and then apply a foam mass to the face, neck and neckline. Massage, but do not triple and do not stretch the skin. Wash off with water: if there is further makeup - cold, if items, peels, masks are warm.

Never wash yourself with hot water, it is not useful for the skin.

Facial cleansing is an important point in preparing a face for makeup
Facial cleansing is an important point in preparing a face for makeup

Now is the time to warm your face. Ideal - to go to a bathhouse or sauna, but if there is no such possibility, heat a towel in the oven or microwave and apply hot (but it should not bake) a towel on the face and lie down for 5 minutes.

As soon as the face is warmed up, you can proceed to deep cleansing. Cosmetologists against the belongings for some time, if you still use them, choose with small scrubbing particles.

But it is still better to cleanse the skin with peeling, acid peels are good for deep cleansing. It is important to remember that after scrubbing and peeling for at least 12 hours it is not recommended to go out in the sun, so cosmetologists advise doing these procedures in the evening. After peeling or scrub, wash with warm water.

Before and after the operation of acid peeling (within six months)
Before and after the operation of acid peeling (within six months)

Mask time. Choose by the type of skin and in accordance with your preferences. But remember that they should change regularly and alternate moisturizing, nutritious and lymphatic drainage. For those who use a clay mask, it is worth remembering: be sure to remove it until the mask dries with a crust.

Ideally - as soon as he starts to pull. Remove the mask and wash it with cool water, if your skin is suitable, wipe with ice. Regarding cosmetic ice - separate attention. You can buy ready -made bags with filled liquid in stores, or you can brew them yourself.

Video: How to cook cosmetic ice? Beauty and skin care. Beauty secrets. Tips

At this stage of purification is over, we proceed to the following.

Makeup application sequence: nutrition and moisture

After you get your face from the remnants of cosmetic ice, the time comes to moisturize and nutrition. And this is the first stage in the sequence of makeup.

And the first in this large army is serum. This is a cosmetic product that penetrates deeply into the skin layers and has certain goals. They may vary, depending on the product. But remember - the serum is applied with a thin layer immediately after cleansing.

Moisturizing serum for face
Moisturizing serum for face

Serum can be replaced with an emulsion, or they can be combined. An emulsion is a cosmetic product that contains oil and water mixed into a single whole with emulsifiers. Penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and is an excellent basis for cream and fluids.

As soon as the serum is absorbed - the time to apply the cream (and one of its alternatives). It is important to apply the cream twice a day, morning and evening (night nutrition). Apply with a thin layer, wait until it is absorbed (up to 5 minutes) and remove the remains with a dry cloth (get wet, but do not rub).

If you are the owner of combined, oily or problem skin, and after the cream it is already unrealistic to apply cosmetics (it slides on the skin), consider the fluid option. This is a cosmetic product that is very reminiscent of the cream, but partially consists of water and there are no oils. The texture is light, instantly absorbed and perfectly respecting the skin. But it is only suitable for a day, at night - a nutritious cream is required.

But if the fluids seem heavy (which often happens especially in the summer) - look at the weightless and perfectly absorbing gels. This is an even easier texture, a maximum of moisture (80% of the water) and no weighting structure.

But for dry skin, especially in the winter, oils are recommended that have a denser structure than creams. But the oils are great for nutrition of the skin of the face and for other skin types (look for your skin type on packages).

The assortment of facial oils is amazing!
The assortment of facial oils is amazing!

So, having nourished and moisturizing the skin, we proceed to the next stage.

Makeup application sequence: skin tone

And in the sequence of applying makeup, we reached the point that men call the “ton plaster”, but the correct and consistent application of makeup is the key that the tone of the face will be even, and cosmetics are practically not noticeable.

The first remedy for the skin of the face is a tonic. It is he who paves the finest line between skin care and decorative cosmetics. We apply it along the massage lines with a cotton pad. Let us soak for several minutes.

Next, we apply a primer - a cosmetic product that is responsible for the resistance of makeup, as well as after the primer, other textures are easier and more even. When choosing a primer, read the instructions and select in accordance with your skin type.

Primer - the key to persistent and even makeup
Primer - the key to persistent and even makeup

Important: a separate primer with an appropriate mark is required for the skin around the eyes.

The largest pimples, scars and other defects are treated with the corrector pointwise. Only slightly shade, but still make a smooth transition.

Now we go to the basis of-sites, select for yourself one of the means that interchangeable:

  • BB-cream-moisturizing plus a flat tone, easier texture, in relation to the foundation and ideal for everyday life. For applying dense layers - use a brush of medium stiffness;
  • Mousse is the lightest texture that gives a translucent even tone. Minus - the inability to smooth out irregularities and severe spots;
  • Tonal cream is a dense and rich texture that is a classic and irreplaceable for photo shoots, solemn outputs and special cases.

At this stage, remember about the golden rule - quick, uniform and thorough shading with a brush. Next, we wait a few minutes, while the foundation base is absorbed and perfectly falls on the skin.

The foundation base is perfect with the help of a brush
The foundation base is perfect with the help of a brush

Only now we look, are there any places that require improvement? We pass through them with a concealer. Yes, only after the foundation, although many “nuggets of the Internet” and say about the opposite, but certified experts makeup artists report that the concealer goes beyond the foundation. The concealer can also give light contouring, lightening and shading the necessary areas. But it works on half -tones.

The time of Highlaiter comes after this. Choose a remedy that is a little brighter than your face type. Apply according to the schemes below and do not forget to carefully shade.

Bronze and highlighter application scheme
Bronze and highlighter application scheme

Now go through the bronzer and grow carefully. Remember that the bronzer cannot differ from your skin tone by more than 1-2 tones, otherwise as a result you will get not a slight tan effect, but a funny mask that is ardently discussed on the Internet. In detail about the bronzer in our article.

The next step - apply blush on the apples of cheeks. They should be in harmony with the general style of makeup and give a slight hint of the juiciness of the cheeks, but not be bright spots. The correct application of blush is the same art as working with bronzer. Watch the video lesson how to apply blush depending on the desired purpose.

Video: How to apply blush?

And the final stroke at this stage is powder. It can be dense if you apply it immediately to the cream or mineral translucent, if it is applied to the multilayer texture.

Makeup application sequence: eyebrows

Eyebrow makeup

In the sequence of applying makeup, the eyebrows are between the tone and makeup of the eye. It is difficult and almost impossible to describe correctly drawn eyebrows. The first and basic rule of eyebrow makeup is an ideal form that the master can make.

In makeup, it is enough to draw with powder the inter -blossom space and carefully shade. If you choose naturalness, work out with a transparent gel and fix the eyebrows in a perfectly even position.

Apply a headliner under the line of eyebrows and shave so as to emphasize the freshness and ideal of eyebrow lines.

Video: What to do with terrible bovers?

Makeup application sequence: eyes

Having finished with a tone, we go to the makeup of the eye. Here the sequence of application of makeup is small and we brought it to a small list:

  • Apply a primer on the eyelid, if this was not done earlier when applying the main tone;
  • Apply the main and brightest tonality of shadows;
  • Apply dark shades of shadows, if it is implied in makeup and shade thoroughly;
  • Drawing or pencils to draw arrows;
  • Make eyelash;
  • We add a drip of the headline to the inside of the eye and shade.

Eye makeup is finished.

Slust of applying makeup on the eyes
Slust of applying makeup on the eyes

Makeup application sequence: lips

It would seem that it could be easier than to paint your lips. But here there are nuances. The main rule is the correct sequence of applying makeup to the lips. So, let's start:

  • Remove moisture with a dry cloth;
  • Process the primer and let it dry;
  • Apply the contour with a pencil and shave with a brush;
  • Apply lipstick (or several shades of lipstick so that the lips look more chubby);
  • Apply balm or lip gloss, for additional gloss.

Tell me, why are there so many layers? You can dwell on the primer (which is responsible for the duration of makeup) and lipstick or shine. But if you plan a special event, you can’t do without high -quality lip makeup.

One of the options for the sequence of applying makeup to the lips
One of the options for the sequence of applying makeup to the lips

So, we examined the procedure for applying cosmetics and in conclusion we offer to watch a video lesson how to visually enlarge the lips with cosmetics.

Video: How to enlarge your lips? How to become beautiful?

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