Can you or cucumbers or not eat tomatoes and cucumbers? What products help to be absorbed by tomatoes, cucumbers?

Can you or cucumbers or not eat tomatoes and cucumbers? What products help to be absorbed by tomatoes, cucumbers?

From this article you will find out whether it is possible to eat tomatoes with cucumbers.

We often cut tomatoes in the salad with cucumbers, without thinking - whether it is possible to do this. Will such a salad harm the body? We learn about this in this article.

Is it possible to eat tomatoes with cucumbers?

Nutritionists do not advise eating tomatoes with cucumbers

According to nutritionists, the salad in which tomatoes are combined with cucumbers cannot be eaten.

And that's why:

  • Cucumbers, after entering the body, form an alkaline environment
  • Tomatoes in the body form an acidic environment
  • Having mixed these 2 vegetables together, we get an active mixture in the stomach, with the release of a large amount of salts, and the loss of nutrients of vegetables
  • Salts are deposited in the liver, kidneys and other organs, and then stones form in these organs

The second reason why you can’t eat tomatoes with cucumbers

For normal assimilation of tomatoes and cucumbers, different enzymes are needed:

  • You eat cucumbers and tomatoes together. This mixture enters the stomach. For her there are 1 enzyme, and two vegetables are two. Our body is arranged so that it cannot highlight several different enzymes at once. During this time, another vegetable begins to wander in the intestines, so it often happens that after such a mixed salad, many gases are released.

The third reason why you can’t eat tomatoes with cucumbers

Vitamins contained in tomatoes and cucumbers destroy each other

There are vitamins in tomatoes: A, PP, E, K, D, Group B, but most of all they contain vitamin C. In cucumbers there are vitamins from group B, vitamin C.

It would seem that everything coincides here-both vegetables contain vitamin C, but no: the tomatoes contain vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, in cucumbers-in the form of ascorbine-oxidase-an enzyme that prevents the assimilation of ascorbic acid. These two vitamins destroy each other together. And therefore, if you eat tomatoes with cucumbers, and you think that you have fully provided your body with vitamins today - this is not so.

Note. Cucumbers and tomatoes can’t even grow near the garden: cucumbers love warm weather, moisture in the air and shadow, from frequent watering begin to rot; Tomatoes tolerate the abundance of water well and love to be in the sun.

What products help with tomatoes better to be absorbed?

The tomato salad with greens is useful

In tomatoes, the most useful is the antioxidant of lycopine - The natural pigment of red or orange, prevents heart and vessels, malignant tumors. In tomatoes also contains serotonin, protecting us from depression. Tomato seeds dilute blood - An important property in the tendency of blood to the formation of blood clots.

To make vitamins from tomatoes completely absorbed in the body, they need a fat environment - do not forget to water the tomato salad.

It is better to absorb with tomatoes.:

  • Avocado
  • Broccoli
  • Green salad leaves
  • Onions, green or on
  • Asparagus
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • Dill
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Rugula
  • Eggplant
  • A pineapple
  • Apples
  • Plum
  • Various vegetable oils
  • Soft varieties, such as Feta
  • Sour cream
  • Meat or fish
  • Seafood

The following products interfere with tomatoes:

  • Cucumbers
  • Potato
  • Groups

What products help better to absorb cucumbers?

Cucumbers are better absorbed with green leafy vegetables

Cucumbers have diuretic properties, use them well for urolithiasis. Substances available in cucumbers neutralize excess acid in the body, and do not allow fats to be deposited.

For better assimilation of cucumbers, they need to add such products:

  • Rugula
  • Green salad
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Onion and green onions
  • Radish and radish
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • Spicy greens (dill, cilantro, parsley)
  • Various vegetable oils
  • Hard and soft cheeses, cottage cheese
  • Meat

Cucumbers cannot be combined with the following products:

  • Tomatoes
  • Milk

Attention. If, after taking food, you feel drowsiness, weakness, then all the forces of the body are spent on digestion of non -combined products.

So, now we know that tomatoes and cucumbers cannot be eaten together.

Video: That's why you can’t eat tomatoes and cucumbers in one salad!

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