The benefits of mango, determination of ripeness, contraindications for use. How to clean the mango before use?

The benefits of mango, determination of ripeness, contraindications for use. How to clean the mango before use?

Do you know how useful mangoes and how to clean it before use? Read this in the article.

Mango is a delicious, bright tropical fruit, which after many years has ceased to be rare for most countries. They grow the most delicious varieties mainly in India, in the country in which it appeared for the first time. There are many varieties of mango: Philippine, Indian, Thai. They are the most juicy and the most delicious. They can be purchased in almost every large supermarket and enjoy them all year.

There is an ancient prediction among Indian peoples associated with this fruit. They say that he has sacred properties. On the eve of the New Year, he was suspended at the entrance to the house, to invite good luck and happiness.

The benefits of mangoes

Scientists from Australia have proved that the use of some varieties of mangoes helps to reduce weight. But there is one important point that you should adhere to - it must be eaten with a peel. And if you eat certain types, then the weight will be added. Deep cells of the mangoes slow down the formation of fatty cells (Irwin and Doc May).

In such a variety as Kensington Pride, compounds were found that slow down metabolism in the body. The experiments that were conducted with the participation of people prove this. With the help of these varieties, scientists can create tablets that contribute to either a set or loss of muscle mass.

  • The presence of vitamins and useful trace elements gives the right to call this fruit useful. Since it contains vitamin C, in winter, it can perfectly strengthen your immune system, and will help to recover faster with colds. This fruit is low -calorie, for 100 g it accounts for only 67 kcal.
  • However, the significant presence of fiber can poorly affect the intestinal tract. Mango should not overeat.
  • Green mango fruits are of no less benefit. They have a good effect on the work of the stomach. Unlike ripe fruits, green is protecting from constipation, hemorrhoids and even contribute to the cleansing of the liver.
  • Also, the fruits have a beneficial effect on the vessels, making them more elastic. The presence of iron in the fruit helps to increase hemoglobin.

The content of vitamin A affects vision. It is especially useful to eat mangoes working at the computer, the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye is moistened.

  • The fruit has a soothing property, it is recommended to use before bedtime to improve it.
  • Promotes memory improvement.
  • Prevents the appearance of cancer cells, increases blood pressure in women.

How to determine the ripeness of mango?

There are more than 1000 varieties of this fruit. On the shelves in tropical countries, you can find both mini-mango and very large fruits from 500-700 g.

When choosing mangoes, rely only on the smell. The more sleeping, the smell is sweeter and brighter. Also, if you press the fruit and it will be elastic, then it can also be taken. The entire fetus should be clean, without any interspersed, dark spots and in no case intact.

Mango -perishable fruit, it should be immediately eaten after the purchase. If you want to bring mangoes from distant countries, you should choose solid fruits. If you press the mango, it will quickly deteriorate. Experienced sellers first wrap it in paper, and then pack it in a bag.

How to clean the mango before use?

The difficulty of cleaning mangoes is the presence of a large oblong bone, which is difficult to separate from the pulp.

  • Before use, the pulp must be freed from the skin. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the fruit, because the road he did was very long.
  • It is recommended to wash fruits with soda. For distant transportation, fruits are treated with wax. Dry the fruit with a paper towel. Basically, we can find oval and oblong mangoes, it is more convenient to cut it, putting it vertically on the board, and it is best to use a plate, because if the fruit is juicy, then it will flow out the entire juice during the cutting process.

The first way is suitable if there is mango in nature for lack of a knife. This method is not very good, because you get dirty.

If you decide to eat mangoes, then this is a cleaning method for you:

  1. Take the fruit in your hands with a spine to you.
  2. Cut the tip and open how you open a banana.
  3. Holding the peel, eat the pulp to the very bone.

Mango better before use, putting in the refrigerator. Cut it along the growth of the bone in a circle into half. Turn the pulp out and separate the pulp.

Clear mango
Clear mango

Another way to cut mangoes:

  • Cut the mangoes into 2 slices to get rid of the bone.
  • With the help of a knife without hooking the skin, make cubes.
  • Turn the pulp out.

The peel can also be removed using potato and then cut into slices or cubes.

  • If you decide to treat guests with this juicy fruit, it is better to choose a cutting method in which you do not get dirty and do not stain everything around, and the pieces will be neatly chopped.
  • It is better to store peeled mangoes in a cool place, but a whole in a dark place at room temperature. If the fruit is slightly overripe and very soft, eat it with a spoon, cutting half.

It is better for children to cook mashed potatoes, but not with the help of a blender, there is a more original way. Take the ripe mango in your hands and smoothly press, until the puree is formed. Be careful not to damage the outer shell. To eat the pulp, just make a small incision and squeeze a little flesh in the child in the mouth.

Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes

Mango can be consumed both in pure form and as additives for desserts, snacks or basic dishes. It is best to eat mangoes as an independent product, because it has a bright taste in itself. It is recommended to use a knife and a fork, cutting it with slices or cubes. True, not everyone observes the rules of etiquette outside the restaurant and cafe.

In the hot season of the year, you can make a sorbet from mangoes. Be careful, because the fruit is sweet as honey, and has a bright yellow color, hitting clothes can ruin it. Mango can be added to desserts, making mashed potatoes with a blender, and served with ice cream.

Mango is one of the components of the parts of sauces, the most famous in Latin America is Salsa. Mango is one of the ingredients of the Asian Curry sauce. It is also a great addition to the main dishes in the form of a side dish "Chatny." We are used to adding mangoes to salads, but only to fruit. In Asia, this is an excellent addition to salads with shrimp, seafood. Yogurts, smoothies are made from it, eat with cream cheese. Mango will serve as an excellent addition to pies. From it you can make delicious jam, jams, centers.

Are there any contraindications for the use of mangoes?

People who have stomach problems or other health problems can not eat more than one mangoes per day. This will lead to an undesirable consequence. If you have it constantly, even a healthy person may occur constipation or rashes. It is also not recommended to give it to children in large quantities, because the children's ventricle is still very weak.

If you eat mangoes to food before pregnancy and this did not cause any allergic reactions, that is, it is even necessary during this period. But you should not abuse it, start with a small amount, because during pregnancy the body is rebuilt, and if you have never had an allergy, it may appear. With low hemoglobin, this fruit stands on a par with a grenade. Mango in this position must only eat ripe.

If there was no allergy, the use is allowed
If there was no allergy, the use is allowed

During the period of feeding mangoes, you can eat if the child has no contraindications or allergic rashes.

From all that has been said, one can draw one conclusion - there is a mango, but in moderation. If possible, add it as often as possible to different dishes, because it has sufficiently necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Video: 3 Mango cleaning methods

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