Polyvitamins and vitamins for women - which is better to take: rating, list with the names of the best manufacturers, composition, reviews. What polyvitamins and vitamins are best taken to young girls, before and after 30, 40, 50, 60 years old, when planning pregnancy, pregnant women, after childbirth and clumsy women?

Polyvitamins and vitamins for women - which is better to take: rating, list with the names of the best manufacturers, composition, reviews. What polyvitamins and vitamins are best taken to young girls, before and after 30, 40, 50, 60 years old, when planning pregnancy, pregnant women, after childbirth and clumsy women?

In this article, we will consider the variety of polyvitamins. We will also offer options for drugs for women of different ages and positions.


Our body constantly needs nutritious and beneficial substances. It is thanks to them that the body grows normally, develops and functions. A person receives some necessary elements with food, while others are advisable to make up with vitamins and multivitamins.

What are multivitamins, and how are they useful?

Everyone has enough time for the benefit and the need for vitamins for the human body. But not everyone knows about polyvitamins.

  • Polyvitamins are drug medicines that consist of not one, but of several vitamins. At the same time, vitamins are combined in such a way that they are perfectly absorbed with each other in the human body. It must also be said that such drugs include not only vitamins, but also minerals.
  • The benefits of polyvitamins are that taking one drug, a person provides his body with several important vitamins and trace elements at once. Here on the face and practicality, and economy, and usefulness.

What is the difference between vitamins and multivitamins?

Vitamins are various organic substances, and multivitamins are most often represented by medical drugs.

  • Vitamins, as a rule, are natural substances that often enter the human body with food. At the same time, all vitamins and trace elements that enter the body do it separately from each other. Because of this, the digestibility of vitamins in the body can be different.
  • Polyvitamins are such drugs that consist of several vitamins, trace elements. In this case, these substances in the drug are in a state that allows all of them to be well absorbed in the body. It should also be noted that polyvitamins, unlike vitamins, can be performed by synthetic synthesis.

Polyvitamins for women - which are better to take: composition, rating, list with the names of the best

In principle, few can be surprised that various drugs have several types and are intended for different categories of people. Polyvitamins also produce completely different, and one of their species has drugs for women.

Important: it is better to take the drugs that the doctor prescribed to you, proceed from your state of health. Polyvitamins cannot be prescribed on their own, because they can also harm their health.

According to experts and based on women's reviews, we can conclude that the best and most effective female polyvitations are the following:

  • "Lady’s Formula: More than polyvitamins." The preparation contains vitamins of group A, B, C, D, as well as various acids and other trace elements.
  • « Supradin ". This drug in its composition has 12 vitamins, as well as different trace elements, acids.
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics." This complex was developed exclusively for women and to replenish the substances that the female body is necessary. There are more than 10 vitamins and minerals that rejuvenate the body.
The choice of vitamin should be after consulting a doctor
The choice of vitamin should be after consulting a doctor
  • "Vitrum Beuti." The complex has vitamins of group E, B, C, D, as well as folic and other acids and a number of most important trace elements
  • Complete the "radiance". The substances that make up the drug rejuvenate the skin, perform the protective function of the body.
  • "Duotov." The action of this multivitamin drug is aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body, protecting the nervous system, improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
  • "Undevit." Due to vitamins, trace elements that are in its composition, this drug has a favorable effect on the curls, nails, skin of a woman, metabolic processes in the body.

What polyvitamins are best taken to young girls: a list with names

A young developing female body always needs additional nutrients.

Especially for young young ladies, more than one complex of polyvitamins has been developed that saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Important: due to stress, perestroika, the young organism often begins to experience a deficiency of vitamins B, C, D and many others. Young girls and trace elements that are also contained in multivitamins are not enough.

So, the following multivitamins are perfect for young ladies:

  • "Duotov"
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics"
  • "Complivit"
For young girls
For young girls
  • "Centrum"
  • "Merts"
  • "Lady’s Formula: more than polyvitamins"

What polyvitamins are best taken for girls and women under 30?

Up to 30 years, the female body, in principle, copes well with all stresses and small ailments. However, to give him strength, energy and preservation of youth, it is recommended to use special vitamin complexes.

  • It is important to note that multivitamin preparations for women who are not yet 30 years old should necessarily have those vitamins and minerals that will improve and preserve the youth of the skin, good condition of curls and nails.
  • It must also be said that folic acid should be an integral part of such drugs, since it is the age of up to 30 years that is most favorable for childbirth.
  • Do not forget about maintaining immunity. For this, there must be substances that strengthen the immune system, for example, vitamin C.
  • Such polyvitamins have proven themselves for this category of women as: “Duvit”, “Supradin”, “Revit”.

What polyvitamins are best taken to women after 30 years old?

Despite the fact that visually a woman of 30 years old, as a rule, looks quite good, aging processes are already beginning to occur in the body. That is why it is very important to start taking the right multivitamins in time that these processes slow down.

  • It is important that the complex includes vitamins A, C and many minerals, the main of which are calcium, potassium, magnesium.
  • The selected drug should strengthen curls, nails, favorably affect the skin, which at this time begins to suffer from already noticeable wrinkles.
For women after 30, vitamins help maintain youth
For women after 30, vitamins help maintain youth

To overcome the difficulties of this age, preference should be given to the following multivitamins:

  • "Lady’s Formula 30+"
  • "Duotov"
  • "Centrum"
  • "Biorhythmic biorhythite"

What polyvitamins are best taken to women after 40 years old?

This age is also considered transitional, since around this time the female body is reorganized again in connection with the upcoming menopause. Every woman feels this condition in her own way. Someone transfers it more easily, and someone in the literal sense of the word suffers unbearably. In this regard, the body often experiences chronic fatigue, the skin loses elasticity, and the mood is completely absent all the time.

For women, after 40 years, such polyvitamins are suitable, which will necessarily have vitamins A, C, E, as well as potassium and calcium. The following drugs have proven themselves well:

  • "Complivit for women 45+"
  • "Alphabet"
  • "Vitrum"
For women 45+
For women 45+

These polyvitamins not only quickly make up for the lack of vitamins, but also have a favorable effect on the hormonal balance of the female body.

What polyvitamins are best taken to women after 50 years old?

After 50 years, the protective functions of the body are somewhat weakened, and the aging process becomes very noticeable. At this time, it is extremely important to maintain yourself and your body in the form and, of course, will come to the rescue in this matter.

  • At this time, special attention should be paid to the condition of the skin, metabolic processes in the body and, of course, to its immunity as a whole.
  • The most popular drug for women after 50 years is "Alphabet 50+." This complex favorably affects the condition of the skin, nails, curls, improves the general condition of the body.
The most popular drug
The most popular drug
  • « Centerum Silver. " These polyvitamins improve the metabolism in the body and fully replenish the deficiency of nutrients, because in an increased number there are vitamins C, E, B and calcium.
  • "Duotov for women." This drug, as you can see, is suitable for all age categories, since in its composition it has the most important vitamins and trace elements.

What polyvitamins are best taken to women after 60 years old?

An advanced age makes its adjustments to human health. At this stage of life, various age-related ailments appear, which are associated with the deterioration of immunity, disorders from the cardiovascular and other body systems.

At this age, it is extremely important to make up for the lack of the following substances in the body:

  • Vitamins B, D, C, E
  • Calcium and potassium are also extremely necessary for women after 60 years

At this age, it is appropriate to take the following drugs:

  • "Hexavit"
  • "Undevit"
  • "Berokka plus"
Berokka plus
Berokka plus

These polyvitamins are well suited to old people. The drugs make up for a deficiency of nutrients and help to overcome chronic fatigue.

What polyvitamins are best taken for women when planning pregnancy?

Pregnancy planning is an important stage in the life of every woman. At this stage, future mothers try to completely exclude everything harmful to their health from their life. However, sometimes rejection of alcohol, cigarettes and violated regime of the day is not enough for a successful pregnancy. Almost all women planning to give birth to a baby in the near future need multivitamin preparations.

  • It is important that the complex in its composition has folic acid. The lack of this substance can turn into a miscarriage and various pathologies in a child.
  • No less important is vitamin C, which increases immunity, and, which retains the health of the skin, the hair of the future mother, E, which contributes to successful conception, B, which favorably affects the body as a whole and helps to overcome toxicosis.
Complex when planning pregnancy
Complex when planning pregnancy

During this period, it is recommended to take the following drugs:

  • "Elevit Pronatal"
  • "Vitrum Penal Forte"
  • "Femibion \u200b\u200bNatalka I"

What polyvitamins are best taken for women to pregnant?

After the onset of the long -awaited pregnancy, the body's needs of the future mother in vitamins and minerals increases significantly, since now this is necessary not only to her body, but also by the developing crumb. At the same time, it is very important to know and understand that not all vitamin preparations at this time are permissible to take a pregnant woman. You can start taking any polyvitamins during giving a child solely after consulting a doctor.

Vitamins during pregnancy
Vitamins during pregnancy

The complex must have folic acid, calcium, iodine, magnesium. The following drugs are available and effective at this time:

  • "Elevit Pronatal"
  • "Vitrum prenatal"
  • "Alphabet Mamino Health"
  • "Complivit mom for pregnant and lactating women"
  • "Multi-Tabs Perinal"

What polyvitamins are best taken to women after childbirth?

The period of pregnancy and childbirth is extremely difficult for the female body. That is why, after the birth of the baby, every woman should think about her health and make up for the lack of beneficial substances.

  • It is important to understand that it is vitamins and trace elements that are needed to quickly restore hormonal balance
  • During this period, the female body needs to receive a sufficient amount of vitamin A, B1, B6, PP, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium
Vitamins after childbirth
Vitamins after childbirth

All the beneficial substances necessary after childbirth are available in such drugs:

  • "Complivit" Mom "for pregnant and nursing women
  • "Multi-Tabs Perinal"
  • "Perenavit"
  • "Mother"

Despite the free sale of all these drugs, before taking them, consult a doctor without fail, so as not to harm either yourself or your baby.

The cheapest multivitamins for women: List

Any, whether it is a female or male body, constantly needs an additional source of vitamins and trace elements. Unfortunately, not all nutrients can be obtained from food.

An equally upset factor is the price of multivitamin complexes, since it often is unreasonably high. In this case, it is important to remember that most medications have analogues, the composition and action of which is identical to expensive, but the price does not bite.

From the most popular and cheaply multivitamins The following can be distinguished:

  • Undevit cost approximately 50 p.
  • "Complivit" the cost is about 250 p.
  • "Supradin" costs more - approximately 400 p.
  • “Vitrum”, “alphabet” and drugs for pregnant women are much more expensive. On average, the price varies from 450 p. up to 800 p. and higher

What polyvitamins to choose for women with zinc, calcium, iron: list, names

All polyvitamin drugs in their composition have vitamins and minerals, however, which depends on the manufacturer and indications for use.

Zinc, calcium and iron are the most necessary elements for our body, and all because:

  • Zinc contributes to the normal growth and development of a person, favorably affects the nervous system of the body
  • Calcium is the building material of all human bones
  • Iron is responsible for providing all internal organs and systems of oxygen

It is important to say that these trace elements are part of all polyvitamin drugs practical. The most popular among them are:

  • "Vitrum Beuti"
  • "Alphabet"
  • "Centrum"
  • "Theravit"
  • "Lady’s Formula: more than polyvitamins"

What polyvitamins to choose for women with iodine: Names, List

Perhaps only lazy does not know about the need and benefits of iodine for the human body. But what exactly is this trace element that is so useful for us?

  • Iodine provides metabolic processes in the body, affects the functioning of the nervous system, favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system and even the gastrointestinal tract.
  • This trace element is unusually important for expectant mothers and their crumbs. It is iodine that helps a woman successfully endure the baby, takes part in the development of the nervous system of crumbs.
  • Iodine is also part of almost all vitamin and multivitamin preparations, so choosing some kind of hard will not be difficult
When it is necessary to make up for iodine reserves
When it is necessary to make up for iodine reserves

The most popular polyvitamins with iodine are the following:

  • "Alphabet classic"
  • "Centrum from A to Zinc"
  • "Doppelgerz Acts iodine + Iron"
  • "Complivit"

What polyvitamins to choose for women with selenium: Names, List

Selenium is another trace element very important for the human body. To overestimate its positive effect on our body is truly difficult, because:

  • Selenium is a good antioxidant
  • This trace element favorably affects the work of the thyroid gland
  • Its no less important function is to maintain male and female health. It is selenium, like folic acid, that allows the baby to develop properly without a threat of termination of pregnancy
  • It is best to give preference to such drugs with selenium in the composition "Cloty Tabs Classic", "Complivit Selenium", "Vitrum"

What multivitamins to choose for women with folic acid, B vitamins B?

Folic acid, like B vitamins, is always needed by our body for its normal functioning. However, in the period of preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy itself and in the postpartum period, the need for these substances increases sharply.

  • Firstly, folic acid is directly involved in digestion
  • Secondly, this acid has a favorable effect on the brain and helps to fight fatigue and depressive states
  • It should also be noted that folic acid is most important in the process of preparing for pregnancy and during gestation. It allows the fetus to develop without deviations and prevents undesirable termination of pregnancy
  • B vitamins are responsible for metabolic processes in the body, and also have a favorable effect on the work of the nervous and digestive system. At the same time, vitamin B6 is able to eliminate nausea during pregnancy
Recommended during pregnancy
Recommended during pregnancy

Most often they prefer such drugs:

  • "Elevit Pronatal"
  • "Doppelgerz Activated Folic acid"
  • "Duotov"

What multivitamins to choose for women for immunity, general strengthening?

It often happens that our body loses its protective functions, the immune system ceases to cope with its task and then real problems begin.

In order to eliminate such consequences or to prevent them at all, it is necessary to start taking polyvitamin preparations while strengthening the general condition of the body.

  • To maintain our body in normal condition, we need to regularly receive at least the most basic vitamins and trace elements
  • The correctly selected complex of polyvitamins will return you good immunity, healthy sleep and add strength and energy
General strengthening vitamins
General strengthening vitamins

Suitable for these purposes are the following drugs:

  • "Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus"
  • "Vitrum"
  • "Centrum"
  • "Alphabet classic"
  • "Revit"
  • "Selmevit intensiv"

What polyvitamins to choose for women of hair health, skin?

For healthy skin and curls, it is definitely necessary that the body constantly receives absolutely all nutrients. However, there are such vitamins and minerals that are more important for these purposes than everyone else.

  • Vitamin A. It is this vitamin that is responsible for the condition of the skin. With a sufficient amount of this substance in the body, the skin remains elastic, elastic, it has a healthy color.
  • Vitamin E. This vitamin provides us with youth and cell regeneration. With a lack of vitamin, the skin becomes flabby, wrinkles appear, etc.
  • For the health of curls, it is important not to lack B vitamins. These substances accelerate the growth of hair, make curls beautiful, healthy and strong.
Hair and skin vitamins
Hair and skin vitamins

Based on this, for the health of the skin and hair you need to choose such polyvitamins, which include vitamins A, B, E::

  • "Centrum"
  • "Supradin"
  • "Vitrum"
  • "Revalid"

What polyvitamins to choose for women for the eyes?

Eyes are the most important human organ. It is with the help of the eyes that we have the opportunity to see and live a full life. Unfortunately, vision problems are quite common and sometimes they arise due to the lack of necessary vitamins and minerals.

  • You need to understand that not all multivitamin complexes are suitable to improve visual function. Therefore, start taking the drug solely after consultation with the attending physician
  • Vitamin A is very important for the eyes, since it prevents such a disease as chicken blindness
  • No less needed vitamin C for the eyes because it helps to strengthen the capillaries of the eyes
  • Also, do not forget about vitamin B2. Thanks to him, we see objects clearly and in the dark
Polyvitamins to strengthen vision
Polyvitamins to strengthen vision

The following multivitamins are best suited to improve visual function:

  • "Alphabet Optics"
  • "Doppelgerz Act Lecithin-Compulsion"
  • "Biorhythmic biorhythite"
  • "Triovit"

What polyvitamins to choose for women for the heart?

The heart is the main organ of the human body. Therefore, his health needs to be paid to special attention. This is not only in taking vitamins and other beneficial substances. It is also very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, have the correct daily routine and, if possible, eliminate stress and excessive loads.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system
To strengthen the cardiovascular system

In a complex with all of the above, polyvitamins will provide invaluable benefit to your heart. Suitable for the cardiovascular system are the following drugs:

  • "Biovital"
  • "Vitrum Cardio Omega-3"
  • "Centerum Cardio"
  • "Doppelgerz Act" Omega-3 "

What multivitamins to choose for women under stress?

Stress situations always knock us out of the usual rhythm of life. However, in fact, their negative impact on our body is much stronger than we can guess.

Under stress, almost all systems of our body suffer, in particular cardiovascular, nervous and digestive. To combat this unpleasant condition, you need to use such drugs, which include vitamins A, B, E. It is these substances that can establish the functioning of the nervous system and remove a person from a state of stress.

Polyvitamins to strengthen the nervous system
Polyvitamins to strengthen the nervous system

The most well -proven drugs are the following:

  • "Vitrum Superstress"
  • "Doppelgerz Act Magnesi B6"
  • "Complivit"

How to take polyvitamins correctly, can they drink them constantly?

Take all medications and multivitamins is necessary as described in the instructions or as your attending physician prescribed.

  • It is impossible to start taking even such, at first glance harmless and useful drugs, since they can harm your body.
  • Especially carefully, you need to approach the use of drugs for pregnant and nursing women, since not all ordinary polyvitamins can be taken during these periods.
  • Regarding the duration - everything is also purely individual for each drug and a person. There are such polyvitamin complexes that are accepted for a long time, pregnancy, for example, and there are those that are prescribed for several months.
  • Therefore, of course, it is impossible to drink such drugs constantly without a doctor’s prescription.

Is it harmful to drink multivitamins to women?

Despite the fact that it is customary to talk about polyvitamins either well or nothing, they can still do harm, and it is very important to know about this. These drugs, like any others, can harm the human body.

Reception of polyvitamin can harm in certain cases
Reception of polyvitamin can harm in certain cases

This can happen in several cases:

  • When using inalienable polyvitamin complexes. That is, in the case of allergies to some component, in the presence of a disease in which specific vitamins cannot be taken
  • In the case of consuming vitamins in large doses
  • In the case of taking the drug for a long period
  • In the case of receipt of inappropriate polyvitamins during pregnancy

If polyvitamins you accept suitable and according to their instructions, then they will not bring anything other than benefit to you

Polyvitamins for women - which is better: reviews

You can’t definitely say which polyvitamins are better and which is worse. Since the criteria for evaluating all people are different. Someone first of all draws attention to the price of the drug, someone to the composition, someone is important to the versatility of polyvitamins, etc.

Despite this, most women tend to believe that the best, effective and at the same time are the following multivitamin preparations:

  • "Duotov"
  • "Vitrum"
  • "Alphabet"
  • "Elevit"
  • "Complivit"

Most women who use the above drugs note that they fully cope with the tasks. At the same time, women note that some time after taking the drugs, their general condition improved significantly, fatigue passed and aggression decreased.

Polyvitamins can rightfully be considered useful drugs for our body. However, it is important to understand that their reception should be controlled by a specialist, since their other use can not only not benefit you, but also harm you.

Video: How to choose the right vitamins for women based on habits and kind of classes?

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Comments K. article

  1. I began to appear with age with age as convulsions in the legs (it turned out that as a result of a lack of magnesium in the body. Therefore, I added to her complex vitamins also magnesium Helat Evalarovsky. I must say that I helped well)

  2. I only began to take vitamins for female beauty this spring. A girlfriend-pharmacist advised NATUBIOTOTIN, because These mono vitamins are aimed at restoring and improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Just what you need for a girl) plus, they do not affect weight gain, unlike polyvitamin complexes and is convenient to take, only 1 tablet per day. Well, most importantly, I already see the results !! Nails began to grow faster and not as brittle as before.

  3. In the conditions of current realities, immunity must be raised, eat right, take vitamins. Yesterday I bought a minisan vitamin D, as my doctor recommended for me, I began to take it. I read a lot of information about this vitamin and came to the conclusion that I am doing everything right! Good reviews about this drug)

  4. I recently spoke to the pharmacist on this topic, she said that Lollingmen Neturnino is not a bad option. They are tasty and not expensive, but in vitamins: C, B1, B2, B5, B7, B9, B12, E. Vitamin C for general immunity, but it is needed for hair and nails. I take different tastes, I like it.

  5. Well, in different periods and different vitamins will be, it is clear. For example, I have a menopause already. I accept the formula for menopause on the advice of the doctor, this is just a good multivitamin complex. With him, all the problems that could be (the ebbs there and other nonsense) -have been nullified, now I recommend it)) I highly recommend))

  6. I used to try to take vitamins, but I ran into either side effects, or for the complete lack of effect from them. But when, after the winter, the nails began to spread from the vitamin deficiency, and the hair - in large quantities to remain on the comb, had to look for really effective vitamins. I decided to buy a special dragee Mertz, I heard a lot of good about him. And, cheers! My hair returned to a healthy state, gradually its loss became. And with such nails now, it’s not a shame to run into the salon for manicure! I can say that for such an effective complex of vitamins, the price is very, very acceptable.

  7. It seems to me everything depends on the state of her body. Here, after 35, I started problems with the joints, I often deal with the knees of kapets on an exercise bike. I bought a collagen for myself, Evalar’s \u200b\u200bvery cool, in the form of marmalade berries. There is still vitamin C in the composition, the dosage is optimal, it is absorbed perfectly. You can apply a cabbage sheet at night, the inflammation helps to remove. Pain passes, the joints are easier to move, no discomfort.

  8. I accepted the vitamin complex before pregnancy, and now I’m taking it, but it was the doctor who has already advised me for the pregnant women - Biotoff Pronalia is called. It contains a bunch of vitamin, minerals and even a probiotic, which are so necessary for my body and the proper development of the baby)

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