Crafts of coffee beans - a cup, owl, cat, house, snake, wood, picture, watch, heart, candle: useful recommendations for creating a masterpiece with your own hands

Crafts of coffee beans - a cup, owl, cat, house, snake, wood, picture, watch, heart, candle: useful recommendations for creating a masterpiece with your own hands

In this article, we will consider the process of making crafts from coffee beans.

Coffee grains are the perfect material for creating decorative elements. Crafts made of such grains look quite unusual and interesting. Such gifts will be able to surprise each person, as they have a pleasant smell, can perform the function of the flavor. At the same time, such souvenirs never deteriorate and have an unusual texture. Besides, coffee souvenir It can maintain its own qualities for a long time, and it is quite easy to process.

Having made such a craft, you can use it to decorate the interior of any room, creating a bright and simple element. You can already buy grains today and start work.


Such coffee It is performed simply. The most important thing is to correctly imagine the image of the product you want to complete. Stock up for work:

  • Coffee beans
  • Cardboard
  • Fabric (burlap)
  • Glue
Coffee beam
Coffee beam
Coffee grain craft - cup, saucer
Coffee grain craft - cup, saucer

The process of manufacturing a cup and saucer from coffee beans:

  • Cut the rectangle from the fabric so that it is a couple of centimeters more than a sheet of cardboard. Thus you get a stencil.
  • Glue the burlap to the cardboard from the wrong side.
  • Wait a little so that the fabric is completely dry.
  • Draw on cardboard the image of the frame, which you then lay out with grains. To do this, take a ruler and a simple pencil. Do not press hard on a pencil, just draw a thin circuit.
  • Then draw a cup and a saucer. Draw the contours in the central part of the work. The size of the cup will depend on your desire.
  • So that it is more comfortable to work, put a cup with a saucer with coffee beams, then put on the frame itself.
  • Decorating the work by the battery by gluing it in the corners.

The fabric, which will serve as the basis, before gluing, should be thoroughly plowed.

Option Second for coffee beams.

For this work, stock up:

  • With a dense fabric
  • Glue
  • Cardboard

Production process:

  • Glue the material to the cardboard.
  • Based on the material, draw the image of the future crafts with a thin strip. If you are a beginner, then sketch the image from a natural cup. Draw it in the central part of the work.
  • Take a long ruler. Draw a cup frame.
  • Put the silhouette with coffee beams so that they look in one side.
  • As soon as you do this, you can glue the frame.

COMPARE CARE CAFE: An interesting owl

Such a decoration will be an excellent decor in any interior. To make an owl from coffee beans, purchase:

  • Photo frame
  • Coffee beans
  • Glue
Owl - crafts of coffee beans
Owl - crafts of coffee beans
Coffee grain crafts - owl
Coffee grain crafts - owl

The process of manufacturing owls from coffee grains:

  • Take the frame. In the central part, draw the body of a future bird. Consider the fact that the body of the owl should have an oval shape.
  • Glue coffee grains starting from the central part. Attach them so that the grains look in one side, so that the crafts look neatly and attractive.
  • Then perform the ears of the bird. Make them in the form of triangles.
  • Between the grains will turn out gaps. Fill them with ordinary coffee, sprinkling slightly crafts.
  • Cut the eyes of the bird from light cardboard. If you wish, you can cut them in the form of small ovals. Glue your eyes to the marked places. A great alternative to such an eye is dark buttons.
  • The final stage: cut out a small triangle from the same cardboard. It will be a poultry nose. Glue it below the eye.

Coffee grain crafts: kitty

This cat made of coffee grains can replace absolutely any gift, becoming an unusual surprise for a loved one.

For crafts, take:

  • Cose template
  • Dense cardboard
  • Coffee beans
  • Glue
  • Transparent tape
A cat
Coffee kitty
Coffee -haired cats
Coffee -haired cats

The process of manufacturing coffee cats:

  • Print in advance the image of the animal on the printer or draw it yourself. Cut the template, glue it to cardboard paper.
  • Using a pencil, draw a template along the contours. Do not press the pencil much. Then cut off the area that you circled.
  • Cut the image of the future cat along the contour.
  • From the same material, cut the stand. Combine a cat with this stand using ordinary tape.
  • Attach glued sides in a circle, too, with tape.
  • Take cotton balls. Glue one of such a ball to work at one such a ball so that they are placed very tightly.
  • So that all attached details sit very tightly, fix them with threads. If the threads are very visible, not scary, since you will still cover work with coffee beans.
  • At the final stage, cover the cat with grains. Leave the ears empty.

Coffee grain craft: House

Initially, make a template template. For example, in the form of a heart.

Further stock up:

  • Coffee beans
  • Glue
  • Cardboard
  • Newspaper
  • Paper tape
  • Backs from ice cream
Craft house of coffee beans
Craft house of coffee beans
Craft house of coffee beans
Craft house of coffee beans
Craft house of coffee beans
Craft house of coffee beans

The process of manufacturing a house of coffee beans:

  • Prepare 1 large heart and 1 small heart.
  • Cut small rectangles from cardboard paper, make them convex. Glue rectangles to 2 templates in the center.
  • Take newspapers, roll them so that you get balls. Put the blanks with balls so that the rectangles in the central part remain empty. These will be future windows.
  • In order to fix the torn balls from newspapers, wrap the templates using paper tape.
  • At this stage, put the workpiece using paper tampons.
  • Fix the work, just tightly tie the elements with threads.
  • Now paint the resulting workpiece using brown paint. Wait for the product to dry.
  • Take the sticks, make the windows from them. Fold the windows with sticks, then paint them with any paint.
  • At the very end, glue the whole house except the windows, with coffee grains.

Coffee grain crafts: snake

To create a snake from coffee grains, stock up:

  • Wire
  • Black beads
  • Cotton wool
  • Cotton drives
  • Glue
  • Coffee beans
Coffee reptile
Coffee reptile

The process of manufacturing a snake from coffee beans:

  • Take a long wire. Make a strong base for the snake from it.
  • Turn the wire with cotton wire. For comfort, torn cotton wool into small pieces. If you decide to take cotton pads, then tie each disk with a thread to the end.
  • Carefully fix the pieces of cotton wool to the wire. At this stage, bend the wire so that you get the shape of a snake. Direct the animal's face up.
  • Then make your eyes to the snake. You can take dark beads or large dark beads for the eye. Attach the eyes to the muzzle.
  • If you want, you can make a red tongue. Take a thin red ribbon, glue it slightly below the eye.
  • Glue the snake with coffee beans.

Coffee grain crafts: wood

A decorative tree or prostric is an ideal decoration of a house or office. As a rule, the crown of such a product is made of coffee beans. In order to make a coffee tree, Stell the following materials:

  • Polystyrene
  • Glue
  • Gypsum
  • Coffee beans
  • Dark threads

In addition, you will have to take a wand for the barrel, a ribbon and a flower pot.

Coffee grain ball manufacturing scheme
Coffee grain ball manufacturing scheme
Coffee grain crafts - wood
Coffee grain crafts - wood
Coffee beam
Coffee beam
Coffee grain crafts - wood
Coffee grain crafts - wood
Coffee grain crafts - wood
Coffee grain crafts - wood
Coffee grain crafts - wood
Coffee grain crafts - wood

Production process coffee grains:

  • Make a ball from foam, wrap the ball with threads. Fasten the tips of the threads with glue.
  • Designate the place where you attach the barrel. Spread a little in that place of the thread.
  • Take glue. Apply it over the ball, and then glue the grains. Leave the void in place for the trunk.
  • After making the first layer of the crown, glue the next with glue. Try to attach the grains so that the convex side looks up.
  • Leave the ball for a while to the side so that it dries well.
  • Insert the stick into the empty place, lubricating the hole in advance with glue.
  • Pour the prepared gypsum solution into the pot. If the pot is transparent, add coffee thick to the solution.
  • Insert the barrel stick into a gypsum solution, put the blank near the wall.
  • When the solution freezes completely, decorate its surface with nuts, for example, a hazelnut.
  • Decorate the tree trunk, wrapping it with a ribbon.

Coffee grain craft: Picture

The next decorating element that will decorate your apartment is a picture. Such a craft is able to refresh any interior, give it a certain unusual note. The manufacturing principle is simple - you only have to glue the grains to the base. As the main drawing, take any image you like. The most important thing in work is that you definitely deal with your work.

To make a picture of coffee grains, you will have to stock up on the following materials:

  • Dense cardboard
  • Glue
  • Coffee beans
  • Linen or cotton material
Coffee grain picture Horse
Coffee grain picture Horse

The process of making a picture of coffee beans:

  • From cardboard paper, make a square shape of the desired value.
  • Cut the material so that it is a couple of centimeters more cardboard.
  • With the help of adhesive pencil, glue the material. Attach the edges of the fabric on the wrong side.
  • When the base dries, draw an image sketch on it.
  • Glue to the base of the grain. Start from the edge of the picture, gradually moving to the central part. Make sure that all the grains are glued with the convex side.
  • To complete the picture, glue the grains of coffee along the edges of the product.

Coffee grain crafts: wax craft

Since coffee grains have an unusual color and a pleasant smell, there are wonderful fragrant crafts from them.

So, for example, you can make a candle from grains, and therefore harvest:

  • Coffee seeds
  • Decorating elements
  • Wick
  • A mold for a candle
  • Paraffin or candles

The process of manufacturing wax crafts from coffee beans:

  • Grate candles, melt paraffin.
  • Add coffee grains to the liquid paraffin.
  • At the central part of the pencil, attach the wick.
  • Put the pencil over the prepared mold, place the free tip of the wick in it.
  • Pour a liquid paraffin into the mold.
  • Melt the grated candles, pour the melted solution over the first paraffin layer.
  • When the paraffin froze, remove the candle out of the mold, decorate it of your own free will.

Coffee grain crafts: clock

You will have to stock up on coffee beans to complete the clock from coffee beans:

  • Coffee grains
  • Glue
  • Cardboard

In addition to these materials, the work will come in handy: scissors, arrows with numbers.

Coffee grain picture - watch
Coffee grain picture - watch

The process of making hours from coffee grains:

  • Take the cardboard. Cut the base for the clock, for example, a circle, a square.
  • Glue coffee grains along the edges of the watch with a convex side down. The center of the product is also filled with grains.
  • Glue the arrows with numbers.
  • Decorate the product of your own free will.

Coffee grain crafts: heart

Please your loved one by an unusual heart, making it from coffee beans. Such a craft is very simple and does not require a large number of material. For crafts from coffee grains, stock up:

  • Coffee beams
  • Paper
  • Cardboard paper
  • Cotton wool
  • Glue
  • Twine
  • Dark paint
  • Decorative jewelry
Coffee grain picture - heart
Coffee grain picture - heart
Coffee grain picture - heart
Coffee grain picture - heart

The process of manufacturing a heart from coffee beans:

  • Cut the blanks. Fold the paper in 2 equal parts, draw a soul mate on it. Opening the sheet, you will get a whole heart.
  • By applying the workpiece to the cardboard, circle it.
  • Stick a cotton wool on your heart. You can also glue it with cotton pads.
  • Wrap the product with twine in random order so that you get a relief.
  • Paint your heart with paint.
  • When the paint is completely dry, glue the grains. Pull all the grains with glue, and then place them so that they lay tightly to each other.
  • Last manipulation - cover the craft with transparent varnish.
  • Decorate your heart with any decorating elements.

Coffee grains crafts: useful recommendations and examples of crafts

Of course, many crafts made of coffee grains, seem quite difficult to manufacture. However, this is not at all so. Many needlewomen who delved into this area were able to achieve excellent results. They advise you to conduct various experiments and never stop half the way, even if you do not succeed. After analyzing the experience of professional craftswomen, the following tips should be highlighted:

  • Use only quality material for the manufacture of products. This does not mean that it is necessary to purchase expensive blanks. You can find many materials at home.
  • Fantasize more, experiment. Do not copy the work of other people, create something interesting and new on your own.
  • Got pleasure from work. This is the only way your work will turn out wonderful.

Good luck!


Video: DIY coffee grains souvenirs

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