Selection of Afro Cudrey according to the type and length of the hair: for long hair, medium length, short, hard straight, smooth and obedient straight, wavy, oily thin and damaged hair. How to make Afro Cudri at home? Afro Cudri: a curling gofre, curls for curling, on curlers, on a hairpin, using pigtails, threads

Selection of Afro Cudrey according to the type and length of the hair: for long hair, medium length, short, hard straight, smooth and obedient straight, wavy, oily thin and damaged hair. How to make Afro Cudri at home? Afro Cudri: a curling gofre, curls for curling, on curlers, on a hairpin, using pigtails, threads

Beautiful Afrocosics can be done even at home. And how to do this correctly - you will learn from the article.

Afro Cudri (or simply Afro) is a styling with small curls distributed from roots to the ends, which is why the hair seems very voluminous. Now there are several different styles - Afro curls, spirals and small waves. Some fashionistas combine Afro with straight strands in their hairstyles, stab hair on one side, tie a lush tail - there are a lot of options.

Selection of Afro Kudrey by type and hair length

Very few girls have natural lush curls. Even careless curls are most often the result of thorough styling. Afro Cudri will create a unique image and a chic volume to you.

It doesn’t matter what image you want to create today and where you are going to go - Afro Cudri will be perfect both in the style of casual and in the evening onion. Even if you gathered in a photo session, they will come in handy, and on the Internet you will find a lot of inspirational images.


Despite the visible advantages of such a hairstyle, there are many recommendations and warnings of stylists that concern Africrically. Since Afro Cudri is a sufficiently catchy detail of the image, it should be treated carefully.

Below we have collected several important recommendations of stylists for amateurs and amateurs of African contributions that should be read before deciding on such a bright transformation even for a day.

  1. If you are short and you have long hair, then you should not conduct experiments with Afro curls. Best of all, they are suitable for girls of small stature only if they are owners of short or medium length of the hair.
  2. High long -legged beauties will be especially good with elastic, light curls on long hair.
  3. If you have an oblong face, then small neat curls will allow you to visually adjust its shape. If you have a broad face, it is better not to do Afro, since this styling will give an additional volume to the oval of the face.
  4. Afro Cudri is perfect for you and easily fit into your image if you have small neat facial features. In this case, you will look gentle and natural.
  5. Stylists believe that a cascade haircut is best suited for Africa. Of course, Afro Cudri look great with any haircuts, but on the hair, cut by the Afro cascade will look more interesting, and the volume will be natural and uniform thanks to the locks of different lengths.
  6. Afro looks very stylish with everyday clothes. Even if your favorite casual style, Africa will help you stand out from the crowd.

If you are inspired by our story and are strongly determined to make such curls, from our article you will learn how to create this wonderful hairstyle at home. Before choosing an image with Afro curls, as well as a curling method, you should take into account many factors.

On long hair

If you, the owner of long hair, first of all, keep in mind that to create styling in the Afro style you need to stock up and time, as this is a very laborious thing. Of course, the result is definitely worth the effort - remember how amazing it looks with your Afro Bayoncé curls. Healthy, voluminous and long hair will not leave anyone indifferent. The happy owner of long hair can choose both a clear smooth curling and a careless style.

On long

Stylists recommend that when applying makeup, focusing on the eyes or lips so that the face does not be lost against the background of an eccentric voluminous hairstyle. Also, do not choose a tight -fitting figure of dresses or costumes. The image should be harmonious, so try to balance it. For example, you can wear a tight top and fashionable culottes today.

It is very important to consider that long hair is heavy and so that the curls do not straighten, you need to choose a good fixing agent.

For medium length

Afro Cudri will also look great on medium -length hair. It is believed that this is the perfect length. Afro Cudri on medium -length hair will suit everyone - high and low, slender and owners of magnificent shapes. In addition, you will not need a lot of time and labor, as well as a special means for fixing.

On medium

Do not forget that Afro Cudri is a very bright hairstyle, therefore, so as not to look vulgar, do not choose an too bright outfit for it. A simple cut and not very catchy details will be best combined with Afro.

On short hair

They can be done even if you are the owner of a short haircut. And in this case, they will look no less beautiful. Another plus is that such styling is much easier.

For short ones
For short ones

If your hair at the roots is tone or two darker than the rest of the hair, this will give an additional volume and charm to your hairstyle.

For hard straight hair

It must be taken into account that this type of hair is most difficult to give in to any manipulation. Cold methods for curling (pigtails, curlers, pencils, etc. - this is not for you). Immediately choose a curl with tongs, curling or curling corn. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to experiment yourself and find the temperature and time suitable for you to achieve the necessary effect.

On hard hair
On hard hair

There is a chance that the required temperature will be higher than average. Then you should decide whether you need such styling in principle. Naturally, if necessary, do not forget about special means for hot styling to protect the surface of the curls, do not lay hair if it is wet. Do not forget to trace that the temperature does not exceed 220 ° C.

For smooth hair

Girls who have happiness to wear smooth and obedient hair easily and without much effort will be able to make Afro curls. The main thing here is to carefully prepare hair for styling. If you are stored correctly, half the success in your pocket. Of course, you will need a whole arsenal of funds: a shampoo for curly hair, an air conditioning suitable for it, as well as special styling products that will allow you to form clear curls. First you should wash your head and apply the required amount of styling products.

Kudri for straight hair

If desired, you can start hair with curlers, although this type of curling is rarely used for African laying because the process will be very time -consuming - you will need to start a lot of thin strands using small curlers. Curling with a curling iron or forceps will be successful even if you work at low temperature, 180 ° C will be quite enough for healthy hair.

For wavy hair

The owners of this type of hair will be easiest to create an Afro hairstyle. This is because the porous structure of curly hair is easily lends itself to styling means and any effect. Laying on such hair will almost certainly retain its appearance until the morning, and, possibly longer.


Do not think that if your hair curls by nature, you do not need Afro. Try it and you will be very surprised how much your image of Afro curls will change.

For oily, thin and damaged hair

Of course, if you have strong and healthy hair - any hairstyle will look great on them - even an ordinary "horse" tail. It may seem that having damaged hair should not be done Afro, but this opinion is erroneous. Afro very successfully masks the ended tips, looks good on dry hair, as well as hair damaged by coloring. In addition, if you grow your natural hair and you have dark roots, Afro will look even better since dark roots visually give a larger volume.

You should take into account that damaged hair should be very neat using sparing means for styling. Do not rush - you need that the hair does not knock out or shakes. You should also avoid hot styling - curlers, studs or other cold products will be the perfect option for you.

On damaged hair should be used for laying
On damaged hair should be used for laying

If your hair is oily and get dirty very quickly, Afro will help to hide your problem. In this case, you should think about permanent curls. The same goes for girls who have thin hair. Afro will provide the necessary volume to your hair.

How to make Afro Cudri yourself at home?

There are many ways to create Afro curls at home. Many of them show how inventive girls are in pursuit of beauty. Below we will consider hot and cold styling methods that you can easily repeat at home.

Using corrugation

The curling iron will come to the rescue if you want to quickly make Afro Curdry in the style of zigzag. You will get uniform neat curls-zigzags.

Next, we will consider this method of styling step by step:

  1. Wash your head using the necessary means.
  2. Dry your hair in any available way. Keep in mind that if you apply a hot way to lay on wet or wet hair, you can be badly damaged by them.
  3. Be sure to treat your hair with your favorite protection tool before starting hot styling.
  4. Divide the hair into a convenient number of strands for you. Keep in mind that the curls should be small and you should be comfortable to work.
  5. Comb the strand with which you will work well.
  6. Small narrow and flat curls from the selected strands sequentially.
  7. Gently press the curls at first at the very roots, and then move along the entire length of the curl so that the zigzags are uniform.
  8. To get natural curls comb the hair with a comb. This will help smooth out the sharp angles of zigzags, which are obtained due to the use of the corrugation curling.
  9. To fix the hairstyle carefully apply foam to the curls. It will help to maintain styling for a long time and give the necessary additional volume. Clutch your hair with your fingers when applying a product - this will help create more natural locks.
Hopre's curling iron
Hopre's curling iron

The advantages of laying the corncard of the corrugation are obvious:

  • Simplicity of laying. No need to wind anything yourself.
  • The surface of the curly corrugation is ribbed, so the curls are uniform.
  • The speed of laying.
  • Persistent effect.

The disadvantages of using the corrugation curler include the fact that laying the corncard of the corrugation, like any other hot styling method, greatly damages the hair structure. Do not lay your hair like that every day.

Curling forceps

This is probably one of the most popular ways to create curls. But there is one thing, but - for perfect Afro curls you will need forceps with a very small diameter so, most likely, you will have to buy special forceps for this purpose so that your curls are quite small.

So, if you decide to make Afro with the help of forceps follow our instructions:

  1. Wash your head using the necessary means.
  2. Dry your hair in any available way. Keep in mind that if you apply a hot way to lay on wet or wet hair, you can be badly damaged by them.
  3. Be sure to treat your hair with your favorite protection tool before starting hot styling.
  4. Divide the hair into a convenient number of strands for you. Keep in mind that the curls should be small and you should be comfortable to work.
  5. Comb the strand with which you will work well.
  6. Take the first curl and tightly click its tip with forceps. If at least part of the tip remains not clamped with forceps, then it will remain straight and this will ruin the general view of your hairstyle.
  7. After you recorded the tip, you need to wrap the entire curl up to the roots around the forceps in one layer. It is very important not to burn the scalp at the same time, as well as wrap it in one layer, since the temperature of processing the second layer will be lower, and, therefore, this section of the strand will not stick as it should. If you do not bring the forceps to the roots, you will not get the necessary volume. Consistently process all the hair.
  8. Try that all the curls are made in one direction, and the length of the curls is the same.
  9. Fix the result with foam or any other your favorite remedy. We remind you that in modern hairstyles do not use varnish and especially gel.

Like any other method, Afro with curling with curls has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, of course, the simplicity of the method should be noted and the fact that such styling looks as natural as possible, and you do not need to do anything additionally to make it look excellent.

Among the shortcomings, it is undoubted that it is very difficult to constantly observe the same direction and length of the curls. And curls made in different directions will greatly spoil the effect. It is also necessary to take all measures to protect your hair from damage to hot forceps.

With the help of curlers

Nowadays, fashionistas rarely use curlers. This is of course due to the fact that many simply do not have enough time to wait until the curls dry out. Indeed, for curling on curlers it takes at least three hours, and more often even more - it all depends on the length of your hair, temperature in the room and many other factors. But do not rush and use a hair dryer to speed up the process - because if the hair does not dry inside the strand, the whole hairstyle will break up very quickly.

It should be noted that curling on curlers gives your curls a natural look. For Afro, it is better to choose a spiral curlers. If your curlers are ordinary, then before the curl, it is worthwhile to tighten each separate curl in a flagellum, and then on the curlers. You can also use curlers with a small diameter. As a result, you get perfect curls, slightly wider at the roots and naturally tapering to the bottom.

On the curlers
On the curlers

To make Afro with the help of curlers you need:

  1. Wash your head using the necessary means.
  2. Wake your hair with a towel and comb it.
  3. Divide the hair into very small strands.
  4. Carefully distribute the foam for laying on all locks.
  5. Each strand is very neatly wound on curlers. It is necessary that there are several layers on the curlers - so you will get incredibly beautiful curls, gradually narrowing to the bottom.
  6. It is very important to monitor the direction of the curl. All curls should lie in one direction.
  7. Leave the curlers on your hair until completely dry. Wait for the hair to dry completely. Gently check the strands inside, whether they dry.
  8. Gently dissolve the curls.
  9. Depending on the effect that you want, divide the curls with your fingers or a comb.

Bigudi relate to cold and gentle methods of curling that is undoubtedly the biggest advantage of this method. The most significant drawback of curlers, as well as other cold styling methods, is the time that needs to be spent. Another disadvantage is that the result is not as resistant as when using hot styling products.

On a hairpin

This is perhaps one of the most interesting and at the same time time -consuming ways to create Afro Kudrey. But believe me - with the right approach, the result will surpass all your expectations. Unfortunately, if your hair is longer than average, you better refuse the venture with the hairpin so as the surface of the hairpin is not enough to wind the entire strand.

  1. Wash your head using the necessary means.
  2. Wake your hair with a towel and comb it.
  3. Divide the hair into very small strands.
  4. Carefully distribute the foam for laying on all locks.
  5. Gently wrap each strand on the stiletor of eight. It is important to start from the lower row and try to have the tool as close to the head as possible.
  6. Fix the design invisible.
  7. When the hair dries, remove all the excess, fluff your hair and fix the result with a styling tool.

Advantages of the method:

  • you will receive neat uniform curls that, through simple manipulations, will turn into a beautiful volumetric Afro
  • afro refers to the cold methods of curling, which means your hair will remain healthy

The disadvantages of this method include the fact that a lot of time will take a lot of time and the point is not only that the hair should dry, but also with what dexterity you wrap your strands on the hairpins.

Afro with pigtails

You have the opportunity to use the most “lazy” way to create Afro.

  1. Wash your head using the necessary means.
  2. Wake your hair with a towel and comb it.
  3. Carefully distribute the foam for laying on all locks.
  4. Bind small neat and, most importantly, very dense braids from each strand.
  5. Leave the pigtails on the head until completely dry. You can even sleep with them. Check each pigtail inside and dissolve only if all the hair is completely dry.
From cos

In fact, this method has no shortcomings. But it is very important to fix the result of the hairstyle to last all day.

Using a thread

This is a very simple way, which nevertheless requires dexterity and patience. Not every fashionista can quickly create curls with a thread.

So, let's start:

  1. Wash your head using the necessary means.
  2. Blind your hair with a towel, comb and dry.
  3. Take a strand of hair. Twist it from it until you get a small neat lamb. Fasten the lamb with a thread at the base of the curl.
  4. Gently distribute the hair foam on curls. Surely moisten your hair with water.
  5. Wait until the hair dries and dismiss the locks, carefully moving each curl with your hand.

Fashionistas came up with a lot of ways to create Afro in the pursuit of the images of Beyonca and other favorite stars. Afro is made with pencils, tubes for cocktails, papilloto - it is difficult to count all methods. Try and you do this exotic and very simple styling. We are sure that you will like the result.

Video: Afro Kudri: Making easier

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