Gifts that cannot be accepted: a list with a detailed explanation

Gifts that cannot be accepted: a list with a detailed explanation

Do you often receive gifts? Let's look at whether all gifts can be accepted.

Who does not like to accept gifts, especially if they are presented from a pure heart and from a person dear to you. Often donated things bring happiness and joy. Your emotions prevail if this gift is truly long -awaited. However, there are things that should be taken with a little wary or sometimes even return them.

Our ancestors also noticed that some gifts received can greatly affect everyday life, life and state of mind. That is why beliefs arose about this. It is necessary to definitely remember for yourself what is still worth taking as gifts, and which should be abandoned.

Gifts that cannot be accepted

  • Wallet, empty bags or backpacks. In no case should you accept from those people who feel envy and constantly need money. A person with low material income and constant lack of money can convey his problems to the one to whom he will present this gift. Examples can be different, but all of them are associated with material benefits. For example, you can be fired, reduced to position, paying a salary in a timely manner or depriving you of a bonus for any minor oversights. If you accept a gift from a person close to you, tell him that you need to put a monetary bill in your wallet so that you always have money. The more money the money will be, the better for you.
  • Knives, sabers, forks, scissors and other piercing-cutting objects.These things should also be abandoned and returned to the giving way. These objects have strong negative energy, which will not turn into the best light for you and your home. A conflict situation can navigate and you quarrel with the donor, bring trouble to yourself. If you are not a person who is able to refuse and thereby offend the donor, then take a gift and give a small amount of money for this. It can even be coins.
  • Wrist or wall watch They are able to force the course of life if they are accepted as a gift. The clock also takes youth and attractiveness. The solution in this situation will be a “ranger” from the donor by a small amount. If the clock was accepted as a gift to the newlyweds, this will mean that soon their happy and carefree life will pass, and discord and constant quarrels will come to replace and even a divorce. When the director or head of the organization accepts the wall clock, he will not occupy long time in this post and leave him in the nearby.
Count your time
Count your time
  • Gloves, homemade slippers, mittens.They warm you in the cold season and give warmth and comfort. When you accept this gift, the giving you take all this from you. If you still really like gloves and you do not go to refuse them, having come to visit, by chance “forget” them, and then, as if by chance, “remember” and go after them. You can also “pay off”, giving the donor also gloves, but after ten days. When you take a glove as a gift, you seem to break off relations with the giving one. It is no accident that in the distant past, to call a person to a duel, he was thrown one glove. It was also believed that with the help of gloves you have a force of influence on a person. Your emotional and physical condition can worsen. It is contraindicated for people in age for home slippers. They will constantly suggest that old age will come soon and she is not around the corner. Accepted domestic slippers as a gift symbolize an imminent death.
  • Belt, received as a gift, can "paralyze you." You will lose the ability to achieve any heights, make decisions, you will not have enough willpower to do all this. Any career advancement may stop. The same promises in the relationship of two loving people, they are not destined to take a walk at their wedding. To protect yourself from these troubles, take a gift and do not wear it before the cleansing ritual. Turn out and set the belt for two weeks. To consolidate success, you should light 3 candles from the temple and put a belt near you and read 12 times “Our Father”. After this ritual, he will not have a supernatural force, and will not inspire fear in you.
  • Mirror.Our ancestors also believed that the mirror was able to possess extraordinary magical power. In the hands of great wizards and shamans, it has an extraordinary force and came to the rescue of rites. So, for example, if a young girl receives a mirror as a gift, which was enchanted, then you can take her beauty, youth, happiness and luck from her. It cannot be given or accepted as a gift. The mirror has a very strong energy field, it can contain both good and negative energy. An ancient mirror can truly be considered a portal to the underground world. It was these mirrors that are endowed with incredible power and incorporated the energy of entire generations. For such a long time, they absorbed information about the deaths, troubles, disappointments of many people who looked in them and were next to them.
It is forbidden to give
It is forbidden to give
  • Piper cross.This is such an individual thing that it is necessary to buy it only by yourself, and in no case do not take it as a gift. However, if the cross is presented with a smart, wealthy and happy person, then he will bring you the same. To clean the cross, it is better to bring it into the temple for a while and sanctify it. But the best solution will be if you exchange the cross for money and give the proceeds to charity or poor.
  • Porcelain Chinese dolls.The dolls are made by such professionally great Chinese masters that they can see the real features of a person, facial expressions, see the character, see a smile. They are created on the model of living people and are endowed with the energy of this person. Accepting this gift, you will take your life and character of a stranger. But you do not know what it was - good or bad.
  • Bird figurines.The bird in the old days symbolized the noise that brings misfortune. She also brings failure, pity, sadness and sadness. To this day, it is believed that when the bird flies into the window of the house, it signals the imminent misfortune.
  • Things related to treatment.Medicines, devices that help cope with diseases (thermometers, nebulizers, salt lamps, heating pads, inhalers) cannot be taken. They remind of ailments and attract them.
  • Pearls or jewelry from it.This mineral symbolizes other people's tears. Ancient belief says that pearls appeared as a result of tears of a girl who drowned and turned into a mermaid.
To tears
To tears
  • A pair of flowers, cloves.Taking cloves as a gift is considered a bad sign. These flowers bear trouble and bad luck to the person to whom they were presented. Death is associated with the flowers of black and red. Do not take such bouquets and give them as well. The most undesirable and dangerous bouquet of even number of colors is considered.
  • Nasal scarves, underwear, female and men's socks.You cannot accept and present a handkerchief as a gift. The ancient soothsayer Wang wary - take a handkerchief, soon wipe tears. Until now, since ancient times, there is a custom to distribute handkerchiefs to people who have come to the funeral, they were given an inconspicuously ill. Then, when the former love cannot be returned. Taking a scarf, you take diseases, sorrows, tests from another person. In this case, the ranger is required. On the same day, the handkerchief must be washed and stroked without folds, leave the icons near the icons, read the “our father”, mention the donor and wish him prosperity, health and mental harmony so that this ritual does not harm him.
  • Souvenirs brought from exotic countries.Everyone at least once received as a gift symbolic things brought by relatives from other countries. The Egyptian pyramid symbolizes good luck. If you brought a figurine in the form of a deity as a gift, try to find out as much as possible about it. For which she is responsible, what value she possesses, and after that, the ritual should be performed and all the negativity should be removed and recharged with positive energy. A souvenir from a foreign country should be put in white silk fabric and left in a dark place for a week. Within seven days, the gift is cleaned with holy water. African masks and various objects for rituals can be considered more dangerous gifts.
  • Ancient coins.Money is endowed with force, realize all our desires and fantasies, they also have a quality to bring misfortune, and pushing people into crimes. Ancient coins display the tragic events of those times. Coins are also endowed with human emotions - stinginess, despair, anger, disgust, etc. Carry out the rite of cleaning coins. Wrap the coin into white silk fabric and leave on the windowsill for 24 hours. For three days, keep them near the icons. In the morning, light 3 candles from the temple. You can only keep the coin in a metal box and pick up 1-2 times a week.
  • Stone malachite.Causes decay. Before wearing it, you need to talk and agree with him, conduct a rite. Malachite decoration must be wrapped with purple silk. Buy a thick candle in the temple and light it. First of all, you should talk to the stone and urged him not to hurt you. It should be remembered that malachite jewelry cannot be worn for more than 6 hours.

Should I give gifts?

It is impossible to transmit gifts in any case. The energy of the first person to whom this gift was intended is imprinted in their memory. These gifts will bring you not what you expected. With them you will receive disappointment, misfortune, grief of the old owner.

These tips can surprise someone, make fun of and even angry, but they will definitely not harm.

Video: TOP-7 dangerous gifts that are prohibited from accepting

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