Under which heel is put 5 rubles for good luck and which side? How to speak the coin nickname under the heel for monetary luck: Conspiracy

Under which heel is put 5 rubles for good luck and which side? How to speak the coin nickname under the heel for monetary luck: Conspiracy

How to put and speak under the heel for good luck correctly?

Pyatak is a happy coin that has been used for a long time to attract good luck, happiness and wealth. However, in most cases, this tradition is known among students. In this article we will tell you how to use a nickle to attract good luck. 

Why put 5 rubles in shoes, boots, a nickel under the heel for good luck: a sign

Initially, it is believed that for the first time this tradition began to be used in tsarist Russia. However, at that time 5 rubles in shoes, boots They were not used at all in order to pass the exam well. At that time, Pyatak-decent money for which it was possible to sit well after the exam in some institution, and note the successful delivery of the session. Therefore, Pyatak at that time was not taken at all in order to pass the exams well, but to note.

Why invest a nickel under the heel for good luck:

  • Now this tradition is praisingland a number of changes, and a nickle is not used at all in order to sit somewhere. Simply, this money is not enough for purchases. Now for 5 kopecks. You can’t even buy a box of matches. Therefore, the coin is invested to attract good luck.
  • It is believed that the five is a symbol of good luck, and will help to pass exams well for great. Now students before the exam are investing 5 penny coins under the heel. However, many believe that a modern trifle is not able to help pass the exam and attract good luck.
  • It is believed that it is 5 Russian rubles of the old model that are able to help in passing exams. The trifle that is available now is not effective. 
Souvenir coin
Souvenir coin

What heel is the nickel under what heel?

A lot of information exists regarding what heel it is necessary to invest. Some believe that under the right, others under the left.

Under what heel to put a nickle:

  • Please note that a coin in shoes can move out and move to the sock area. It is believed that in this case the procedure will not work, and you will not be able to attract success.
  • Therefore, try to fix the coin with tape. There is even a special side that needs to be invested a nickle.
  • It is believed that the coin will work best if you put a nickle up an eagle up and fix it with tape. 
  • In most cases, it is best to invest a nickle under the left heel, since it is closer to the heart. However, there is an opinion according to which it is necessary to invest a nickle under the heel of the leg that you are going to cross the threshold of the cabinet or audience for passing the exam.
  • Be sure to concentrate on this so as not to confuse the lower limbs. In addition, there are still a lot of rituals and beliefs that are associated with money and to attract good luck. 

What should I use a nickel under the heel before the exam?

The Chinese generally sacredly believe in favor of heel and coins. They make separate coins to attract good luck. They cannot be paid anywhere, they are created precisely in order to attract happiness and wealth. Many of us saw such coins in souvenir shops. They resemble ordinary coins with holes in the center, with which they can be strung on a red ribbon.

What is you need to use a nickel under the heel in front of the exam:

  • Most often used redsatin Or a silk tape with which money is bandaged. It is believed that two coins related together will bring wealth in business or help to enrich themselves at the expense of labor and work. If there are many coins, for example, 7, then this can attract an unexpected inheritance and wealth obtained in an unconventional way.
  • That is, you can become rich by some kind of chance. Of course, you should not faithfully believe, but we still advise taking into account. Usually, such happy coins wear it near the heart, closer to the body. To do this, they are strung on a red ribbon or a rope, put on the neck. Can be worn in your pocket. In general, since ancient times, there have been special coins of the science of a certain face value.
  • They were originally considered happy. So, for example, a coin made on your birthday is considered the happiest. If you can find it, you need to invest in a wallet and carry it with you. Such coins are by no means spent, they are not paid, but they are stored in order to attract happiness, luck, as well as wealth. 
Preparation for exams
Preparation for exams

How is a pepper conspiracy for an exam?

Oddly enough, but some students, as well as students, before passing exams, can conduct unusual rituals. This can be done with the help of a heel.


  • It is necessary to initially prepare money and clean it with a toothpaste and brush. It is necessary that the nickle is brilliant and sparkling beautifully in the sun.
  • Now it is necessary to put it in front of you with an eagle up and read the spell. After the coin is spurred, it is invested under the right heel. 
  • Superwith a success, it is considered to get a nickname of the teacher and put it under the heel. However, only the most resourceful and the co -report can do thisandtel. Usually such students and without coins with conspiracies are able to pass any exam. 

Conspiracy for a nickname for the exam:

You, a nickname, be with me the “five” to me.
Help on the exam, get rid of evil questions.
Take past the trouble, bring me good luck.

Feng Shui coins
Feng Shui coins

As you can see, according to this conspiracy, the money is placed not at all closer to the heart, that is, not under the left heel, but under the right. It is believed that in this way you will be able to get the favor of the teacher, make him more kind and escape from difficult questions. 

Video: nicken under the heel

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