Why the Aliexpress account was blocked: the reasons and their elimination. Aliexpress - part of the results of the search for goods is blocked in accordance with the requirements of local legislation: what does this mean?

Why the Aliexpress account was blocked: the reasons and their elimination. Aliexpress - part of the results of the search for goods is blocked in accordance with the requirements of local legislation: what does this mean?

What to do if the account is blocked on Aliexpress.

If shopping on Aliexpress It occupies an important place in your life, the unexpected blocking of the account on the Internet site will be a real problem. For what reasons Aliexpressblocks customer accounts with a couple of dozen orders received, and how to get rid of blocking? Read the article about this.

Why blocked the Aliexpress account: Reasons

Users Aliexpresslay out complaints about the ban received for unknown reasons on the Internet. It's a shame that the owners of blocked accounts are not able to track the condition of the paid order. What is the reason for the general lock?

We will try to objectively evaluate what is happening, not perceiving too emotionally what happened and not starting to spread negative reviews over the network.

Blocked an account on alienspress: Reasons
Blocked an account on alienspress: Reasons

The buyer can work for several years to increase the reputation on the Internet site, believing that he fulfills all the recommendations and requirements according to the rules of the store, periodically increases the amount of goods in the list of desires, rises according to the rating. But, having once opened the site, he introduces a login and password, but he was suddenly refused access to his personal account. An inscription in English about the temporary blocking of the account appears on the monitor.

Blocking an account on alienspress
Blocking an account on alienspress

The first reason for blocking the account:

  • The presence of several or a large number of unpaid orders for the user. If the user has not placed the order form, but there are many goods in the basket, then this can lead to closing access to the personal account. Some simply throw the goods into the basket and forget about it.
  • However, such a thing “freezes” in the basket, acquiring the status of “payment expected”. The payment for such a product does not receive, the status of the order in the basket will change over time: a note “The order was not paid” to appear on it. If a lot of such orders are collected in the basket, when the percentage of paid ones is equal to unpaid, then the blocking will automatically occur.
  • The duties of representatives of the site administration Aliexpress The accounting of a positive or negative account status is not included. The ban is calculated by the system itself, and this is a shortage of software: the minimum threshold of the ratio of paid and “hung” in the basket of goods is not indicated.
  • It is possible to scatter an account due to "hovering" in the basket of unpaid goods. But in fact, such an opportunity is provided only to individual users. The rest of the victims received a promise to solve the problem in a week or two, but the account remained locked until the buyer had another personal account.
If the user has not placed the order form, but there are many goods in the basket, then this can lead to closing access to the personal account

The second reason for the account of the account

  • Access to your personal account can be suspended due to an email not confirmed address. A registered user must confirm the address specified in the profile. And for this he has three days. The countdown begins after registration on the site.
  • If the email address is not confirmed, then in the future problems with access to your personal account are possible. After three days, the account can simply be blocked, despite the availability of an order that cannot be paid.
  • If the ban is postponed for an indefinite period (for 6 months or for a year) is developing the experience of purchases. But the access to the personal account was denied. When this happens, it is not known, because it is necessary to confirm mail immediately so that an awkward situation with closed access to your personal account does not touch you.

Email address must be confirmed within 3 days after registration

The third reason for blocking the account on aliexpress

  • If the user decides to buy a profitable purchase Alienskress, then the entrance to the personal account can also be blocked. This happens when the buyer is trying to pay for the goods received directly, and not through the site.
  • The seller of Aliexpress can report the message received from the buyer about the possibility of making a transaction of the site administration. The result of such a profitable purchase is ban.

The fifth reason for blocking the account on aliexpress

  • The administration of the trading platform can suspect the user of fraud. There are many articles on the network on how to buy a product for Aliexpress And get from the seller the entire amount back or part of the amount as compensation for supposedly poor -quality goods. And there are always those who want to follow the advice set forth in the article, although its material is designed for the sellers affected by the dishonest ones.
The administration of the trading platform can suspect the user of fraud

Users trying to deceive sellers can give themselves:

  • Upon receipt of a notice of the parcel delivered to the post office, the buyer opens the dispute, arguing that he did not receive the goods. After the dispute is completed and the receipt of money from the seller for the unprepared goods, the buyer goes to the mail to pick up the parcel.
  • The resulting loss makes the seller check on the track and find out if the sent parcel was handed to the addressee.
  • Even if the track is not tracked, the seller, being the sender, has the opportunity to find out what the parcel was assigned and where it is. After receiving a complaint from the seller of the site administration, the user profile receives a negative review.
  • Regular opening of disputes allows you to accuse the negligent buyer of fraud.
Regular opening of disputes allows you to accuse the negligent buyer of fraud

Can a buyer’s account on Aliexpress for disputes be blocked?

“Suspicious” buyers are double -checked by the administration of the site. This category includes users whose open disputes end in their favor.

Of course, there are many buyers who make purchases not entirely successful. Therefore, they have to open disputes. But here the domino principle is triggered: the result of disputes with sellers leaves a negative imprint on the work of other customers. Obtaining a reputation as a fraudster means that all disputes are resolved in favor of the seller. These are the rules Aliexpress.

Other reasons for blocking:

  • Watching reviews to the seller. For this, several accounts are created and the same thing is purchased.
  • Watching sales reviews.

Can a buyer’s account on Aliexpress in Russia block?

In order not to get a ban on Aliexpress, you need to adhere to instructions for buyers of the Internet site:

  • A thing that is not suitable for or does not like it, or its acquisition is not included in your plans at the moment, but you would not want to start the search later, you can send it to the desire list.
  • To do this, the page provides the "My desires" button. The goods are simply “pushed” there until you decide to buy it. A long “storage” of the product you like does not threaten the buyer a bank or a less serious punishment. Nobody will force him to buy it either.
How to add a product to a desire list
How to add a product to a desire list
  • If you decide to buy a product suitable for you for all the characteristics, you should get acquainted with the seller’s rating. Look at real photos of the goods, ask the buyers who have already made the purchase of this product, whether they are satisfied with the purchase. Make an order when finally decide on the choice.
  • Do not try to conclude a deal with the seller offering the same product for a lower price. You can purchase a poor -quality thing.
  • Open only honest disputes. About the parcel after the dispute, inform the administration of Aliexpress to resolve the issue of sending a payment for a closed order. Such simple actions will help you support you a reputation as an honest buyer.

Video: How to add the product to the basket or my desires on AliExpress?

Aliexpress - part of the results of the search for goods is blocked in accordance with the requirements of local legislation: what does this mean?

If you have problems searching for goods (some categories of goods are absent or a clearly limited list is opened), then this indicates an incorrect display of the section on the resource. This happens with an error or when imposing restrictions on this content associated with the Google Play and Apple Store policy.

Part of the search results is blocked
Part of the search results is blocked

You can solve the problem by installing an application marked 18+. An internal check of the age of the user can also change the situation: all the products of the section will be available to you.

What to do if you have blocked an account, profile and search for goods, sex products on Aliexpress?

If on Aliexpress The search for goods from the category of “adults” is blocked, this indicates failures in the search for or another mistake, because importing sex toys to Russia is not prohibited.

The goods are not available
The goods are not available

How to restore a locked account on Aliexpress?

After the administration of the Personal Account website undergoing the Kara, follow the following actions:

  • After receiving the status of "buyer-canor" on Alienskressit is better not to try to restore access to your account, but to register a new one. At the same time, do not forget that the email address should be different, like the phone number.
  • If you make purchases according to all the rules of the resource, then punishment in the form of blocking will not follow. It is pointless to start disputes: they will not be decided in favor of an unscrupulous buyer.
If a window opens with the inscription "Your Account Is Temporaarily Unavalable Due to Security Reasons", then click on the button indicated in the picture
  • If a window opens with the inscription "Your Account Is Temporaarily Unavalable Due to Security Reasons", then click on the button indicated in the picture.
  • A new window will open in front of you, in which you should specify the phone number and email address. You will get a form to restore access to your personal account. You will also need to load the scanned passport pages for user identification. After checking your profile, the site administration will decide whether to remove the lock or not.
Form for recovery
Form for recovery

At this stage, you may open a window with the inscription:

The account is blocked forever
The account is blocked forever
  • In this case, leave attempts to restore the account, since it is blocked forever. You cannot open access to your personal account.
  • If you have sent an application to activate the account, but the case moves very slowly, write to technical support and set out your problem.
How to write to the support service
How to write to the support service
  • In the absence of an account unlock button, contact the technical support directly. You should find out for what reason you received a ban and after what actions you can activate all the functions of the account.

Communicating with Russian -speaking representatives of the administration AliexpressSave patience. It is likely that misunderstandings may occur.

How to delete a blocked account on Aliexpress?

The video presents detailed instructions for removing the account on Alienskress. A blocked account is not so easy to delete.

Video: unlocking temporarily blocked accounts AliExpress

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