Why does pressure, weakness, sweat, sweat, hurt your head in the heat, I want to sleep? How easy it is to endure strong heat in the summer with a baby, pregnant, core: tips and methods

Why does pressure, weakness, sweat, sweat, hurt your head in the heat, I want to sleep? How easy it is to endure strong heat in the summer with a baby, pregnant, core: tips and methods

In this article you will learn what to do in order to easier to transfer the summer heat.

First, we will wait a long time in the summer, and then, when it comes, we do not know where to go from the heat.

How to survive the heat in the apartment without air conditioning, without harm to health?

To survive the summer heat, you need to drink quite cool pure water

A few secrets in order to easier to survive the summer heat:

  • You need to know how to dress correctly. Residents of Asian hot countries put on a warm robe, wrap their heads, sweat and thus escape from the heat. But this is not suitable for Europeans. We who are not used to wrap up in clothes in the summer, we need to wear light clothes made of natural fabrics - flax, cotton.
  • What to drink to be easier to transfer the heat? All the same Asians in the heat drink green hot tea. Is it right? In the heat, the blood thickens, and tea with lemon dilutes it. But from beer, which we sometimes drink in the heat, blood thickens, blood pressure rises, the heart beats stronger, and a hypertensive crisis may well occur. Also, you can not drink kvass, pomegranate and dark grape juice, very cold water from the refrigerator in the heat. You can drink light juices with sour taste, compotes, green tea.
  • In the heat, you need to give preference to boiled fish and vegetables, not meat.
  • At night, the windows should be opened and closed during the day.
  • How to cool the air in the apartment a few degrees? If you put a bowl or plastic bottles with ice in front of the fan, the temperature in the room will decrease slightly.
  • How to sleep in the heat? Before going to bed, you need to take a shower at room temperature, and sleep with open windows, hanging a wet sheet in front of the window.

Why is it pressing the heart in the heat? How to survive the heat of the core?

To survive the summer heat to the core, you need to take some measures

In the heat, additional loads act on the heart, and it works in enhanced mode. Therefore, we must pay special attention to the heart, and especially those who have problems with the heart.

Preventive measures for people who are worried about the heart:

  • In the heat, in the middle of the day, try not to be in the sun for more than 15 minutes.
  • Wear a headdress and clothes made of natural fabrics.
  • In the heat, reduce the load at home and at work.
  • Try to walk in the fresh air in the evening when the heat subsides.
  • Try to eat products in which there are potassium and magnesium (vegetables, fruits), they help the work of the heart.
  • There are fewer fat products.
  • Drink water, juices, compotes only when you feel thirsty. Excessive use of fluids for people with ischemic heart disease leads to its delay in the body, and an increase in blood pressure.
  • If you are on the street, and you have poor health, chest pain, go into the shadow, take the medicine assigned to you by a doctor who stimulates cardiac activity and call a doctor.

How to survive the heat of a pregnant woman and with a baby?

To survive the summer heat with the baby, you need to adhere to the doctor's recommendations

Recommendations for future mothers:

  • If possible, go for the time of pregnancy outside the city.
  • The body temperature in the heat will help: cool shower, cool baths for the legs and arms, washing the face with cool water.
  • It will improve well -being tea with mint and lemon, baths with mint, compresses with mint decoction.
  • In the heat, the legs are swelling, so you need to wear comfortable shoes, and when resting, lay the legs on a special pillow.
  • Wear spacious light clothes made of natural fabrics.

How to survive the heat of the baby?

  • You can walk in the heat with a small child in the morning, and after 17 o’clock in the evening.
  • You need to wear a child in a light jumpsuit made of natural fabric and a panama, or a light hat.
  • In the heat, the need for mother’s milk in children can increase, since they eat less, but more often to quench thirst.
  • You also need to give a child in the heat more often boiled water.
  • In the heat, you can bathe a child up to 5 times a day, especially if the child has flushed and swears strongly, the procedure takes 5 minutes.
  • Also, in the heat, you can arrange wet wiping with a soft towel, first one pen, and when it dries, the second, and so on.

Why do arms, legs, body swell in the heat. What to do?

To survive the summer heat, and the legs and the whole body swelling less, you need to make cool baths for the legs

In the heat, legs can swell in healthy people.

The main reasons for the swelling of the legs:

  1. Due to "standing" work (sellers, hairdressers)
  2. Problems with liver, heart, kidneys
  3. Problems with blood vessels
  4. Pregnancy
  • In the heat, blood vessels are expanded under the influence of heat, the outflow of blood from the heart occurs slower, fluid accumulates in the body, and this leads to swelling of the legs.
  • Enhanced setting of sweat through the skin also leads to sifting of the limbs.
  • Swelling of the legs in the heat is a sign of the fact that blood circulation is disturbed, a lot of salts by the body is lost.

So that the legs swell less in the heat, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • If possible, then in the afternoon, or in the evening and on weekends, lie with your legs raised, about 15 minutes several times a day.
  • To better reduce blood vessels, take a contrast shower in the evenings.
  • In summer, in the heat, do not eat salt, smoked meats and spicy foods, it helps to detain fluid in the body.
  • Drink more clean water, but in no case sweet drinks, beer and strong alcoholic drinks.
  • Engage in swimming and aquaerobics.
  • Less drink fluids at night.

For people who have a sedentary job to  their legs swelled less, experts advise, right at the workplace, do it several times a day the following exercises:

  1. Having taken off, press the heels to the floor, and the socks at this time lift it as high as possible, and then vice versa.
  2. First squeeze your toes, and then spread it.
  3. Rotational movements of the legs, first in one direction, and then in the other.
To survive summer heat without pure cool water, you cannot do

If swelling of the legs and body only during the day, and at night, then do not worry.

Signs of unhealthy edema that do not pass after a night's rest, and there are long time, the following:

  • Heart failure. Swelling on the legs form in the evening from the feet to the legs, the same on both legs, dense, pale, cold legs to the touch.
  • Kidney disease. Swelling on both legs, arms and face, not dense, but loose, the skin is pale, cold to the touch.
  • Liver diseases. Swelling on both legs and stomach.
  • Pancreatic diseases. Symmetric swelling of the legs, dent after pressing the finger does not remain, the skin in the place of edema is rough and peeling.
  • Violation of the lymphatic system, and then the development of elephantic legs. Edema can develop on one leg, but on the other not. The edema is red, hot to the touch, painful.

The child swears a lot in the heat, what to do?

To make it easier to survive the summer heat to a healthy child, always carry clean cool water with you

The allocation of sweat in an adult and child is normal, so conceived by nature. The nervous system is responsible for the allocation of sweat.

A child can sweat if:

  • He is dressed not according to the weather: it is hot outside, and you dressed him a T -shirt, jacket and jacket.
  • Strong sweating with colds.
  • Sweating in nervous situations.
  • The child is tired or slept little, such a situation can also be accompanied by sweating.

With the above moments in the child, all parts of the body sweat evenly, sweat without smell.

If the child has sweat with a pungent odor, thick and adhesive, or liquid and abundant, then you should consult a local doctor. It may be the following diseases:

  1. Rickets. The child is restless, sleeps poorly, the skin itches, strong sweating during meals, after the toilet, the sweat is sour.
  2. Disorder of the nervous system. The child sweats in separate places, sweat is sharp on the smell, adhesive or very liquid.
  3. Heart failure, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, lack of vitamin D. Reinforced sweating in a child, poor sleep, frequent tantrums.
  4. Hereditary diseases: phenylketonuria (violation of amino acid metabolism) - abundant sweat with a mouse smell, cystic fibrosis (gene mutation) - Abundant sweat with the formation of crystals, salted with a high content of chlorine and sodium.

Why in the heat of a person the body, head, face sweat strongly?

To survive the summer heat and sweat less, you need to adhere to some tips

Setting or hyperhidrosis Promotes thermoregulation of the body.

A person in the heat sweats for the following reasons:

  • Due to physical exertion
  • After taking alcohol
  • After abundant food
  • Due to health problems

A person’s face sweats strongly for the following reasons:

  • After suffered stress
  • Due to fatty, spicy foods with alcohol
  • In women after 45 years due to the onset of menopause

The cause of sweating may be the following:

  • Incorrect scalp care and hair
  • Genetic line predisposition
  • At night strong sweat with tuberculosis
  • Emotional loads
  • Vegetes -vascular dystonia

If the nape swears, this can be a sign of liver or gall bladder disease.

If the neck sweals, this can be a sign of the disease of the endocrine system.

I sweat strongly in the heat what to do to sweat less?

To make it easier to survive the summer heat, in the morning you need to drink not coffee, but green tea with lemon

To sweat less in the heat, first you need to install the cause of sweating:

  1. Stress. If you know that you have to worry at work, in the morning you need to drink soothing tea from peppermint, peony petals, valerian roots, motherwort or lemon balm. You can prepare for the upcoming unrest - to drink soothing tea for several days in a row.
  2. Heat. In the heat, you can wipe your face and neck with ice cubes from grass infusions or wash with infusion of herbs that have a vasoconstrictive effect (oak bark, hemopulsor).
  3. Food. In the morning, instead of coffee, drink green tea, refuse fatty foods, and consume more vegetables and fruits.

Why does the head hurt and dizzy in the heat, sick, I want to sleep?

To survive the summer heat, the main thing is to prevent dehydration

In the heat, the head may hurt and dizzy for several reasons:

  1. Dehydration. In severe heat with then, useful trace elements and salts come out, and the body is dehydrated. To prevent this from happening, you need to have clean water with you, and drink it in small sips. So the body is saturated with water.
  2. If you walk for a long time in the heat without a headdress. You can get a thermal blow, usually the head begins to hurt in front of him.

Why is arterial pressure, weakness in the heat

To survive the summer heat, people suffering from hypertension and hypotension need to take medications prescribed by the doctor
  • In the heat, in hypotonic, blood pressure decreases. And so low pressure decreases even more, and a person feels bad.
  • The blood pressure in hypertensive patients can slightly decrease only at the initial stage of the disease. Hypertonicists, which take the tablets all the time, should continue to take them.
  • And a small decrease in blood pressure is explained by the fact that in the heat the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air increases, blood vessels expand slightly, and as a result, pressure decreases.

Why in the heat it becomes bad, difficult to breathe, no strength?

If you are very poorly tolerate the summer heat, this may be the result of a disease that you do not know about

If a person is very bad in the heat, and it becomes difficult to breathe-this can be the cause of a disease.

There is not enough air in such conditions:

  1. Heart and lung diseases.
  2. Allergy on flowering plants.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Pregnancy. In the body of a pregnant woman, changes occur. All organs work in enhanced mode. At the last stage of pregnancy, there is not enough air, and even more so in severe heat. All symptoms after the birth of a child will pass.
  5. The reaction to the heat It is expressed as follows: strong sweating, face is pale, nothing to breathe, a breakdown of strength, numbness of the limbs and the heart beats greatly.

If the cause of such a state, when it is difficult to breathe, is some kind of illness, then you need to immediately go to the doctor. He will make the correct diagnosis, and prescribe treatment.

Why in the heat you want sweets, and I do not want to eat?

In severe heat, a lot of sweat from the body is released, and trace elements come out with it, the first sign of their loss - pulls on a sweet

Sweet in the heat may want due to loss, with abundant secretion of sweat and stress, vitamins and trace elements. These are the following minerals:

  • Magnesium. Nervous breakdowns deplete the amount of magnesium in our body, and cocoa from chocolate replenishes it, so I want sweets.
  • Chromium. If the amount of chromium is smaller in the body than it relies, from our glucose cells ceases to enter the bloodstream, and therefore I want sweets.
  • Phosphorus. To replenish this element in the body, you need to eat fish, eggs, cereals, but a sign of a lack of phosphorus is a tendency to sweets.

But i don’t want to eat in the heat for the reason that the body spends strength on completely other things - the fight against high temperature, and it is necessary not to overload it with dense dinners and dinners, but there is light food, and little by little.

How easy it is to endure heat in the summer: tips and methods

To survive summer heat, wash yourself more often with cold water

It will be much easier to transfer the summer heat if you listen to the next tips:

  • In the very heat, 11-16 hours, do not go outside, and do not do a job related to large physical exertion. This time should be drawn in the room or on the balcony, if direct sunlight does not hit.
  • It is advisable to go to bed with the sunset, and get up early when it is not very hot.
  • You can drink cool clean water, compot with sourness, fruit drink, green and mint tea, no more than 100-150 ml at a time, but often.
  • During the heat, do not eat fatty meat, flour products, but give preference to okroshka, beetroot, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, fruits and berries.
  • In summer, it is useful to refuel dishes with hemp oil containing polyunsaturated fatty acids that strengthen blood vessels.
  • Take a cool shower every day, and during the day you more often rinse your face and arms, elbow and above, with cold water, and wipe your whole body with a wet towel.
  • Wipe your face and neck several times a day with ice cubes from a decoction of sage, chamomile.
  • At work, you can sprinkle your face to refresh with a special spray.
  • If your legs or varicose veins swell, then you need to pour your legs with cold water in the evening.
  • The face and foundation of the face and foundation should be refused in the summer.
  • In the summer for the face, you should use a protective cream, and lip lips with special hygienic lipstick.
  • You should dress in clothes made of natural fabrics, free cut of light color.

To be easier to transfer the summer heat, you should prepare for it since spring, collecting useful tips.

Video: How to survive the heat in the apartment? 10 tips! Interest

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  1. Usually this happens in weather -dependent people ... I myself am no exception ... I suffer like this all my life. It’s good that I have recently found a wand for myself, I accept the ginkoma and try to move more-this is really working ... I advise you)

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