Why does a cat stink with a rotten mouth? When to go to the doctor, if the cat stinks of a rottener from the mouth?

Why does a cat stink with a rotten mouth? When to go to the doctor, if the cat stinks of a rottener from the mouth?

The reasons for the unpleasant odor from the mouth of the cat. Delicious advice to the owners of cats.

Unfortunately, cats do not know how to brush their teeth toothpaste and they hardly like sugar orbits. The owners notice that the pet smells badly and ask the Internet a question - why does the cat stink with a rotten with a rotten. After all, they washed their pet and shampoo and made their hair, but he does not want to brush his teeth!

Why does a cat stink of a tuhlyatina from his mouth?

I would like to immediately reassure the owners of the cats who are concerned about the unpleasant odor from the mouth of the cat, your cat is absolutely healthy. And the unpleasant odor is due to the fact that the diet of cat breeds by almost 100% make meat and fish products. Yes, it is rarely possible to find a vegetarian cat. If this is, then it is either because of the owners of poverty or because the cat is homeless and did not find other food in garbage tanks.

Why does a cat stink of a tuhlyatina from his mouth? The meat and fish, falling into the stomach of the cat, are digested by gastric juices, but this process is long and the smell of hydrogen sulfide, or rotten eggs, appears due to the decay of protein products. Do I need to worry about this, if the cat is healthyand leads a normal lifestyle?

Signs of a healthy cat can be as follows:

  • The cat willingly eat ordinary food.
  • The cat’s wool shines and soft to the touch.
  • He plays and willingly responds to affection.
  • The cat is sleeping no more than the usual time.

All these signs do not concern cats and cats during sexual hunting. When a cat wants a cat or a cat wants a cat, you can forget about the adequacy of pets. If such a cat has the opportunity to go outside, then you can hardly wait for his arrival home in the next three days. Such little things as an empty and empty stomach and dumping, dirty wool do not care about the cats on active days.

If your cat is healthy, its wool shines and he willingly eats, the unpleasant breath of the cat’s mouth can be considered the norm.

Little breast kittens do not have an unpleasant odor from their mouth. This is facilitated by the nutrition of milk from the mother.

Kittens smell better than adult cats
Kittens smell better than adult cats

When to go to the doctor, if the cat stinks of a rottener from the mouth?

If your cat is sluggish, eats a little or does not eat at all, and it stinks of a rotten, you need to bring your pet to the veterinary clinic. The cause of the ill health can be:

  • Cat stomach diseases.
  • Diseases of the intestines of the cat.
  • Diseases of the teeth and oral cavity.
  • Poisoning with poor quality products.
  • Chemical poisoning.
  • Worms, fleas and other parasites.

You cannot establish the cause of the cat’s unhealthy, if you are not a doctor, you cannot. At home, you can fight worms and fleas, treat mild food poisoning, but only a doctor can cure severe food poisoning and other diseases.

Sick cat and he after recovery
Sick cat and he after recovery

Signs of an unhealthy cat:

  • The cat eats very little or does not eat at all.
  • The wool of the sick cat is dull and dumped.
  • The cat does not engage in ordinary games, does not react to affection.
  • He sleeps a lot and sits motionless.
  • His chair is unnaturally liquid.
  • Under the skin, seals are felt.

All these signs should not appear simultaneously. In order to suspect a cat's unhealthy, it is necessary that 2-3 signs should be manifested at once. The most basic sign of ill health is the lack of normal appetite for 2-3 days and small physical activity. Do not confuse with the lack of appetite in a cat who wants a mate with a cat. Such a cat is quite active, and sometimes even too active.

The cat stinks from the mouth of a rotteny: Disease prevention

Protecting domestic cats from fleas and worms is the prevention of many diseases. Even if your favorite does not leave the apartment, periodically check his wool for fleas. If the cat freely goes outside, use collar or fleas drops. Worms can appear in cats from contact with other animals, contact with contaminated food or earth. What is the dangerous infection with worms? Propagating in large quantities in the body, worms can cause inflammation of the intestines of the cat, the smell of rottening of the cat’s mouth, the casement of the intestines and even the death of the pet.

It is important to prevent infection with worms to carry out deworming once every three months regularly. Each veterinary pharmacy will offer you affordable funds from worms for cats.

Fleas, especially in the infancy, can cause weak growth and poor appetite in kittens. Sometimes, the state of health of infected kittens is so deplorable that their lives are in danger. Small kittens can be washed with shampoo from fleas, you cannot use aggressive products from fleas.

Usually, they first carry out the fight against fleas, and then with worms. The break between these procedures, due to the aggressive effect on the cat's body, is not less than a week. If there is a suspicion of the presence of a large number of worms and the cat eats poorly, they first make deworming.

Diseases of the stomach, intestines and oral cavity of cats: can they be the reason why the cat stinks with a rottener in the cat?

Diseases of the stomach, intestines and oral cavity of cats can be infectious, caused by parasites or have a non -infectious cause of appearance. To understand the cause of the disease only only a professional veterinary clinic having a laboratory for analyzes. The severe course of these diseases can cause unpleasant odor from the mouth of the cat.

But in this case, you will notice not only the smell of rottening of the cat’s mouth, but also the general sharp deterioration in health. Treatment of a sick cat at home without involving a veterinarian can be dangerous for both the cat and the owners. It is best to do this in specialized clinics for animals.

If the cat is healthy, the smell of rottening of the cat’s mouth can be considered the norm.

A healthy cat can have an unpleasant odor from the mouth
A healthy cat can have an unpleasant odor from the mouth

Can cats brush your teeth?

A somewhat funny looks like a formulation of the question. Of course in the wild, you will not find a tiger with a toothbrush in the paws. And if he has this, then rather in order to gnaw it. Cats are not particularly different from their habits from wild brothers. And only restless owners of cats can subject them to an unpleasant procedure. Agree, wrap the cat in the sheet and brush her teeth with the help of another person, while she yells, scratches and tries to escape, the occupation is not for the faint of heart, and the faint of heart. Although you can find cute videos on the Internet, where the cat willingly bite the toothbrush. I wonder how the owners of the cat smeared such a brush?

Video: Cat brushes teeth

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