Why is the phone charged only off? Why the phone does not charge on, from the outlet, from the laptop: Reasons

Why is the phone charged only off? Why the phone does not charge on, from the outlet, from the laptop: Reasons

Reasons for the lack of a telephone charge.

There are many reasons because of which the phone does not charge. This may indicate its breakdown or the reasons that are not at all related to the operation of the apparatus. In this article we will tell you why the phone is not charged and how you can fix it yourself.

Why does the phone not charge: reasons

Review of the reasons:

  • The main reason is the battery malfunction. Remove it from the phone, try to twist it on the table, that is, promote like a yulu. If he turns, then it really swollen a little. Do not delay the acquisition of a new battery, because it can burst, thereby getting wet the insides of the device, which will completely ruin it. Therefore, in such cases, we recommend immediately replacing the battery. If the battery is not swollen, it does not spin on the smooth surface of the table, because it is initially flat. If the battery is flat, then the reason is something else.
  • Try to replace the charger, ask your friend exercises and try to recharge the phone. If charging goes, then the whole problem is just in the USB-cable itself and the charging itself.
  • It happens that the phone is not charged from a USB cable that is connected to a computer or laptop. In this case, some kind of breakdown does not necessarily take place. Some laptops include a function that if they are not connected to the power supply, that is, to the outlet, then they will not charge the device. In order to charge the phone in this case, just connect the laptop to the outlet, and then turn on the phone through the USB cable.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the phone connector itself. Very often the nest, which is designed to connect a USB cable, is out of order. The antennae break off, which occurs quite often for those who like to watch or surf in the phone during its charging. That is, twist it from side to side. Thus, the USB cable shakes the connector, violating its integrity. To prevent this from happening, for the period of charging the phone, try not to use it, leave it alone.
  • Another reason why the phone may not work is his night recharge. The fact is that the device is charged much earlier than 8 hours. That is how much users are most often sleeping. Therefore, it can be very heated and oxidized due to the constant heating of the USB-sneaker and its cooling. Contacts are oxidized, which can cause breakdown of the charger, as well as a USB cable. It is possible to help such a problem with wiping the USB-sharing itself with a cotton pad dipped in alcohol. This solvent removes the oxide from salts from the surface of the USB-section and allows it to work better.
The battery does not charge
The battery does not charge

The phone is charged only when turned off: reasons


It often happens that the telephone does not charge in the included state, but charging occurs only when the device is turned off. This is possible in the following cases:

  • The capacity of the charger itself is quite small. The fact is that if the current strength recommended for your device is 2 A, then it will be less slowly charged. There is a Chinese charger with a current force of only 0.5 A., respectively, the phone will lack charging in order to work and charge at the same time, especially if you use the phone, sit on the Internet, watch some video. A lot of capacity is spent not only on charging, but also on the work of the phone. Therefore, in general, the charge itself is not enough. In this case, you will have to replace the charger with a more powerful one. We recommend that you use the original charger, which is created for your device. This is a guarantee that you will avoid breakdowns. The device will be charged quite quickly.
  • The presence of special programs and utilities. The fact is that some programs can inhibit the charging of the device and eat part of the battery capacity that is spent on the work of these programs. Therefore, we recommend that you optimize before charging. Close all the cache and cookies, clean the phone of unnecessary files. This will allow him to charge faster.
  • Disruption of the apparatus. An error in the system board is possible, contacts are closed somewhere, or the whole system works incorrectly. In this case, only a specialist will help.
The phone is on charging
The phone is on charging

How to determine why the charger does not charge the phone?


  • The very first thing we recommend to do is change the charger. Ask your friend or acquaintance with a new charging and turn on not using a USB-placement to a laptop or computer, but in a socket using an adapter.
  • If this does not help and the device does not charge, carefully look at the nest in your phone. Perhaps one of the antennae has broken, and does not work. Most likely, the reason is that you broke the connector, due to the fact that you often use the phone during charging. Thus, one of the antennae simply broke off. The soldering of such a connector is completely inexpensive and is performed in just an hour. This will not require a lot of money from you, as well as time. Any master of the service center will be able to deal with this.
  • If this did not help, the working connector, the charging also works well, then the cause of the breakdown can be the failure of the battery itself. How to check it for integrity, we described above. In this case, you will have to replace the battery.
  • In an extreme case, if everything is regular, that is, the battery, the charger and the nest also work, then the problem can be in the software itself or in the breakdown of the iron itself, that is, inside the phone and system board.
No charging
No charging

As you can see, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. We recommend that you protect the equipment and follow the rules for working with it.

Video: Why does the phone not charge

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Comments K. article

  1. I personally downloaded “USB Driver for Android”, installed, or turned out to reinstall, and ... cheers !!! Earned!
    And even earlier it was the same, then with the help of a ear stick a nest on a smartphone with alcohol wiped.
    Well, and it is clear that in both cases the reasons were different!

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