Why they say so - “smart, stupid - his comrade”: the meaning of the proverb

Why they say so - “smart, stupid - his comrade”: the meaning of the proverb

Why are proverbs in everyday speech. How to understand the meaning of proverbs and apply them? Read more in our article.

Proverbs and sayings are a storehouse of folk wisdom. They reflect experience, wisdom, observation, humor, and also convey the spiritual content and moral values \u200b\u200bof many generations of people.

Why do we use proverbs?

Proverbs - folk sayings with instructive meaning, they are expressed in a simple language using figurative comparisons. Some of them came from our days from ancient times, without losing its meaningfulness.

  • Proverbs enrich their native speech, make the narrative more expressive. It happens that to describe the complex everyday situation, one proverb, consisting of several words, simple and known for the interlocutor.
  • Proverbs and sayings can very accurately express our thoughts, but at the same time make it possible to feel the connection of generations - what excited people hundreds of years ago, and in modern society. “A tit in hands is better than a crane in the sky”, let's say we who chases a ghostly success without noticing anything around. “Do not say a gop until you jump over,” he will hear the one who prematurely rejoices in the victory. “On the alien side of the native Voronushka,” recalls the one who was far from their native places among strangers.
  • The Russian language is rich in proverbs and sayings that make it bright and figurative. Although this can create certain difficulties for foreigners who do not always understand the subtlety, accuracy and irony of Russian folk expressions.
Through the proverbs of our native language, we feel the connection of generations
Through the proverbs of our native language, we feel the connection of generations

The meaning of the proverb "Clever blame itself, stupid - comrade"

This is one of the proverbs that are very relevant today. What is its meaning?

  • You can literally understand the essence of expression. If something unpleasant happened, it is always easier to shift the blame on the one who was nearby. So you can justify yourself and euthanize your conscience.
  • A stupid and superficial person simply cannot understand his miss, he wants to prove to everyone that everything is always right in everything.
  • A smart person always realizes his own guilt. Even if the initiator of a bad act was another person, one could try to dissuade him, convince him, point out a mistake, take responsibility and prevent the situation. In a case that is not entirely acceptable to you, you can simply not participate.
  • If we consider the meaning of what has been said more widely, you can apply this expression to the situation in the family, society, the country. When a person is dissatisfied with his life, it is always easier to blame the spouse, neighbor, boss, government. Instead, everyone should start with themselves. Think about whether you live correctly, whether it was always honest, can you take responsibility for your life, what does it make so that the world around becomes a little better?
Look for the reason for your successes and failures only in yourself
Look for the reason for your successes and failures only in yourself

Video: Russian folk proverbs

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