Why are erotic dreams dream: physiological explanation, opinion of psychologists

Why are erotic dreams dream: physiological explanation, opinion of psychologists

Do you dream of erotic dreams? Let's figure out why this is happening.

Anyone at least once in his life saw a dream, with elements of eroticism. Such dreams come to one more often, occasionally to others. But in both cases, the reasons for their appearance should not be sought in a lack of real sex, but to look into the depths of the subconscious, analyze the emotions that you experience at the time of awakening, in a word, do psychoanalysis.

What caused erotic dreams?

Most often, in order to understand whether the dream is good or bad, you just need to recall the emotions that he caused. As a rule, if you wake up with a smile and regret that the dream has ended, according to psychologists, you have some kind of hidden desire. In addition, it is not at all necessary that it is from the field of sexual fantasies.

If, on the contrary, there are bad, heavy emotions, a certain disgust - this is also an occasion to delve into your life. It is possible that somewhere there is an unresolved conflict situation, which now pops up in this way.

Erotic sleep
Erotic sleep
  1. It is believed that most often in such a dream a person sees a situation in which he is either subjected to violence or carries it himself. Here, too, you should not look for an erotic background, but just understand: in the first case, you are trying to drop any bonds connecting you, in the second-most likely you are unhappy with your life, you are tired of a lot.
  2. The erotic scene in a dream before the accumulation of the audience again speaks of a certain discontent with something, and again-this is unlikely to dissatisfaction with the intimate life.
  3. Self -satisfaction in a dream can speak of low self -esteem, and in this case you just need to try to look at yourself as a stranger, from the side - who knows how many positive qualities you will reveal in yourself.
  4. The lesbian love that was dreaming of the girl does not speak of the unconvention of her orientation, rather such a dream indicates a lack of heat and tenderness in relationships. It is also possible that the girl sees in her partner not just a sexual partner, but the personification of those qualities that she is so striving to possess.
  5. In a dream, did you suddenly change the floor? Does it happen that in reality you perform the functions unusual for you? Or strive for this? For example, the guy was always interested in how it was: to embroider a cross, and the girl always wanted to fly along a high -speed highway driving a racing car.
  6. I dreamed of an unfamiliar partner - you just want a variety, and if, on the contrary, a familiar one, and moreover, your ex - a double interpretation is possible here. It is possible that somewhere deep down you remember him. However, it is not necessary to resume relationships. Maybe it just pops up in the memory of some pleasant joint moments, or maybe something in your relationship remains unproven.
  7. A person is unpleasant for you in the role of your sexual partner-it is likely that he is endowed with any qualities that you would like to see in yourself. After all, it often happens that we are annoyed in others that which is not given to us.
  8. In the event that in a dream, something prevents you from realizing sexual desires-this is the transformation of your unfulfilled plans in reality.

Why are erotic dreams dream: physiological explanation

As we know, dreams have fast and deep phases. So, according to the observations of specialists, erotic dreams They come to us during a quick phase, when there is a high probability of increasing blood pressure, including in the genital area. Thus, their sensitivity increases, which often leads to the fact that sexually colored pictures come in a dream.

Physiologists also noted the connection erotic dreams With the fact that a person falls asleep, lying on his stomach. Thus, it receives less air and breathing becomes partially difficult, as, in fact, during intercourse. The body's reaction can also be similar.

Physiological explanation
Physiological explanation

The reason may be an increased level of testosterone in the body. This applies to both men and women. Experiments were also carried out that determine the appearance of erotic dreams depending on the content of Aphrodisiac aromas in the air. So, it is found that the aromas of bergamot, sandalwood, and rosemary are especially actively contributing to the emergence of such piquant dreams.

Why do erotic dreams dream: what are the psychologists say?

And psychologists are sure that such dreams do not speak at all about any problems in an intimate life. The fact is that moral foundations in real life often suppress our innermost desires, we are embarrassed to admit them even to ourselves. Another thing is a dream in which we are not powerful over our thoughts and desires. Sleep relieves all taboos, and in the form of erotic pictures, we see our unrealized aspirations embodied in their images, who has gone to the need for any changes.

About dreams
About dreams

And yet, according to the sores, the appearance of a beautiful prince in an erotic dream indicates that you are in search of your second half and subconsciously draw its image for yourself. Moreover, you are ready for both physical and emotional contact with your prince. Thus, the subconscious suggests that it is time to act and take steps towards your dream

So, erotic sleep It is not necessarily literal. This is just a sexually painted occasion to think about what exactly is worried about us and to start solving the problem.

Video: What threaten erotic dreams?

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