Why does cellulite appear and how to deal with it?

Why does cellulite appear and how to deal with it?

In the article you will find simple tips that will help you get rid of orange peels at home.

  • The appearance of ugly orange crust usually upset women, because even after forty, each wants to remain young, healthy and attractive. Many women consider this process irreparable, so they do not take any actions to eliminate the problem, but simply try to hide the problem areas from prying eyes
  • But you don’t have to do this. After all, the modern beauty industry offers quite a lot of ways to combat this problem. With the right approach, you can quickly bring the skin to normal. So let's figure out how to get rid of cellulite quickly and efficiently

The causes of cellulite

Perhaps cellulite can be called the most unpleasant cosmetic problem. After all, it cannot be disguised as decorative cosmetics and removed with moisturizers. The ugly orange crust appears due to the accumulation of a large amount of fat cells under the skin.

And since fat cells have the ability to accumulate excess fluid and metabolic products, over time, swelling occurs in the places of accumulation, the skin loses its elasticity and tubercles begin to appear on it, which resemble an orange peel.

Causes of cellulite:

• Important nutrition. If a person eats exclusively fatty, fried, salty and acute food, then over time the internal organs cease to function normally, and do not remove harmful substances from the body. They remain in the intercellular space and contribute to the accumulation of fluid and fat cells

• Women's hormones. If a woman has an increased estrogen level, then this can become an impetus for the development of orange crust. This is due to the fact that its abundance very strongly relaxes muscles and blood vessels. They get a large amount of fluid and metabolic products. This can provoke swelling, which means cellulite

• Passive lifestyle. Modern man moves quite little, he spends most of the day sitting. As a result, we do not support the normal tone of muscle mass, and it, in turn, does not provide the desired pressure on the vein. Because of this, stagnation of blood occurs, and in the intercellular space, not quite useful substances begin to accumulate

• Incorrect drinking mode. No matter how strange it may sound, but an insufficient amount of fluid in the body can also provoke the development of cellulite. After all, it is water that helps our body get rid of toxins and toxins. And if we drink very little, then harmful substances will be addicted to our body and over time we will begin to start skin problems

How to deal with cellulite at home

Velvety and elastic skin is the dream of every woman. Regardless of how many years the fair sex, she always strives to do everything so that her skin is always in perfect condition. But when you are already over thirty and the first age -related changes begin to manifest themselves, it becomes more difficult and difficult to fight with dermatological problems.

And if you can return freshness to the skin quite quickly, then a considerable amount of time will have to be spent on the fight against cellulite. But even if you do not have extra money for salon procedures, you should not be upset. If you adhere to several recommendations, it is likely that this problem will be able to solve it yourself.

Ways to combat cellulite at home:

• Review your diet. If you use a lot of carbohydrates, then try to reduce their number at least half. In general, it is better to use products containing complex carbohydrates for cooking. They will help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins and will enhance metabolic processes as much as possible. Also follow the amount of protein in finished dishes. Since they strengthens the connective tissue, its disadvantage can lead to ruptures, and therefore to cellulite

• Train intensively. Every day in the morning, do gymnastics, roll on a bicycle, swim, run or just walk a lot around the park. Even the minimum movement will benefit your body. And remember, if you started playing sports, then do it systematically. If you take big breaks, then your muscles will lose their tone and you may begin to begin problems with subcutaneous fat

• Massage yourself. For this procedure, you will need a special massage can, orange oil, grapefruit and pine. To begin with, mix in equal proportions all the oils and apply in circular movements to problem areas. Massage them for 1-2 minutes. When the skin is heated a little, take the jar and start to do an intense massage whiter. At the end of the procedure, remove excess oil using warm water with soap

Methods of combating cellulite

Although cellulite is considered only a cosmetic problem to get rid of it with only ointments and gels is unlikely to be able to. In order to get a positive result, you usually have to use several methods at once. The main thing is that you must remember that it is impossible to get rid of cellulite in one day.

This usually takes a lot of time, effort and money. But if you choose the right procedures and do them regularly, then over time the skin will again become velvet and elastic, and you can walk along the beach without worrying around your appearance.

Methods that will help you get rid of cellulite:
• Salt baths
• Anti -cellulite wraps
• Swimming
• ultrasonic lymphatic drainage
• Mesotherapy
• Miostimulation
• Compression tights

How to get rid of cellulite on the legs and buttocks

Legs and buttocks are the two most beloved places of cellulite. Since in these places the largest fat cells, it is here that the orange crust appears the fastest. And if you do not bring health to normal and do not strengthen muscle tone, then the condition will only aggravate. But before starting treatment, be sure to figure out the reasons for the occurrence of the disease.

After all, if you have excess weight or the level of hormones is increased, then no matter what massages you do, you will not succeed in getting rid of cellulite. Therefore, for starters, go to the clinic, pass all the tests and, if they show that there are no problems with health, only then start solving what method you will fight a not very beautiful skin problem.

Ways to combat cellulite on the legs and buttocks:

• Honey massage. For the treatment procedure, you will need natural honey, preferably linden or floral. Be sure to buy lemon, lavender or eucalyptus oil in a pharmacy. Mix the components of the anti -cellulite mixture and apply it to dermatological covers with massage movements. Try to do massage so that the skin is well warmed up

• manual lymphatic drainage. If you make it correctly, then it will help remove excess water from the skin and cleanse them of not quite useful metabolic products. But do not confuse this procedure with conventional massage. In this case, you do not have to knead the muscles. You need to achieve a completely different result. With light, pathetic movements, it is necessary to relax muscles, redistribute the liquid in the tissues and unlock the stagnant lymph

• Infrared radiation. This method is still considered quite exotic. Although some beauty salons are already offering a similar service with us. Most often, it is prescribed to women who are afraid of any serious procedures. Infrared radiation, falling on the affected areas, activates all metabolic processes in the skin and increases their overall tone

Wraps against cellulite

  • Wraps are considered a fairly effective tool for combating an orange crust. There are two ways to carry out this procedure: cold and hot wrapping. The fair sex choose the desired method depending on the condition of the skin. But still it would be better to use these methods alternately. Due to the contrast of temperature indicators, the skin is much better amenable to anti-cellulite substances, and after 10-12 procedures you can forget about cellulite
  • But the most important plus of this procedure is its cheapness. In order to do it, you will not have to go to the beauty salon and pay a lot of money for its conduct. You can buy everything you need for minimal means and make wrap at home. To conduct you will need cellophane and products with an anti -cellulite effect (coffee, honey, potatoes, green tea, apple vinegar, seaweed, clay and essential oils). If you don't want to mess around, you can buy ready -made serum in any pharmacy and calmly use it
  • But in order for the wrap to have exactly the impact that you expect, you need to prepare it correctly for the procedure. First you need to remove keratinized particles from dermatological integument. This can be done with the help of boats or lotions. After, with the help of massage movements, warm up the affected areas well and only then apply an anti -cellulite mixture to them

Exercises to combat cellulite

As you already, probably, understood cellulite - this is nothing more than ordinary stagnant processes. And in order to eliminate them alone wraps and massages, it is not enough. If you have already noticed the manifestations of orange peel, then immediately increase blood circulation in problem areas with physical exercises.

But remember, the exercises will bring you a positive result only if you make them regularly. If you are bored of doing the same exercises, sometimes replace them with a bicycle ride or jumping jumps.

Exercises that help get rid of orange crust:
• Lugs
• semi -priority
• Deep squat
• Twins
• Raising the pelvis
• Steps walk

Cosmetic procedures against cellulite

  • In addition to massages, wraps, therapeutic baths and special physical exercises for the treatment of orange peel, cosmetic drugs can be used
  • If you decide to fight a skin defect with this particular method, then when choosing a lifting agent, pay attention to its composition. After all, from how correctly you select an anti -cellulite drug to curtain the duration and effectiveness of treatment
  • If problems with dermatological cover have just begun to appear in you, then products that will simply increase the skin tone are quite suitable for you. If you wait for more obvious signs, buy more effective cosmetics
  • It should not only make the skin elastic, but also strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent excessive glucose accumulation. Well, to those representatives of the fair sex, in which cellulite is pronounced, products that will stimulate the breakdown of fat are ideal. It will be better if they contain caffeine

Video: How to get rid of cellulite on the legs and buttocks at home?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful article. I do a vacuum massage and wraps with a Hors Forsa gel with a horse chestnut. It can be done even if varicose veins, because He is with a cold effect

  2. Sasha, but the scrub did not buy Hors Fors. I really liked it. and also helps from cellulite

  3. I had a cellululite during the winter. In general, I thought that I would never have him. I eat right, there is no heredity to mom 60 looks gorgeous, she does not have cellulite. It appeared for me against the background of inflammation of the thyroid gland. A hormonal failure began and the result is cellulite. I began with the treatment and examination of the thyroid gland. She began to drink pills and a mineral complex and took up the destruction of cellulite. Anti -cellulite Twins TEK to and after helped me. Due to the high content of caffeine and algae, intense burning of fat in the subcutaneous layer occurs, the cream helps to reduce unwanted fat deposits. The use of cream slows down the aging of the skin and prevents the appearance of sagging. Improves the appearance of the skin, smoothing and pulling it up.

  4. Thanks for such a useful article. For myself, I chose vacuum massage and anti -cellulite cream Twins TEK to after. He fights with cellulite, and makes the skin elastic and helps to remove several cm in volume. The main regularity, and the result will be. Review the food is required.

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