Why do plastic windows sweat in winter, flow and cry in a private brick and wooden house, apartment, on the balcony, loggias, new buildings: reasons. What to do when condensate forms on plastic windows, and they begin to sweat, how to eliminate it?

Why do plastic windows sweat in winter, flow and cry in a private brick and wooden house, apartment, on the balcony, loggias, new buildings: reasons. What to do when condensate forms on plastic windows, and they begin to sweat, how to eliminate it?

Fogging of plastic windows: causes and methods of elimination.

Plastic windows are very well adapted to any climatic conditions. It is also worth noting that they do not require special care and do not need painting, which greatly facilitates their operation.

But, unfortunately, like any thing, plastic windows have their drawbacks. The main thing, perhaps, can be called their periodic fogging. It is about this problem that we will talk about today, and we will also try to find ways to solve it.

Why do they sweat, cry plastic windows in the apartment and private house?

It will not be news to anyone that everyone wants to equip their housing as best as possible. Interior decoration of the apartment and at home, the choice of interior - all this is necessary and important. But you must admit that not only these things depend on how comfortable and comfortable you will be in your own house.

To date, the issue of choosing windows is also relevant. Over the past few years, plastic windows have taken a leading position among all other species. Such windows are in wide demand, as well as popularity, and this is quite deserved.

Thanks to a number of advantages of plastic windows, more and more people make a choice in their favor, throwing their old wooden frames without any thought. What advantages are we talking about?

For those who do not know yet, we will tell. Firstly, this is an excellent tightness, thanks to which the heat in the house will be as preserved as much as possible, and extraneous sounds will not be disturbed. Secondly, this is their durability.

To begin with, I would like to clarify that fogging is the appearance of water directly on the surface of the window. It is this formed water that is called condensate. The reasons why the windows sweat, Both in the apartment and in a private house, regardless of what it was built of, there are a lot of.

A foggy window
A foggy window

Let's look at the main of them:

  • Poor -quality assembly and installation. Among people there is an opinion that this is the very first and most often encountered cause of crying windows. But, as if you did not want to believe in it, this is not so. Yes, this is found. And most often this happens due to the inexperience of the master or poor-quality components, but, unfortunately, no one is safe from this. In order to reduce your chances, to get into a similar situation, to treat with all the seriousness the choice of the master, and the windows themselves.
  • A more common cause of foggy windows is lack of good ventilation In the apartment and house. In order to eliminate this problem, you need to devote a little time to your ventilation lattices and, if necessary, clean them.
  • Do you believe that your loved ones houseplantsStanding on the windowsill can provoke such inconvenience? If not, then very vain. Due to the fact that some plants emit too much moisture, a plastic window can easily fog.
  • Lack of ventilation. Remember that any room, room, whether in an apartment or in a private house, you need to ventilate without fail. By the way, this can not only help get rid of foggy windows, but will also be useful for your health.
  • A fairly common cause of crying windows is the location of the window sill directly above the battery. Due to this arrangement of the windowsill, air circulation in the room is disturbed, the temperature difference appears, which directly leads to the formation of water drops on the window.
The reasons for sweating windows
The reasons for sweating windows

In principle, windows are fogging, both in the apartment and in the house for the same reasons. Marking, perhaps, there is only a few factors:

  • In private houses The windows are “crying”, as a rule, due to the lack of constant influx of fresh air. That is, if the cause of poor ventilation. If in new private houses there is at least some kind of ventilation system, for example, in the toilet or in the kitchen, then in old houses everything is limited to the door. It is because of this that we get damp, mold, and drops on the window.
  • On the balcony, In principle, as in the entire apartment, a possible cause of “crying” windows can easily be repairs, both continuing and already finished. It happens so because the same recently laid tiles or just glued wallpapers emit a lot of moisture, which can settle on the window.
  • In winter Plastic windows sweat much more often. The reason may be the fact that your window is equipped with a thin double -glazed window. Such a double -glazed window does not cope in the right volume, with the task of energy conservation, and therefore will regularly fog.
  • It is also the reason that the windows “cry” in winter may be that there is already cold and minus temperature on the street, and your windows are still working in summer mode.

Why do plastic windows from the inside of the room and outside, condensate inside the double -glazed window, sweat strongly in winter?

Earlier, we mentioned that in winter the windows “cry” much more often and fogging occurs not only from the inside of the room, but also from the outside, but sometimes even inside the window. What can cause these phenomena? Now we will try to figure it out.

  • We will reassure you right away - that the windows are foaming outside, there is nothing to worry about. We can say the other way around. This happens because of a sharp change in temperature. The resulting condensate is absolutely harmless to your home, if there are installed castings in stock. If the tolls are not made, then the condensate can easily drain into the wall, which you naturally do not need. If you see that the window is “crying” outside, be sure that the double -glazed windows are selected and installed correctly.
  • O reasons for fogging windows from the inside We have already talked. It is only worth saying that correctly selected and installed windows, as well as maintaining the necessary humidity in the house or apartment, will help you not face this problem.
Foiling windows
Foiling windows
  • Sometimes fogging does not occur outside, but inside the double -glazed window. If your window began to “cry” in this way, know, the problem is the violation of the sealing of the double -glazed window. And this, in turn, only indicates that: either the products themselves are poor -quality, or the inexperienced master installed it and made a mistake.
  • Fogging the window inside It indicates that the window, in principle, cannot properly perform its direct functions - thermal insulation and isolation of noise. Therefore, such a double -glazed window needs to be replaced. By the way, if in the contract such a case is registered as a warranty, then you should be replaced with a double -glazed window for free, and if not, then you will make a replacement for your own money. That is why we recommend that you pay special attention to these points.

It is very important to correctly determine the cause of the windows of windows, because the method of solving the problem depends on this.

"Crying" windows in the apartment and house: how to solve the problem?

There is enough a large number of methods for eliminating the "crying" windows. So, let's talk about the most effective and common:

  • If you know about high humidity in your apartment or house, take it a rule to ventilate the room daily. It is also necessary to remove all indoor plants directly from the windowsill, because they release moisture, which then in the form of condensate will settle on the window.
  • Provide the room with good ventilation.
  • If your window can work in two modes, then do not forget to use this function. Accordingly, in winter your window should not be in summer mode, and in the summer in winter.
  • Do not save on the purchase of windows, remember - the stingy pays twice. Since you have decided to change old windows to plastic ones, choose the highest quality of them. Properly selected and installed windows will last you many, many years.
Solving the problem of sweating windows
Solving the problem of sweating windows
  • In the absence of hoods in the kitchen, it would be nice to purchase it. And regularly use during cooking.
  • If possible, the windows must be kept in the "ventilation" mode. This will provide a constant flow of air.
  • Do not forget that over time all things break or wear out. Therefore, it will not be superfluous from time to time to check the integrity of accessories, and if necessary, replace the components.

How to process plastic windows so that not sweating?

Another option for eliminating the “crying” windows is their regular processing.

  • Of course, if there is a possibility and necessity (if the windows sweat strongly) - buy special products that are intended directly to eliminate condensate on the windows. Such funds when applying them to the windows create an invisible film that helps to push water. You can buy them in good household chemical stores, and you can also order in the store in which you purchased windows. Before use, be sure to carefully read the instructions.
  • No less effective is considered salt solution processing. To do this, you need a tablespoon of salt (without a hill) dissolve in 5 liters of water. Filter the solution, thereby removing crystals of not dissolved salt. Then wipe the window with a finished solution. If after this procedure there are stains or white traces on the window, dilute the solution with a small amount of water, and repeat the wiping again.
Processing sweating windows
Processing sweating windows
  • You can also use soap solution. Take a little water and add a little any detergent there. Moisten a microfiber napkin in the resulting solution, squeeze well and wipe the window well. Then wash the window well with clean water and wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.
  • A solution of water and alcohol. It is recommended to use such a tool when it is cold enough in the room. You need to add very little alcohol. Such a solution is easily applied to the glass, while creating a good protection against moisture.

Now we offer to move on to folk remedies for eliminating the "crying" windows. Agree, we all quite often resort to such methods of solving problems, so why not use such advice in this situation?

So that the windows do not sweat, what needs to be done: folk remedies

So, let's begin.

  • Condensation elimination method using decorative candles. To do this, you need to purchase several decorative candles, preferably large, light them, and arrange the windows on the windowsill that fogs. People’s advisers assure that in the process of combustion of candles, the released heat will normalize the air circulation, thereby eliminating the condensate.
  • Application of the well -known means "Second". The liquid must be sprayed onto the problem window, and then wipe its dryings with newspapers. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the liquid should be distributed evenly throughout the glass, otherwise there will be no effect in the places of its absence. Newspapers should be new and clean.
  • Fans. This method is also aimed at normalizing the air flow. The fan must be directed to the “crying” window and in 10-20 minutes the problem will be eliminated.
Elimination of winding windows with folk remedies
Elimination of winding windows with folk remedies
  • Rubbing windows a mixture of glycerol and alcohol. To begin with, remember that the ratio of these components should be strictly 1:10. How it works? Everyone knows that alcohol is very easily and quickly disappeared. So, applying such a solution to the glass, the alcohol will quickly disappear, but the glycerin forms a thin film that will prevent the settlement of water on the glass. So, for starters, wash the windows well with warm water, wipe with a wiper for windows. A good option for a napkin will be a microfiber. Distribute the mixture evenly on the glass and leave it without washing off.

So, today we have touched on a topic that is interested in a huge number of people - buying, as well as installing plastic windows, and the problem of their fogging. From the foregoing, it is not difficult to understand that there are a lot of reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon and to say briefly, this is either the wrong installation of the window by the master, and excessive savings, as well as the choice of low -quality products, or high humidity, the lack of good ventilation and improper operation of the window.

To avoid such unpleasant moments of using popular plastic windows, we recommend that you adhere to the tips that we have repeatedly described today, in particular, observe the temperature regime and control humidity in the room, as well as regularly ventilate. Compliance with all these tips and respect for the windows will provide you with a comfortable living in your house or apartment.

Video: Why do plastic windows sweat?

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