Why can't you tear out gray hair on your head? What will happen if you tear out gray hair on your head? How to warn the appearance of gray hair? How to get rid of gray hair without dyeing?

Why can't you tear out gray hair on your head? What will happen if you tear out gray hair on your head? How to warn the appearance of gray hair? How to get rid of gray hair without dyeing?

The reasons why you should not pull out gray hair.

Gray hair causes a lot of anxiety, as they speak of an approaching old age. Although in many countries, gray hair is a sign of wisdom and life experience. Most of all, such innovations are scared by beauties who do not want to age, and in every possible way fight. In this article we will tell you why you can’t pull out gray hair. 

Why do gray hair appear?

In general, gray hair is hair in which there is no melanin, that is, a pigment.It is believed that women who have a dark skin pigment are getting gray much later than fair -haired girls.

Why gray hair appear:

  • On blond hair, gray hair is practically not visible, unlike brunettes. The time of gray hair varies depending on the nation, and the lifestyle of a person.
  • Basically, representatives of European appearance are distinguished by the fact that they get gray much faster than African Americans. The average age of the appearance of gray gray in Europeans is 34 years old. The Indians have 70 years, and the black people, African Americans, are about 50 years old.
  • As you can see, European women with bright skin are prone to the appearance of gray hair at a fairly early age. Thus, this causes a lot of complexes, and the desire to hide your age. 
  • It is noted that people who do not have enough vitamins are the fastest, they do not fully eat. Perhaps these are beauties who follow the figure, constantly sitting on diets.  
  • People who often are nervous and experience stress. Usually these are employees of the service sphere who communicate a lot of people.  
  • Genetic predisposition. If one of the parents quickly turned gray, unfortunately, there is such a probability of children.  
Fancy Hairstyle
Fancy Hairstyle

Can gray hair be torn out?

There are several ways to combat gray hair. When it is very little, the simplest way is to tear out a couple of silver hair. However, as they thinktrichologists, it is absolutely useless, another one will grow on the site of the torn hair, it will also be gray. Can gray hair be torn out? The answer of trichologists - no.

The reasons why you can’t pull out gray hair:

  • The hair follicle may be damaged, as a result of which a new one will not appear on the site of the torn hair.
  • Perhaps the appearancemicro -monkthat are the entrance gate for infections and bacteria. 
  • Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate wounds, contributing to the appearance of suppuration, inflammation. 
Gray hair
Gray hair

What will happen if you tear out gray hair on your head?

In its place, a new one will grow and also without pigment.

What will happen if you tear out gray hair on the head:

  • The presence of increased risk of dermatological ailments.
  • Around the torn hair, an inflamed place appears, in which fungal pathogens take root quite well.
  • Thus, a person can begin to suffer from dermatitis, seborrhea and dandruff. 
  • If you constantly engage in the removal of gray hair, then in the end you can say goodbye to chic hair and earn diseases of the scalp.

Why can't you tear out gray hair?

This is to no avail. If the follicle remains intact, a new hair will grow in its place and it will be gray. But I can appear sad consequences.

Why you can’t pull out gray hair:

  • The risk of dermatitis
  • Seborrhea may occur
  • The appearance of allergies and irritation
Gray strands
Gray strands

How to get rid of gray hair?

However, you can fight gray hair, below we will consider the most popular ways to combat gray hair. 

How to get rid of gray hair:

  • Coloring. The easiest and cheapest method to which most women resort to. Basically, tint balms are used for this, which practically do not damage the hair. However, they are able to hide the color of gray hair by only 50%. Now it is very popular staining in the style of Shatush, or ombre, using silver shades. 
  • Thus, none of others will guess that you have gray hair, and you are trying to hide it. Modern stylists, hairdressers will help this. It is also noted that it allows you to hide gray hair well A short haircut length to a chin with filtering.
  • This is due to the fact that there is no clear parting on the head, and the hairs are simply lost in chaos. You can supplement such a haircut highlighting or coloring. This will even more distract attention from gray hair.
  • If gray hair is a decent amount, then of course, you will have to use paints with a high content of ammonia and peroxide. Unfortunately, they are unsafe for hair, but the most effective and inexpensive.
  • Moreover, some of the coloring pigments can 100% hide gray hair and completely change their color. That is, it is quite possible to repaint gray hair into black or brown -haired. 
Gray hair
Gray hair

How to get rid of gray hair without dyeing?

You can also cope with gray hair with a trip to the cosmetologist. The fact is that the lack of melanin occurs not only because of age-related changes, but due to a lack of nutrients in the body.

How to get rid of gray hair without dyeing:

  • The easiest option to slow down the appearance of gray hair is the use of procedures and manipulations that improve blood circulation, and saturating hair with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, when the first gray hair appears, it is recommended to drink vitamin complexes inward and adhere to a healthy diet. 
  • Mesotherapy. In the course of manipulation, hyaluronic acid and nutritious cocktails are injected into the scalp in small portions. This can be a solution of calcium and other trace elements. As a result of such procedures, the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, their number increases, thereby activating metabolic processes. As a result of this, the follicles are saturated with nutrients, thereby produces a large amount of melanin, which prevents the appearance of gray hair. 
  • Laser. The procedure is expensive, but one of the most effective. Unfortunately, one manipulation may not be enough. Under the influence of the laser, blood circulation in the scalp also improves, which stimulates metabolic processes and slows down the processes of the formation of gray hair. 
  • Ultrasound. You can buy a device called Zezaton in a cosmetics store. It differs in that it can process the skin with ultrasound waves, and rays with a certain wavelength. All this also stimulates metabolic processes in the scalp. 
Gray hair
Gray hair

Gray hair: how to get rid of folk remedies?

There are also folk recipes that help slow down the appearance of gray hair. Among them are usually masks that improve blood circulation in the scalp. Most often they are prepared with the participation of alcohol, and spices. After all, they cause burning, the appearance of heat, thereby improving blood circulation.

Gray hair, how to get rid of folk remedies:

  • An ideal option will be a mask using cognac. It is distinguished by nutritional properties, thereby improving blood circulation.To prepare it, you need to take one yolk, mix with a tablespoon of olive oil, and add 30 ml of cognac. All this is mixed and rubbed into the scalp. After that, it is necessary to put the cellophane on the head and leave for about 1 hour. Rinse off the use of shampoo.
  • You can cope with gray hair with red, acute pepper. It can be used fresh, or in the form of powder, which is implemented in spices. There are several recipes for masks that allow you to strengthen the hair and make it more beautiful, give a certain shade. Most often, decoctions of herbs are used, as well as components that can give a shade. However, a kind of coloring or toning of hair is not the only way to eliminate gray hair.
  • These masks stimulate blood circulation, so they help stop the process. Below we present a recipe for one of the most effective masks. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of fat cream, it is desirable, if they are homemade, enter 30 ml of warm bee nectar, and add red burning pepper on the tip of the knife. This mixture must be rubbed into the hair roots. Please note that it can burn, so in no case do not apply to damaged scalp. It can withstand for about 15 minutes, and then washed off with shampoo.  
  • Mask with coffee. To do this, you need to mix two tablespoons of coffee grounds with one egg yolk, and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. All this is thoroughly mixed, applied to wet curls, rubbing movements. The bulk should get to the hair roots, the remains are distributed along the entire length. The mixture is withstanding for about 30-60 minutes. Please note that cinnamon and coffee, which are part of the composition, can give hair a chestnut shade. Therefore, if you are a blonde, and do not want a different color to appear, do not use this method. 
  • Another excellent way is to use a decoction of walnut partitions. It is necessary to pour a handful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and boil for 2 minutes. The mixture is filtered, rubbed into the roots of the hair. The remains are distributed along the entire length. In no case should you use this method if you have blond hair. Walnut husk can give them a greenish tint. This is an ideal option for dark hair, chestnut or brown -haired. 
New trend
New trend

Gray hair shampoo

With the problem of premature appearance of gray hair, it is best to contact a trichologist. It will help to understand the reasons. Be prepared to take a general blood test and engage in prolonged treatment, eliminating the problem. In order to stop the process, it is necessary to take vitamin preparations, apply local drugs, it is possible to undergo a course of cosmetic procedures that will launch the process of collagen and elastin synthesis. They stimulate the growth of new hair and the production of melanin, which will prevent the appearance of gray hair. 

Gray hair shampoo:

  • There are also other ways to get rid of gray hair. Now many funds are sold on the market, with such names as Anti -Sudin, or Stopsedin. The composition of the funds may differ among themselves. Below, consider the most common funds. 
  • Anti -Sudin. The composition contains components that do not dye the hair, but only release the pigment from cells. According to scientists, inside the gray hair there is a memory of the pigment, which can be restored. This is done just with shampooAnti -Sudin. Thus, the processes of the release of the pigment, hair again become natural. The main advantage is that men can be used, since there are no extraneous shades. As a result, the color is obtained, as before the appearance of gray hair, that is, a natural shade is completely restored. 
  • Stopsedin. In its composition, it resembles a paint that is used for men. The main advantage is that the bottle is enough for four times, if a short haircut. At the same time, there is also no effect of dyed hair, and strangers are almost imperceptible that the hair is not natural, but dyed. This can be achieved by using special dyes that, as it were, adapt to the color of a natural hair. After staining, there are no traces on the skin. 
White hair
White hair

There are many shampoos, balms and lotions that slow down the process of appearance, and eliminate the existing gray hair. Usually they also containcomponents, releasing the pigment from the hair, or coloring components operating on the principle of tinting balm. 

Video: Why can't you tear out gray hair?

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Comments K. article

  1. As for the prevention of gray hair, I can say that copper plays a paramount role. I always buy Elovarovskaya in a chelat form, it is absorbed as much as possible and the dosage is good. Not a single gray hairs on the head, although the age is not small. Plus, of course, in general, the lack of stress and a full sleep also have a positive effect.

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