Why cannot be applauded after planting the aircraft: the opinion of the pilots

Why cannot be applauded after planting the aircraft: the opinion of the pilots

Do you applaud on an airplane? Let's find out what the pilots think about it and can it be done?

To applaud on an airplane or not is a question that interests all travelers.
It is not known from where this tradition came from.

Why cannot be applauded after planting the aircraft: the opinion of the pilots

Some say that applauding in airplanes is the habit of citizens of the post -Soviet space, each flight abroad for which was a holiday. Others, on the contrary, this tradition was given to us by Europeans in this way who wanted to thank the pilot for a successful flight. On the Internet, there is even a community of Planeclappers, where users tell their stories and share their impressions of flights. Some ardent opponents of the applause published on Twitter reports about parting with their loved ones after they found their habit of applauding pilots.

Is it possible to clap
Is it possible to clap

And what do the pilots themselves think about this? If you believe online survey, then airline employees are more often grateful for applause. We were interested in what pilots argue their position, who believe that it is impossible to applaud - and here is what we found out:

  1. The cabin of pilots is very well -insulated. In addition, after the sad September 11, all the doors to the cabs of pilots became armored, which ensures security not only in the case of a terrorist attack, but also in the case of depressurization of the cab. The same prevents pilots from hearing your admiring exclamations and applause.
  2. Passengers for the mass consider the flight successfully completed when they feel the touch of the land chassis, but in fact you will be safe only when the plane stops at the terminalBecause the applause is premature.
  3. If you want to please the pilots, then carefully listen to their recommendations and remain fastened to the appropriate announcement. It was this majority of pilots that called the highest manifestation of respect for the crew.
  4. Pilots consider applause an insult, as they are professionals and a successful landing is just part of their work. “You do not applaud the taxi driver when he delivers you to the address or cashier in the supermarket when she breaks through the goods?” - they argue.

Therefore, take into account the opinions and wishes of pilots and a good flight to you.

Video: Why applaud after planting the aircraft?

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