Why don't you dream of dreams? How to learn to see dreams?

Why don't you dream of dreams? How to learn to see dreams?

In this topic, we will consider why we may not have dreams.

All day we live in a real world, where everything is truly and is not in doubt. But at night we plunge into the kingdom of Morpheus. And here the world acquires other colors and intricate forms. We may dream of the most incredible dreams, and the most unimaginable fantasies gain outlines - we plunge into the world of dreams.

This is very familiar to every person. But sometimes we notice that there are no dreams. Moreover, this can be once or have a certain duration and cyclicity. Do not worry, let's figure it out together why this can happen.

Why don't you dream of dreams?

Dream- This is a periodic state of the body, in which it rests and gains new forces, while having a reduced reaction to the surrounding factors. Partially, our consciousness is turned off in a dream.

And here Dreams - These are pictures, actions, feelings that arise in a dream. That is, this is a subjective perception of imaginary objects and paintings that have visual and even auditory, tactile contact, in the subconscious of a sleeping person.

Dreams are the work of our subconscious
Dreams are the work of our subconscious

Features of dreams:

  • dreams are in all healthy people;
  • some people see only black and white dreams;
  • we do not remember all dreams. Remember approximately 10%;
  • in one night we can see from 4 to 7 various dreams;
  • if a person snores, then the dream does not come at this moment.

An interesting fact: scientists argue that bright and colorful dreams can see children and people with great imagination and imagination. And with age, the average adult picture of the dream fades and loses its color.

We can conclude that there are no people who do not dream of dreams. They even dream of the blind and animals. So what is the matter if you began to notice that sometimes you do not see them or the feeling that you can’t remember?

Let's look at the biological feature of our body

  • Our body is arranged so that we sleep in two phases. There is a phase of quick sleep and a phase of slow sleep. Throughout the night, they alternate all the time, starting from the first stage of slow sleep (4 of them). Dreams are in the same phase.
  • But they associate dreams with a quick phase, which lasts no more than 15 minutes. That is, we remember these paintings. Moreover, it is in this phase that our brain makes the processing of information received during the day. And we are transferred to the line between consciousness and subconscious. At the same time, they note rapid movements with pupils or even hands, increased breathing and heartbeat, and even an erection is possible.
  • Although the slow phase is much longer than the fast period - on average from 40 to 90 minutes, but we will not be able to remember these dreams in the morning. Because of In the slow phase, dreams are shorter, not so emotional and colorful. But it is precisely this dream, which covers more than 75% of the entire sleep time, is responsible for the restoration of energy consumption.

Important: there is even a classification of conscious dreams! That is, a person is in the sleep phase, but he understands that he is sleeping, and controls what is happening, including the outcome of the dream.

Children have more colorful dreams
Children have more colorful dreams

Reasons for the lack of dreams

  • At the first time, it’s worth considering - perhaps the point is not at all that the dreams are not dreaming, but that You just don't remember them. From the point of view of neurology, it is believed that if in life a person suffers from a lack of attentiveness and excess of forgetfulness and distraction, then most likely he can easily forget his dreams. Do not be too upset, because a little work on yourself and the desire for self -knowledge will help you work out this problem and improve the situation.
    • Another feature of sleep is that Dreams are a reflection of our internal state. They can reflect our strong experiences or desires. And if on one day you do not remember them, do not be upset. Dreams can be repeated and carried the same information in the same form, or to acquire a completely new interpretation. But you can still understand the hidden meaning, having a little practice to remember the details.
  • However, it is worth noting that dreams depend From our emotional situation. For example, during the period of depression or internal burnout, when we simply lose interest in life, we do not see bright pictures. After all, our dreams, fantasies and desires disappear. Or, on the contrary, when we are overwhelmed with any strong impressions. Just against their background, dreams do not look so bright and memorable.
  • The next reason may be Banal fatigue. For example, you had a very difficult day, you arrived in multitasking mode and held responsibility for something. It also occurs when oversaturated with various emotions, sensations. Even a trip to a new city and a trip on an excursion take more strength than your standard measured day. In this case, you will not see dreams due to the fact that You fall into a deep stage of slow sleep. This is a short -term state. It is worth entering your standard rhythm, and they will recover.

Important: the fast phase, which is responsible for remembering sleep, occurs only after a full -fledged relaxation of the body in the slow phase! Frequent awakening does not allow you to go into it, and in a short period of time our body will spend strength to get enough sleep. And not to create visual paintings.

We see the memorizing dreams in the fast phase
We see the memorizing dreams in the fast phase
  • The previous paragraph is closely connected and Reception of alcoholic beverages and drugs. After all, they do not affect the structure of the brain in the best way, blocking colorful pictures. But even if they pop up, then alcohol worsens the memory, so we simply forget them in the morning.
  • Take of sleeping pills It works to completely turn off our brain and consciousness in order to let our body rest as much as possible. Therefore, after them almost never dreams of dreams!
  • The reverse reflection has An inconvenient pose or a place to sleep. In this case, our body, and therefore the brain, cannot fully relax. Again, the cyclicality of sleep is astrayed, which affects dreams.
  • In some situations, a sudden termination of dreams may be associated with such factors as Obtaining an injury, the presence of a disease or after transferring an accident. During this period, the body needs a lot of effort to cope with the load. Therefore, when you go to bed, the brain gives you the opportunity to relax and not be reelled by viewing interesting stories.

Interesting: it is also canceled that a sharp awakening during a slow phase will pull the same forgetfulness of the picture seen, even at a quick stage.

Most often, overwork and lack of time, milking of sleep becomes the reason for the lack of dreams!
Most often, overwork and lack of time for sleeping are the reason for the lack of dreams!

How to learn to see dreams: tips

  • The most important - This is a good rest. In order not to interrupt the cyclicity of sleep, our body needs at least 6 hours. And even better-all 7-8.
    • Also do not forget that you should go to bed at the same time! Then the body will be fully rested.
  • And keep in mind - before going to bed, do not overeat. This affects not only the figure, but also our dreams. Moreover, it is noted that the overloaded stomach worsens the quality of sleep, because the body rests incompletely, but also causes nightmarish dreams.
  • Also Refrain from watching extreme films or programs.
  • In general, tune in positively that you will see colorful and good dreams, and also remember them in the morning. That is, we work According to the self -hypnosis scheme.
  • Find a hobby To develop creatively. It is such classes “for the soul” that are responsible for the development of our subconscious, and therefore for dreams.
  • Do sports Better yet, metering. So you teach your subconscious to relax, and the body will receive the proper share of the load.
  • Do not jump out of bed - Fly a little, scrolling in your head the night information.
  • Also Learn to record dreams. Especially if it is important for you to interpret them.
Always think about pleasant before bedtime and avoid positive or negative nervous overvoltage!
Always think about pleasant before bedtime and avoid emotional strain!

Important: and learn how to wake up in a quick phase. Then you will learn how to remember your dreams. To do this, periodically practice the rise in different night time. And do not forget to drink more water, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and the whole body. After all, its deficit affects the quality of the rest itself.

In principle, in the absence of dreams there are neither bad nor good aspects. Most often, this is just such an opportunity for our body to rest fully, so as not to overload our brain with information at night. But sometimes it is worth paying attention to this signal in order to change something in your life!

Video: Why don't you dream of dreams?

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  1. and how to make so that you do not see the dreams that you do not sleep, but the military on you experience new attitudes without your consent? Any noisy in the radiodiapasion so as not to see their gay dreams especially when they imprison and you see sleep even if you do not sleep translucent? The grounded screen from the mesh does not help even a cell phone catches

  2. It would be very good

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