Why do men lie - causes and methods of influence on a liar

Why do men lie - causes and methods of influence on a liar

This is probably a female destiny to be deceived by men. Moreover, the beautiful half of humanity has to live in male lies almost constantly, but what to do and how to recognize a lie?

At the beginning of the life path, the young “princess” by a web of deception (albeit with the best motives) is entangled by father and grandfather. Then neighboring boys, children from the kindergarten, classmates come into business. The girl grows up, turns into a girl, first love comes to her. And here it usually does not do without disappointment, because often a male lie is mixed with love, which painfully hurts the beautiful floor.

Why do men lie: 8 reasons

Lies are multifaceted and dodgy, and not always just recognize it. But usually women quickly calculate with their inner instinct that they are deceived. But for what purpose the man brings a lie to their relationship, the woman does not always understand. So, consider why men lie.

Men often lie
Men often lie

Men lie to embellish reality

  • One of the most harmless varieties male lies - embellish events. This can be considered a natural phenomenon - even representatives of the animal world, in order to like females, decorate themselves in every possible way, flush their tails and demonstrate their ritual dances to them.
  • For a modern girl, a partner’s dance at the first date will not say anything, this is not an indicator of his independence and viability. But the young man may well hit her imagination, telling that he has chic villa, authoritative position, luxurious car, Or offer her a joint vacation somewhere abroad. That is how men lie.
  • Rarely, some of the men, composing such “legends”, thinks about what will happen in the future. If development is outlined in the relationship, then the deception of the girl you like will certainly be revealed. What in this case to do with a liar, especially if he is so cute and attentive to you? If you like it, you do not need to immediately tear all the connections. Consider that your partner is promising and enthusiastically telling about his dreams. And he will need very little time to realize them into reality.

Deception - as a means of pain relief

  • Men lie to protect a woman From unpleasant moments. If only the beloved is not nervous, men begin to pile up one lie to the other in the hope that soon everything will be fine.
  • So financial problems, unpleasant working moments, serious illnesses, automobile accidents, fines or debts are silent. For them, deception is a means of pain relief.
Can lie so that you do not worry
Can lie so that you do not worry

Lying as protection, for the sake of their interests

  • The most common cause of men's lies is self -defense, for the sake of their interests. Behind lies, men are trying to hide the facts that will inevitably lead to accusations that entail cardinal life changes. Usually one lies gives rise to another, it lasts quite a long time and the situation is more and more aggravated.
  • As an example: the spouse has been hiding from his wife for a permanent mistress for a long time. He does not want to leave his family, so he constantly has to lie to his second half. For her, he lingers at meetings, travels on business trips, remains on a part -time job, etc.
  • There are times when a man lies, changes not only his wife, but also a mistress. The latter may not know at all that her partner is married, or he tells her fairy tales about the imminent divorce.

Men lie to exclude conflicts

  • It turns out that women themselves can provoke a man on a lie. Do not freely bake your partner. Scandals And constant clarification of relations Never brought to good. In order not to conflict once again with his grumpy woman, a man has to invent fables.
  • Consider this situation: you are dialing your beloved phone number, and he does not answer your call for a long time. He found an excuse for your claims, Avral at work, and therefore came home late. But the reason for his late return is completely different - meeting in a cafe with a comrade. For what purpose did he come up with a nonexistent emergency at work? I just did not want to repeat the showdown that his wife made him after meeting with friends. Due to the temper of women, men lie very often.
  • If you do not want to hear a lie from the lips of a man once again, you should not constantly “cut” him for meetings with his comrades, for positive reviews to his colleagues, for forgetfulness (not a bin, not bought bread), for unwillingness to constantly conduct leisure time cottage, etc. It is not for nothing that they say that it is very important for a man to have his own living space, which is limited not only by the family.

Men lie to avoid stupid questions

  • Even in the little things, men lie. Do you know why they do it? They cannot calmly hear “stupid female issues” that simply infuriate them. Judge for yourself what an adequate man can say in response, if you are interested in whether he liked your girlfriend or just a passerby girl dressed in a mini-skirt?
  • Excessively ask his beloved stupid questions, he may not like your obsession if such questions and conversation on such topics are unpleasant for him. In this case, it is better not to pester him with similar issues anymore, otherwise in the future you yourself will push him to lie.

Men lie due to lack of attention

  • There are times when representatives of the stronger sex are accepted lying to close women In the hope that they will pay attention to him, they will be interested in or regret him.
  • A picture familiar to everyone: every man knows how to arrange a directly theatrical show from his illness. They exaggerate their pain in order to feel as much as possible of your caring attention as possible. Everyone knows, deep down, any man is a child waiting for warmth and affection. Sometimes men lie to get all this.
To get your attention
To get your attention

Men lie to raise self -esteem

  • A man lies, decides to increase his status, inventing non-existent material values, some career merits, a special social status, high mental abilities. This lie is invented so that others believe the image created by him.
  • Such a lie is difficult to overcome, but you can try. Praise your man Even for petty achievements, but do not focus on the invented merits, through which a liar hopes to impress others.

Pathological liar

  • If a person cannot exist without lies, then he - pathological liar. Lies are the environment of his habitat, it feeds and enjoys it, like vital energy. In some cases, endless fantasies are a sophisticated way to check the liar of their acting abilities.
  • Chronic lies are groundless. For example, why random fellow travelers to lie, that he is the director of the enterprise, while he works as an ordinary office clerk? Or invent that he is the owner of a three -room apartment and a brand new Bentley, and not huddled in a hostel?
  • If such a “chronicle” feels that his wife ceased to be a worthy listener of his fantasies, he is looking for new victims for himself.
  • A person is made such a diagnosis - pathological liar, If he himself believes in what he says, and is constantly in an imaginary world. This is a real disease! She forces pathological lines to appropriate other people's merits, to expose herself as a hero or a titled person, to be a participant in non -existent life situations.
  • During stories about incredible stories and invented facts from your life, a pathological liar is usually very plausible. And this complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

A man lies - how to recognize a lie?

If men lie, then their behavior is full of such features:

  • The liar will certainly relax and will become happier if you transfer the conversation to another, “not dangerous” direction to him. Because if he has to lie, then he begins To worry, feel guilty in front of you.
  • To invent a believable answer, he will need some period of time. Therefore, if you suddenly asked a question to your man, and he begins mumble, rhetorically asking for: “What are you talking about”, “What are you inventing”, etc. etc., which means that he does not have a pre-prepared answer and he urgently needs to invent some kind of plausible lie for you.
  • Deceiters In their speeches, they often adhere to absolutized expressions, such as: “forever”, “constantly”, “never”. They are usually used by the interlocutor to convince something of his partner or justification of his actions.
  • To recognize a liar helps women inner flair. Usually women instinctively feel that they are deceived, but they do not always want to believe this.
  • No matter how the liar tries in the suppression of his true emotions, in their concealment behind the false words, intonation, facial expressions and gestures, They still appear for a second. Not really realizing anything, the female inquisitive mind manages to record such manifestations.
You can immediately identify a lie by such signs
You can immediately identify a lie by such signs

A man is lying: is it worth influencing a person?

  • If yours plans are not included with a manand his lies do not cause you any special discomfort, you can not even give the look that you see through it.
  • Another thing is if you are ready for any development of events, just to put an end to an endless series of lies. In this case, you need frankly admit your partner that you know everything about everythingAnd that his lies hurt you painfully.
  • Then he will involuntarily have to reconsider your attitude towards you and make a choice: to stay with you and stop you lying or looking for another woman for himself, ready to listen to his fairy tales.
If something does not suit you - tell me about it
If something does not suit you-tell me about it
  • A universal method has not yet been invented that would help to identify when a man is lying. But it is quite possible to expose any liar using the mind, tact and art of persuasion. With the same tolerance, it is quite possible and to compete with its not very good habit - often to lie in any way.

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Video: What to do if a man is constantly lying?

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