Why do mosquitoes bite not everyone, and who at all bites? Why do some mosquitoes bite more than others: the criteria for their choice, a suitable smell

Why do mosquitoes bite not everyone, and who at all bites? Why do some mosquitoes bite more than others: the criteria for their choice, a suitable smell

In this article we will consider why mosquitoes of some people bite more than others. And find out the criteria for their choice.

Mosquitoes can be safely called the most annoying insects in the world. Almost every second person of us faced them. A characteristic feature is a sonorous squeak or buzzing, which often interferes with a sleep at night or breathing fresh air in nature in the evening. But much worse than their bite. Moreover, the peculiarity has been noticed that people love and bite some people more often than the rest of those present. Therefore, we offer to deal with this exciting topic.

Why mosquitoes do not bite everyone: a little about gender

A mosquito bite is what every resident of our latitudes will encounter sooner or later with the onset of cool summer evenings. Everyone knows that mosquitoes are carriers of many such dangerous diseases as malaria, fever or tularemia. If earlier these diseases were distributed only in exotic hot countries, today outbreaks of infections on our continent are increasingly found.

Important: According to medical statistics, about 40% of people suffer from allergies to mosquito bites. The cause of the body's reaction to a mosquito bite may be weakened immunity. When an insect stings a person, substances are released along with saliva, which at the molecular level prevent the coagulation of protein in the blood and block pain.

Before finding out mosquito preferences on the object of vinegar, you should find out who he is at all. After all, as you know, in the world of nature, sexual difference plays a significant role in behavior.

  • The ripened female mosquito lives from one and a half weeks to three months. At the first cooling, mosquitoes die. In addition to the blood, the necessary product for the insect remains juice and pollen of plants. In the event that one is not in the apartment or house, the female dies after 3-4 days. Indoor flowers can significantly increase the lifetime and become a great wintering option.
  • While in the apartment, over time, the mosquito does not disappear anywhere, but simply dies due to lack of food. Also, if the mosquito managed to be saturated with blood and fertilize, then the insect may well lay eggs in the damp corners of the room, cellar or in moist soil of even a room flower.
  • Many people know that mosquitoes are stinging for a reason, but with a specific purpose. As a rule, people are stinging people with a mosquito. In order to feed your offspring. Male mosquitoes are more unpretentious in food and easily eat plant juice, which is unacceptable for females.
  • The amount of future offspring depends on the volume of blood consumed, since the mosquito female lays eggs every 3-4 days. And this increases the need for blood several times. In some possible situations, when a mosquito is not able to provide food to offspring, its reproductiveness falls several times.
It is the female that bites
It is the female that bites

Why do some people bite more people: criteria for their choice

Scientists have proven the fact that mosquitoes sting far from everyone. There are many versions according to which blood -sucking insects choose a victim for themselves.

  • One of the possible options - human blood type. First of all, the mosquito female is interested in the protein itself, located in the blood of a particular group. Mosquitoes are most often attracted to the first and third blood group, while the second is not in demand.
  • But in this matter there are also some nuances. The fact is that each blood is divided into two more subspecies, but already according to the Rhesus. So, plus or positive rhesus factor Mosquitoes are chosen more often than a negative blood group. Even the one that enters the so -called risk zone.
  • There is also an assumption that mosquitoes entail carbon dioxide, Which is highlighted by a person when he breathes. Based on this theory, the more often a person breathes, the higher the risk of getting a mosquito bite.
  • For females, a mosquito is considered very attractive the smell of alcohol, especially beer. They are attracted not only by the smell of ethanol, but also by an increase in human temperature. After all, blood expands the vessels. Also, carbon dioxide produced people produce in more quantities than teetotalers.

Important: Many noticed how the female mosquito attracts heat that comes from lighting devices. The insect seeks to get out of the twilight as soon as possible and get to the illuminated area. There is a receptor on the mosquito proboscis that capable of recognizing heat. Based on this, the LED lamps that do not heat up, thereby becoming unattractive for mosquitoes, will be an ideal solution.

Mosquitoes smell heat
Mosquitoes smell heat
  • Therefore, even athletes or those who are engaged in physical labor or sports fall at the risk group. After all, this entails increasing body warmththat attracts the female.
    • It is also worth noting a certain feature - blood -sucking insects do not tolerate the air temperature +27 ° C and above. Under such weather conditions, females mosquitoes cannot fully show their activity. Although in the summer sometimes this rule does not affect them.
  • Also, the production of the same carbon dioxide affects and body size. The more, the person, the greater the smell range for the female he has. It was noted that mosquitoes may hear the smell at a distance of 50 m.
  • Experts have long noticed that with increasing humidity of the air, mosquitoes are becoming twice as much. And excess weight often causes increased sweating. And this is another fragrance that combines carbon dioxide, moisture and warmth of the body, which the mosquitoes like.
  • This whole set is often connected in itself pregnant women. A set of weight, shortness of breath and other delights of a beautiful period smell mosquitoes. Therefore, I attack more often than not pregnant women.
  • Important and the color of clothes. British scientists conducted a number of studies with which it turned out that mosquitoes more often bite those who are dressed in dark things. They also pay attention to red shades. But light colors do not see insects. And a note - the scientists suggest that mosquitoes do not tolerate yellow flavor at all.
Mosquitoes even prefer dark and red things
Mosquitoes even prefer dark and red things

Mosquitoes bite some more, and less than the smell: choose the right aroma to protect yourself

By the way, the enzymes in the saliva of the mosquito are necessary so that the person does not pay attention to the bite and does not prevent it in time. Thanks to the evolution, mosquitoes changed their behavior and increased the chances of survival. An annoying insect has become many times more difficult to kill. And all because of the developed skill to recognize human movements.

  • We identified the main criteria by which mosquitoes share their “victims”. But some of them do not have a logical explanation. For example, a large person mosquitoes should “love” more. But here the child, with smaller dimensions and without fumes, often comes out more bitten than his parent. So it doesn’t come out.
  • As scientists recently found out (relatively recently), mosquitoes are more attracted lactic acidWhat is produced by our body. And already it is based on sugar, which comes from the outside. By the way, we will recall the athletes again, because physical activity also contributes to the development of such acid.
  • But more than anyone else will be prone to mosquito attacks sweet lovers. But that's not all. Different cheeses, and pickled products, and soybeans help to produce milk smell.
Mosquitoes love the smell of lactic acid
Mosquitoes love the smell of lactic acid
  • Now let's remember Medicines. Some drugs also affect its production, and also help us to smell “in a special way”. Most of all, heart products are allocated.
    • But the female does not like drugs that reduce cholesterol. Also, why vitamins of group B produce unpleasant mosquitoes aroma.
  • If you are fascinating hair balmsThen know - the female mosquito is also feminine. So, it also suits her.
  • But the smells of anise, basil, citrus and tea tree for a long time, insects are scared away. Also complement the list of smells of lavender, eucalyptus, camphor oil and cloves. There are plants that with the help of their smell are able to scare away mosquitoes - rosemary, mint and fragrant geranium.
  • Also, the use of garlic into food will drive mosquitoes for a long time. And mosquitoes do not like the smell of tobacco, including the aroma of smoke from the fire.
Some aromas and smells of mosquitoes do not tolerate
Some aromas and smells of mosquitoes do not tolerate

And a few important words about mosquito bites

  • The protein and saliva of the insect is the main irritant for the human body. The body fights with unfamiliar antibodies. And at this stage there is a characteristic reaction to an allergen.
  • An allergy to a mosquito bite can manifest itself as severe redness and itching. In the place of localization - a blister that is growing. This can be manifested if the bite was carried out in an ankle or forearm. Also, changes from the central nervous system often occur, namely nausea, mild dizziness, an increase in body temperature to 38 ° C and vomiting. In such cases, it is necessary to contact the hospital as soon as possible.
  • When an adult man manifests a similar reaction to an insect bite, it is necessary to give an antihistamine and attach a cold tissue bandage to the redness of the redness to prevent the spread of the allergen.

Video: Why do mosquitoes bite not everyone?

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  1. I add essential oils to the cream, and they bite me much less than other family members. Well, they bite, of course, sometimes, but not so. And I treat bites with azudol - a very good remedy and quickly helps.

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