Why spark and crack the microwave inside: what to do?

Why spark and crack the microwave inside: what to do?

The microwave oven has ceased to be the subject of luxury, and turned into a daily device for quickly warming up dishes. But what if she began to junk?

We habitually turn on the microwave in the morning and suddenly - in the middle of the microwave camera you can see sparking, and, starting the work, the device begins to “shoot”, the crackle, rattle, it is possible that the burning pulled it. What is the reason for this phenomenon and what to do with it - read below.

Why does the microwave sparkle and crack inside when turning on?

  • Most often the reason why The microwave sparkles and cracks, lies in the fact that a plate was burned, which is essentially leaf mica. It is located on the surface of the inner panel of the stove and performs the function of protecting the magnetron from the possible parts of food, and the waves from it make it possible to get into the camera.
  • The reason for the heat of the plate, as a rule, lies in the fact that it it is exposed to fatwhich enters the surface. A similar situation may become more complicated by the fact that the burnt mica ceases to protect the magnetron, and this is fraught with its failure.
  • Below the camera is small plastic clutch, which is called a buyer. If the microwave is not cleaned regularly, fat deposits accumulate here, another dirt accumulates and then the passage of an electric arc is possible. Sparkling occurs, as a result of which the purchaser is heated and can melt.
  • Perhaps used Metal dishes, and even more so if it touched the internal panels of the microwave? A similar situation can also lead to a problem. It is also possible to spark, if you turn on the microwave oven without dishes inside.
Crack in the microwave
Crack in the microwave
  • If the enamel of the internal chamber was damaged in some way, then in such a situation as in the previous ones, sparking is also not excluded.
  • Sparkling may occur if the wire plug is faulty or the outlet itself Due to the loose contact of contacts. It is already not far from a short circuit.
  • If the stove works on insufficient loading, may occur overheatwhich is also capable of leading to the occurrence cod or sparks inside the microwave.

What exactly sparkles and cracks in the microwave?

  • The spark is the category of electricity, Passing through the conductors that can include any objects containing metal in their composition. When they are affected by the electromagnetic field, it causes the appearance of vortex currents and the emergence of electricity.
  • If the distance between the two conductors having different electrical potential is less than necessary to hold the electric discharge, then this category occurs, causing the reason when cracks and sparkles in the microwave.
  • The arc may occur between the mud available in the chamber, which from heating begins to burn, and elements of the microwave, mainly the walls of the camera itself or the antenna of the magnetron. Then the sparks are noticeable in the right side of the microwave.

The microwave sparkles and cracks inside: what to do?

  • We examined the four possible reasons why the microwave sparkles and cracks. How to deal with them?
  • If the plate has burned out, then it is necessary to check the condition of the mica. If it is polluted and with signs of burning, it must be changed, not forgetting to thoroughly wash the stove camera before that, eliminating all the pollution and fat raids.
  • It is not a fact that you will be able to find a plate, as if coinciding in size. Therefore, it makes sense buy a larger plate And to align it to the desired dimensions, simply cutting it off, processing the edges with sandpaper. Then drill holes for screws and fasten in place.
  • Then (the microwave must be disconnected from the network) remove the magnetron and make sure that there is no burning on the cap. If everything is in order, we return the part to the place, if you can see a burnt stain - the cap must be replaced. Thereafter restore all the details In place and only after that you can include the microwave in the network.
  • If the problem is in a burnt outbreak, you need to find similar in size and install it in the place of the damaged.
  • As for metal dishes - everything is simple here: it should not be used. By the way, it should also be abandoned from ceramics, if it has a finish by powders of gold or silver.
Put the right dishes
Put the right dishes
  • The damaged enamel in the internal chamber must be restored, and this must only be done with a special composition (refractory, food or electrical enamel), specially designed for microwaves, otherwise you risk getting food with pairs of poisonous chemistry, contained in other means.
  • First you need to put a primer in one layer, then enamel (preferably in the form of an aerosol)-better than two or three layers. Previously, do not forget to wash the chamber by removing all the fat, you can use a solvent to degrease damaged areas.

Do not turn on the microwave, until the enamel completely dries.

  • When the reason lies in the wiring - inspect the wire itself, are there any damage to it. Perhaps he is bend in some places, or there are tears on it. Also check the socket, perhaps cracks or chips appeared on it, there is a scale. If all this is so, it is necessary to change both the first and the second.

What to do if the microwave sparkles?

  • First of all, take care of the cleanliness of your microwave. If you cook fatty food so that spray from it does not fall into the mica, the container in which food is prepared or warmed up, you should cover using a special cap or paper clip.
  • In addition, the stove needs regularly clean from emerging fat, Avoiding the use of hard abrasive cleaning agents so as not to damage enamel.
  • Do not forget also clean all details and elements, Which are included in the kit: lattices, skewers, a cap of plastic, which is covered with food in the chamber when cooking.
Check the device
Check the device
  • Never turn on the microwave if nothing is in it. Do not fall into another extreme and too tightly load the stove.
  • Check periodically, not damaged whether in any place enamel.
  • Do not use for cooking or warming up Metal dishes, And also too much, which can touch the walls of the microwave and thus damage the enamel.
  • If you use foil, make sure that it does not touch the walls, and follow the intervals between foil packages (if you lay a few) at least 2 cm, To prevent an electric arc.
  • Do not operate the microwave more than an hour and a half, So that individual details do not overheat.
No more than an hour and a half
No more than an hour and a half
  • And remember if the microwave sparkles and cracks - Disconnect it as soon as possible from power supply!

Advice: If you are not entirely sure that you can independently understand the reasons cod and sparks from the microwave, It is better to contact specialists working in service and warranty centers. After all, the point may turn out that a certain unit of the device has burned out or the contacts simply left.

Video: The microwave is cracking - what to do at home?

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