Why do you want to eat something sweet? How to overcome the desire to eat sweet in yourself?

Why do you want to eat something sweet? How to overcome the desire to eat sweet in yourself?

The desire to eat something sweet is justified by many reasons. Some periods in the life of each person significantly affect his habits and culinary preferences.

Why do you want sweet on a diet?

Diet is a time of boring and healthy food. As a rule, during this period, any person should abandon not only high -calorie fatty dishes, but also from your favorite sweets. It is noted that a large half of the “breakdowns” from diets occurs only because of the burning desire to eat something sweet. What is the reason for this?

The diet in which there is no fat, high -calorie and sweet foods is effective
the diet in which there is no fat, high -calorie and sweet foods is effective

Important: the reasons why during the diet I really want something sweet and many of them depend on the emotional state: depression, stress, bad mood, experiences, excitement, disappointment.

Honestly, to admit, the mood while staying on the diet is not so hot that funny: a thousand temptations around, and nothing losing weight is nothing. At this moment, everyone recalls the unfinished cookies and the candy remaining in his pocket.

Taste receptors are closely related to the nervous system and literally zombie a person with thoughts that sweetness will quench his feeling of hunger and give incredible pleasure.

The desire to eat something sweet dictates the human brain, not the stomach
the desire to eat something sweet dictates the human brain, not the stomach

During the diet, the number of calories consumed and a person often, in addition to the loss of strength, feels a negative mood, drowsiness, fatigue and apathy.

The body gives a signal about “recharging” and I want to eat something very chocolate and sweet at that very moment.

There is only one way out of such a situation - to find a similar substitute or at least that you can saturate you with useful trace elements for a while and thereby allow you to forget about desserts.

Video: “Why do you want sweet? Sweetness in joy! "

Why the body wants sweets: the reasons for the constant desire to eat sweet

Modern nutritionists, as they say, were “dropped deeper” and tried to find out the biological reason for the inexplicable desire to eat something sweet. The famous nutritionist Kovalkov did not stop saying that if he wants sweets, then his person really lacks.

It so happens that a couple of pieces of chocolate are quite capable of solving the problem and the desire goes out by itself. But if you yourself notice that you are not able to stop, this is a clear sign of hormonal disorders.

Chocolate - Source of Serotonin
chocolate - Source of Serotonin

Alkaloids are substances contained in ordinary chocolate are quite capable of cope with depression. Their principle of action is very simple - they increase the level of serotonin in the body (saturation and pleasure hormone). But this is effective only in cases of psychological need to eat sweetness.

Important: a problem looks completely different when the body suffers from parasites. With strong and unquenchable calls to sweet food, consult a doctor.

Scheme of the needs of the body
scheme of the "needs" of the body

If you do not want to overload yourself with sweet cakes, sweets and cakes, try to replace them:

  • grapes
  • broccoli
  • spinach
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • fish
  • liver

These products are saturated with minerals that normalize the hormonal background and completely balance the chemical composition in the body. After all, most often, I want sweets because of a lack:

  • magnesium
  • chrome
  • phosphorus

Video: "5 reasons why you want sweets, a list of necessary products"

Why do you want sweets in the evening?

In the struggle for losing weight and rejection of sweets, taste addictions themselves play a very large role: someone loves salty, someone is sour, but someone cannot live without sweets.

Therefore, if you suffer from excessive weight and want to get rid of it, first of all you need to undergo psychological training and mentally configure yourself to refuse chocolates, marshmallows and candies.

It happens that being in motion and worries all day, in the evening it covers the temptation to look into the refrigerator in search of a lying ice cream.

In the evening, having freed himself from worries, a person deliberately thinks that sweet - cannot
in the evening, having freed himself from worries, a person deliberately thinks that sweet - cannot

In the evening, sweets can want for reasons:

  • large physical exertion during the day
  • long fasting for a day
  • stress experienced in the day

When the muscles were tense for a long time (at work, during training or just active movement), they completely “pumped out” an important element - glycogen. Its deficiency is pushed by the body to “demand” sugar. To avoid this is simple - do not strain much to training and perform all the exercises in moderation.

Important: heat and stuffy weather can also affect the need for sugar. All because the brain, due to insufficient nutrition, oxygen needs glucose.

Video: Why do you want to eat in the evening and sweet?

Why do you want sweet in the morning?

The desire to eat something sweet can arise even in the morning, when you just wake up. The reason for this is hidden in the physiological processes of the body.

Everything happens that the time when you rest, the liver works and processes a huge amount of glucose with insulin during the night. That is why in the morning a person wants to replenish exhausted glucose reserves in the morning.

The hormone insulin produced by the pancreas regulates the metabolism in the body
the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas regulates the metabolism in the body

Another reason is a bad habit. If a person from childhood is used to eating sweet foods, it will be very difficult to eradicate it. A grain porridge, bran, cheese, cottage cheese, berries are considered an ideal healthy breakfast. But hardly anyone is really going to work will steam oatmeal.

It is much easier to sit cookies with a cup of coffee and enjoy the cake. Therefore, in search of the causes of unusual “morning taste preferences,” you need to reconsider your attitude to food and habits.

What vitamins are not enough when you want sweets?

If we investigate the problem of the need for sweets in detail, then one feature can be identified: people who love sweets, suffer from a lack of group B vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Lack of vitamins B, amino acids and minerals push to eat sweets
lack of vitamins B, amino acids and minerals push to eat sweets

Important: if you try to avoid calorie overeating and want to saturate the body useful, you need to responsibly approach the selection of replacement for these products.

Try to replace sweets with meat products: chicken, beef, liver. They have almost everything that will satisfy hunger and will forget about "obsessive sweets." If you doubt that the effect will be satisfying, drink green tea into a bite with raisins or just slaughter a twig of grapes.

Important: legumes are able to have a good influence: beans, peas, chickpeas and fruits containing a large amount of vitamin C: oranges, lemon, kiwi, grapefruit.

Why do you want sweets after eating?

Some lovers of “deliciously eat” noticed that after a hearty dinner they had a desire to “polish” the result with dessert. What is the cause of such manifestations?

Most often, zeal to eat sweetness manifests itself:

  • after very fatty and heavy food
  • after a long break in food
The desire to eat something sweet after lunch regulates the level of sugar in the blood
the desire to eat something sweet after lunch regulates the level of sugar in the blood

The reason for this is very simple - after eating, the glucose level increases sharply. Everything is because food sugar is actively absorbed into the intestines.

Insulin-Hormone transforms sugar into energy and distributes into cells. But sometimes it happens that insulin is produced too much and the glucose level falls. That is why a person may have a sharp desire to “align” blood sugar.

Why do you want sweets after alcohol?

There is nothing surprising in the fact that after drinking alcohol there is a craving for sweets. This is a regular pattern that has a logical justification: alcohol reduces the amount of sugar in the human blood.

Alcohol washes all useful trace elements from the body
alcohol "lered" all useful trace elements from the body

It is for this reason that you can feel a “signal” that requires restoring glucose. For the same reason, increased appetite occurs after taking alcohol. With the help of food, the body tries to replenish all the necessary reserves of sugar and trace elements.

Important: there is nothing complicated, I want to eat - then blood sugar is lowered. And if the hunger is insatiable, there is a reason to consult a doctor - hippoglexmia.

People with diabetes should remember once and always that they are contraindicated for any alcohol, even light beer.

Why do you want sweets with menstruation?

Each woman noticed an inexplicable craving for sweets before the period of a critical day. There are several explanations for this:

  • lack of estrogen in the first half of the cycle
  • a decrease in the amount of insulin, due to an increase in the body's need for insulin during menstruation
  • hormonal vibrations and bursts
  • the concentration of the hormone-progestron
During menstruation, the hormonal background of the woman is not stable and therefore she pulls her to sweets
during menstruation, the hormonal background of the woman is not stable and therefore she pulls her to sweets

Why do you want sweets during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an unforgettable and pleasant time. There are many opinions about why it was sweet that you want during pregnancy. Someone believes that this is justified by the floor of the expected child, and someone is an insufficient amount of glucose.

However, everything is much simpler. For the same reason as during the period of menstruation, a woman is experiencing a hormonal surge. Subston and progesterone manage a woman as they want to constantly change taste preferences: from salty to sweets.

Hormones control the desire to eat sweet in the body of a pregnant woman
hormones control the desire to eat sweet in the body of a pregnant woman

In addition, a woman during pregnancy often experiences mood swings and improve her condition, she tries to sweets.

But not all chocolate and bars sold in modern stores are useful. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the number of “delicious” consumed and give preference to the sweets of home production.

I want sweets during breastfeeding: Reasons

During breastfeeding, a woman is limited in the variety of food consumed. There are many prohibitions on many products only because the baby may have undesirable allergies. It is on the basis that the “forbidden fruit of sweet” women endlessly feel the lack of sweets in their lives.

Nursing woman is limited in the diet
nursing woman is limited in the diet

Excessive use of sweets and chocolate can cause diathesis in the baby. It is worth abandoning strong allergens and replacing them with dried fruits, oatmeal cookies, marshmallows in small amounts and condensed milk.

How to overcome the desire to eat sweet?

There are several effective ways to overcome the craving for sweets and replace it with other "yummy":

  1. Replace chocolate for fruits that also contain glucose
  2. More often include honey in the diet
  3. Drink more water during the day, sometimes a feeling of hunger is a common thirst
  4. Say yourself from the "seductive" environment, exclude all harmful products
  5. Green and herbal tea reduce craving for sweet
  6. Rest and get enough sleep more, lack of sleep provokes the need for sweets during the day

How to deal with constant desire to eat sweet: tips

The desire to eat sweets is quite normal and should not be afraid of it. If you accustom yourself to a healthy look of nutrition, get rid of constant consumption of chocolate, buns and ice cream - real!

Review your habits to eat, drink more fluids and try natural sugar -substitutes. Do not torment yourself with hunger strikes and carefully choose desserts, without artificial dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers.

Video: "How to overcome the craving for sweets?"

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  1. "Lack of popgon"? SERIOUSLY!? Estragon? ... Well, I’ll go to the Tarhun.

    1. go drink it, maybe insolence will go away 😉

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