A premature child: signs, degree, causes, nursing, illness. How many premature children lie in the hospital, what weight they write out?

A premature child: signs, degree, causes, nursing, illness. How many premature children lie in the hospital, what weight they write out?

The causes, signs and consequences of the development of premature children. Special care and power system.

The birth of a baby is perhaps the most important and responsible task in a woman’s life. You are preparing, planning, dreaming of a comfortable pregnancy, childbirth without complications, breastfeeding of crumbs from the first minutes after birth.

But, besides your dreams, there are desires of a little man. He also decides when, how and why to be born.

At what time of birth is a child considered premature?

The World Health Organization in the mid-70s of the last century determined the minimum indicators of the term, weight and growth of the child after birth-22 weeks, 500 g, 25 cm, respectively.

In practice, they hesitate in the ranges:

  • 28-37 weeks of gestation
  • 1000-2500 kg
  • 35-45 cm

The degree of a premature child

A child born a previously due with indicators approved by WHO is regarded in the countries of the post -Soviet space as a late miscarriage.

By the degree of prematureness of babies, they distinguish:

  • 4 degree - with extremely low weight - less than 1 kg, delivery occurred earlier than 28 weeks, height up to 30 cm
  • 3 degree - with a low weight - less than 1.5 kg, born until 31 weeks of gestation with a body length of less than 35 cm
  • 2 degree - weight parameters, weeks of gestation and baby growth - up to 2 kg, 35 and 40 cm, respectively
  • 1 degree - more than 2 kg, 37 weeks, 45 cm

The child can be born in the due date, but with insufficient mass. It will be recognized as doctors also prematurely. Therefore, we note that the main sign of the "early" child is his weight.

Signs of a premature child

Deun2The premature baby is very different from the baby who was born on time and with a good mass. It is even more fragile and vulnerable to external environmental stimuli.

Signs of a child born ahead of time, depending on his state of health and degree of prematureness are called:

  • disproportionate body dimensions - the large head is a third of its total length, the limbs are short
  • face, back and chest are covered with a hair fluff
  • skin color varies from saturated red to pink depending on the week of birth
  • the crying is quiet, the voice is thin
  • the skin is wrinkled
  • subcutaneous fat layer is absent or very thin
  • weak thermoregulation of the body
  • the bones of the skull are soft, the fontances are open
  • a small face compared to the size of the brain
  • the eyes are closed
  • the ear shells are soft or not fully formed
  • nogots on the fingers did not grind to the tips
  • the navel is located closer to the inguinal region
  • the stomach is rounded or sunk
  • ribs are located perpendicular to the spine
  • too frequent breathing up to 70 breaths a minute with signs of prolonged freezing (apnea) up to 10 seconds
  • the pulse is weak, hypotension
  • the genitals are underdeveloped - in boys, the testicles did not fall into the scrotum or the last in the stage of formation, in girls the large labia do not cover small ones, a gaping gap is observed
  • nipples and peroshedral areas without pigment
  • muscle activity is weak, or hypo- or hypertonicity is observed
  • slow reaction to external stimuli

The reasons for the birth of premature children

Both the mother herself, her illness, lifestyle, heredity, and environmental factors can provoke the early birth of the baby.

Among the most likely reasons for the birth of premature children are noted:

  • socio-living conditions of mom’s life-nutrition, emotional background of the house, the presence of harmful factors at work, the age of the mother, the desirability of the unborn child
  • obstetric and gynecological-mother's women's diseases; abortion and miscarriages preceding pregnancy; a break of less than two years between pregnancies; lack of medical support of the course of pregnancy, premature detachment of the placenta, eco
  • specific diseases in mom that prevent the normal bearing of a child - for example, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism

pathologies for the development of the fetus itself, intrauterine infectious diseases

Premature children: consequences in the future

Nedon4The appearance of crumbs ahead of schedule and with insufficient weight, unfortunately, will be displayed on his health and will not pass without a trace. Although the first year of his life is characterized by high intensity in growth and weight gain. For example, by six months he will triple his mass.

But his psycho-physical development will catch up with peers born normally, only to 2-3, and sometimes only by 5-6 years. Proper care, care, special procedures are able to help a premature baby to ease in development by 2 years.

What diseases haunt prematurely children in the future?

Those children who were born before the deadline

  • with eyes - myopia, astigmatism, retinal detachment, blindness
  • with ears - otitis media, hearing loss
  • with immunity - frequent colds, flu, acute respiratory infections, acute
  • with pressure-vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • with the nervous system - cerebral palsy, cramps
  • with the bone system - dysplasia, dislocations, subluxation of hip joints, walking skill will appear later
  • with a reproductive system in women - threats of miscarriage, premature birth; unstable menstrual cycle

With what weight they write out premature children?

After caring for a prematurely crumb in the maternity ward, it has stable indicators of thermoregulation of the body, independent sucking and absorption of food, a satisfactory state of the umbilical wound, with a weight of more than 2 kg, we can talk about his discharge home.

In the case of a set of masses less than 2 kg in the first two weeks of the life of such a baby, he is sent to a hospital for a special children's hospital to nurse premature children.

How many premature children lie in the hospital?

Since the birth, the term of stay in the hospital for a premature child may be different. Its anthropometric, physiological data, a week of gestation are taken into account.

At least the first 5-14 days of life, the baby will stay outside the house. At this time, neonatologists and other medical employees are actively observing its condition and weight gain.

The average indicator of a premature child in the hospital ranges from 1 to 2 months.

How many premature children are nursed?

The time for the rehabilitation and restoration of the normal functioning of the whole organism of the crumbs born ahead of time, you need different ones. Outside the house, he can spend from 5 days to 2 months. And in the case of manifestation he has serious pathologies or diseases - much more.

At home, nursing a child can last for years. With a favorable scenario of events - up to 6 years.


1st stage of nursing premature children

  • It begins from the moment of transferring crumbs from resuscitation to the ward or to a special children's hospital to nurse premature children
  • It is placed in Kuveza, in a special box or in a regular crib with heating pads
  • It is important to provide the baby with a stable air temperature 23-26 ℃, humidity 40-60% and an influx of oxygen
  • The clinic obser with a strict sanitary-issuing regime. Personnel and mothers necessarily wear gauze bandages when contacting babies

Stage 2 Stepwing of premature babies

  • This is the start of the adaptation of the crumbs to the new environmental conditions
  • Water procedures, massage, communication with mother, practice of the Kangaroo method help him learn to control his body and communicate with the world
  • Therefore, the presence of bathrooms, premises for expressing milk, massage is mandatory for hospitals to nursing premature babies
  • Additional advantages are the ability to teach a young mother there to care for the tiny, it is right to perform gymnastics in water, massage

Stage 3 of nursing premature children

Doon6The goal of the 3rd stage is to observe the medical personnel for the psychological and physical development of the child in dynamics in the context of his residence of the house.

  • The first couple of months the nurse or the local pediatrician visit 1-2 times a week of the baby
  • They keep a diary of the performance of his body - pressure, heart, motor skills, hearing, vision, digestive tract, nervous system
  • Be sure to prescribe examinations with a children's neuropathologist, immunologist, orthopedist, surgeon, blood donation for analysis, ultrasound of the body as a whole and individual areas.
  • A child with a mother undergoes a massage course, performs special gymnastics

Methods for nursing premature children

Premature children are very fragile and defenseless. Therefore, doctors use a three -stage nursing system for them, each of which contains various methods and measures.

At the 1st stage, the main task is to save the life of the baby. Apply:

  • resuscitation measures
  • kuves, boxes
  • apparatus for lung ventilation and oxygen supply,
  • creating conditions close to intrauterine, for example, heated water in which the baby lies
  • feeding through the nasheral pipe
  • support for constant temperature of the medium and humidity
  • kangaroo method

At the 2nd stage, adaptation measures are introduced:

  • massage
  • gymnastics, including in water
  • kangaroo method
  • activation of the sucking reflex

At the 3rd stage, most of the events listed in the previous paragraph are already holding the parents of the crumbs of the house.

Nursing premature children at home

The first month or two of the mother of a premature baby to accept the house of a local pediatrician or nurse 1-2 times a week. Or visits a clinic with a child 2 times a month.

The state of health and development of the baby will largely depend on the mother and its good execution of the doctor's prescriptions. They include these points:

  • up to six months of crumbs in the house are no guests except medical staff
  • maintaining a stable air temperature 24-26 ℃, moisture 40-50%
  • i ventilating the children's room up to 6 times a day
  • wet cleaning in the room twice a day
  • if one of the family members fell ill, temporarily send him to relatives until recovery
  • timely sufficient nutrition and child care
  • frequent wash with soap, especially after walks on the street
  • avoid any loud sounds next to the baby

Kangaroo method in nursing premature children

Nedon7For a newborn baby, physical and emotional contact with his mother is extremely important. And for premature crumbs, especially. The Kangaroo method in nursing such a baby has proven its effectiveness. Its second name "skin to the skin." It is used starting from the third degree of prematurity.

Mom dresses free clothes with the smell in front, takes off the bra. The baby in the diaper and cap is laid with a belly on her stomach so that his head is between the breasts. Mom smells clothes over her child. The nurse controls the temperature using sensors on his body.

The more often the skin of the skin is practiced, the faster the child gains strength.

The usefulness of the Kungur method for premature children:

  • it is convenient to eat when you want, if you have the strength to reach
  • you can sniff and lick a nipple, which positively affects the production of hormones both a child and mom
  • there is no possibility of freezing or overheating
  • skin coating with protective microflora occurs faster
  • the pulse and breathing are aligned

How many days does parenteral nutrition last a premature baby?

The choice of the optimal way of nutrition of the newborn is not always obvious. In many ways, he depends on the course of childbirth and his state of health.

Kids with extremely low weight and/or the presence of serious pathologies for the first 1-2 days are parenteely fed, that is, by introducing food into the blood through the skin.

But this method of nutrition is not practiced longer, since it is necessary to populate the stomach of the crumbs with useful enzymes and bacteria from breast milk or a special mixture. And also launch the natural processes of digestion, assimilation and removal of food.

Nutrition of premature babies up to a year


  • From the first hours of the life of the newborn crumbs, doctors and mother determine and provide the optimal way of nutrition. Ideally, if it is breast mother's milk or fresh
  • Alternative options are a thawed and tired milk of donors or special mixtures. For premature crumbs with a reduced sucking reflex, it is administered parenterally or through a tube, which is replaced every 2 hours
  • The nasal election tube is used until the beginning of the second month of life of individual babies. The diet is up to 10 times a day by infusion, or up to 6 times by a long -term instillation.
  • The last option is relevant for children with frequent regurgitation
  • Since the size of the stomach in such crumbs is very small, medical staff strictly controls portions. On the first day they are up to 10 ml, on the second - up to 15 ml, and others - up to 20 ml at a time
  • The calorie content of food for a premature baby is also important. For example, in the first month, a one-time feeding should be 30-40 kcal/kg, and by the end of the first year of life-140 kcal/kg
  • The food of babies is enriched with vitamins, trace elements and enzymes as prescribed by the doctor
  • After birth in the hospital or clinic, children are given additionally as drinking glucose solution
  • With artificial feeding, earlier feed can be recommended, starting with 4 weeks of life

Breastfeeding of premature babies

The most valuable and optimal nutrition for the newborn crumbs is breast milk. Studies of its composition showed that it is more high -calorie and contains a larger amount of protein.

  • Unfortunately, premature babies are sometimes poorly developed or there are no sucking and/or swallowing reflexes at all. Then the input of food is used through the nasheral tube, parenteral nutrition, feeding from a spoon, bottles
  • A young mother to preserve the breastfeeding of the crumbs in the future. If it is impossible to stay with him, she creates a milk reserve of the house and brings it to the hospital
  • Often in the food of a premature child, medical staff additionally adds the necessary vitamins and minerals. It depends on the state, presence or absence of pathologies and diseases
  • If doctors allow at least short -term meetings with the baby when you can pick it up, then practice applying to the chest

Why does a premature child sprinkle?

  • The gastrointestinal tract of a premature baby is not completely formed, all its departments are in the development stage. They are smaller than in full -term children. Therefore, regurgitation is the norm
  • The stomach of a small volume is located vertically. It has not yet been populated by microflora for normal digestion and assimilation of food. The pancreas produces the acid of insufficient concentration. The motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract muscles is weak, that is, food is poorly advanced and excreted
  • Due to the low resistance to pathogenic bacteria, the stomach of a premature baby is quickly populated by them. Dysbiosis, dysbiosis, flatulence, constipation, regurgitation, violation of the inner flora accompanied the baby in the first months of his life

What can you eat a nursing mother of a premature child?


  • Like the mother of a full -term child, the mother of the child born earlier should eat well, relax and keep a positive mood
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits, greens of the area in which she lives and where pregnancy passed should prevail in her diet.
  • She is also shown in small quantities butter and sunflower oils, whole grain bread, cereals prepared on the water. Dairy products are allowed in a limited volume - a maximum of 500 ml per day
  • As prescribed by the doctor, a nursing mother of premature crumbs can be shown additional pharmaceutical vitamin complexes

Special mixtures for premature children

Children born ahead of schedule differ from their peers who appeared in a timely manner, and according to the needs of useful substances in food. This is especially true for artificial feeding.

Famous manufacturers of children's food have special mixtures for prematurely, enriched and more high -calorie foods in their product line. Although there are less well -known companies.

For example, Human, Nan, Baby, Nutrilon, Prepilty, Neckal, Novolak, Ladushka, Alesya.

Complementary children for months


  • In addition to a small volume, a premature crumb in the stomach does not have enough microflora for full work. Therefore, strict observance of portioned doses of its power is mandatory
  • From the 4th day they give up to 40 ml at a time, increasing on every subsequent day 10 ml to 140 ml, and from the 21st day-160 ml. By the end of the first year of life, the baby easily absorbs up to 180 ml
  • An artificial feeding baby can receive complementary foods from 2 months of life according to an individual plan. He is given fresh apple, pomegranate juices, egg
  • To enter other products, young parents focus on the standard graph of complementary foods for the child and monitor allergic reactions. To do this, it is recommended to choose an interval between new products in 5-7 days

The needs of a premature child

The most basic needs of the baby who was born before is heat, humidity, sufficient nutrition, care and love.

From the first days, optimal environmental conditions are provided to him:

  • stable temperature 24-26 ℃
  • humidity 40-50%
  • the influx of fresh air
  • sufficient nutrition
  • lack of too loud sounds
  • caring and love

The baby eats from 6 to 10 times a day in the first months of life, and after discharge home, mother establishes an optimal individual diet for him.

Kids, surrounded by the care and love of loved ones, develop faster, grow and cope with ailments. Therefore, if possible, take them on pens more often, communicate with them, sing songs and talk.

Complementary children in Komarovsky

Nedon11The famous children's doctor Komarovsky in his approach to the input of feeding differs from other schemes. He claims that the first product should be as much as mother's milk as much as possible. In consistency, kefir and cottage cheese resemble it.

Komarovsky recommends feeding the baby no earlier than six months from 3 tsp. kefir. If there is no allergy, then doubled the dose within the next 5 days.

  • Then add cottage cheese in its pure form or mix with kefir 1 h l
  • At 7 months, the crumbs should be cooked by cereal porridge in milk. Reception scheme - for several days we give only a liquid from porridge a few spoons, then add the porridge itself
  • At 8 months, believe vegetable soups and enter according to the milk cereal scheme. And continue to give cottage cheese in a volume of 50 ml
  • At 9 months, diversify the menu with the first dishes with meat in the broth. Feeding scheme is similar to vegetable soups
  • From 10 months, Komarovsky recommends giving fish and yolk

So, we examined the causes and consequences, external signs, features of feeding and caring for premature children. We got acquainted with the recommended food standards and complementary foods, including Dr. Komarovsky.

And remember that the health and safe development of your crumbs depends on your care, love and calm.

Video: Features of caring for premature children

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