Why is an iPhone quickly discharged? What to do if the battery sets quickly? How to check the capacity and suitability of the battery on the iPhone?

Why is an iPhone quickly discharged? What to do if the battery sets quickly? How to check the capacity and suitability of the battery on the iPhone?

The reasons for the fast discharge of the iPhone and the methods of elimination.

Now practically no person imagines his life without iPhones and mobile phones with a liquid crystal screen. All this is due to the improvement of the Internet and the availability of coating. But due to the use of a large number of applications, the battery in the phone and iPhone can sit quite quickly. In this article we will tell you why the phone does not hold a battery charge for long.

Why did the iPhone quickly discharge?

In most cases, the fault is sufficiently rapidly reducing the charge is not at all the weakness of the battery or its exhaustion. And the wrong organization of the phone. The most interesting thing is that there are a lot of applications that “eat” a huge amount of battery energy, thereby reducing the duration of its work.

The reasons:

  1. Among these applications are many extra. To begin with, we advise you to open all the programs available on the phone and view which you use extremely rarely, or do not use at all, and just remove them. Next, we recommend cleaning the cache and cookies.
  2. It will also help save the charge and extend the duration of the phone on one charge. Another option is to use maximum brightness. In most cases, the phone itself adapts how to work, varying the brightness of the screen. That is, it can be darker or lighter. But in order to save a charge, especially if you are traveling on the train, you do not have a Powerbank, or in such conditions where there is no way to recharge the phone, any second of operation of the device can be decisive. We advise you to set brightness to a minimum. Thus, this will help reduce the battery charge.
  3. A variety of updates, as well as geolocation, also negatively affect the duration of the phone. Please note that now almost all applications require geolocation, although in reality it is only a few. In particular, the GPS navigator and the weather information. That is, the application that shows the weather in your city. No more applications need geolocation. Accordingly, this spends an extra phone battery.
  4. In some cities, 3G coating does not work very well. There are certain zones in which the coating is simply perfect, but there are places in which it practically does not have no. Therefore, in such areas we advise you to remove 3G work so that the system is not constantly updated and does not look for 3G sources. It also helps to save a battery.
  5. It doesn’t matter what kind of model you have, whether the iPhone is restored or completely new that you recently acquired. Keep in mind that downloading applications, games, mail work and its update instantly affect the current charge. Constantly included Wi-Fi adversely affects the charge. Even the work of Spotlight - IOS search engine, which has to index all the content on your device also affects charging. When the modules of wireless data transfer and the device processors are in constant work, it makes no sense to expect a decrease in the consumption of battery charge.
  6. Another enemy for the battery is the use of loud sound. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to use headphones, do it. Such manipulation will significantly save the battery charge. In addition, if the sound is not needed very loud, you can make it quieter. Which also helps to extend the charge of the phone a little.

It often happens that the phone sits quite quickly when watching a video on YouTube or during surfing on the Internet. This is due to the fact that the phone spends a lot of energy to work. But you can save battery charge by closing unnecessary applications. Try not to open several sites in a row, but constantly stop working before opening a new site.


What to do if the battery quickly sits down, how to extend the autonomous work of the iPhone?


  • Do not rush to give the equipment for repair. Close all unnecessary applications
  • When there is no Wi-Fi, turn it off. Otherwise, the system is constantly in search of new access points
  • Turn off the GPG, leaving only the weather and navigator in the application
  • Reduce the duration of the waiting mode to a minimum
  • Delete applications, games and programs that you do not use

To extend the life life of a mobile device, you should try to keep the charge level between 80% and 40%. It is not recommended to keep the device charged up to 100%, this significantly reduces its life.

On charging
On charging

The iPhone is quickly discharged: the definition of battery wear

You can check the integrity of the battery quite simply, but this method is not possible for everyone, but only for those who have a removable battery. Now this happens quite infrequently, especially with modern and budget models, such as Xiaomi, Huawei or Meizu. The fact is that in these models, not all have removable batteries.

If you are still lucky, and the battery is pulled out, we recommend checking it for integrity. Just remove it from the nest, and try to twist it in place. If it rotates around its axis, then it swollen a bit and damage is observed. If it is absolutely flat, and does not rotate, then the battery is whole.


You can not resort to such old and affordable methods at all, but use more technological methods for determining the integrity of the battery. There are certain application options that allows you to find out the battery capacity in fact.

Applications for checking the battery capacity:

  • Battle Life
  • ibackupbot
  • AIDA64
We determine the cause of the breakdown
We determine the cause of the breakdown

Do not upload a few YouTube pages or at once at the same time VK, YouTube, several more sites. When they work in this mode, a huge amount of battery charge is spent. It is much easier to enter and leave the sites, but not clean the cache and cookies so that you do not have to re -enter passwords and constantly go into the account, updating it.

Video: iPhone is quickly discharged

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