Why hurts under the knee: causes, signs of diseases, which doctor treats. Pain under the knee behind: treatment with drugs, diagnosis and prevention of diseases, folk treatment methods

Why hurts under the knee: causes, signs of diseases, which doctor treats. Pain under the knee behind: treatment with drugs, diagnosis and prevention of diseases, folk treatment methods

Pain under the knee behind is often unbearable. In this article talks about the causes of the disease and treatment.

Our body is a complex biochemical mechanism, and if something hurts, it is necessary to pay attention to our condition, turning to doctors in a timely manner. Pain under the knee in the back may appear in professional athletes, persons engaged in hard work and people who recently underwent operations or infectious lesions. Consider other causes of such pains and methods of their treatment.

The causes of pain developing under the knee

Pain in the leg in the popliteal fossa
Pain in the leg in the popliteal fossa

Unpleasant colic in the area of \u200b\u200bthe popliteal fossa is non -specific, and therefore may indicate the presence of a patient with one of the many pathologies. All the causes of such a painful syndrome can be attributed to three main groups:

  • Joint knee cup diseases
  • Peri -human pathological processes
  • Other pathological processes not related to articular cups

Important: Many different pathologies are known, the symptoms of the manifestation of which can be interconnected with the above causes. Only a specialist can make a diagnosis correctly! Treatment must also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Why hurts under the knee behind: signs of diseases

Baker's cyst
Baker's cyst

The initial sources of colic, localized in the knee cup in the back, can be diverse. They can be banal and hide in the ailments of the knee joint or, conversely, complex, requiring a doctor’s professionalism to make a correct diagnosis.

Consider some of the most popular causes and signs of colic or aching pain characteristic of a particular disease:

Development of formations in the form of cysts

  • Signs: aching pain and pain is felt on palpation.
  • For example, Baker's cyst is a chronic inflammation that occurs with osteoporosis or arthrosis.
  • A cyst can be seen without a doctor: a small “mound” in the area under the knee. This is a soft formation in the form of a “node” behind the knee cup.
  • Often doctors are incorrectly diagnosed and prescribe not those drugs, but the ailment continues to progress and deliver torment to the patient.

Rupture of the meniscus.

  • This is a dangerous state that occurs after injury or excessively diligent physical education or sports.
  • Colic can be sharp and unpleasant, a characteristic crispy sound in the knee cup is heard.
  • In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise the consequences can be the most unpleasant.
  • There is also a high risk of complications.

Cystic formations on menisci.

  • Such a disease is rare, but there were cases when the patient was made an incorrect diagnosis.
  • In the absence of adequate treatment, such a disease can lead to a rupture of one or more meniscuses.

Arthritis of the knee joint.

  • It proceeds hard, since the knee joint has a complex device.
  • The pain prevents the joint and painful syndrome often develops from behind the legs.

Nerves neoplasms are various tumors of the berets and others.

  • Colic appear at the very beginning of the disease and it is important to quickly and correctly establish the diagnosis.
  • A person is tormented by unpleasant tingling under the back knee, which manifest not only during the day, but also at night.
  • Pulling rubbing in the calf in the calf in the limb may also occur.

Vascular diseases developing in the area near the knee.

  • This includes aneurysms of the popliteal vein and thrombosis of the arteries.
  • With both of these ailments, the limb will hurt precisely under the bend in the knee cup - in the hole.
  • The aching unpleasant sensations greatly worsen the quality of life, as well as these ailments are dangerous for their consequences: blockage of veins.

As you can see, signs and sources of colic in the popliteal fossa are diverse. When the first signs of a particular disease appear, immediately go to the doctor. This will help to avoid complications and quickly cure the ailment.

Which doctor treats diseases with pain under the knee from behind?

The doctor examines the knee joint with the back of the back
The doctor examines the knee joint with the back of the back

Diagnosis of diseases begins with a trip to the clinic - to doctors. But first you need to consult a general practice or surgeon. These experts will prescribe detailed urine and blood tests, and provide directions for diagnostics.

When all diagnostic measures are taken, a surgeon or therapist can prescribe treatment or direct to the highly specialized doctor - orthopedic. If during diagnostic measures there are problems with the veins, then a phlebologist will be needed.

Diagnosis of diseases with pain under the knee

X -ray knee
X -ray knee

If you were sent to a highly specialized doctor, then you should go to him as soon as possible. After all, almost all ailments with pain under the knee require an immediate cure, otherwise unpleasant consequences may develop that it is much more difficult to fight.


  • The orthopedist at the first reception will interrupt the patient. The patient should tell about the symptoms and prescription of complaints.
  • The doctor will also conduct a physical examination - palpation.
  • Then the doctor prescribes further diagnostic measures: the joint of the joint or ultrasound of this area.
  • Arthroscopy may also be needed so that the doctor can visually assess the condition of the joint.
  • The most informative research: MRI and CT. But these diagnostic procedures are expensive and they are prescribed in the most rare cases when the doctor is sure that they cannot do without them.
  • Urine and blood tests may be needed to identify inflammatory processes.


  • The doctor will appoint an ultrasound of the veins of the legs.
  • The doctor also prescribes a general analysis of urine and blood to identify inflammation.

These types of diagnostics of the region under the knee help to make a general picture of the disease, and whether there is a destructive process in the joint or is there any inflammation in the periarticular tissues.

Treatment of pain under the knee


Therapeutic measures for pain under the knee are prescribed conservatively. Drug drugs are prescribed depending on the diagnosis and severity of the disease:

  • Anti -inflammatory drugs - Nise, Ibuprofen, Movalis and others. They are used as intended for the doctor in a strictly indicated dosage and no more than 5-7 days. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, these tablet means can be prescribed 3 pieces per day. It is not worth overdoing with the adoption of a large dose so as not to harm yourself and not lubricate the clinic of the disease. If the sensations are very painful, then such drugs can be additionally prescribed in the form of an ointment or gel.
  • Analgesics - They help reduce the pain syndrome. You need to take them no more than 2 days.
  • Hormonal anti -inflammatory drugs. They are used in difficult cases, relieve unpleasant sensations, reduce inflammatory processes and prevent bones and cartilage to collapse. Glucocorticosteroid - Diprospan copes with this task perfectly.
  • Hondoprotectors - Restore the affected part of the joint cup and generate fabrics. Can be used in the form of tablets and injections.
  • Antibacterial drugs - They are used for purulent inflammation of the joint cup. With this ailment, it is forbidden to administer drugs directly into the joint cavity, so antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Other drugs - eliminate the cause of the disease with pain under the knee. This can be, for example, a diuretic with gout.

Surgical interventions - There are times when you can’t do without operational procedures. With a cyst and a purulent joint, a puncture is prescribed - this is one of the most least dangerous procedures. It will not be possible to do without a surgeon and an operational cure for a rupture of a meniscus or an aneurysm of a popliteal vein.

Dietary nutrition - This is another way that will help on the path to recovery in diseases associated with pain under the knee:

  • Do not abuse me, fatty foods.
  • It is worth limiting the use of animal proteins, sausages, fatty dairy products.
  • It is worth giving preference to vegetable soups, plant oil, eggs, low -fat dairy products.
  • It is useful to eat fish oil and gelatin dishes.

Of course, without the recommendations of the doctor, you should not prescribe dietary nutrition. First, the doctor should make a diagnosis and recommend what is allowed to eat, and what needs to be abandoned.

Folk methods of treating pain under the knee behind: recipes

Chestnut flowers are used to make tinctures
Chestnut flowers are used to make tinctures

Treatment of popular medicine should be carried out after making a diagnosis and prescription of medical measures by a doctor. Medication in combination with traditional medicine gives good results. Here are a few tinctures and ointments that will help to cope with the ailments:

  • Infusion of dandelion, chestnut and lilacs. Take in equal shares of these colors in dried form (1 tablespoon). Fold in a jar and pour a glass of vodka. Insist two weeks, then strain. Use as a compress at night. Moisten the gauze cut, squeeze, put on a sore spot, cover with polyethylene and fix the compress with a terry towel or scarf.
  • Honey ointment and mummy. 5 tablespoons of honey and 15 grams of mummy mix. Use for rubbing in a sore spot for 15 minutes.
  • A mixture of table salt, soda and mustard powder. Mix these components in equal proportions (half a teaspoon), add 5 tablespoons of honey. Rub ointment in a sore spot. You can do this at night, wrapping a processed place in polyethylene and a terry towel.

With problems with the veins, tincture of chestnut (flowers, bark or fruits) will help. 50 grams of flowers, bark or fruits of chestnut pour a bottle of vodka and insist for two weeks in a dark place. Then strain and do rubbing at night or compresses with this healing tincture.

Prevention of knee diseases

Preventive exercises that allow you to prevent diseases with pain under the knee
Preventive exercises that allow you to prevent diseases with pain under the knee

So that you are not disturbed by the unpleasant sensations associated with the back pain, you should engage in prevention for a long period of life, starting from young age, since diseases can manifest themselves at a time when a person is still young and full of strength. Such events include the following:

  • Dietary nutrition.
  • Physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle will sooner or later lead to diseases of the joints or veins.
  • In hard physical work, proofes should be held 2 times a year.
  • Do not play sports for a long time without a break or physical labor. Every hour you need to give yourself a rest for 10 minutes.
  • At the first signs of diseases associated with pain under the knee, you should go to the doctor.

The pains in the popliteal fossa can lead to disability. Therefore, at the first symptoms of pain, you should immediately seek help from the doctor.

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  1. For my joints, I buy an arthrophis chondroprotector, which contains chondroitin and glucosamine in high dosages (at the same time, they are not “ordinary”, but allocated from marine organisms). These substances contribute not only to the removal of pain and inflammation, but also to the restoration of joints, cartilage and even bones. But the reception must be a term paper (systematic).

  2. Thank you for the article

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