Why are Americans called "Pindos"?

Why are Americans called

The origin of the word "pindos".

The word "Pindos" has a lot of meanings. Now, mostly the Russian -speaking population uses this word in relation to the Americans. In this article we will tell you where this word came from, and why the Americans are called that.

The origin of the word "pindos"

The most interesting thing is that this word originates since the 19th century, and has arisen on the territory of Greece. There is a mountainous area called Pind, respectively, the peoples who came out from there, that is, the Greeks were called with Pindos. This is something similar to katsap, crest or Jew. But the fact is that in the 19th century it was precisely the poorly educated population of Greece. Basically, such a word meed Selyuk, dumbass or bull, something from this area. But already at the end of the 19th century, this word was forgotten.

Around the First World War, this word generally disappeared from everyday life, they stopped using it, because all the Greeks were moved to where they are now. Accordingly, no one used this word anymore. It appeared again around 1999, it was then that the war took place in Yugoslavia. There were several groups of peacekeepers from different countries on its territory. These are the British, Americans and Russians. It was in order to somehow distinguish between military peacekeepers that Russian-speaking military began to call the American and British peacekeepers “Pindos”. That is, these are white English -speaking peoples.

American peacekeepers
American peacekeepers

Why are Americans called "Pindos"?

But there is another option for the appearance of the word “pindos”. The fact is that in America there are very strict rules with the payment of insurance compensation. Accordingly, in order for the family of the victim in a peacekeeping operation in Yugoslavia to be paid money, and treated at the expense of the state, he had to adhere to certain rules and wear all protective ammunition. That is, this ammunition included a huge number of things. These are knatwinds, so -chip, helmet, body armor, machine gun, drypack, flashlights, a night vision device.


In general, all this ammunition weighed about 40 kg. Therefore, many military people with great difficulty endured this amount of ammunition to themselves. Accordingly, the gait has changed significantly. They became like penguins, their head was pulled, and their legs practically did not bend at the knees, crossed from the side to the side. It was then that the military in Kosovo nicknamed them “Pindos”, it meant Penguin in Yugoslav. It is now reliably unknown which option is reliable. “Pendoshi” or “Pindos”, and what actually means this word.

Now this word is used only among the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, as well as Belarus. For Americans, as well as Europeans, the word is almost offensive, it sounds even worse than Greengo or Yankees in relation to the Americans. The distribution of the word was facilitated by the conversion of one of the generals who interviewed the camera, and when communicating with his soldiers, he asked them not to call the American peacekeepers “Pindos”, because they are very much offended by this. But our military could not resist, they began to make fun of the Americans even more, calling them “Pindos”. Now this word is still popular in our country and means an American.


As you can see, no one knows the reliable origin of this word. But now it is used everywhere.

Video: Americans Pindos

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