Why can you fill the aquariums with chilled boiled water?

Why can you fill the aquariums with chilled boiled water?

The feasibility of using boiled water in the aquarium.

Water for the aquarium is a very important component that allows you to contain the fish healthy. It is not always possible to use remedies for cleaning, so many owners of pets use a variety of methods. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to use boiled water for the aquarium. 

Is boiled water used in the aquarium?

In most cases, fish owners do not recommend using this method. In the process of boiling, the hardness of the water is reduced, but a significant amount of oxygen is disappeared, and useful microorganisms die.

Whether boiled water is used in the aquarium:

  • In fact, Water becomes dead. If you immediately fill the water into the aquarium that boiled, you managed to cool it, most likely, the fish will begin to feel malaise. This is due to the fact that there is very little oxygen in such a liquid, so if the filter works poorly, it will take some time to saturate it with this element.
  • What can affect the well -being of the pets, their pestilence will begin. It is recommended to use spring water or ordinary tap, which is upset for several days.
  • Some craftsmen use melt water. To do this, pick up the liquid in five -liter bottles, and freeze for 24 hours. Next, the liquid is removed from the freezer and defrost. After that, poured into the aquarium. It is believed that such a liquid is one of the best, as it contains sufficiently oxygen, it is soft, but at the same time not devoid of useful additives.

Can I add boiled water to the aquarium?

Now almost everyone appreciates their time, so most owners of aquariums have no time to boil water, or freezing it. Therefore, the most popular option is the use of additives. These are peculiar air conditioners, they soften the liquid, making it suitable for fishing. In some cases, such a liquid can be obtained from the spring. 

Boiled water into the aquarium can be:

  • Many really recommend the use of purified water, which is in springs, it is cleaned using natural minerals and components. However, people living in large cities are likely not to know about the existence of such springs, they may not be.
  • At the same time, due to the huge number of sewer waters, groundwater can pollute, so the quality of water in springs is far from the ideal. It is not recommended to use distilled water, since it is dead, it does not have salts of dissolved metals, microorganisms.
  • That is why such water is rarely used to add to the aquarium. Accordingly, boiled water should be used as little as possible. However, sometimes this is a necessary measure, especially if the quality of water purification at treatment facilities has worsened in your city. Sometimes fish owners can observe a situation when mor begins when updating water. This indicates a deterioration in the quality of the liquid. 
Undersea world
Undersea world

Aquarium air conditioning

Usually in the daytime, the pH of water in the aquarium is 9. This is due to the fact that a large number of minerals and other beneficial substances are dissolved in it. In nighttimepit can decrease to 6. If this happens, then this is not very good, and speaks of poor quality of liquid. Below we present a list of popular means to soften water and improve its characteristics.

Aquarium air conditioning:

  • Prodibio Aqua-Turtle Nano
  • Tetra Betta Aqua Safe
  • Tropical Antichlor
  • AquaForest Af Water Conditioner
Undersea world
Undersea world

When can you pour boiled water into the aquarium?

It is recommended that before the complete replacement of water, conduct a peculiar experiment. If there is a complete replacement of the liquid, before the introduction of the main fish, add some small and inexpensive pets there so that it is not a pity. If they survive such a replacement of water, this indicates a fairly good quality of liquid.

When you can pour boiled water into the aquarium:

  • Accordingly, it can be used to complete replacement in the aquarium. If such fish died, the pestilence began, then it is worth abandoning this venture. You can also use boiling methods. This method is used only when there are no other options, and after ordinary tap water, the fish die. 
  • Air conditioners contribute to the preparation of water for the settlement of fish, or its partial replacement. The composition of air conditioners contains substances that enter into a chemical reaction with chlorine, with other impurities contained in tap water.
  • Thanks to this, colloidal complexes arise that protect the mucous membrane of fish, as well as gills from damage, which often happens when using chlorinated and not defended water. Regarding boiled water, then replacement is possible only partial, and only if the fish originally live in such a liquid. 
Stones and algae
Stones and algae

Is it possible to add boiled water to the aquarium in parts?

If spring water was used before, or melt, then replacing even partially boiled water can cause Mora for the inhabitants of the aquarium. The use of boiled water is impossible if it is necessary to fill a large aquarium.

Is it possible to add boiled water to the aquarium:

  • The process of boiling, cooling, as well as upsetting boiled water takes a lot of time. Many note that there is very little oxygen in it, so the fish may not be enough. 
  • It is necessary to add water to the aquarium once a week, since in the process of the vital activity of the fish, part of the liquid evaporates. Once a month, a complete replacement of water is carried out.
  • However, it should be borne in mind that it is best to transplant the fish aquarium into a bottle with old, that is, dirty water during the cleaning of the aquarium.After the equipment is launched, and the water is saturated with oxygen, residents can be launched.
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Please note that ordinary boiled water contains a minimum of bacteria, which is why difficulties with the growth of algae, the vital activity of fish can be observed.Therefore, they recommend the use of air conditioners, as well as special bacterial mixtures that normalize PH, as well as the composition of water, making it suitable for inhabitants, algae, also snails 

Video: boiled water for aquarium


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