Why 3 times knock on wood: sign

Why 3 times knock on wood: sign

In this article we will consider where it came from and what means a sign to knock on a tree three times.

It is very common for our people to believe in all kinds of signs and actively use them in everyday life. Thus, we believe that an example will help protect us from the evil eye, trouble and misfortune. But the sign knocking three times on wood is so popular that it goes far beyond our borders. Let's take a look at its essence and the reason for the appearance in order to understand the meaning itself.

Why knock on wood three times: an explanation of signs

This unusual sign is to knock on a tree three times, takes its origins from pre -Christian times. Then people believed not to get into trouble and their loved ones to trouble and misfortune, just three times to knock on wood with bones of their fingers.

  • But not everything is so simple. Our ancient compatriots argued that good spirits live in the tree, which are not averse to helping people. Although, for example, in Egypt, it was enough just to just touch the tree. By the way, even today many carry wooden amulets. To protect yourself from the evil eye and the Almighty anger.
  • Especially when you praise yourself. After all, boasting is a sin for which punishment could go. A knock on a tree drowned out his own inner voice if a person boasted excessively and was proud of himself.
  • It is important to know that our ancestors believed that it was necessary to knock exclusively on the oak barrel in order to protect themselves from the evil eye. Since this tree was considered sacred and divine. Therefore, having tapped three times on a tree, we not only protect ourselves, but we also get strength from a tree. By the way, oak was considered a divine tree in many peoples, as well as a symbol of the family.
Bang better on oak wood
Bang better on oak wood
  • As for the modern sketch to knock on wood three times, it has acquired its relevance in those centuries when Christianity appeared. Often, the tree is compared with the cross of Jesus Christ.
  • Although even this ritual is an even more subtle explanation. The fact is that fugitive criminals were given asylum in the church. After all, the church accepts everyone, and does not divide it worthy or not. Therefore, already behind her gates, a person could feel protected. And the church in those distant times was made of wood.
  • In our days, we actively use this habitual ritual on the machine in order to protect ourselves and our family from damage and evil eyes. Forgetting at the same time that knocking on a wooden table made of aspen is a bad sign. After all, Judas hanged on her. And in general, it is undesirable to keep this tree in the house, because not only a knock on it, but the very presence itself can vibrate trouble.

As you can see, such a simple sign knocking on wood has a very interesting story. Whether to believe in it or not is already a matter of each of us, but now you can proudly explain its meaning or cause of appearance.

Video: Why are we knocking on wood three times?

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