For what reason everything goes wrong, and what to do with it? 8 things that you should remember when everything goes wrong

For what reason everything goes wrong, and what to do with it? 8 things that you should remember when everything goes wrong

In this article you will learn a lot of useful information about what to do if everything goes wrong in life.

In the life of each person, periods happen when everything collapses or does not go the way. On such days, many of us are overcome by depression. It seems to us that bright days will never come. And we are cautiously looking into the future, confident that nothing good will happen to us anymore.

Everything in life goes wrong: reasons

Surely many people think why this is happening. Psychologists call the main reasons why everything goes wrong in life:

  • High expectations.

Often we set ourselves overly ambitious goals, and from people we expect certain behavior and attitude to our person.

But according to our rules, the world will not play. No one can achieve all goals to the one that has determined for himself. And the people around us are free to do as they want, and not us.

In order not to experience disappointments, do not expect too much from life. Work on yourself and thank your fate for what you have today.

  • Focusing attention only on failures.

Sometimes, when troubles take place in the same area of \u200b\u200bour life, we unconsciously transfer the negative to other aspects. And we do not notice all the good that is happening to us.

Failures on the personal front are overshadowed by promotion or receiving a well -deserved prize. Conversely, difficulties at work make you forget about what a beautiful family we have.

  • Fear and uncertainty.

Sometimes we subconsciously believe that we are not worthy of what we are striving for and what we are dreaming of. We are overcome by doubts or disappointments in ourselves. If in the depths of us there is a feeling that we have something not rightfully, then, ultimately, we will lose it. Hidden fears and complexes pushes us to destroy what we have already achieved.

Often it happens due to uncertainty
Often it happens due to uncertainty
  • The idealization of their desires.

Many people attach too much importance to their desires. And when they do not get what they want, they lose emotional balance. You need to let go of your dreams. Try to be happy, even if the plan has not come true.

  • Comparing yourself with others.

If your life comes down to being no worse than others, then disappointments are inevitable. Comparing themselves with those who have succeeded more, always leads to depression. Focus on your virtues and victories.

  • The habit of monitoring everything.

Some people are used to keeping everything under control. But in life, not everything depends on us. And sometimes events occur, which we simply cannot influence. Loss of control over the situation is often the cause of emotional disorders.

  • Incorrect goals

When in some area of \u200b\u200blife for a long time everything goes wrong with you, you should think about it, but whether you are moving in the right direction. Perhaps you are prepared for a different path. And what you do is contrary to your true purpose.

There are wrong goals
There are wrong goals
  • Movement in a circle.

It is amazing how often we step on the same rake. When you cannot achieve positive results, you need to try other solutions. Do not repeat the actions that once turned out to be ineffective. Look for alternatives. Why do something that leads to defeats and failures again and again?

  • Maximalism.

This excellent quality can serve the poor service. The principle of “all or nothing” often prevents us from soberly evaluating the events. In fact, there are no hopeless situations. There is always a way out, just the results may not quite arrange us.

  • The failure of the world as it is.

Each of us has our own model of “correct” world order. And when the invented world does not coincide with the real, we begin to experience a lot of negative emotions. But we did not create the world. Therefore, it is not for us to condemn him.

The failure of the world
  • Unwillingness to limit yourself.

Some people were very spoiled in childhood. Their desires were fulfilled before being formulated. And yesterday's children grew up with firm conviction that all their requirements should be met. It is difficult for such people to limit themselves in something. Therefore, without receiving the desired, they are in a state of eternal dissatisfaction.

Try to understand how your current problems are caused. Awareness of reasons is the first step to overcome them.

Everything goes wrong as it should: what to do?

Happiness is not a lack of problems, as many believe. This is the ability of a person to solve these problems. In crisis situations, we are testing for themselves to adequately perceive reality and the ability to overcome difficulties.

What to do when the world is collapsing around and everything goes wrong as it should?

  • Take what has already happened.

You cannot turn back the time and change what has already happened. No matter how difficult it is, accept this situation. Do not spend energy on experiences about what cannot be fixed. Buddha said that our suffering is caused by our resistance to occurring events.

  • Do not harass yourself.

Do not associate troubles with your personal disadvantages. Do not consider yourself unworthy of happiness. Just now the circumstances have developed in this way.

Do not harass yourself
Do not harass yourself
  • Try to control your emotions.

During strong excitement, we often draw hasty conclusions and make incorrect decisions. Do not do anything serious until you calm down. And try to take life shakes with dignity.

  • Try to look at the problem from the other side.

Success and happiness often depend on the point of view. Not always other people consider what is depressing us, a real problem. But if you yourself consider something failure, then it will be so. In your mind, list not your losses, but what you own.

  • Stop and listen to yourself.

Sometimes you need to take a pause to look around. Maybe everything goes wrong, because at the moment of life another is required of us. Every person needs pauses to adjust their further path. Be attentive to yourself and to those signs that life indicates.

Ask yourself what you need to be satisfied. Formulate all desires, and then select the feasible from them. Make a plan for how you can implement them.

  • Get rid of idealizations.

This means that you do not need to attach too much importance to anything. In our head, ready -made models are always present how everything should happen and how others should behave. But this is only our imagination. Nobody owes you anything. The sooner you accept this truth, the faster you get rid of negative experiences.

  • Treat life as an interesting journey.

Our soul came to this world only for a while. He does not belong to us. We were simply given the opportunity to use it. The person cannot be taken away that which does not belong to him. Therefore, we must gratefully meet every day of our life, and not redo it for ourselves.

Meet gratitude every day
Meet gratitude every day
  • Do not consider yourself a victim.

It is necessary to understand that you and only you are responsible for your life and for your mood. Nobody does anything specially against you. Consciously give up the role of the victim and begin to act. You yourself choose how to respond to what is happening. A person does not come to the world in order to suffer. And in order to try all beautiful and interesting things: travel, creativity, love.

  • Consider your disappointments valuable lessons.

Life problems form our character. From any difficult situation, we learn lessons and gain experience. Failures teach us what we would not learn with a successful outcome. During the failure, determine what lesson you can extract from this situation, and how the next time you need to do.

Thomas Edison spoke out remarkably at one time: “I have never suffered a defeat. I just found 10,000 ways that do not work. ”

  • Try to forgive.

The path of forgiveness is a well -known technique for the treatment of mental wounds. Sincerely forgive the people who caused you suffering. If you yourself are to blame for troubles, forgive yourself. We are all mistaken and have the right to a second chance.

  • Make your choice.

We ourselves choose what life we \u200b\u200bwill live - suffer and be unhappy or rejoice at every day. Make efforts on yourself and gradually come out of an unfavorable strip of life.

Make your choice
Make your choice
  • Start changing yourself.

Psychologists argue that the external world is a reflection of the internal world. If we want to change something in life, we must start with ourselves.

  • Look for positive.

Due to the internal struggle and negative experiences, we do not notice how much beautiful and amazing in the world. Learn to rejoice. See even minor reasons for pleasure: sunny weather, a child’s smile, a delicious dinner, an interesting book.

  • Believe that the best is waiting for you ahead.

When everything is bad, it is difficult to believe that this is for the better. But life is smarter than us. Often, after failures and a crisis, wonderful things happen to us.

Believe in the best
Believe in the best
  • Determine what is important to you in life.

Life without planning often leads to the wrong place. Develop a strategy that you will adhere to. Make a plan of specific actions that will help you get out of the crisis.

  • Feel free to ask for help.

In difficult times, do not think that you are alone. Do not be afraid to seek support to your loved ones or friends. They will definitely help you. And also listen to the advice of people who have successfully emerged from such situations. Pride in this case will serve you a bad service.

  • Believe in your strength.

You are much stronger than you are used to thinking. Be sure that you can handle everything. Maybe not immediately, but gradually, in small steps, but you will definitely get out of the black strip.

8 things that you should remember when everything goes wrong as it should

Not all people are strong enough to combat adverse circumstances. Some are very difficult to cope with difficulties.

When it hurts you, and you can’t see the way out of the black strip, think about 8 important things that you should remember when everything in life does not go as it should.

The pain is a component of our height.

  • There are two varieties of pain - the one that causes physical suffering, and the one that helps to grow spiritually.
  • Sometimes it’s hard for us to get out of the comfort zone. Rarely we are trying to change something until we do it unfavorable circumstances to do this. And in order to make us move forward, life is forced to close some doors to us. Soul suffering present us with priceless lessons, thanks to which we gain experience and learn to live.
  • In difficult times, remind yourself that not a single pain comes without a goal in our life. Pour out from things that bring suffering, but always remember this lesson. You need to be patient. Great successes are based on a decent struggle. Be patient and do not lose self -confidence. The fight against difficulties means that you are able to overcome them.
  • Go through life without complaining or resisting. This will contribute to your spiritual growth.

In life, everything is temporary.

  • More than once we heard the phrase "None of all lasts." But when we are very bad, we are convinced that our life will never improve again. But this is not at all like that. After the rain, the sun comes out, and the dark night is replaced by a bright morning. And if tears are in your eyes today, this does not mean that tomorrow you will not be able to smile. All wounds are delayed over time.
  • Enjoy all the happy moments, because they will not last forever. It may happen that in the future you will be bored on these days. And do not worry hard when you are not easy. Sooner or later it will pass too.
  • Today's problems are not a whole life. The darkness in the human soul does not allow him to see prospects in the future.
  • Every second life gives you another chance. And your task is to learn how to use it.
All problems are temporary
All problems are temporary

Complaints and anxiety do not change anything.

  • Nothing ends when you lose. It all ends when you stop attempts to do anything and only begin to complain. If a person has all the energy and strength to complain, he simply will not be able to act.
  • No need to be afraid to do something more and then tolerate failures. Believe in your own strength. Do not stop trying to change the situation. No need to look back at your past failures.
  • Keep in mind that those people who complain the most, eventually achieve less than others in life.
  • Success comes to us only to those who, instead of complaints, thanks fate for what they have.

Our scars are the symbols of our power.

  • Not a single person in the world is safe from failures, betrayal and mistakes. Life sometimes leaves us deep scars. We cannot get rid of them, but in our power to change our vision.
  • The scar indicates that the wound that has been inflicted has already dragged on, and you have removed the necessary lessons. This suggests that you have now become more experienced, stronger. That you won the pain.
  • Do not let your scars rule over you, immerse in fears and restrain your movement forward. And do not be ashamed of them, because they are symbols of your victory, stamina and strength. Shame will only strengthen the bitterness from what happened and prevents the situation soberly.
  • Know that in the world the most powerful and influential personalities are marked with many scars.
Scars - a symbol of power
Scars - a symbol of power

Each small struggle is another step forward.

  • If you have a dream, try to realize it. And starting, go to her to the end. Or do not even try. Be prepared for the fact that the path to your goal will require you to many deprivations and exit from the usual comfort zone.
  • You may have to sacrifice your own calmness and relationships with loved ones. Maybe you will become an object of ridicule and spend some time alone.
  • Do not be afraid. Perceive loneliness as a gift from additional space and free time. This is just a test of your endurance and patience.
  • Failures will temper you. Remember that they bring you closer to the long -awaited success. Taking the next step, you will become stronger. The struggle is not an obstacle to the dream. This is the way itself. Happiness does not come easily.
  • Treat failures as signs indicating the right direction.

The negative attitude of other people should not be your problem.

  • Do not let other people's judgments change your personality. When someone is trying to win over you, smile and do not lose confidence. You should not worry negative conversations about you. Although they seem very personal.
  • Understand that the negative attitude of other people towards you is not your problem, but exclusively of them. People always do anything because of themselves, but not because of you. Therefore, do not take everything too close to your heart.
  • Stay always yourself. Do not try to make a good impression on everyone. Regardless of the right you are or there are no people, people will always mate. Change only if it helps to get the desired result. But not because someone speaks badly about you. You must worry about yourself, and not about what they think and talk about you. Clean your consciousness of the problems of people alien to you.
  • You have only one life. Another will not be. Fight for the things that you believe in. Take the fact that it brings you happiness. And be close only with those people who can make you smile and fill your soul with joy.
Stay yourself
Stay yourself

What is destined to happen will happen sooner or later.

  • We are not subject to force events to take place in one way or another, but people to do, as we want. We can only try to do it. Sometimes you just need to let go and allow what is destined to happen.
  • Do not swear and not complain. Take the world as it is. Appreciate every moment in your life, live it consciously. Smile and enjoy moments. And then you will become truly strong.
  • Perhaps you know exactly where your life path is striving, but you, in the end, will arrive in the place that is intended for you.
  • Open your mind and heart, risk, trust your own intuition, gain experience. Stop worry about the future, live today.
Everything has its time
Everything has its time

The best that can be done is to continue moving.

  • Do not allow a negative past to influence your life today. Failures should not block your path forward. Cry, be frustrated, but find the strength to move on. Do not reject the opportunity to fall in love again. And do not be afraid to open your soul again. Find a joy for people in your heart.
  • Try to be strong in difficult periods. Despite everything admire the world, love him. And he will answer you the same. The Universe will certainly fulfill what will be considered correct.
  • Stay yourself. Continue your growth. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, but recognize your wrongness honestly and immediately. Compare yourself not with other people, but with the same yourself. Do more and live easier.
  • Move through life always. And do not be afraid to start all over again.

Video: 8 things that should be done when everything goes wrong in life

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  1. A very useful article, it's a pity that it is difficult to accept all this ...)

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