Beach vacation in October - November at sea: countries. The best beach vacation in October, November in Israel, Arab Emirates (UAE), Dubai, India Goa, Cuba, Vietnam, Fukuok, Thailand

Beach vacation in October - November at sea: countries. The best beach vacation in October, November in Israel, Arab Emirates (UAE), Dubai, India Goa, Cuba, Vietnam, Fukuok, Thailand

What is the weather reign in October and November at the most popular beach resorts in the world? Where should not be relaxed in October and November?

Beach holidays on Goa in October, November: India

On Goa in October-November, the beach season starts. After the season of monsoons and rains, as well as the unbearable heat, the temperature gradually drops to +27 +30, and precipitation is decline.

October in terms of weather is still quite unpredictable: in some years, a month can already be “dry” and quite suitable for relaxation, and sometimes the rainy season is delayed and Goa continues to be poured from a bucket. In any case, the shows here are tropical, warm. So, you will not have to freeze in the rain.

Rest on Goa in October-November
Rest on Goa in October-November

Even in the most rainy season on Goa, you should not neglect protection against ultraviolet rays. The sun is quite aggressive here, so you can burn even in the rain or in the shade of the sunscreen.

Since the season in the middle of autumn on Goa is just beginning, there are no big accumulations of tourists yet. Resorts are in anticipation of the influx of guests, and the service in these months in most hotels and restaurants is much higher than in the midst of tourist boom.

Holidays in India in October and November
Holidays in India in October and November

Prices will also please you. The peak of the high cost of Goa falls on the winter months. In October and November, the cost of most services and entertainment is moderate, although there is always a desire to tear off a more money from a tourist for Hindus.

In October-November, the full-course period sets in for Indian rivers, so visiting the famous waterfalls on Goa in the autumn makes the greatest impression. Of the other entertainments, it is worth noting the celebration of the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, which is everywhere accompanied by magnificent celebrations and colorful festivals.

Beaches and weather on Goa in October and November
Beaches and weather on Goa in October and November

Beach vacation in Cyprus in October, November

In October, the bathing season continues in Cyprus. October is considered a “velvet” month on a bonfire, those who did not have time to relax at sea in the summer rush here. In early October, the water temperature still holds at +24 +25, but by the end of the month it gradually cools down, since nights become colder. By the beginning of November, only the most hardened will dive to swim at sea.

Beach vacation in Cyprus
Beach vacation in Cyprus

In October, a real holiday for gourmets comes in Cyprus. On the island, the harvesting time begins, so in October, the largest variety of fruits is observed in the Cyprus markets. Not all of them can be called exotic, but to taste and aroma here mangoes, apricots and papaya are absolutely superior to what is sold in our stores.

Rest in Cyprus in October and November
Rest in Cyprus in October and November

In addition to food and beach holidays, Cyprus in October is ready to offer his guests a fairly extensive cultural program. Traditionally, autumn in Cyprus is the time of festivals. At the beginning of the month, the island celebrates Independence Day.

Then the theater festival “Cyprosy” begins, in which performances and open -air concerts, art exhibitions, festive processions and show on the water are held in all cities. In addition to representatives of contemporary art, you can see the performances of folk groups and folklore ensembles everywhere.

Read more about vacation in Cyprus here.

Rest in Cyprus in the fall
Rest in Cyprus in the fall

Beach vacation Vietnam or Thailand in October, November: Where is it better?


In Thailand in October, the weather is quite different in different resorts. Mussones and rainy days also rule in Pattaya, the sky is covered with clouds, there are very few sunny days. On the islands of Thailand and in Kao-varnish, resting in October is already quite comfortable. There are short -term rains here, they go much less often, and for the most part at night.

Rest in Thailand
Rest in Thailand

In some years, the rainy season in Thailand ends back in September, and then quite sunny and comfortable weather is installed at all the most popular resorts of Thailand. But even if you are not very lucky with rains, in any case the weather will be very warm, since in Thailand there are no cold days by definition.

But in October, another attack reigns on the skeletons of Thailand: there is often a restless sea. On Phuket and Kao-Lak, strong waves cause less anxiety than in small islands. Sometimes there are small storms.

Royal Gardens in Bangkok, Thailand
Royal Gardens in Bangkok, Thailand

Swimming at sea in October on the islands of Thailand can be difficult and frankly dangerous. But for the sake of justice, I must say that not every vacationer dare to swim in the ocean and in the high season.

If you are lucky to go to Thailand in October, be sure to visit the festival of fire balls, which takes place in the middle of the month in the province of Nong Khai. In beauty and entertainment, this is one of the most impressive events in the world.

Festival of Lights in Thailand
Festival of Lights in Thailand

On the night of the celebration of the festival, thousands of paper flashlights rush to the sky at the same time - just a magic sight that will stand before your eyes for a long time. In addition to launching flashlights at the festival, mass performances of circus artists and different shows are held, basically everything is connected with the lights.

The town of Nong Khai is located at some distance from popular resorts, but if you take care in advance, you can find inexpensive tickets for internal flights or order an excursion to local turburos.

Festival of Lights in October in Thailand
Festival of Lights in October in Thailand


The beach strip of Vietnam stretched for many kilometers, and in October the weather reigns in each section in October. In Halong and the Hanoi season, rains are coming to an end. It is not too hot (only +30) the weather is installed here, rainy days fall out a couple of times a week, and local resorts are already quite suitable for a beach holiday.

In Nha Trang and Muin, the season of heavy rains occurs later, in November. In October, the beach season here is in full swing, and nothing overshadows the weather on the beach. True, in October in these areas it is still quite hot, on average +35. In combination with high humidity, this temperature requires adaptation.

October in Vietnam is considered a low season, the main crowd of tourists will pour here in the winter months. Therefore, in mid -autumn, in the resorts of Vietnam, quite calmly and little -minded. The service in Vietnam does not depend on the time of the year, it is always on top.

Halong Bay in Vietnam
Halong Bay in Vietnam

Of the water entertainment in Vietnam in October, it is best to surf - waves are ideal for sliding on the board. But for divnig October, not the best time due to frequent fluctuations on the water. Walks on boats and yachts at this time are popular in all resorts, but especially in the bay Halong due to the beauty of local islands.

In terms of value, October is a very profitable month for traveling to Vietnam. Local prices will reach their peak in December-January. In mid -autumn, hotels, nightclubs and restaurants are afraid to bully the price tags so as not to break up the already few tourists.

Rest in Vietnam in October and November
Rest in Vietnam in October and November

Beach vacation in Vietnam Fukuok in October, November

Fukuok is the only resort in Vietnam, which is equally high in demand both among local residents and foreigners. The Vietnamese prefer to relax at Fukuok in the summer, the main wave of foreign tourists rushes here in the winter.

October on Fukuok can be called off -season. The weather in October is excellent, there are not many people, the prices are moderate. The main thing that all vacationers go to Fukuok are stunningly clean beaches and untouched nature.

There are no large shopping centers, night clubs or entertainment parks. The main occupation of vacationers on the island is a measured beach life, amazing nature, hiking and contemplation of local beauties.

Island Fukuok, Vietnam
Island Fukuok, Vietnam

Beach holidays on Tenerife, Canaries in October, November

October on Tenerife is quite suitable for bathing and tanning. In the afternoon, air warms up to +25 +27. The dumb is cold in the evening, especially at the end of the month, so for relaxation in October on Tenerife it is worth stocking up with warm knitted things.

At the beginning of the month, the water in the ocean still holds the summer heat, but if your trip fell on the second half of October, it is better to choose a hotel with a heated pool, since closer to November the sea cools to +20, and it becomes not comfortable swimming.

Rest in Canaries in October and November
Rest in Canaries in October and November

All entertainment institutions and sites on Tenerife in October still work in full force, so you will not notice any restrictions on the work of museums, water parks and amusement parks. Read more about excursions and entertainment at the Tenerife, see here.

Of the cultural events in October in Canaries, it is worth celebrating several holidays and festivals, a visit to which will leave a lot of vivid impressions.

Rest in the fall is not Tenerife
Rest in the fall is not Tenerife
  • The day of the opening of America is magnificent celebrations, parades and processions, especially on Santa Curus de Tenerife
  • Opera festival - an event of a serious scale to which world -class stars are invited; Concerts are held in the premises of the Auditor-de-Tenerife Theater in Santa Curus
  • Day of all saints - spent on the night of October 30 to November 1; On this day, it is customary to remember the deceased loved ones in Tenerife in a very unusual way: it is rather a festive and colorful event than the day of sorrow; Locals decorate the graves with flowers, give out treats and sweets in the form of bones and skulls, and also give souvenirs with a grave theme.
Rest in October on Tenerife
Rest in October on Tenerife

Beach vacation in Cuba in October, November

In Cuba, the rainy season lasts the entire summer period, from mid -spring to mid -autumn. October is the last month of the rainy season, but the weather is often unpredictable, and the amount of rain in October in Cuba depends only on your luck. Maybe there will be only a couple of them in a month, or maybe you will not see a clear sky for several weeks to a row.

But in general, the rains in Cuba are not as terrible as in our northern latitudes: they are not going long, and puddles and streams are evaporated quite quickly because of the heat. By the way, the heat in Cuba in October is quite easily tolerated, since a lightly refreshing breeze blows almost all the time.

Rest in Cuba in October
Rest in Cuba in October

In October, water in the sea is often warmer than air, since night temperatures do not drop below +22 +23, and it simply does not have time to cool from the midday sun. During this period, in the water on the coast you can swim for hours. Sometimes small storms occur, but they are inappropriate and short -term, so they will not spoil the rest.

In addition to beach holidays in October, in Cuba, you should certainly go on excursions. The main object for study is Havana, the capital of the island of Freedom. The historical center of Havana with its colorful public, cozy streets and rare cars is most popular.

Cuba in October and November
Cuba in October and November

Be sure to include a visit to local bars with a tasting of the famous Cuban rum and mohito in the program.
The second most popular city is Santiago, the main highlight of which is colonial architecture, which has been perfectly preserved to the present.

The main party place in Cuba is the beaches of Varadero, where the sounds of Latino music do not silent until morning, and a special atmosphere of Afro-Cuban temperament reigns above the entire resort.

Cuba, Havana
Cuba, Havana

Of the cultural events, the most noticeable days in Cuba are the days of Cuban culture, when all of Latin America notes the discovery of the New World Christopher Columbus. These days, Cuban music and dancing sound everywhere, and from bright outfits of local fashionistas rush in their eyes.

Closer to the end of October in Cuba in even years, the ballet festival takes place, the main events of which can be seen at the Bolshoi Theater in Havana. Everyone is passionate about the classic ballet in Cuba, and the holiday acquires a truly national scale.

Cuba, Varadero
Cuba, Varadero

Bali beach holidays in October, November

The beach season on Bali lasts all year round. There are no warm or cold periods here: the temperature throughout the year is approximately the same. The winter period in Bali is considered a season of rains, but it can be called so conditionally enough, since the rains are very short -term, they go at night and do not affect the environmental content of the environment - it rolls over all year round.

October is an ideal month to relax in Bali. At this time of the year, the offseason reigns here, that is, the middle ground between hot and very hot weather, wet and very wet air. In the afternoon, the temperature lasts around 30 heat, by the evening it drops to +22 +25. In mountainous areas it can be a little cooler, but only 2-3 degrees.

Rest in Bali in October
Rest in Bali in October

Since Bali is located in the southern hemisphere, October here is the height of spring, the beginning of summer. At this time, nature begins to blossom, young greenery appears, is acutely stained in especially bright colors.

In relation to the beach holiday, Bali is more suitable for tanning than for swimming at sea. Strong winds blow on Bali almost all year round, which is why the sea is never calm. Only very strong and experienced swimmers dare to swim here, and even then not on any day, but only during periods of relative calm on the water.

Beach vacation at Bali in the fall
Beach vacation at Bali in the fall

But the surfed at Bali Real Expand. For this sport, the conditions are one of the best in the world. At each resort, you can find a school of learning surf, sometimes not one. Slutters gathered in Bali in huge numbers from all over the world.

Those who are indifferent to the conquest of local waves, Bali can offer a large selection of excursions for every taste. Bali is a very colorful island, starting from natural attractions and ending with an original Indonesian culture. Local temples, ethnic villages and art products impress any tourist.

October at Bali
October at Bali

For relaxation with children on Bali there are water parks and entertainment parks. The famous ethnic shows on Bali will be interesting to both adults and children: this is not just a folk concert, but a real performance, impressive with its scope, the number of actors involved and entertainment.

Bali is also famous for an active nightlife. The resorts of Seminak and Kuta are especially noisy. During the influx of tourists, there are so many young people here that family tourists and lovers of silence prefer to stay on vacation in another place.

Rest in Bali
Rest in Bali

Israel in October, November: Beach Rest

October in Israel is a real “velvet season”. The summer heat, which in these desert edges is not easy to transfer, gives way to cooler (by the standards of Israel, of course) and comfortable autumn weather. The temperature drops to +25 +28, a suffocating heat desert leaves. At night, the temperature decreases even lower, to +20, so for evening walks it is worth taking with you light sweaters and stoles.

Rest in Israel in October
Rest in Israel in October

The water on the Red Sea is kept in the area of \u200b\u200b+25, on the Dead Sea and Lake Kineret it is 2-3 degrees higher. On the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, the water temperature will be slightly lower, but here it is quite comfortable to spend a beach vacation in October. True, the Mediterranean Sea in October is no longer as calm as in the summer, and there are often flags on the beaches that prohibit bathing.

Red Sea, Israel
Red Sea, Israel

In the second half of the month in the north of Israel, short -term rains begin, during this period the most comfortable conditions will be in Eilat on the Red Sea. The main lesson here is of course diving or snorkeling. The Red Sea is considered the most attractive in beauty and diversity of the underwater world.

Rest on the Dead Sea, Israel
Rest on the Dead Sea, Israel

Be sure to allocate several days on an excursion program for Israel. Jerusalem is especially rich in historical places and sights - the capital of three religions (Christian, Muslim and Judaism). You can go through the last road of Christ to the Calvary, see the famous wall wall or see the temple of the Holy Sepulcher, where the fertile fire drops annually.

Jerusalem, Israel
Jerusalem, Israel

In Tel Aviv, you should definitely take a walk along the old streets of the historical region of Jaffa. In Tver, go on an excursion in the desert in this camet caravan, just do not forget about things mandatory for the desert: a scarf to protect your face from sand and warm clothes if you are going to stay in the desert for the night. For entertainment and active nightlife, it is better to go to Tel Aviv.

Old city of Jaffa, Israel
Old city of Jaffa, Israel

Israel is a kind and unique country. Rest here has its own characteristics. For example, Saturday is a day off for all Jews. On this day, in many cities and towns, life simply dying out: shops do not work, public transport does not walk, there is almost no taxi. In addition, on the streets of Israel, you can often find deeply believers of the Jews, when communicating with which certain rules must be followed.

Religious Jews near the wall of crying, Jerusalem, Israel
Religious Jews near the wall of crying, Jerusalem, Israel

Arab emirates (UAE) Dubai: beach vacation in October, November

October and November in the UAE - the highest season. It is at this time that the trip to the Emirates will cost you the most expensive thing. In summer, tourists avoid the UAE due to unbearable heat and sand storms, and in winter the water temperature in the Persian Gulf drops to invigorating +18, which makes the beach vacation not too comfortable.

In mid -autumn, there are ideal conditions for a good rest at sea. In Dubai and Sharje, daily temperature drops from +35 in the afternoon to +22 at night are noticeable. The difference is practically not noticeable on Fujaire, and day and night the temperature is held in the area of \u200b\u200b+30.

You can read more about the rest in the Arab Emirates here.

Holidays in the UAE in October
Holidays in the UAE in October

Beach vacation in China in Hainan in October, November

October in Hainan officially dates back to the rain season. It is generally accepted that in October here is not the best weather for relaxation. This is not to say that the shows are in a continuous stream, but in October they go daily. The sky is almost always covered with a gray thick mass of clouds.

Rest on O. Hainan in October
Rest on O. Hainan in October

In the afternoon in October, Hainan is hot, at 30 degrees, and by the evening it colds to +20 and the wind rises. Given the high humidity, you can’t call such a weather comfortable, so you cannot do without warm clothes in October in Hainan.

The sea in October on Hayan is rarely calm. For surfers, these are ideal conditions, but ordinary swimmers may not come sweet. On rare days of lull, it will be possible to spend all day on the beach, but more often at sea you will have to look from the side due to high waves.

O. Hainan, China
o. Hainan, China

Another feature of Hainan’s vacation in October is a huge number of Chinese among vacationers. Traditionally, October among the Chinese is considered a month of vacations, especially its first half. I must say that the Chinese have a very peculiar culture of behavior. Some of their habits cause a misunderstanding among Europeans, and sometimes disgust.

The main plus in October in Hainan can be considered low prices, since rest on the island is generally considered expensive pleasure. If your budget is small, but I want to go to Hainan, choose the second half of October, when the number of local residents in the resorts is on decline, it rains less and less, and the prices have not yet had time to take off to heaven.

Holidays in China to O. Hainan
holidays in China to O. Hainan

Beach holidays on Sri Lanka in October, November

The beach season on Sri Lanka is possible year-round. There are high and low seasons here, but the peculiarity of Keylon is that when the rainy season reigns on the eastern shore, the western weather for relaxation is worth it. When the monsoons come on the west coast, a high season begins on the eastern shore.

October for Sri Lanka is a transitional month. At this time in the east, the rainy season begins, and in the west ends. The weather at this time is very unstable at all resorts.

Rest on Sri Lanka
Rest on Sri Lanka

Rains can go at the same time everywhere, sometimes the number of rainy days in October is 2/3 of the total. Storms and tropical thunderstorms often occur.
The air temperature on Sri Lanka is almost the same at any time of the year and on any coast.

On average, it stably holds in the area of \u200b\u200b+30 heat, water temperature +28 +29. But do not forget, then the shores of Sri Lanka was washed not by the sea, but by the ocean. This means that even on the most quiet and calm days, only well -floating people can swim here.

Fishing on Sri Lanka
Fishing on Sri Lanka

In the rainy and windy weather, which prevails in October, it is dangerous to go into the ocean, even if you are a very good swimmer.

Sri Lanka attracts tourists not by sea and beach holidays, but an interesting excursion program, exotic flora and fauna, a unique and colorful culture of the local population. The options for excursions are simply not counted here.

Tea plantations on Sri Lanka
Tea plantations on Sri Lanka

The most interesting places for visits: tea plantations, ancient churches, abandoned cities, observations of whales and huge sea turtles, immersion to sunken ships, descent mines in the extraction of precious stones, huge national parks and reserves and much more.

Even in the hotel, you can discover a lot of interesting things. Burundunes and mongoose, small monkeys, bats of huge sizes, varana and smaller lizards, peacocks and even manual elephants are quite calm there.

Rest in October on Sri Lanka
Rest in October on Sri Lanka

Beach vacation in the Maldives in October, November

October is a great time to relax in the Maldives. The weather on the atolls of the archipelago all year round: perfect calm, warm and sunny. Occasionally short rains run up, but they go most often at night and are practically not noticeable for vacationers.

The water temperature in October is held at the mark of +26 +28, the air is two to three degrees higher. In the evening, barely noticeably cooler.

Rest in the Maldives
Rest in the Maldives

Maldives is a classic beach vacation to the noise of the surf. The location on small islands makes every piece of landing, even houses and hotels in many islands are on the water due to a catastrophic lack of land.

All entertainments in the Maldives are somehow related to water: diving, snorkeling, yacht walks, water planes and excursions to neighboring islands.

Rest in the Maldives in the fall
Rest in the Maldives in the fall

On large atolls, you can find entertainment in the form of a bicycle or sports ground. On small islands-hotels, your main occupation will be fed fish and contemplation of the water surface.

But in any case, rest in the Maldives in October will give an unforgettable impressions. Only here you will find such a perfectly postcard view: snow -white sand, turquoise ocean, ripe coconuts and a hammock stretched between palm trees.

Rest in the Maldives in October
Rest in the Maldives in October

Beach vacation in the Dominican Republic in October, November

October is a rather controversial month to relax in the Dominican Republic. In mid -autumn, hurricanes and storms often occur on the Caribbean, rainy weather alternates from a cloudless 50/50. The rains here are short, but very strong: water literally stands with a wall and can knock you down with a gust of wind.

In combination with high temperature, this weather can be very uncomfortable for those who do not tolerate high humidity and stuffiness. People with cardiovascular and asthmatic diseases are completely contraindicated in people with cardiovascular and asthmatic diseases.

Rest in the Dominican Republic in October
Rest in the Dominican Republic in October

In October, the air warms up to +28 +30 in the Dominican Republic, the temperature of the water is held on the same bar. But it will be possible to swim and swim only in those days when there is no strong wind and large waves at sea. If October falls especially rainy, you will have to spend most of the time in the pool.

In the hotel infrastructure, rest in the Dominican Republic is very reminiscent of Turkish: the same huge territories, beloved All-Indian, ubiquitous animators and a lot of entertainment in the hotel.

Dominican Republic, rest in the fall
Dominican Republic, rest in the fall

Only instead of the sultry Turkish machos you will entertain Latino American, the main language of communication will be Spanish or English, and the prevailing public will be well -fed families of Americans.

Of the entertainment outside the hotel, there are several historical excursions in the surrounding cities and magnificent shopping. Excursions to nature in national parks and vast reserves are very popular.

Rest in the Dominican Republic in October
Rest in the Dominican Republic in October

Beach vacation in Tunisia in October, November

Tunisia is located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In this region, the summer months are traditionally considered high season, and with the beginning of autumn, the flow of tourists smoothly declines. But in the southern part of the Mediterranean, on the African coast, the velvet season continues until the beginning of November.

On average, the daily temperature in October in Tunisia ranges at the mark of +22 +25, the water temperature will be a couple of degrees lower. This weather is especially well suited for those who do not tolerate heat and high humidity. In October, an adult public prefers to relax with Tunisia, especially many elderly tourists from Western Europe.

Rest in October in Tunisia
Rest in October in Tunisia

Sometimes in October a rather cool wind rises in Tunisia, there are rains. By the evening it is noticeably cold. Be sure to take warm things with you on vacation, and by the end of October even light jackets may be needed, as the amount of rains will increase.

Most of all, vacationers value Tunisia for his spa and Talasso-therapy. If your goal is a health course, then the weather is unlikely to hurt you. Almost every hotel is its wellness center, and Hammamet is considered especially high -quality in this regard.

Rest in Tunisia in October and November
Rest in Tunisia in October and November

Here you can order a therapeutic or preventive course for any wallet. The level of service in Hammamet healing centers is quite high, the choice of recovery programs is also worthy.

Video: beach holidays with children in October, November

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