Flat feet in children. Treatment, foot massage, exercises. Photo and video

Flat feet in children. Treatment, foot massage, exercises. Photo and video

Let's talk about the issues interested in any mother. To what age is the flat foot the norm? How to identify the pathology of the child's foot? How to treat flat feet in a child?

Flat feet in children - norm or pathology?

There is a common opinion that young children do not have flat feet, more precisely, but it is a physiological norm for children under 3-4 years old. This is also, from a part, a delusion, because flat feet can be innate.
This pathology occurs in 65% of children from 5 to 7 years old, according to statistical data in recent years, this indicator increases.

Important: it should be noted that only at the age of 6 years in a child is a foot form to the extent that can be judged by the development of flat feet.

Types and degree of flat feet in children

Briefly consider the types of pathology and their characteristic features.

Important: there are three main types of curvature of the foot: transverse, longitudinal and combined.

Transverse flat feet

visually determined by the flattening of the front section of the foot. This type of frequency is at the age of 40 to 55 years. The main causes of development are heredity, the constant wearing of a heel-spille. In children under 10 years of age, transverse flat feet are normal.
Visually, the foot has a flattening of the front section of the foot and the transverse arch. At the same time, with age, the thumb deviates into the side, cartilage growths on the joint are formed. The second and third fingers bend like a hammer. With such complications, walking is difficult.
The transverse flatfoot is most often complicated by the formation of corns about the 2nd and 3rd fingers, the thumb is deformed, and the nail on the thumb can be observed.

Longitudinal flat feet

it is manifested by the flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot. The most common at the age of 14 to 25 years. Development is facilitated by the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the leg, which is even more weakened by physical exertion and at the same time the internal and external longitudinal arches begins to be flattened.
With longitudinal flat feet, the foot lengthens, expands in the middle part. The foot is unfolded inside and a longitudinal vault is lowered when standing. As a complication, the so -called heel spur develops with age.

3 degrees flat feet in children

  1. The first degree It is characterized by a weak ligamentous apparatus of the foot, but its shape does not change. With prolonged physical activity (walking), weakness and aching pain appear in the legs. Symptoms pass after rest.
  2. The second degree It is already visible quite clearly. The arches of the foot are smoothed out or not visible at all, in the middle the foot is expanded and tightly contacts the surface. Painful symptoms grow, the pain becomes constant and rises from the foot to the knee. When walking, you can notice a clubfoot.
  3. The third degree Already with the strong deforms the foot, affects the musculoskeletal system as a whole (scoliosis, spinal hernias). The curvature of the toes occurs with age. Due to the development of complications, pain reach the lower back, headaches can be observed due to problems with the spine.

How to find out on your own, if the child has flat feet?

  1. Pay attention if your baby complains of pain in the feet and legs and refuses to walk for a long time on foot
  2. Visually evaluate how straight legs and whether they look like a “cross”, whether it will be cloudy when walking
  3. Look at the shoes of the child, whether it is in any direction
  4. The most effective and cheerful way is to paint the child’s feet and ask to go through the steps of steps 10. If the trace has the shape of a phosolka, then there is no flat feet. But if the foot is completely imprinted, then you should seek a consultation with an orthopedist.


Treatment of flat feet in children

The following methods are used in the treatment of flat feet:

  • Massage
  • Exercises
  • Physiotherapy (conducted in a hospital)
  • Orthopedic shoes and insoles
  • In advanced cases, resort to surgical treatment

Massage It is used at all stages of the development of the disease.
1. We start with stroking and gently pressing our hands on the foot of the child.

Important: heat the baby’s feet with rubbing, this will improve blood supply.

2. Go to the next exercise. Holding with one hand by the lower leg, we perform rotational movements of the foot in one and the other side 6-7 times.

3. We finish the massage, holding the leg by the lower leg, with the second hand we grab the baby's foot (the thumb along the foot). We press with a finger in the area under the thumb of the child’s foot, this should not cause pain in any case.

Video: Stop massage

Correct shoes for flat feet in children

When buying shoes to your child, it is necessary to pay attention not to the appearance, but how much it is made correctly. In any everyday shoes, a hard back, an arch and heel of 0.5 cm should be present.

Important: orthopedic shoes are prescribed to correct the existing flat feet, it cannot be used independently. Wearing such shoes alternate with everyday wearing.

Orthopedic shoes are produced in specialized factories. Each pair is made according to individual parameters and on order.
To form the right foot, the shoes must meet the following parameters:

  • The nose should be closed-1
  • There should be a small heel-4
  • Suppinator-2
  • Hard back-1
  • Dense roller inside the shoes from the inside
  • Dense roller in shoes from the inside-6
  • Gaps in summer shoes for air flow

Can be used orthopedic insoles both as a prevention and for the purpose of treatment.
Like specialized shoes, the doctor selects insoles for treatment.

For their manufacture, computer modeling of the foot is made, then gypsum casts are prepared.

After that, under the influence of temperatures, I form the necessary shape of the insole itself from natural or synthetic materials.

Exercises for flat feet in children

A number of exercises are prescribed for the treatment of flat feet. Some we describe and suggest watching a training video.

  1. "Molar"- We sit the baby on the floor, the legs are extended and straight. It draws large legs along the vault of the second leg higher to the knee. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times with each foot alternately
  2. "Robber"- sitting on the floor and bending off his legs, while the heels are pressed to the floor inseparably. Under the fingers with a lodge, a napkin and the child tries to pull it with his fingers to the heel. At the same time, the load is placed on the napkin
  3. "Painter"- We offer to draw a child of figures on a sheet with the help of legs, holding a pencil with your fingers
  4. "Mill"-Sy on the floor and lifting his legs, the child makes rotational movements in footsteps
  5. "Walking on heels and socks"

Video: gymnastics for flat feet

Massage rug for the prevention and treatment of purecostopia

This means of prevention can be used from six months to 15 years. Due to different textures, it has a good massage effect, help to form a children's foot.

Important: the rug helps in training the ligamentous and muscle apparatus, develops fine motor skills.

The baby will be interested to study such a rug and check it to the touch.
The rug will not replace, of course, massage, but it will become a good help in the fight against flat feet.

Prevention of flat feet in children

  • Choose the correct and comfortable shoes to the child according to the recommendations and size, and not for growth
  • Allow go barefoot on natural surfaces (in the country, at sea on sand)
  • Do with your baby gymnastics
  • And, of course, for the healthy development of bone tissue, organize rational and balanced diet.

Tips for flat feet in children

  • Do not use orthopedic shoes without a doctor’s prescription and do not self-medicate, especially under the age of 3 years
  • Pay attention to the gait and complaints of the child
  • Do preventive gymnastics and massages
  • Sports will become useful: swimming, skiing, horse sport is not contraindicated.

And all will be well.

Important: the development of flat feet can be prevented, with the right and careful attitude to the health of the baby.

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Comments K. article

  1. Hi all! And no one will tell the contacts of the children's masseur from Krasnogorsk? It is very necessary just to correct the problem of flat feet.

  2. Victoria, do you live in Krasnogorsk? Or in the Pavshinsky floodplain? Although it doesn’t matter, I know a good children's masseur, Alla Sukhotskaya is her name, she works there and there. A very good specialist, with great work experience and a good heart! She put so many children in our area and fixed various other ailments that she bowed to her low.

  3. Good article, useful!

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