Weaving with Kanecalon: what is it, the debunking of myths, the types of Kanecalon, the tips on the selection, the photo. Weaving with Cankalon at home: nuances, tips, step -by -step description

Weaving with Kanecalon: what is it, the debunking of myths, the types of Kanecalon, the tips on the selection, the photo. Weaving with Cankalon at home: nuances, tips, step -by -step description

In this article, we will talk about what Kanecalon is and how to weave it into various hairstyles on your own.

Did you know that weaving with Kanecalon has not appeared in recent years? The beginning of his story dates back to the 30s of the last century. Homeland is Japan. Local beauties sought at that time to visually adjust the volume of their hair with strands of natural color. We perceive hairstyles with Kanecalon as a way to stand out. We'll talk about this today.

Weaving with Cankalon: Myths about Kanecalon

Before starting weaving with Cankalon, it is worth dealing with the common myths associated with this phenomenon:

  • Kanecalon is harmful to hair. To understand that this is not so, you need to figure out what Kanecalon is. This is a material that is distinguished by its lightness, subtlety. Therefore, do not worry about the weight of the hair, their brittleness, etc. On the contrary: according to numerous reviews, Kanecalon protects natural strands From external negative factors.

Important: but if the hair is excessively weakened, it is recommended to treat them before weaving.

  • Kanecalon weaving is an expensive pleasure. Not at all: a similar experiment with appearance can be called one of the most budgetary ones. It is quite possible to purchase a pack of threads at a price from 150 to 500 rubles. In each pack, approximately 100-200 g Kanecalon.
Kanecalon can be sold in this form
Kanecalon can be sold in this form
  • It is difficult to care for hair with Kanecalon. In fact, the cleanliness of the hair does not threaten anything. It is advisable to use The easiest shampoo without herbs and warm water. You can walk through Kanecalon with a washcloth. Necessarily in the case of artificial strands, you need avoid the exposure of the hair dryer, pair in Sauna and other high temperatures. But natural Kanecalon does not require such precautions.
  • Kanecalon is quickly tearing, rolling. In fact, a quality product is enough He keeps a form for a long time. And also for a long time looks neat without combing. Although combing is also worried.

Weaving with Kanecalon: how to choose the appearance of Kanecalon?

Weaving with kanecalon can be carried out by threads made from natural components. They include seaweed. Dyes are available, but they are also natural, because they are harmless.

According to numerous reviews, such threads it’s easier to use inthis because of their texture. Also it is easier to fasten The ends are with them. In general, this ideal for beginners In weaving.

IMPORTANT: Natural Kanecalon serves the longest.

Kanecalon based on seaweed - the highest quality product
Kanecalon based on seaweed - the highest quality product

Kanecalon from artificial materials Visually barely different from the above option - it is more fluffy and corrugated. But in terms of influence on the hair, he too harmless.
True, artificial kanecalon it serves a little less natural. In addition, fixing the ends with him is a little more difficult - here you need special adhesive composition.

However, people in weaving people noted many times that artificial strands it is more convenient to clean. They are much faster from all kinds of pollution compared to natural ones. If there is a desire save, it is better to purchase artificial strands - they are more budgetary.

As for the texture, the variety is also available in this regard:

  • Straight strands - Suitable for the formation of straight lines on this type of natural curls.
  • Twisted - They have a different degree of twist. From strong to a slight effect of corrugation. By the way, they can be combined in one hairstyle.

Weaving with Canecolon: how to choose the color of Kanecalon?

The weaving with Kanecalon is that it is remarkable that it allows any game of imagination in terms of selection of shades. However, thanks to numerous reviews, the following recommendations can be made:

  • Brown -haired and black -haired young ladies should pay attention to blue, green, pink, yellow, white Shades. They will enter into excellent contrast with natural color. The effect looks profitable ombre. Plays perfectly in hairstyle two -color with the transition from naturalness to brightness.

Important: but black, red, brown colors are undesirable.

  • Red -haired Girls can look at Red, green flowers. Black and white Also acceptable. But the combination of many shades is not advised to arrange, since there is a risk of hiding under it a natural charm of fiery hair.
  • Blonde can safely experiment with different colors. In addition, perhaps, white and close to it, shades like ashen.
  • Exists kanecalon-Hmeleon. Its feature is a change in the shade under the influence of light.
  • For fans of parties, you can advise Kanecalon-Flyur. Under the influence of lighting devices, it begins shine.
Kanecalon, which shines in the dark, will delight fans of parties
Kanecalon, which shines in the dark, will delight fans of parties

Weaving with Cankalon: General Councils, Recommendations

Whatever the hairstyle option is chosen, the weaving with Kanecalon has a number of recommendations:

  • Absolutely short hair is not suitable. However, if the length of natural strands reaches at least 6 cm, It is quite possible to create Afrokoschiki with them, for example.

Important: but for a large diameter, a length is needed at least 15 cm.

  • Before weaving, it is necessary to Wash your hair. After washing it is recommended to apply Spray with the effect of softening.
  • Artificial Kanecalon must be attached to curls especially strong.
  • Weaving must be weave tight. This rule is relevant for any thickness and length of the cos.
  • You can use the cankalon again. But after removing it, it is imperative to wash, properly dried - and only then it will be ready for the next use.
  • In the process of weaving, it is recommended wet your hair a little ordinary water. This step will facilitate the weaving procedure.
  • The duration of wearing depends on the state of Kanecalon - Too better to dissolve too much. However, general recommendations exist: for example, large French braids worn for 5-7 days, spikelets They look excellent for 3 days.

IMPORTANT: Afrocosics are the most wearable - they can enjoy 3 months to six months!

Kanecalon lasts the longest in Afro -Coats
Kanecalon lasts the longest in Afro -Coats

Weaving with Kanecalon of boxing braids: description, photo

Such weaving with kanecalon is considered, according to reviews, the most popular. Especially among athletes in whose honor it is named.

Let's try to make out the weaving of four boxing braids with which you can create any bright sports style:

  • First you need to create even parting. In the middle of the head, and, accordingly, above the temples. The hair is fixed with clamps. By the way, you can try to make two braids - then there should be as many parting.
  • Some weaving experts prefer to use varnish or ironing. This helps to prevent knocking out individual strands.
  • Kanecalon is attached at the beginning of the strands. You can just wrap it around the strands, tied to a knot. Standing back a couple of centimeters from the base.
  • If available bang, you need organically weave it into a braid.
  • Then, in accordance with each parting specks are weaving. A smaller braids can be made above the temples than in the middle. Creating temporals is more difficult in this case, it is necessary to stock up on great patience.
  • The tips of the pigtails are fastened A small elastic band so that its presence is not noticeable.

Important: for such a disguise, you can use a natural strand. If you wrap it with Kanecalon, everything will look natural.

Four boxing braids from a natural shade kanecalon
Four boxing braids from a natural shade kanecalon

Weaving with kanecalon of the French braid: description, scheme

Fashionistas also love to weave with kanecalon of one French braid on the contrary. The scheme is as follows:

  • After putting the hair in order in the middle of the head, the first tail is formed. It is recruited at the very hair growth line. The fastening is most convenient to make a flesh -colored elastic band.
  • At this stage you can Attach Kanecalon. It is best on top of one of the strands. In this case, central.
  • Further there are still tails on the sides As for an ordinary pigtail.
  • Now you can start weaving, simultaneously choosing free locks hair on the sides of the head. You can use the scheme below.

Important: the most difficult thing is to bring weaving to the beginning of the neck. Constantly will have to ensure that not a single strand is missed in order to organically weave it into a braid.

  • As soon as weaving fell below the neck, you can be familiar movements take a traditional braid. For this, many strands are distributed into three.
  • The pigtail is imperceptible fasten.
According to this scheme, you can weave a braid with kanecalon
According to this scheme, you can weave a braid with kanecalon

Weaving with kanecalon Afrokoskiks: Description

Weaving with kanecalon aurocosics can be carried out as follows:

  • Hair Prepared. In the case of AFROKOS, it is better to wet them a little immediately before weaving.
  • They are carefully Combed.
  • The head is needed visually divide into zones, each of which is created treasures.
  • The strands are fixed. At the beginning of each such zone Kanecalon is attached.
  • Further three more are formed from each strand. Of them specks are weaving. You can use a direct method, or you can choose the opposite - it all depends on the dexterity.
  • The ends of each pigtail Fasten. By the way, if there is a desire to lengthen natural hair, you can carefully at the end of their length weave Kanecalon. And then carry out traditional weaving, already using only it.

Important: it is necessary to ensure that the tension of all the strands is the same. Moreover, both natural and kanecalon.

If you choose a kanecalon in the color of natural hair, you can visually make your hair longer
If you choose a kanecalon in the color of natural hair, you can visually make your hair longer

Weaving with kanecalon braids with a bunch: description, photo

You can weave braids with kanecalon, then gracefully designed it in the form of a bundle. This is done like this:

  • To start they are put in order hair.
  • Then you need to tilt your head down. For greater convenience, you can lie down, for example, to the edge of the bed. Otherwise, it will be difficult to cope with one.
  • Weaving is carried out From the base of the neck. It is there Kanecalon is attached.
  • Everything is standard - the parting is created, the locks are formed and fixed. Only from the neck.
  • The braid is weaved, into which strands are woven from the rest of the head. You need to try to pay the attention of each strand, otherwise the braid will not work.
  • As soon as a braid it is seated to the crown, You can stop. Hair is fastened - in the end it turns out high tail.
  • Then the tail wraps in the form of a bundle. It is very convenient that such a bundle will hide an elastic band that fastens the base of the tail. You can also use invisibility.

Important: such a hairstyle can hardly be called durable - it will be clearly inconvenient to sleep with her. But for some event, you can definitely use the weaving scheme.

Can turn out such a braid, just with Kanecalon
Can turn out such a braid, just with Kanecalon

Weaving with Cankalon: Ideas, photo

The weaving with Cankalon is diverse. We offer to get acquainted with some vivid images that may be inspired by:

A bundle with Kanecalon
A bundle with Kanecalon
Kanecalon in natural color can advanced a hairstyle favorably
Kanecalon in natural color can advanced a hairstyle favorably
Afrokoschiki with pink kanecalon
Afrokoschiki with pink kanecalon
Kanecalon will fit perfectly in any non -standard image
Kanecalon will fit perfectly in any non -standard image
Kanecalon looks great in combination with tanning
Kanecalon looks great in combination with tanning
Scarlet Kanecalon is what you need to attract attention
Scarlet Kanecalon is what you need to attract attention
Kanecalon can be selected delicate shades
Kanecalon can be selected delicate shades
You can create an image with a cankalon of several shades
You can create an image with a cankalon of several shades
Having picked up Kanecalon-Bright, you can create an amazing image even with classic shades
Having picked up Kanecalon-Bright, you can create an amazing image even with classic shades
A bunch from which the braids with Kanecalon come is an unusual and memorable hairstyle
A bundle from which the braids with Kanecalon come is an unusual and memorable hairstyle

Weaving with Kanecalon is a great way to experiment with hair without resorting to coloring. A bright accent will definitely give the highlight to any image. And this article, I want to hope, will help to understand the art of weaving bright hairstyles.

We offer to get acquainted with the master class weaving two French braids with Kanecalon:

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